October Issue

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103 ETN Loop • Lindsay, MT 59339 Office (406) 584-7520 • Lee (406) 584-7546 www.eatoncharolais.com Family Ranching Since 1909 Watch for our 44th National Sale Offering! 2022 Eastern Montana State Fair Champion of Champions Prairie County Grand Champion PROVEN RESULTS Montana Steer of Merit Program The Montana Steer of Merit (SDM) iniated in 1967, is conducted by the Montata Stockgrowers Association and Montana State University. The program was designed to measure, record and improve carcass characteristics. Tag # Live Wt. HCW Dressing % BF REA YG YG Premium QG % Cutability 202 1260 739 58.7 0.40 17.1 1.37 $3.58 CH- 53.65 206 1400 788 56.3 0.30 14.4 2.14 $1.58 CH- 51.78 210 1300 770 59.2 0.25 15.2 1.69 $3.58 CH 52.83 Eaton Family Junior’s 2022 SOM QualifiersTag # Live Wt. HCW BF REA %IMF QG 13 1440 864 0.49 15.3 5.22 CH57 Years of Predictable Selection
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In Top 10% EPDs CE BW WW YW Milk Mtnl CW REA MB TSI 7.2 -2.8 69 118 30 65 35 0.67 0.10 257.41 LT Bridger 9191 Pld x LT Brenda 8034 Pld 169 Satterfield Farm Rd • Norfork, AR 72658 Mark & Nancy (501) 944-9274 Loyd & Joanne (870) 499-7151 satterfieldfarms@icloud.com www.satterfieldcharolais-angus.com $25,000 – LT Apollo 8460 Pld ET Full Circle Cattle Co, Kansas $22,500 – LT Anthem 8439 Pld ET Schrader Ranch & 4KC Cattle, Kansas $36,000 – LT Belmont 1213 Pld ET C – B Charolais, North Dakota $13,000 – LT Nationwide 8455 Pld ET Semex, Ontario Proof is in the Progeny Seize this opportunity for yourself LT Brenda 2184 Pld Esther, Alberta FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21 | 1:30 PM American Royal Livestock Show Offering — Right to Flush Isabel, South Dakota O C T O B E R 2 0 2 2  3
4  O C T O B E R 2 0 2 2 CHAROLAIS JOURNAL ADVERTISING POLICY: Advertising material for any month’s issue must be received in the offices of the Charolais Journal, 11700 NW Plaza Circle, Kansas City, MO 64153, by the 25th of the second month preceding the month of publication, i.e., Dec. 25 for the February issue. Full camera-ready advertising copy or full-screened negatives will be accepted until the 1st of the month prior to publication provided notification of copy size, shape, color and other specifications are received by the 25th of the second month prior to the month of publication. If a proof is required, copy must be received by the 20th of the second month prior to publication, i.e., June 20 for the August issue. No copy can be altered or changed, except for typographical error, after the 1st of the month of publication. Any ad copy changes that must be made after the lst of the month will be assessed a 10% additional space charge. All dates and times are herein applicable at the office of the CHAROLAIS JOURNAL, 11700 NW Plaza Circle, Kansas City, MO 64153. Charolais Journal (ISSN 0191-5444) is published monthly, except June and July which are combined issues, by CHAROLAIS PUBLICATIONS INC., 11700 NW Plaza Circle, Kansas City, MO 64153. Subscriptions: U.S. - $75; U.S. First Class - $100; Canada - $125; Foreign - $125. Single Copies - $7, including postage. For AICA members, $20 of annual dues to AICA are applicable to subscriptions for Charolais Journal. Periodicals postage paid at Kansas City, MO 64153, and additional mailing offices. Standard postage paid at Jefferson City, Mo. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: CHAROLAIS JOURNAL, 11700 NW Plaza Circle, Kansas City, MO 64153. C O L U M N S 17 Charolais Viewpoint by Dr. Clint Rusk Leadership Development 32 Junior Viewpoint by Shade Bunker, Secretary Get to Know Your Director — Dillon Borg, Area 2 18 Association Updates 18 New Members 20 Fall Meeting Schedule 56 Sales Review 57 AICA News Notes 61 Statement of Ownership, Management and Circulation 62 Roll of Excellence Show Results 63 Non-Point Show Results 74 Calendar 76 Advertisers’ Index 11700 NW Plaza Circle • Kansas City, MO 64153 phone (816) 464-5977 • fax (816) 464-5759 www.charolaisusa.com Dr. Clint Rusk CPI President David Hobbs Manager Molly Schoen Editor Kaitlyn Chism Advertising Coordinator Field Representatives Refer to page 19 J O U R N A L S T A F F C H A R O L A I S J O U R N A L O N T H E C O V E R –Photo by Molly Schoen at the West Virginia University, Reymann Memorial Farm, Wardensville, W.Va. Cover by Molly Schoen A C T I V I T I E S & R E F E R E N C E F E A T U R E S 48 UM Cattle Course Becoming a Reality 50 2022 World Charolais Congress – United Kingdom 55 Miss Charolais USA 2023 Candidate 58 Low Stress Stockmanship Makes Cattle Handling Easier and Safer


Michael & Angela Henry 2965 CR 3425 Yantis, Texas 75497 (831) 234-9224 2601 Austin Ave. Brownwood, Texas 76801 Office: (325) 646-1561 Cell: (325) 647-9039 rickevans6464@gmail.com RE MS DUKE 745 ET EF1113315 1/5/10 Sire: VCR Sir Duke 914 Pld Dam: RE Miss Duke 34 by LHD Cigar Congratulations to Jerry & Michelle Lehmann for the outstanding success they have had with this great donor cow they purchased in the Sale of Excellence for $17,500.00 from Heath Hyde! Our Cows Work at any Price! first and FOREMOST!QUALITY OHF NEW WINDY H831 ET EF1269946 8/31/18 Sire: M6 New Standard 842 P ET Dam: OHF Windy E904 ET Our newest addition to the Donor Pen! Will be flushed to JMAR Jubal 5P01, one of the most outstanding young sires in the breed today. Sired by Pleasant Dawn Chism and out of a VPI Free Lunch daughter! Owned by Arlitt Ranch, TX OHF SMOKING H816 ET EF1269936 8/16/18 Sire: M6 New Standard 842 P ET Dam: OHF She Smoking D823 ET Our exciting new addition for ET program! Will be flushed to JMAR Hosea and JMAR Jubal this fall, call for embryos! D823 is in the Herndon Farms ET program, GA. Owned by Bella Angel Farms, TX
Sold this Pair! But this is the type and kind of Charolais we try to raise everyday! We bought some of the best, raised some of the best, and sold some of the best! When your looking for your next additions, come visit Oklahoma and let us show you some of the Charolais we’re so proud to raise and sell! Owned by Rocking S Ranch, OK O C T O B E R 2 0 2 2  5
Taylor Stabel Phone: 620.260.6815 tstabel@kcfllc.com Jim Jennings Phone: 620.272.2819 THROUGH THE FULL CIRCLE START TO FINISH. ADDING VALUE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21 | 1:30 PM American Royal Livestock Show Wagstaff Sale Center | Kansas City, MO 6 CHOICE OF PREGNANCY ELDER’S Houlio 4H X LT Brenda 3357 PLD LT Justified 1528 PLD X LT Brenda 3357 PLDOR LT 1528 Pld LT BADGE x LT LEDGER x DCR SOLUTION JUSTIFIED Elder’s 4H SKW EXPEDITION x STEPPLER PRINCE GEORGE x CIRCLE CEE FIREFLY HOULIOTOP 6% BW • 15% YW, MB, TSI TOP 5% WW • 9% YW • 15% REA LT 3357 Pld LT BLUE VALUE x LT BRENDA 6120 BRENDA TOP 2% MB • 4% CE, MCE • 8% WW, CW Lot 6  O C T O B E R 2 0 2 2
P.O. Box 186, Liverpool, Texas 77577 Larry Ludeke (832) 439-4666 E-mail: larryl@qiminc.com Sulphur, Louisiana www.barjcharolaisfarm.com Full French & Purebred Genetics BEEF B ULLS FOR THE G ULF C OAST USDA I NSPECTED P LANT C ONSUMER A CCEPTANCE F ROM OUR PROGRAMP OWER H ERD S IRES SELLING 150+ BULLS ANNUALLY Available Private Treaty W ORKING R ANCHES T EXAS & L OUISIANA 4315 E. SH-71, LaGrange, Texas 79845 Processing Center (979) 249-2571 www.legacycustommeatprocessing.com USDA INSPECTED PLANT 2022 Missouri State Fair Grand Champion Carcass Yield Grade: 2.00 Quality Grade: Prime % Retail Cuts: 52.3% R ESULTS FOR G ULF C OAST E NVIRONMENT O C T O B E R 2 0 2 2  7
Wild Indian Acres 2022 FALL BULL SALE SATURDAY // OCTOBER 29 // 1:00 PM Interstate Regional Stockyards, Cuba, Missouri WIA Ridge Top 163 P ET, BD: 3-21-21 PVF Ridge 7142 out of Creek Cut Greta 576 P ET a M6 Grid Maker 104 daughter out of RLL Goin’ Places 1329P ET. BW: 70 lbs., AWW: 741 lbs., AYW: 1,333 lbs. EPDs: BW: -2.6, WW: 65, YW: 115, Milk: 23, REA: 0.92, TSI: 259.75 LOT 6 WIA G4 Dotson 109P, BD: 1-23-21 WDZ Phenom 839 x WC Doubletree 2009 x M6 Grid Maker 104. BW: 83 lbs., AWW: 720 lbs., AYW: 1,253 lbs. EPDs: BW: -1.7, WW: 55, YW: 97, Milk: 27, MARB: 0.23, TSI: 242.74 LOT 2 WIA Nick 149P, BD: 4-1-21 WCR Notorious 6170 P x Oakdale Duke 9003 BW: 72 lbs., AWW: 859 lbs., AYW: 1,557 lbs. EPDs: BW: -2.0, WW: 77, YW: 139, Milk: 31, MARB: 0.15, TSI: 279.18 LOT 21 WIA Ridge Line 166 P ET, BD: 3-22-21 PVF Ridge 7142 out of Creek Cut Greta 576 P ET a M6 Grid Maker 104 daughter out of RLL Goin’ Places 1329P ET. BW: 71 lbs., AWW: 782 lbs., AYW: 1,393 lbs. EPDs: BW: -2.6, WW: 65, YW: 115, Milk: 23, REA: 0.92, TSI: 259.75 LOT 7 Greg Hubert P.O. Box 100 Oakley, KS 67748 785-672-7449 (cellular) Mike & Sara Kisner Connor & Cannon 5805 PERKINS RD DE SOTO, MO 63020 (636) 236-0306 cell wildindianacres@yahoo.com Shannon Carpenter: 937-418-2275 Selling 36 Charolais Bulls, all 18 months old, including these Purebred Herd Sire Prospects! 8  O C T O B E R 2 0 2 2

Rogers Bar HR

It’s Simple: More Pounds Equal More Money!

Proven Performance:

Rogers Bar HR’s focus is on Charolais. Our program is designed to produce the best Charolais in the breed. We are the largest breeder in the South, and one of the oldest breeders in the country. We have been performance testing to produce only the best Charolais for over 60 years. Let us put our bloodlines to work for you and your operation.

Forage Based Program:


• Our bulls have won more BIF Certified rate of gain tests than any other Charolais breeder • Winner AGAIN of the 2021-2022 Florida Bull Test - #1 out of 104 Bulls • Be it grass or grain, our bulls will put on the pounds for you • More pounds, more money! True
• Bulls are not creep fed • Weaned bulls are not put in a grow yardthey are developed on GRASS (bermuda, bahia, and ryegrass)
• Our bulls are bred in the South, raised in the South, and they will work for you in the South • The heat and humidity of the South will not slow these bulls down • They will not melt on you during the summer • Rogers Bar HR bulls do not need an adaption period - they just do their job with no additional pampering 2022 Fall Turn-Out Bull Sale October 15th Join us for our Fall “Turn Out” Bull Sale Saturday, October 15th, 2022 Selling Over 100 Charolais Bulls & 20 Bred Charolais Heifers Catalogs and Videos Available on Our Website and Facebook October 1st! Rogers Bar HR Doug Rogers Cell: 601-765-7751 P.O. Box 1718 - Collins, MS 39428 www.RogersBarHR.com 601-765-8848 rogersbarhr@hotmail.com Watch the sale and bid online through DVAuctions O C T O B E R 2 0 2 2  9
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Atlas brings an impressive data set to world-class conformation and disposition. He was the lead-off bull for the 40th Annual Lindskov-Thiel Bull Sale and stands on excellent feet and legs. His beautiful dam has Dam of Distinction honors in her sights. Easy to follow and good on arrival, let Atlas help map your future. SEMEN: $25/Straw - $35 Signing Fee BPA Free CE BW WW YW Milk MTL SC REA MB CW TSI EPDs 5.5 -1.0 77 146 40 78 1.7 1.04 0.18 43 288.80 % Rank 55 35 2 1 1 1 2 3 20 1 1 BW: 89 lbs. Adj. WW: 849 lbs./R: 110 Adj. YW: 1467 lbs./R: 113 SC: 42 cm. REA Ratio: 108 % IMF Ratio: 124 M943509 SIRE: LT PATRIOT 4004 PLD LT LEDGER 0332 P LK MISS RIO 2119 DAM: LT MOLLY 7031 PLD LT RUSHMORE 8060 PLD LT MOLLY 5339 PLD 12  O C T O B E R 2 0 2 2

The search for outcross genetics elevates Powerstroke to the top of the list. Sired by an Effertz Key Ranch high seller, Keys Powermax 57G, and out of one of LT Tioga’s finest daughters, Powerstroke is better than different. His eye appeal, structure and temperament were just some of the traits that accelerated him to the top of his contemporary group. Strong growth, maternal

SEMEN: $25/Straw - $35 Signing Fee BPA Free CE BW WW YW Milk MTL SC REA MB CW TSI EPDs 8.2 -1.6 68 118 29 63 1.1 0.80 0.20 29 261.10 % Rank 30 25 15 20 15 7 30 30 15 20 20 BW: 93 lbs. Adj. WW: 771 lbs./R: 106 Adj. YW: 1344 lbs./R: 106 SC: 39 cm. REA Ratio: 101 % IMF Ratio: 92 SIRE: KEYS POWERMAX 57G OW MAXIMIZER 3041 PLD MISS KEY JERI 26E DAM: LT GALA 6530 PLD LT TIOGA 4090 PLD LT GALA 393 PLD M963080 LT Gala 6530 Pld O C T O B E R 2 0 2 2  13
MULTIPLEMELLOTT FAMILY 918/409-6068 - Stephen Mellott 205/706-5955 - Randy White, Mgr. Catoosa, Oklahoma | www.fhcharolais.com facebook.com/fhcharolais FH SILVER GUN 1106 P Top 7% WW; 25% YW; 15% MTL Power and style. FH COWBOY CODE 1091 P Top 1% WW; 4% YW; 9% TSI He checks all the boxes. FH SILVER LINING 1088 P Top 20% CE; 1% WW & YW; 4% MTL; 1% SC; 10% MARB; 2% TSI Powerhouse Prospect FH PROTECT & SERVE 1083 P Top 1% WW; 2% YW; 5% TSI Full brother FH Gun Show - one of last year’s top sellers. 14  O C T O B E R 2 0 2 2
-TRAIT GENETICS FH MS BREEZY 0137 P Top 8% CE; 20% BW; 6% MCE; 15% SC; 25% REA Royally Bred-Combines Super Cows Ruby & Germaine MCR MS LEDGER 1757 P Top 15% CE; 20% BW; 9% WW Goes back to the original M6 Nancy 382. FH MS SILVER CHARM 1081 P Top 15% CE; 1% WW & YW; 20% MARB; 1% TSI Dam is a 10-year-old from the Elvira 162J cow family. CLIFFORD C. MITCHELL 405/246-6324 ccmosu@msn.com CONSULTANT FALL PRODUCTION SALE | VOLUME 3 October 29, 2022 At the Ranch | Hulbert, Oklahoma SELLING 55 BULLS 20 FEMALES SELLING CHOICE We’re opening the gate and selling choice of our top three fall heifers… FH VERNA 1103 P Top 25% CE; 3% WW; 7% MCE; 20% SC Look, softness and sound, plus the Verna influence. FH MS BELL 1082 P Top 15% WW; 8% YW; 25% MARB; 6% TSI Pedigree, look and numbers. BID ONLINE: O C T O B E R 2 0 2 2  15
Providing the most data and information available on Charolais bulls and heifers anywhere: • Charolais Bulls & Heifers Feed Efficiency Tested with Grow Safe (DMI, RFI and Feed to Gain) • DNA tested for added reliability with Genomic Enhanced EPD’s • Complete Performance and Ultrasound Data available on all animals • Pictures and Videos available on all animals at DVAuction.com • Foot Scores available on all bulls and heifers • Bulls & Heifers available for viewing anytime or Sale Day. Desco Ms Benaiah EF1321604 JMAR Benaiah 1E66 x EC Della 553 Pld CE BW WW YW M MCE MTL SC CW REA FAT MB TSI 5.3 0.1 73 132 18 9.2 54 0.7 36 .71 .012 .34 276 “Quality Over Quantity” JMAR Benaiah 1E66 Growth, Carcass & Style Additional Sires Represented VPI Free Lunch 708T, Leachman Anthem P022G, LT Reward 2348, ABJR New Hank 595P, EC Forefront 8066. DC/CRJ Tank E108P, JMAR Lead Time 1L16, WCF Silver Gun 467 Charolais Bull and Heifer Sale Oct. 13, 2022 on SIRES REPRESENTED OW Lead Time 6294 Guts, Butts & Nuts For more information, questions or how to buy live or online: JMAR Genetics, Jim & Martha Johnson, 434-546-2341, www.jmargenetics.com C Squared Cattle Company, Tommy Clark, 540-937-0029, Will Clark 540-812-6007, cattleclark@gmail.com Testerman Charolais, Caleb and Ashlee Testerman, 304-445-8382, www.testermancharolais.net Desco Charolais, Daren Statler, 717-729-6453, www.descocharolaisfarm.com Clark Charolais Farm, David Clark, 410-924-3521, sfcdjc@outlook.com Featuring 2 full brothers to the $48,000 JMAR Jefferson 8M11 Sampling of the Offering Oct 13th Over 30 Bulls and 20 Heifers are on test at the WVU Bull Test Station, Wardensville, WV Heifers TNT Sheilas Promise J13 F1319585 Leachman Anthem x JMAR Sheila 1T41 CE BW WW YW M MCE MTL SC CW REA FAT MB TSI 11.2 -3.2 56 111 33 7.2 61 0.7 29 .72 .006 .23 260 Desco Rebar 137 Pld EM969151 LT Reward 2348 x VPI Miss Tradition 321A CE BW WW YW M MCE MTL SC CW REA FAT MB TSI 2.3 0.6 78 149 20 1.4 59 1.7 44 .86 .026 .35 294 Desco Bocephus 123 p/s EM967275 ABJR New Hank 595 x VPI Miss Tradition 321A CE BW WW YW M MCE MTL SC CW REA FAT MB TSI 10 -2.1 80 146 25 7.3 64 2.3 47 .93 .027 .34 291 TNT Chow Hall 109 P M957219 DC/CRJ Tank E108 x TX Shooting Star CE BW WW YW M MCE MTL SC CW REA FAT MB TSI 10 -1.5 61 124 27 5.3 57 1.1 36 .57 -.007 .20 271 JMAR Joshua 23M11 EM956754 Full brother to JMAR Jefferson 8M11 (above) FTJ Monticello 1806 x DCR Ms Silver Led F136 CE BW WW YW M MCE MTL SC CW REA FAT MB TSI 4.2 0.4 76 146 28 10.3 66 2.0 51 1.08 .045 .28 289 JMAR Jude 18W91 M955944 WC Inferno 6561 P x VPI Miss Duchess 924 G CE BW WW YW M MCE MTL SC CW REA FAT MB TSI 10.5 -3.3 71 127 28 4.2 63 1.0 35 .70 .019 .21 271 Bulls F136 Dam of Jefferson & Joshua 16  O C T O B E R 2 0 2 2


Dr. Clint Rusk, Executive Vice President

Leadership Development VitaFerm CharFocus Youth Conference

When I was growing up on our family’s ranch in southern Kansas, my Dad often took my siblings and me to field days and judging contests. He did not coach us or tell us how to place animals, he simply drove us to the events and told us to have fun. One day I asked my Dad why he felt it was important for us to participate in judging contests. He said, “It’s about leadership development.” At the time I didn’t understand what Dad meant. Why did we need to develop leadership skills and when would we have a chance to use them? It wasn’t long after we were attending a 4-H club meeting. My mother was one of our 4-H leaders, and she mentioned on the way to the meeting we would have officer elections that evening. Even though I do not have a singing voice, I was elected as the song leader. This was my first opportunity to serve in a leadership position. Through the next several years, I held numerous leadership positions in our 4-H club. In high school, I joined FFA and was elected to leadership positions at the chapter and district levels.

American-International Charolais Association. Through these positions, I have strived to develop leadership skills in college-age students and young adults. I firmly believe our country and our world need great leaders. I am a strong advocate for leadership development at all levels.

I was one of Kaitlyn Chism’s biggest supporters when she told me about her desire to start a leadership development program for our Charolais junior members, now known as VitaFerm CharFocus Youth Conference. While I couldn’t attend this year’s inaugural event in person, I was certainly there in spirit. I was thrilled to hear about the educational activities Galen and Lori Fink, along with Megan and Chad Larson coordinated at their ranch as part of the VitaFerm CharFocus and International Youth programs. Charolais youth from around the world benefited from Derek Thompson’s discussion about the end beef product at NextGen Cattle Company. The ropes course at Kansas’ Rock Springs Ranch received rave reviews

After graduating high school, I was elected Kansas State FFA Sentinel. During my freshman year in college, I had the honor of traveling across Kansas, meeting FFA members and speaking at chapter meetings. It was during this time I connected the dots and realized what my Dad was trying to convey to me in my formative years, when he talked about the importance of leadership development. Through junior high and high school, I had been developing leadership skills by serving in various offices in 4-H and FFA. Both organizations have a long history of developing leadership opportunities in youth. At the end of my term as a State FFA Officer, my confidence and competence as a leader had grown significantly from the boy who started as a song leader in my 4-H club.

After graduating from college and starting a family, I have held several leadership positions, including serving as a College Department Head at two Land-Grant universities and now in my current position as Executive Vice President of the

as did the educational talks delivered by industry leaders. My congratulations to Kaitlyn and members of the AIJCA Junior Board who planned, coordinated, and conducted a very successful CharFocus event this past July. If you participated in CharFocus, you know the impact it had on you as an individual. If you served as a volunteer leader or hosted a CharFocus program at your ranch, you witnessed leadership development firsthand. For those of you AIJCA members who were not able to participate in CharFocus this year, I encourage you to put it on your bucket list for next summer. If you are an adult AICA member, I challenge you to encourage a family member or an AIJCA member in your community to sign-up for VitaFerm CharFocus 2023. The location is yet to be determined, but I’m confident Kaitlyn and the AIJCA officers will find an exciting place to hold CharFocus next summer.

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“If you participated in CharFocus, you know the impact it had on you as an individual. If you served as a volunteer leader or hosted a CharFocus program at your ranch, you witnessed leadership development firsthand.”




Harlee G Sanson

19 Appaloosa Trail Vilonia, AR 72173


Maddy R Henson

5091 N Marjan Clovis, CA 93619


David Holley

10539 SE Russell Ave Arcadia, FL 34266


Luke Smith 2368 E 2575 S Malta, ID 83342

Iowa Katie Jo Kruger

5621 200 St

Sibley, IA 51249

Illinois Foxglove Acres 9461 N 1250 Blvd Mt Carmel, IL 62863

Elizabeth D Johnson

11283 N Cr 1650 E Havana, IL 62644


Guinevere P Bowman

7528 N Cr 850 W North Salem, IN 46165

Jared & Lauren Haggard 5861 E State Rd 234 Greenfield, IN 46140

Catelynn J Hockemeyer

870 West Mcconnell Rd Columbia City, IN 46725

Maxwell L Mullet

71177 Cr 11 Nappanee, IN 46550

Claire Sennett

2518 N State Rd

Waynetown, IN 47990

Olivia G Simpson

938 N 900 W Lexington, IN 47138


Tim & Elsie Mc Coy 17393 U Road Sabetha, KS 66534

Jake Nikkel 960 18th Ave Mc Pherson, KS 67460


Josie B Phillips

8308 Orangeburg Road Maysville, KY 41056


Abby Dunn

2475 Hwy 160 Benton, LA 71006

Maryland Kiley D Sheubrooks

409 Jasontown Road Westminster, MD 21158

Terra Rubra Farms 1755 Keysville Bruceville Road Keymar, MD 21757

Minnesota Nolan Patrick Hackett

4810 75th Ave Ne Sauk Rapids, MN 56379

Andrew R Revier

31407 760th Ave Olivia, MN 56277

Mississippi Harry Or Carolyn Wilson 206 Thad Road Sandy Hook, MS 39478

Nebraska Elizabeth M Olson

47443 884th Road Atkinson, NE 68713

International Charolais Association

The AICA is the official registry for Charolais and Charbray cattle in the United States. Charolais cattle were first brought to the U.S. in 1936. In 1957, the American Charolais Breeders Association and the International Charolais Breeders Association merged forming the present AICA. Membership in the AICA is obtainable when the applicant has ownership in at least one animal, and has paid the initial membership fee of $125. AICA annual dues are $100.

Ohio Porter A Beck  3603 Cemetary Road Iberia, OH 43325

Adalynn R Endsley  27613 State Road 83 Cashocton, OH 43812

Endsley Farms 27613 State Route 83 Coshocton, OH 43812

Annie Marie Franks  8001 Berger Hollow Road St Louisville, OH 43071

Luke J Leith 

1019 Private Drive 6636 Pedro, OH 45659

Oklahoma Mike & Alisha Haymaker 20691 E 670 Road Hennessey, OK 73742

MCC (Morris Cattle Company) 206156 E Cr 51 Sharon, OK 73857

Tayler N Spray

204139 E Cr 51 Sharon, OK 73857

Texas Kennedy Faith Gunter

545 Cr 3145 Valley Mills, TX 76689

Savannah L Kelly

780 Harrison Rd Waco, TX 76705

Paislee S Lynch  1302 Wright St Llano, TX 78643

Dr Jim Mazurkiewicz 5525 Fm 1179 Bryan, TX 77808

Gregory C Mcneil Jr

8206 Hallview Drive Houston, TX 77075

Payton R Oliver

690 Cr 2377 Alba, TX 75410

Jase N Peters

435 S Clamon Rd Livingston, TX 77351

Seth M Thomason

91 Cr 213 Muleshoe, TX 79347

Tp Cattle Co

42700 S Soney Road Happy, TX 79042


Jackson Shepherd

5429 Morris Neck Road

Virginia Beach, VA 23457

Sophie Shepherd

5429 Morris Neck Road Virginia Beach, VA 23457


Leah J Kempinski

14730 State Route 507 Se Yelm, WA 98597

Tyler M Kempinski

14730 State Route 507 SE Yelm, WA 98597

Therrian Charolais 121 Tollett Road Colfax, WA 99111

AICA Seeking Assistant Recording Secretary/Data Coordinator

The Assistant Recording Secretary/Data Coordinator will work closely with the Recording Secretary in the registering and transferring of Charolais cattle. This position will also be responsible for coordinating genomic data submission from breeders and ensuring this data is received by the genomic lab at Neogen. Please send resumes to Recording Secretary, Maggie Smithee, msmithee@charolaisusa.com.

Fall AICA Board of Directors Meeting, October 19-20

The AICA Fall Board of Director and Committee Meetings will be held Wednesday, October 19 and Thursday, October 20 at the Kansas City Airport Marriott Hotel, Kansas City, Missouri. A complete schedule of meetings is on page 20.

Registration Fee Changes

Registration- all herdbooks 0-4 months $16 5-12 months $22 13-24 months $38

Over 24 Month $50

Whole Herd RewardsBefore April 1- $16 Between April 2- April 30- $22 After May 1- $36 Reactivation of Disposed Animals- $36

18  O C T O B E R 2 0 2 2
C H A R O L A I S J O U R N A L American-
 indicates AIJCA membership

Export Your Data for Sale Catalogs

Under the “tools” tab, you will find a new “Data Export” button. This data export gives you the flexibility to export data on animals in your herd and use those data files in your own management packages. You can download and save the files directly to your computer in a CSV (can be opened in Excel) format. There are many options within this feature including selecting the type of animal to export and specific data.

Expedited Registration Work

If an animal needs to be registered with in a day or two a rush fee of $50 will be added to work. Once the animal is registered you can pull it up online to view the registration number. The new certificate will be mailed out the following day. We also offer FedEx mailing for additional $50. Non Members double the fee.

Performance Deadline Approaching

Performance data must be submitted to the AICA office by November 1 to be included in the December 2022 Genetic Analysis. Please make sure calf data, weights and weigh data have been submitted online or on forms to AICA.


Transfers cannot be done on-line if the paper has already been issued. The original paper must be returned to AICA. Animals registered on-line can be held in the system for transfer or print later. Many members find it helpful to hold all the newly registered animals in the system. No need to chase papers around.

When using a non-Charolais parent, follow the example given on the entry screen. For a non-Charolais female type FNF-XXXX, for a non-Charolais male type FNM-XXXX. You may also use breed codes to indicate the breed of the non-Charolais animal but be sure to use 4 digits (example: FNM-ANAN). We can add the pedigree of your other breed animal but need a copy of the pedigree 1st. The fee to add a pedigree is $20.

Be sure to click the “register” box and the “save” button at the bottom of the registration screen if you want the animal registered. The registration number will pop up in the middle of the screen or you’ll get an error message telling you what boxes you have missed.

A merican -I nternational C harolais A ssociation


Executive Vice President



Area 1

Area 7

Dr. Clint Rusk

Ext. 101 Crusk@Charolaisusa.com

Recording Secretary

Eddy Loggains

4431 Larkin Road

Violet Hill, AR 72584 (870) 404-4332

Scott Eaton

113 Georgetown Dr

Chad Zehnder

982 397th Ave NW

Maggie Smithee

Ext. 401 Msmithee@Charolaisusa.com

Vice President of Operations

Vice President

Michael Sturgess

Glendive, MT 59330 (406) 852-3205 term expires 2024

Area 2

Stanchfield, MN 55080 (612) 554-2154 term expires 2024

Area 8

Jim Husz

200 Dhobbs@Charolaisusa.com

David Hobbs

Youth Activities & Foundation

407 Breesport St. San Antonio, TX 78216 (210) 867-6863

Kaitlyn Chism

Ext. 201 Kchism@Charolaisusa.com


Secretary Donnie Leddy 15635 472nd Ave. Stockholm, SD 57264 (605) 695-0113

T. Lane Grau 1680 CR 37 Grady, NM 88120 (575) 760-6336 term expires 2023

Area 3

22790 Icon Road Maryville, MO 64468 (660) 582-9151 term expires 2023

Area 9

Chastity Stulz

Ext. 300 Cstulz@Charolaisusa.com

To Use The Extension Numbers

Listed For The Above Staff, Phone (816) 464-5977.

Treasurer David Hubert 510 Maple Ave. Oakley, KS 67748 (785) 672-2540


Mike Schumacher 14809 Pike 139 Bowling Green, MO 63334 (573) 324-2528



Clint Rusk

Board Of Directors



Southeast Representative

Floyd Wampler

294 Peoples Road Bristol, TN 37620 (423) 612-2144 Fwampler@Charolaisusa.com

Southwest Representative

Cody Beck 19800 John Wayne Perry, OK 73077 (765) 719-1622 Cbeck@Charolaisusa.com

North Central Representative

Hadley Schotte

2811 South Lancaster Drive, Apt. 9 Sioux Falls, SD 57106 (785) 562-6632 Hschotte@Charolaisusa.com

West Representative Ty Groshans 41010 CR DD Akron, CO 80720 Cell - (970) 818-6016 Tgroshans@Charolaisusa.com

Other Regions Call The AICA Office. (816) 464-5977

Commercial Advertising

Jay Carlson Carlson Media Group, LLC Beef Breed Group (913) 268-5725 office jay@carlsonmediagroup.com

Michael Sturgess

Donnie Leddy


Donnie Leddy 15635 472nd Ave Stockholm, SD 57264 (605) 695-0113 term expires 2024

Area 4 David Hubert 510 Maple Ave. Oakley, KS 67748 (785) 672-2540 term expires 2023

Area 5 Michael Sturgess

407 Breesport St.

San Antonio, TX 78216 (210) 867-6863 term expires 2024

Area 6 Eric Dennis

170 Rock Bluff Rd Saint Jo, TX 76265 (940) 841-2792 term expires 2023



President Larry Ludeke

Vice President

Bob Tibbs

Secretary Rod Smith Treasurer Ray Franz Directors

Mike Schumacher

Dr. Clint Rusk

Kaitlyn Chism

Tyler Davis PO Box 935 Ashdown, AR 71822 (903) 908-5913 term expires 2024

Area 10

Troy Bertsche 4328 E 1800 N Road

Flanagan, IL 61740 (815) 674-1244 term expires 2023

Area 11

Jeff Harrod 645 Evergreen Rd Frankfort, KY 40601 (502) 330-6745 term expires 2024

Area 12

Frank Ellis Jr. 250 Ellis Road Letohatchee, AL 36047 (334) 315-8927 term expires 2023

Area 13

Kyle Reaves

5840 West Allens Bridge Greeneville, TN 37743 (423) 723-9245 term expires 2024

Area 14

David Clark

10165 Log Cabin Road Denton, MD 21629 (410) 924-3521 term expires 2023

Area 15

Dan Eversole

3250 Litton-Reaves Hall Blacksburg, VA 24061 (540) 231-4738 term expires 2024

A I C A C O M M I T T E E C H A I R M E N & V I C E C H A I R M E N

Breed Improvement


Rex Ricketts

3 14800 Tucker School Rd Hallsville, MO 65255 (573) 882-4553


Dan Eversole Area 15 Director

Commercial CHAIRMAN

Dennis Metzger

E Hill St Whitman, NE 69366 (816) 519-8208

Junior Council CHAIRMAN

Larry Lehman



Long Range Planning







de Grace, MD 21078

Affiliate CHAIRMAN



Larry Ludeke





& Ethics


Troy Bertsche


1 Director

O C T O B E R 2 0 2 2  19
 Ext.
C E R S 11700 NW Plaza Circle  Kansas City, Mo 64153  Phone: (816) 464-5977 Fax: (816) 464-5759  E-Mail: Info@Charolaisusa.com  Website: Www.charolaisusa.com
David Hubert
Chairman & Trustee Larry Lehman Trustees Bill Nottke Kim Coudron Schwecke Dr. Clint Rusk Kaitlyn Chism Fundraising Chairman Larry Lehman
Activities CHAIRMAN Jeff Bunker 13080 Janus Ave Sparta, WI 54656 (608) 633-53342 VICE CHAIRMAN Donnie Leddy Area 3 Director Advertising/Marketing CHAIRMAN Michael Sturgess Area 5 Director VICE CHAIRMAN Bob
3545 Old
Rd. Havre
(410) 734-6873
Area 12
9411 W 56th St S Monroe, IA 50170 (515) 250-2362
CHAIRMAN Scott Eaton Area 1 Director
P.O Box 186 Liverpool, TX 77577 (832) 439-4666
CHAIRMAN David Hubert Area 4 Director
P.O. Box 700 Tioga, TX 76271 (972) 529-8723
Area 14 Director
Ex-Officio Rules
Area 10 Director
Cheryl Lux Area

American-International Charolais Association 2022 Committee Meetings and Fall Board of Directors Meeting

Kansas City Airport Marriott

775 Brasilla Avenue, Kansas City, Missouri 64153


Wednesday, October 19, 2022

12:30 p.m. CPI Committee Meeting

1:00 p.m. American Charolais Foundation (ACF) Meeting

2:00 p.m. Advertising/Marketing Committee Meeting

3:30 p.m. Breed Improvement Committee Meeting

Thursday, October 20, 2022

8:00 a.m. Executive Committee Meeting

8:30 a.m. Junior Council Committee Meeting

9:00 a.m. Activities Committee Meeting

9:30 a.m. Commercial Committee Meeting

10:00 a.m. Charolais Dees USA Committee Meeting

11:00 a.m. Finance Committee Meeting

12:00 p.m. Short Break

1:30 p.m. AICA Fall Board of Directors Meeting

5:00 p.m. AICA Office – Open House – light refreshments

American Royal Livestock Show Charolais Events

Friday, October 21

8:00 a.m. Royal Breeders Bull Classic

11:30 a.m. The Royal Charolais “shindig”

1:30 p.m. Royal Collection Charolais Sale

Followed by hospitality in the Charolais Stalls

Saturday, October 22

8:00 a.m. American Royal Junior Charolais and Percentage Heifer Shows

Following- 54th National Charolais Show

Kansas City Airport Marriott

Phone: (816) 464-2200

Group Name: American-International Charolais Association

Rate $132 per night plus taxes

20  O C T O B E R 2 0 2 2
Lee Leachman, CEO • www.leachman.com Jerrod Watson, Bull Customer Service, (303) 827-1156 Aaron Rasmussen, Cowherd Adviser, (308) 763-1361 Semen Division: (970) 444-BULL (2855) • Office: (970) 568-3983 Over 50 Elite Bulls Sell! Also selling sons of Icon, Advantage, and Margin! Leachman Fall Harvest Sale 50+ CHAROLAIS BULLS Saturday, November 12, 2022 Leachman Bull Barn · Fort Collins, CO OW Lead Time – 12 sons sell! Leachman Liberty P041E – 9 sons sell! AMJR New Hank 595 – 9 sons sell! Visit www.leachman.com or call to order a catalog today! +7 CED -1.9 BW +55 WW +103 YW +.29 Marb +.60 REA Average EPDs on the Sale Bulls: O C T O B E R 2 0 2 2  21
THE CATTLEMAN’S BLEND LONGEVITY – PREDICTABILITY – PRODUCTIVITY Joe Cavender, Owner 1530 County Road 3313, Jacksonville, TX 75766 (903) 571-1209 - joe@cavenders.com Justin Matejka, Manager - Neches River Ranch (903) 521-1070 - justinwmatejka@gmail.com Brett Sayre, Consultant (573) 881-1876 FOR SALE CATALOGS AND INFORMATION Join us at the Neches River Ranch! CAVENDER-DRAGGIN’ M AND PARTNERS 18TH ANNUAL FALL PRODUCTION SALE SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2022 25 CHAROLAIS BULLS 250 BRANGUS & ULTRABLACK BULLS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2022 550 COMMERCIAL FEMALES SORTED TO SUIT IN GROUPS OF 5 TO 8 80 HAND SELECTED BRANGUS FEMALES TRUE BEEF BULLS SELL! 22  O C T O B E R 2 0 2 2
Daughters by Outsider x Firewater Daughters by Gemma 883 Resource x Ginny 4T Frozen Genetics by Gwen 91G Outsider x Carly Rae LARRY DYBDAL 402-841-9784 TY DYBDAL 402-841-0995 11.1.22 SELLING AN ELITE SET OF CHAROLAIS FEMALES AND GENETICS Thank You to the buyers and bidders in 2021 sale! HOSTED BY Open House October 29th O C T O B E R 2 0 2 2  23
DR Monsoon 45 Calving Ease, Complete Build, Maternal M&M Outsider 4003 Pld Roll of Excellence Sire WC Inferno 6561 P DF MR Outrageous 64G Exciting Power & Profile! BRCHE White Bear 8505 Pld ET 2019-20 Show Bull of the Year Boy Outlier 812 ET P 2018-19 Show Bull of the Year CCC WC RESOURCE 417 P Balanced, Great Daughters SHF Addiction 1609 Pld Great Cow Families LT Tioga 4090 Pld Top 10% CE • 6% BW • 15% MCE • 3% M WCR Sherman Tank 0525 ET Power Numbers Top 1% TSI (573) 641-5270 WC Uncharted 7328 P Performance, Power Numbers TR CAG Carbon Copy 7630E ET Rhinestone x Carbine MJ NS Tiago 1432 P Look, Performance, Outcross Shardon Double Vision 1D Pld Outcross Right for the Times! www.cattlevisions.com TS Waylon 31F ET Power, Sound Attractive Top 15% CE, M • 10% BW • 7% MCE CCC WC Redemption 7143 Unique, Perfect Design LT Rushmore 8060 Pld Top 4% CE • 2% BW • 1% M • 2% TM LJR Mr Bad Hombre 2373E ET Structure, Power Call for a Sire Directory or View Online SHF Absolute 1508 Style & Perfect Foot RF Full Strut 0223 ET Top 8% • 15% TM • 20% MB DC/CRJ TANK E108 P Calving Ease and Performance TCCS Saint Christopher Denver Grand, Homo Pld SHF Rehab 8104 P Substance with Power 2020 NWSS Champ! Now Available 24  O C T O B E R 2 0 2 2

SCR Miss Casanova 7132

Polled 2017 daughter of High Bluff Casanova 13C. Due to calve near April 3, 2023 to HBC Summit 1H.


SCR Miss Casanova 1148

Polled 2021 bred heifer sired by High Bluff Casanova 13C and out of SCR Miss Buckaroo 7015 – the dam of Effertz herd sire SCR Affinity 9104. Due to calve near 2-18-2023 to WIA Forward 0116 P.

Polled heifer calf #2113

Born: 2-4-22 sired by RLB Oil Rig 806H, a LT Tioga 4090 son, and out of SCR Miss Triumph 0106 ET

SCR Miss Casanova 8152

Polled 2018 daughter of High Bluff Casanova 13C natural born daughter out of donor SCR Miss Triumph 2110. Bred AI and due February 26, 2023 to LT Badge 9184 Pld. Take a look at this big, stout, powerful bull calf she raised sired by HBC Summit 1H and will sell this spring on the annual SCR Bull Sale.

O C T O B E R 2 0 2 2  25

SCR Miss Triumph 6144

2016 ET daughter of SCR Tuffy 0119 and out of donor SCR Miss Nash 1095. She has produced many ET progeny as well as her dam. Due to calve near March 13, 2023 to HBC Summit 1H.

SCR Miss Casanova 1104 ET

Polled 2021 ET daughter of High Bluff Casanova 13C and out of SCR Miss Maple 9021 the dam of 29 ET and natural born progeny. This bred heifer is a full sib to the $62,500 SCR Casanova 7107! Due to calf near 3-5-2023 to WIA Forward 0116 P.

FC Ms Kasanova 1217 P

Polled 2021 daughter of KKK Kasanova 7307 and out of SCR Miss All State 5155 also an ET out of donor SCR Miss Maple 9021. Due to calve near 3-5-2023 to WIA Forward 0116 P.

SCR Miss Kasanova 1142

Polled 2021 daughter of KKK Kasanova 7307 and out of SCR Miss Triumph 4122 and ET daughter out of SCR Tuffy 0119 and donor SCR Ms Kingdom 1228 that produced 18 progeny. Due to calve near 2-18-2023 to WIA Forward 0116 P.

Polled heifer calf #2206

Born: 2-4-22, sired by RBL Oil Rig 806H and out of FC 0313.

SCR Miss Casanova 9108 ET

Polled 2019 ET daughter of High Bluff Casanova 13C out of donor SCR Miss Maple 9021 that has produced 29 progeny. Due to calve near March 18, 2023 to R/V Marksman 7548 with a heifer calf pregnancy.

SCR Miss Casanova 8157

Polled 2018 daughter of High Bluff Casanova 13C. Bred AI to WIA Forward 0116 P and due February 25, 2023 with a heifer calf pregnancy.

Join Us November 10th
26  O C T O B E R 2 0 2 2

Selling 150 Lots including 100 bred spring calving cows and heifers & 50 spring 2022 weaned heifer calves.

Many young females including 22 bred heifers born in 2021, 25 females born in 2020, 15 females born in 2019, 18 head that are four, five and six year olds!

SCR Miss Triumph 3103 ET

Polled 2013 ET daughter of SCR Tuffy 0119 out of donor SCR Miss Perfect 5025 that has 25 progeny listed at AICA & Polled heifer calf #2111 sired by HBC Summit 1H. Due to calve near March 23, 2023 to HBC Summit 1H with a bull calf pregnancy.

SCR Miss Triumph 2111

2012 daughter of SCR Tuffy 0119 natural born out of donor SCR Miss Kingdom 6016 that was a key donor dam for SCR. Due to calve near April 30, 2023 to HBC Summit 1H.

Polled heifer calf #2202

Born: 1-18-22 sired by VCR Sir Duke 9918 ET P and out of FC Ms Detroit 0220.

Polled heifer calf #2214

Born: 2-12-22, sired by VCR Sir Duke 9918 ET P and out of FC Ms Casanova 0202 P.

ET Polled heifer calf #2110

Born: 2-2-22 sired by HBC Summit 1H and out of SCR Miss Triumph 2111.

HBC Summit 1H

This will be the first calves sired by HBC Summit 1H the $32,000 young 2020 born herd sire out of Canada. Sired by WCR Commissioner 593 and out of a WC Milestone 5223 daughter. His first calves are exciting to say the least!

SCR Miss Casanova 8143 ET

Polled 2018 ET daughter of High Bluff Casanova 13C out of donor M6 New Germaine 1157 P ET who has 59 progeny listed at AICA. Due to calve near March 8, 2023 with a heifer calf pregnancy sired by HBC Summit 1H.

O C T O B E R 2 0 2 2  27

SCR Miss Warrior 1141 ET

Polled 2021 ET daughter of SCR Casanova 7107 the $60,000 Sonderup sire and out of SCR Miss Triumph 3103 (top of last page). Due to calve near 2-18-2023 to WIA Forward 0116 P.

SCR Miss Excel 1158

Polled 2021 daughter of SCX Triumph 50B a paternal brother to the $245,000 SCX Jehu 233E and out of SCR Miss Casanova 8146. Due to calve near 3-20-2023 to WIA Forward 0116 P.

SCR Miss Warrior 9124

Polled 2019 daughter of SCR Casanova 7107 the $62,500 son of High Bluff Casanova 13C. Her dam SCR Ms High Noon 6120 was one of our best born in 2006 and had 16 calves until her last one in 2021! Due to calve near February 26, 2023 to HBC Summit 1H with a heifer calf pregnancy.

SCR Miss Vaquero 1160

Polled 2021 daughter of IKE Wrangler 7085 and out of SCR Miss New Standard 9174. Due to calve near 4-5-2023 to WIA Forward 0116 P.

WIA Forward 0116 P

Our newest purchase from Wild Indian Acres to use of yearling heifers. He was purchased with Chanc McIntosh and Eickhoff Farm. A son of WR Foreman D602 out of New Standard female. BW: 66 lbs., -2.4 BW EPD, AWW ratio: 113, AYW ratio: 119.

Sale Manager

Greg Hubert

Box 100, Oakley, KS

SCR Miss Rapid Fire 6125

Polled 2016 daughter of Sandcreek Bar S Rapidfire B331. Her dam SCR Miss Turbo 5176 had 10 calves for us until 2017. Due to calve near March 10, 2023 to SCR Affinity 9104 with a bull calf pregnancy.

Valley Road,

Tom & Sandy Sonderup, 19488
Fullerton, NE 68638 (308) 550-0254 cell • scrinc@hotmail.com www.sonderupcharolaisranch.com
67748 785-672-7449 (cell)
28  O C T O B E R 2 0 2 2
O C T O B E R 2 0 2 2  29
SALE CALENDAR OCTOBER 21, 2022 Royal Collection Charolais Sale Kansas City, Mo. DECEMBER 3, 2022 Ridder Farms Family Values Female Sale & Annual Bull Sale Hermann, Mo. DECEMBER 10, 2022 Shepherd Charolais Second Annual Female Sale Anita, Iowa FEBRUARY 13, 2023 59th Annual Iowa Beef Expo Sale Des Moines, Iowa Nomination Deadline: December 1 JWC MARKETING LLC WES CHISM 281-761-5952 WES@JWCMARKETING.COM PO BOX 1368 PLATTE CITY, MO 64079 30  O C T O B E R 2 0 2 2 www.DeBruyckerCharolais.com CHAROLAIS FACT: POUNDS PAY! FWSSR.COM PREMIUM LIST/ ENTRY INFO. AVAILABLE SEPT. 15 RODEO TICKETS ON SALE SEPT. 12 NATIONAL ROLL OF EXCELLENCE charolais show JAN. 28 cowtown cattle drive sale JAN. 27
O C T O B E R 2 0 2 2  31




Devon Benes

Valparaiso, NE (402) 499-3429 devben@hotmail.com

Vice President

Weston Schrader Wells, KS (785) 488-6390 weston.schrader@gmail.com


Shade Bunker Sparta, WI (608) 855-0270 shadebunker1@gmail.com

Area 1

Maddy Rohr Elbert, CO (720) 467-3302 maddy23@ksu.edu


Mattie Harward Richfield, NC (704) 463-5828 mattieann8@gmail.com


Molly Smith Lockhart, TX (512) 995-6263 mollysloan@hotmail.com

At Large Austin Alexander Bremen, AL (256) 287-1166 austin.alexander.2022@gmail.com


dam the son of Mark and Angie Borg. I grew up on a family farm near the very small town of Concord, Nebraska. Right now I am a college student in my second year at Northeast Community College. I plan to graduate this Spring with a degree in Mechanized Agriculture.

Q: What do you want to accomplish as a board member of the AIJCA?

A: As a board member I want to help reach the Charolais breed out to other people who don’t come from a registered operation background. Growing up around a commercial cattle operation, becoming a part of the Charolais breed has made a huge difference for me. I have learned so many things that I wouldn’t have otherwise known, and I hope to make that possible for others.

Q: What is your favorite Junior National contest?

A: My favorite Junior National contest would have to be the team fitting contest. It is always exciting to see how good a team of people can be fitting and working together to prepare an animal for the ring.

Q:. Who was your favorite Charolais show heifer?

A: My favorite Charolais heifer would be Flora, aka Weinky. I bought her from Thomas’s and she was the first Charolais heifer that I ever owned. She continues to be my favorite because no matter how many times I check her on pasture, I always get excited about seeing her and the calf that she produces each year.

Q: Who inspired you to become a Junior Board Member?

A: Nick Hansen. He was the one who helped me find my first Charolais heifer, and he helped me with learning how to feed show heifers. He always talked about how he enjoyed his time on the board and what it did for him which inspired me to run for the junior board.

Q: What is your favorite memory from “CharCation”?

A: My favorite memory from Char-Cation would have to be getting the honor to be elected onto the junior board while the Charolais Junior Nationals was in my home state.

Q:. Where was your first Charolais Junior National?

A: My first Junior National was in Brooking in 2020. In total I have been to two Charolais Junior Nationals.

Q:. What are you planning on doing after you graduate college?

A: After I graduate college, I plan on returning back home. I will find a job in the Agriculture world, and I will start working in the family operation at some point.

Q:. Which fall cattle show is your favorite?

A: Nebraska State Fair by a mile!

Q: What are your hobbies?

A: Outside of the Charolais industry, my main hobby would be watching college football or NFL games.

Q: If you could be any person in the world for a day, who would you be?

A: If I could be any person, I would be Elon Musk. I would choose him because it would be cool to see the inside scoop operations on a multi-billion dollar company. Plus, by the time the day was over I’d be rich enough to retire already.

Earn your 2022 National Junior Merit Award for your accomplishments! Recipients recognized at 2023 Junior National Awards Banquet in St Paul, Minnesota.

Area 2 Dillon Borg Concord, NE (402) 369-2676 dborg802@gmail.com

Area 3 Weston Schrader Wells, KS (785) 488-6390 weston.schrader@gmail.com

Area 4

Jaycee Littleton Simms, TX (903) 701-2129 jayceelittleton02@gmail.com

Area 5

Carter Hoge Good Hope, IL (309) 255-4131 hogekatie@gmail.com

Area 6 Lucas Crutcher Fair Grove, MO (417) 766-3278 crutcherlucas@gmail.com

Area 7 Shade Bunker Sparta, WI (608) 855-0270 shadebunker1@gmail.com

Area 8 Mattie Harward Richfield, NC (704) 463-5828 mattieann8@gmail.com


Harward Programs & Activities


At Large Nissa Olsen Manhattan, KS (785) 313-2975 nco.charolais@gmail.com

At Large

Ethan Shoemake Warner, OK (918) 424-8703 ethan.shoemake2004@gmail.com

At Large

Jenna Tlach Prole, IA (515) 393-0841 jntlach@gmail.com


Shade Bunker Junior National Devon Benes

Membership in the nationwide AmericanInternational Junior Charolais Association (AIJCA) is open to anyone 21 years of age and under as of January 1 of the present year. The initial membership fee is $30 and $25 annual dues thereafter.

f f i c e r s
A i j c a M e m b e r s h i p D i r e c t o r s B y A r e a
C o m m i t t e e C h a i r m e n
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21 | 1:30 PM American Royal Livestock Show Wagstaff Sale Center | Kansas City, MO Auctioneer: Sale Sponsors: Sale Manager: Sale Consultant: View and Bid Live Online: JWC Marketing LLC Platte City, MO Wes Chism (281) 761-5952 wes@jwcmarketing.com Matt Woolfolk (731) 694-6469 MRW Cattle Resources Justin B. Stout (913) 645-5136 Missouri Charolais Breeders Association Charolais Journal David Hobbs (913) 515-1215 Cody Beck (765) 719-1622 Hadley Schotte (785) 562-6632


Whenever I sit down to make a catalog for an elite set of females, there is always a moment where I think which one best sets the tone and feel for the sale? That was a very short moment for this catalog. BC Clarice 1601 P is perhaps one of the most interesting females I have had the pleasure of seeing this year. You can have a lot of discussions about what makes the ideal female but this one hits as close to the mark as you can get. Long spined, elegant fronted, soft middled, and powerful, she has a presence in the pasture that you can’t deny. Sired by one of the high selling lots in the 2014 Wright Charolais Sale, WC Over Time and out of a J139 daughter by Ledger, Clarice 1601 has a pedigree of the highest caliber. Besides a stellar personal phenotype, 1601 manages to pass that look and grace on to her heifer calves as well as performance and power to her sons. Look at her progeny, her picture and video. This is the kind of female that will enhance any program she goes into. The Johansen family wanted to offer their very best and they hit it out of the park! Selling 2/3 interest.

Syracuse, Mo. | Kevin Johansen (573) 289-1061

Right to Flush

the moment she was selected as an open split–off heifer calf for $19,000 at the M6 Ranch sale, Jewel 428 has been capturing the

of astute

everywhere. Flash forward a few years and that exciting heifer turned into the exceptional donor dam of this flush offering. In that brief span of years, the Jewel cow family has established itself with over $400,000 in progeny sold with FC RF Summit 0018 ET selling in the 2021 Full Circle Bull Sale for $52,500 for 2/3 interest and

Boomtown 8303 P ET selling in 2019 for $34,000 for 1/2 interest. She sold through this very same ring just one year ago amongst enthusiastic bidding to C&C Farms, the Casey Carlton Family of Arkansas. They have graciously offered this opportunity to you, for another chance at these great genetics. Offering one successful flush with a guarantee of 6 embryos with no cap.


C Farms, Rosston, Ark. | Casey Carlton (870) 953-1687

M6 Ms Jewel 428 M6 Ms Jewel 428 P DOB: 3/7/2014 | REG: F1191540 | POLLED | TATTOO: 428 M6 FUNCTION 169 PETM6 COOL DUDE 6463 P ET MISS LPF 630 MACM6 COOL REP 8108 ET Sire Reg: EM770701 VCR SIR DUKE 914 PLDSR LADY EASE 914 ET CCF LADY GERMAINE 718PET LT RIO BRAVO 3181 PM6 NEW STANDARD 842 P ET M6 MS GRID MAKER 2175 ETM6 MS NEW JEWEL 0155 PLD Dam Reg: F1133537 M6 MARK 7136 PLDM6 MS 5078 MARK 635 PLD ET M6MSD040UNLIMITED3103PET CE BW WW YW Milk MCE Mtnl SC TSI 8.5 -1.8 60 115 23 8.3 53 1.7 259.56 From
C &
2 EPDs FC RF Summit 0018 ET SAT Boomtown 8303 P ET
Clarice 1601 P DOB: 1/3/2016 | REG: F1223372 | POLLED | TATTOO: 1601 LT SILVER DISTANCE 5342PLT LONG DISTANCE 9001 PLDLT BELLE 7026 PWC OVER TIME 3015 P Sire Reg: M832378 LT GAME DAY 8053 PLDWC MERRY 1132 P WC MERRY 744P LT BLUEGRASS 4017 PLT LEDGER 0332 P LT BRENDA 6120 PLDBC MS CLARICE 1220 P ET Dam Reg: EF1166916 VCR SIR DUKE 914 PLDJWK CLARICE J139 ET JWK CLARICE D050 ET CE BW WW YW Milk MCE Mtnl SC TSI 8.7 -3.1 55 99 17 -1.2 45 0.3 246.04 1 EPDs
PRESENTED BY: 5J Charolais,
Dave Johansen (660) 473-2945 LOT 1 5J Clarice 2005 5J Clarice 2153


getting an opportunity

have the first sold flush on the current show female of the year. Her list of accomplishments includes Reserve Champion Female at the MO State Fair, Champion Female at the KS State Fair, Reserve Champion Charolais at Aksarben and Reserve Champion ROE Charolais Female at the American Royal. Ms IA Wind has been flushed two IVF cycles, and has given 16 and 12 fertilizable eggs, also bred back on first service. This will guarantee you 6 with no cap. If you use any bull in MCF Charolais bull battery you will receive 2 free straws. The flush will come at buyer’s expense and owner’s convenience.

PRESENTED BY: Hayden Englert, Washington, Kan.

Josh Englert (573) 220-1337

Brigham Stewart (785) 747-8028

There are a lot of adjectives that can be used to describe RF Ms Makin Smoke 641, but the one that jumps out to me is ideal. She exhibits so many of the traits that go into making the ideal female: long, angular, powerful, and feminine. Phenotypically she checks all the boxes and then some. She doesn’t stop with just looks but excels in the numbers game as well ranking top 3% MTL and REA, 4% YW, 6% TSI and Milk, and 9% WW. Her son by Outsider, Burnout 130, is quickly making a name for himself on his way to the National Show, winning the 2022 Missouri State Fair and Supreme at Ozark Empire Fair. This proven donor’s heifers have also achieved accolades ranking in the top 10 show females of the year in 2020 and have averaged $7,000 whenever they’ve been sold. Look for this exciting flush opportunity on sale day and add these powerful genetics to your operation! Open and ready to flush. IVF or Conventional, guaranteeing 6 embryos, with no cap.

RF Ms Makin Smoke 641 Right to Flush
Ms IA Wind 035 DOB: 1/25/2020 | REG: F1292630 | POLLED | TATTOO: 035 LT LONG DISTANCE 9001 PLDM&M OUTSIDER 4003 PLD M&M MS CARBINE 1567 PLDBOY OUTLIER 812 ET PLD Sire Reg: EM908904 TR PZC MR TURTON 0794 ETTR MS BERKLY 4711B ET TR MS MONTELLA 1572Y LT RUSHMORE 8060 PLDCCC WC RESOURCE 417 P WC CCC BLUE GIRL 1528 PRF MS IA WIND 722 Dam Reg: F1276116 LT EASY BLEND 5125 PLDSUMMIT MS IA WIND Y13 SUMMIT MS WYOMING WIND 8028 CE BW WW YW Milk MCE Mtnl SC TSI -0.6 2.0 62 105 24 3.6 55 0.8 242.84 You’re
3 EPDs Right to IVF Cycle Flush RF Ms IA Wind 035 RF Ms IA Wind 035 JBE Ms Karmen 202K RF Ms Makin Smoke 641 DOB: 2/2/2016 | REG: F1242366 | POLLED | TATTOO: 641 SCR MR TURBO 4009FC TURBO 756 P FC MS MAGIC JOSIESCR BRONCO 9026 Sire Reg: M772941 SCR MAJESTIC 7397SCR MS KINGDOM 1228 SCR MISS POLAR 4185 LT WYOMING WIND 4020 PLDMEAD-RF X-FACTOR G584 P OW ASHLEE 0063 P ETRF MS MAKIN SMOKE 328 P Dam Reg: F1170076 AC SMOKIN DUKE 559 PLDAC MS MAKIN SMOKE 806 AC MS 9K’S GRID 551 CE BW WW YW Milk MCE Mtnl SC TSI 1.8 1.6 66 125 32 2.2 65 0.3 262.95 PRESENTED BY: Carr Cattle Company, Webb City, Mo. Ryan & Ashley Carr (417) 388-0562 4 EPDs

LT Brenda 2184 needs no introduction as she has quickly became one of the most recognized and sought after females in the breed. She has consistently produced the caliber of progeny desired by astute cattlemen the world over. 2184’s first foray into the spotlight saw her as the feature lot in the National Sale where one-half interest sold for $29,000. Since then 13 sons sold at auction and have averaged over $13,000 with her 14th selling this spring for $36,000. In the 2020 Satterfield Female Sale a 1/2 interest yearling heifer, SAT Brenda 9307 ET, a daughter by LT Affinity, sold for $13,000 to Rathmourne Charolais and during the Grand Hills Dispersal, 2184’s dam LT Brenda 8034 Pld sells for $50,000 at 12 years of age to J&J Trust. This is one of those cow families that just doesn’t miss. Take your turn and grab onto this opportunity on sale day! Offering one successful IVF cycle flush with a guarantee of 6 embryos with no cap.

PRESENTED BY: Footprint Farms, Esther, Alberta | Travis Foot (403) 664-0961 Satterfield Charolais, Norfork, Ark. | Mark Satterfield (501) 944-9274 Full Circle Cattle Company, Lakin, Kan. | Taylor Stabel (620) 260-6815

UPDATED OFFERING! This will be your first opportunity at a mating option to LT Brenda 3357 Pld OR LT Madalynn 6108 Pld, who both sold for $31,000 one-half interest each at the 42nd National Charolais Sale. Brenda 3357 has been regarded as one of the greatest Blue Value daughters from the famed LT Ranch and whose dam is none other than LT Brenda 6120 Pld, the dam of the $105,000 LT Ledger, the $50,000 LT Brenda 8034, and granddam of LT Brenda 2184! LT Brenda 3357 is also the dam of the EPD giant LT Inception 7456 Pld ET who was the third high-selling bull during the 2018 LT Bull Sale at $36,000 for two-thirds interest.

Your next donor option is LT Madalynn 6108 Pld, better known as the dam of the $105,000 high-selling bull from the 2020 LT Bull Sale, LT Badge 9184 Pld. Badge 9184 has caught the attention of the breed for his ability to sire high performing seedstock that have impressive look. An exceptional daughter of LT Patriot, 6108 is just starting to make her mark on the breed and show her full potential. But now to the decision — a mating of the $110,000 outcross performance specialist Elder’s Houlio 4H to the exquisite LT Madalynn 6108 or the $130,000 LT Justified 1528 who was the 2nd high seller at this year’s LT Bull Sale to the proven producer LT Brenda 3357? Visit the ranch to make your selection once calves have hit the ground March 2023. Choose wisely but know either mating will yield a home run!

PRESENTED BY: Full Circle Cattle Company, Lakin, Kan. Taylor Stabel (620) 260-6815

LT Brenda 3357 PLD LT Brenda 2184 PLD DOB: 3/9/2012 | REG: F1156384 | POLLED | TATTOO: 2184 LT UNLIMITED EASE 9108LT EASY BLEND 5125 PLD LT BRENDA 1014 PLDLT BRIDGER 9191 PLD Sire Reg: M780188 M6 GRID MAKER 104 PETLT CAROL 4105 PLD LT CAROL 0271 LT SILVER YIELD 3196 PLT SILVER DISTANCE 5342P LT MATTIE 9026 POLLEDLT BRENDA 8034 PLD Dam Reg: F1089884 LT RIO BRAVO 3181 PLT BRENDA 6120 PLD LT BRENDA’S EASE 3055PLD CE BW WW YW Milk MCE Mtnl SC TSI 7.2 -2.8 69 118 30 5.1 65 1.3 257.41 5 EPDs Right to IVF Cycle Flush Choice of ET Calves LT Brenda 2184 PLD SAT Brenda 9307 ET 6 LT Justified 1528 PLD X LT Brenda 3357 PLD ELDER’S Houlio 4H X LT Madalynn 6108 PLD 6A 6B
LT Justified 1528 PLD
ELDER’S Houlio 4H LT Madalynn 6108 PLD

WC Sweetheart 9502 P


WC Sweetheart 9502 garnered all the attention when she sold for $20,000 for 1/2 interest last fall as a bred heifer. A daughter of the $85,000 CCC WC Redemption and a LT Blue Value dam from the famous Sweetheart 7M family, 9502 has a pedigree that couldn’t read any better! With her stylish look, square hip, big middle, and sound structure she checks all the boxes for phenotype, but don’t think for a second that she doesn’t deliver a total package. EPDs on this female are astounding with 12 traits in the top 15% of the breed including top 2% for Marb and TSI, 3% for WW and YW, and top 6% for REA. Couple this amazing pedigree and EPD profile with a mating to the $245,000 SCX Jehu 233E, the outcross Canadian sire who shook the breed on both sides of the border. This pregnancy is destined for great things! Confirmed heifer calf pregnancy due 1-1-23 –Recip will be available for pickup at the Wright Sale Facility just outside Kansas City.

BY: Wright Charolais, Richmond, Mo. Chris Peuster (816) 529-2190 | Derry Wright (816) 456-3792

One of the most impressive females to ever call the pastures of Ridder Farms home, Duchess 631 is pure female power. Quickly making a name for herself as a young donor that just flat out works, her progeny continue to top the Ridder Farms online open heifer sales and the annual production sale. Duchess calves share a stylish shape and look, stout features, and big middle. Full sib matings to this pregnancy have earned their rights to the backdrop including RF Duchess 9202, an Outsider x 631 campaigned at the highest level by Lyndsey Franklin and her family last year as a senior yearling and most recently RF Cinderella 1021, a 2022 Junior National class winner for Carter Hoge. Pregnancy due the first of May.

Heifer Pregnancy

RF Ms Duchess 631
SCX Jehu 233E
ROCKETFUEL 7109WC CCC SWEETHEART 1140 P BALDRIDGE SWEETHEART 7M CE BW WW YW Milk MCE Mtnl SC TSI 10.1 -0.6 71 128 24 9.7 59 1.3 273.87
7 EPDs RF Ms Duchess 631 DOB: 1/13/2016 | REG: F1221781 | POLLED | TATTOO: 631 SVY FREEDOM PLD 307NSCC TIME BANDIT 290W PC MS CAVALRY P310 PLDETMCF BOHANNON 305A Sire Reg: EM835382 LHD CIGAR E46SS MISS RAIN 305 PLD MS HOODOO GEORGE’S Z8009 M6 GRID MAKER 104 PETWDZ FIREMAKER 6062 P ET THOMASSWISSERSWEET1764ETRF MS DUCHESS 030 P Dam Reg: F1127240 WCR SIR DUKE 17J ET PMS COOLEY SIR DUKE 1107T7 MS COOLEY CHARLIE1107R45 CE BW WW YW Milk MCE Mtnl SC TSI -0.4 0.9 47 90 36 5.1 59 1.1 234.27 8 EPDs Heifer Pregnancy SCX Jehu 233E X WC Sweetheart 9502 P WC Sweetheart 9502 P
PRESENTED BY: Ridder Farms, Hermann, Mo. Derek Ridder (573) 680-4692
M&M Outsider 4003 PLD X RF Ms Duchess 631 OUTSIDER X DUCHESS 631




CHATEAU Ms Tank 1707-2106












YW Milk MCE Mtnl

127 31



DC/CRJ Tank E108 is one of the few bulls that have seen use coast to coast on all levels of production with such an outcross pedigree to the mainstream, all the while maintaining an excellent EPD and performance profile. But what happens when you use a bull of that caliber in an elite small herd managed for longevity, production, and doability? You get heifers like these from Chateau Cattle Company. Jim has always been a proponent of carcass and terminal merit blended with femininity and maternal prowess, and these two Tank daughters do just that. Both these brood cow prospects stem from the same Wooden Cross Cattle Company 5554 cow family that was Jim’s pick of the herd when she was just a bred heifer. Layer in your choice of Patriot or Doc Silver and you have two very similar yet individual females to choose from. Both are bred AI to LT Countdown 9712 and confirmed safe via ultrasound.

BY: Chateau Cattle Co, Maryville, Mo. | Jim Husz (660) 582-9151

LOT 9A LOT 9B LT Badge 9184 PLD X WCF Miss Fasttrack 01210 Choice of Open Yearling Hei fers
Ms Tank 1924-2102 DOB: 2/27/2021 | REG: F1316951 | POLLED | TATTOO: 2102 LT LEDGER 0332 PLT PATRIOT 4004 PLD LK MISS RIO 2119CHATEAU MS PATRIOT 1514-1924 Dam Reg: F1283969 M6 COOL REP 8108 ETCHATEAUS MS COOL REP 1514 WCCC MS IMPRESSED 5554 CE BW WW YW Milk MCE Mtnl SC TSI 7.1 0.0 67 137 29 6.9 63 0.9 281.13 Bred AI 6/6/2022 to LT Countdown 9712
2/27/2021 | REG: F1316951 | POLLED | TATTOO: 2102
ET 0035
SC TSI 12.2
10.3 64 0.7 269.56 Bred AI 5/26/2022 to LT Countdown 9712
Choice of DC/CRJ Tank E108 Bred Heifers9 NG Ms Badge 012J4 DOB: 8/23/2021 | REG: EF1325166 | POLLED | TATTOO: 012J410A NG Ms Badge 012J8 DOB: 8/29/2021 | REG: EF1325167 | POLLED | TATTOO: 012J8 LHD CHOTEAU B1669 PLT AUTHORITY 7229 PLD LT KATY 4273 PLDLT BADGE 9184 PLD Sire Reg: M927067 LT PATRIOT 4004 PLDLT MADALYNN 6108 PLD LT MADALYNN 0154 P BALDRIDGE FASTTRACK 82FWCF MR FASTTRACK 711 WCF MISS MONTANAWCF MISS FASTTRACK 012 Dam Reg: F1179975 SCHURRTOP POWER EDGEWCF MS EDGE 8111 WCF MS ACE WIND 5207 CE BW WW YW Milk MCE Mtnl SC TSI 2.6 0.4 70 128 26 4.3 61 1.6 267.79 10B EPDs LT Badge 9184 P WCF Mr Silver Gun 467 What an opportunity here! Your choice of two LT Badge 9184 daughters out of WCF Miss Fasttrack 012, better known as the dam of WCF Mr Silver Gun 467. Silver Gun currently ranks in the top 1% of the breed for WW, YW, MTL, TSI, REA, CW and top 5% for Marb. Couple this pure performance pedigree with the style and flash of the $105,000 Badge and you have the makings of something very special. These females rank in the top 10% of the breed for performance traits and offer a unique pedigree blend to build a herd upon. Take your choice and breed them this fall to the sire of your choosing and hit the ground running. Currently these sisters are on feed intake test and will be scanned October 3, look for updated pictures and videos immediately following. PRESENTED BY: NextGen Cattle Co., Paxico, Kan. | Derek Thompson (785) 213-1753 Andrew Bird (785) 230-4802

Pick of Bred or Open Heifers

It’s been a couple of years since the Shaffer’s have sold any heifers, so this is a can’t miss opportunity to acquire genetics from some of their very best cow families. You will be sorting through the entire 2021 Spring born bred females and five outstanding January born 2022 open heifers. Study the pedigrees on these females and you’ll find that they are out of the most influential and successful cow families in the Shaffer herd. Cows such as VooDoo, prior Show Female of the Year, The Dynasty cow family that produced SHF Fire Power 0080 and SHF MS Dynasty 1411 who was the Third Overall Female at the 2016 AIJCA Jr Nationals, the Perfect Macs, and the Misty Waters family that have also raised many successful progeny. The heifers are bred AI to either a calving ease Red Angus bull or their proven calving ease Charolais bull SHF Muddy Waters and then cleaned up with the Muddy Waters bull. Nothing has been sold in these groups. They request that your pick be made by December 1, 2022.

PRESENTED BY: Shaffer Cattle Company, Carthage, Mo.

Judy Shaffer (417) 825-4067

Doug Shaffer (417) 825-4252

has 8


Choice of Open Heifers


in the

in the top




stud for

and 5%

This impressive profile mated with the proven Free Lunch dam led to this exceptional female. Lots 12B and 12C are both sired by the $100,000 female maker LT Affinity 6221 with the powerful Lot 12B, RCR Distance Affinity 1328 female tracing her lineage back to a RCR foundation pedigree. 12C, RCR Affinity’s Lunch Girl 1329, is a full sister to the fantastic bred heifer Rex sold last year through this sale to NextGen Cattle Co as well as a maternal sister to RCR New Man in Town 8213 owned by Select Sires. Check out these excellent fall born brood cow prospects closely and come ready for sale day.

11 RCR Counting ForLunch 1334 DOB: 9/15/2021 | REG: F1322044 | POLLED | TATTOO: 1334 LT COUNTDOWN 9712 PLD RCR LUNCH ONE TW 9262 Sire Reg: M928753 Dam Reg: F1285732 CE BW WW YW Milk MCE Mtnl SC TSI 13.7 -4.4 63 117 24 8.8 56 1.8 263.59 12A EPDs
Distance Affinity 1328 DOB: 9/15/2021 | REG: F1322474 | POLLED | TATTOO: 1328 LT AFFINITY 6221 PLD RCR MISS DISTANCE 4039 Sire Reg: M880381 Dam Reg: F1187813 CE BW WW YW Milk MCE Mtnl SC TSI 8.0 -1.9 53 101 27 1.8 53 0.3 248.36 12B EPDs RCR Affinity’s Lunch
1329 DOB: 9/8/2021 | REG: F1322475 | POLLED | TATTOO: 1329 LT AFFINITY 6221 PLD RCR WHATS FOR LUNCH 6145 Sire Reg: M880381 Dam Reg: F1238970 CE BW WW YW Milk MCE Mtnl SC TSI 14.5 -4.6 56 107 29 8.7 57 1.0 257.37 Ricketts Charolais Ranch has pulled right from the top of the replacement pen to offer three beautifully made brood cow prospects to us this year. The first of which 12A, RCR Counting for Lunch 1334, is sired by the young LT Countdown 9712 who was one the high selling lots
Bull Sale in 2020 and is standing
ST Genetics. He
the breed
top 4% TSI, BW,
PRESENTED BY: Ricketts Charolais Ranch, Hallsville, Mo. | Rex Ricketts (573) 808 6286 12C EPDs
12 LOT 12A LOT 12B LOT 12C

LJR Ms Just A Starting

Genetic Opportunities! The dam of these embryos, LJR Ms Just A Starting, was the 2018-19 AICA Show Female of the Year, but an even more impressive feat was when she was slapped 2018 Supreme Champion Junior Heifer right here at American Royal in Kansas City – the first time in many years a Charolais has won those honors! This truly special female has continued the tradition of her multi-banner winning dam Not Finished Yet who won both San Antonio and Houston along with countless more accolades. The offering includes two exciting matings – one to the 2021 Breeder’s Bull Classic Champion WC Premonition 1138 who commanded $47,500 for 1/2 interest at Wright’s 2022 Bull Sale and the other to the $40,000 GHC Reagan 9012 who has captured the attention of the breed with his stellar daughters. Tie into these proven champion genetics and start down your own road to the backdrop.

PRESENTED BY: Grand Hills Cattle, Fort Collins, Colo. | Lance Pfeiff (970) 215-5281

A daughter of the Greta cow family made famous by Ridder Farms, 0006 is shaping up to be the founding cornerstone of a new generation of those great females. Last year she was Charolais points leader for the Missouri Cattlemen’s and the Missouri Club Calf Associations, as well as named Fifth Overall at the MCA All Breeds Junior Show. With so many champions in her family line such as Greta 96Z and Greta 7022, it’s easy to get wrapped up in the cow power side of the equation alone, but let’s look at the sire too. This genetic opportunity brings one of the most exciting sires from the past 12 months into the equation – PCC Force of Nature 122J, who has been the talk of the breed since he made his debut in the Denver Pen Bull Show this past January. Guarantee of one pregnancy.

Three (3) Embryos LJR Ms Just A Starting 2376E ET
WC Premonition 1138 P ET PCC Force of Nature 122J ET RF Greta 0006 ET RF Greta 0006 ET DOB: 2/2/2020 | REG: EF1292629 | POLLED | TATTOO: 0006 LT SILVER DISTANCE 5342PLT LONG DISTANCE 9001 PLDLT BELLE 7026 PM&M OUTSIDER 4003 PLD Sire Reg: M846631 M&M RAPTOR 8122 PLDM&M MS CARBINE 1567 PLD MS COOLEY JPOT 1107N9 ET WCR SIR TRADITION 066M6 GRID MAKER 104 PET VCR MISS MAC IV 317CREEK CUT GRETA 576P ET Dam Reg: EF1059470 WCR SIR FA MAC 2244RLL GOIN’ PLACES 1329PET VCR MISSPERFECTION0119PD CE BW WW YW Milk MCE Mtnl SC TSI 9.8 -2.1 67 112 22 5.9 55 0.6 249.53 14 EPDs Three (3) IVF Embryos PCC Force of Nature 122J ET X RF Greta 006 ET
PRESENTED BY: Quarter Circle 7 Livestock, Boss, Mo. Heath Garrison (573) 247-7441 | Kaden Garrison (573) 247-0310



JAB Baby Wiley 641 POLLED

DOB: 8/11/2016

REG: EF1233195






Sire Reg: M846631



Dam Reg: F1024831








-0.6 55 94 20 5.5 48 0.5 231.52

These embryos will be full sibs to JAB Delilah 112 Polled F1308802. Breeze Bunker showed Delilah to the 4th Overall Bred and Owned Female at the 2022 Charolais Junior National and a class winner in the Owned Show the next day. Later this summer she bannered again as the Wisconsin State Fair Supreme Champion Bred and Owned Female and Reserve Supreme Overall Female. Not to mention the many jackpot Supreme Female titles. Look for her in the stalls in Kansas City.

The Buzz cattle are very hot and he gained even more steam siring the Grand Champion Bull at the 2022 Junior National, who is offered in this very sale! The cross with Outsider works great and with the Outsider x “Wiley” Donor of these embryos we expect big things.


Herd Sire Alert! Buzz is the kind who will appeal to both sides of the aisle on sale day and when it comes time to select sires for use. It’s rare to find a bull that is as competitive in the ring as Buzz 136. Offering the look and design that led him to the backdrop at the 2022 Charolais Junior National and the Texas State Show, he still posseses a herd bull presence. He impresses with his performance, a solid EPD profile and a pedigree that is outcross deluxe! Buzz will bring his host of top tier qualities to bear on sale day, so make sure you are on the right side of the bid when the gavel falls. Parent verified and DNA 50K. Selling 1/2 interest and full possession.

BY: J&A Charolais, Sparta, Wis. Jeff Bunker (608) 633-5334 15 EPDs F5 Buzz 136 ET PLD DOB: 10/4/2021 | REG: EM966748 | POLLED | TATTOO: 136 LT RIO BRAVO 3181 PLT RUSHMORE 8060 PLD LT BRENDA’S EASE 3055PLDJAB AROUND HERE BUZZ 657 PLD Sire Reg: M890399 TR MR FIRE WATER 5792RETJAB COTTON CANDY 001 POLLED JAB ONE HOT MAMMA 399 P JS FULL THROTTLE 1353 PLDEC DONE DEAL 5052 PLD EC MISS BEYOND 5052 P TWEC FRANKIE 888 PLD Dam Reg: F1260071 EC GAME CHANGER 5030 PLDEC GABBY 350 PLD IQCR MISSPRIMECUT3341PLD CE BW WW YW Milk MCE Mtnl SC TSI 3.7 1.0 67 110 29 5.6 63 1.1 247.24 PRESENTED BY: F Bar 5, Telephone, Texas Albert Stone, Herdsman, 903-249-1413 16 EPDs
(3) IVF
JAB Around Here Buzz 657 PLD X JAB Baby Wiley 641 POLLED JAB Delilah 112 POLLED LOT 16
JAB Around Here Buzz 657 PLD

133 ET

Brood cow prospect is written all over this young female! When it comes to power and dimension, bone and mass, she plainly excels into a league of her own.

be hard pressed however to find one that blends the performance mentioned above into a more feminine package that is already showing signs of the dominant female she will become. Offering a solid set of balanced EPDs and backed by the outcross Frankie 888 donor, F5 Ms Frankie 133, checks all the boxes. Come sale day and look hard but don’t look long, this one will be gone fast! Parent verified and DNA 50K. Seller is retaining one successful flush at seller’s expense and buyer’s convenience.

JASR She Wolf 141J PLD

In the mood to try something different?

this one is it! Out of J&S Ranch’s performance and power red herd sire Red Wolf and a white dam that goes back to terminal trait leader NWMSU Doc Silver and Fasttrack, this little lady has brood cow written all over her. Really long spined, big middled, long fronted, with a big correct foot, JASR She Wolf would work well in a purebred operation or as a clubby donor cow.

F5 Ms Frankie
PLD DOB: 10/4/2021 | REG: EF1319581 | POLLED | TATTOO: 133 LT RIO BRAVO 3181 PLT RUSHMORE 8060 PLD LT BRENDA’S EASE 3055PLDJAB AROUND HERE BUZZ 657 PLD Sire Reg: M890399 TR MR FIRE WATER 5792RETJAB COTTON CANDY 001 POLLED JAB ONE HOT MAMMA 399 P JS FULL THROTTLE 1353 PLDEC DONE DEAL 5052 PLD EC MISS BEYOND 5052 P TWEC FRANKIE 888 PLD Dam Reg: F1260071 EC GAME CHANGER 5030 PLDEC GABBY 350 PLD IQCR MISSPRIMECUT3341PLD CE BW WW YW Milk MCE Mtnl SC TSI 4.8 0.6 62 104 29 5.9 60 1.1 243.27 PRESENTED BY: F Bar 5, Telephone, Texas | Albert Stone, Herdsman (903) 249-1413 17 EPDs
DOB: 12/10/2021 | REG: QF203010 | POLLED | TATTOO: 141J HRJ WIDOW MAKER 12APRO-CHAR RED WOLF 47C PRO-CHAR PEPITONE 32XLVB RED WOLF 8027 Sire Reg: QM201589 SRK SOLID 12UKCH KISS THIS 23X HFCC MILLICENT 28L NWMSU DOC SILVER 362 PLDCOX DOC SILVER 2145 COX MISS TRACKER 1856COX MISS SILVER 2544 Dam Reg: F1208149 HCR WORLDWIDE 0135 PLDCOX MISS WORLDWIDE 2298 JCR MS TRADITION 322 P CE BW WW YW Milk MCE Mtnl SC TSI 6.7 -0.5 46 82 18 7.4 41 224.43 PRESENTED BY: Cody Jedlicka & J & S Ranch, Koshkonong, Mo. Dale Jedlicka (417) 331-5140 | Mike Jedlicka (417) 331-5139 18 EPDs LOT 17 LOT 18

If you were looking for one that you can take home, show, and then sit back and watch them make money, then this is the female for you! Long spined with a soft middle, stout hipped and boned, PF Ms Layla 1203 has all the femininity you could ask for and power to spare. The 5461 donor has proven herself time and time again as she continues to impress with the caliber of calves she produces. This mating to the sire of champion, M&M Outsider, has been especially profound with many of Pfeifer Farms most successful show heifers being of the same mating. Taking a look at the who’s who of pedigree greats including Outsider, Fire Power, and 0641 Clone, it’s no doubt this future donor to be will have plenty of friends on sale day.

PF Ms Layla 1203



Sire Reg: M846631




Dam Reg: EF1204878










7.1 -1.7 55 95 22 4.5 49 0.3 234.25

PRESENTED BY: Pfeifer Farms, Russell, Iowa

Justin Pfeifer (641) 203-3362 | Dan Pfeifer (641) 203-0860


CARRS Ms Sweetheart 205 P

DOB: 2/20/2022 | REG: F1324762 | POLLED | TATTOO: 205



Sire Reg: EM910150




Dam Reg: F1255717


LOT 20

The Carrs always bring us a good one and this female is no exception! If you are looking for that female that is big bellied and soft made but is stout boned yet feminine featured, look no further. Sweetheart 205, sired by the many-time champion BRCHE White Bear, is a true show heifer prospect that has stood out from the start and kept going all the way to the replacement pen and now the show barn. But I dare say her story won’t stop there! Her royal pedigree will write the story of her future as a front pasture cow… Carbine, Berkly, Montella, Brenda, and Sweetheart 7M. Consistency is a must and you can see with her maternal sib, CARRS

Mr Cash ‘Em In 024 P, the 2022 FWSSR Grand Champion Bull and #3 Show Bull of the Year, that this cow family never misses. Seller is retaining one successful flush at seller’s expense and buyer’s convenience.










8.5 -2.0 54 99 25 5.0 52 0.9 240.88

PRESENTED BY: Carr Cattle Company, Webb City, Mo. Ryan & Ashley Carr (417) 388-0562

LOT 19

BIG CREEK Carly 204 P


Here’s a full sister to Big Creek Outsource 102 Pld, who was Reserve Champion Bull right here last fall at the 2021 American Royal ROE Show, Reserve Champion Bull in the Royal Breeders Classic, Reserve Champion Bull at the Fort Worth Stock Show, and #4 Show Bull of the Year…and what a beauty she is!

If the saying “Make your cows into show heifers” gets your attention, pay attention here! So feminine and attractive in her makeup, she combines the style and balance of a highly competitive show heifer, but also has all the maternal pieces needed to take your program to the next level when she hits production. Stemming from a cow family with generations of longevity, picture-perfect udders, great feet and legs, and tremendous volume and capacity, don’t let this sale feature slip by! She is an absolute sweetheart and will have a lot of fans on sale day. Seller is retaining one successful flush at seller’s expense and buyer’s convenience.

SC GHC Ms Randi 2005 PLD ET


TATTOO: 2005


This one is pure show heifer! An Outsider out of the famous $100,000 TR Ms Randi 0633X. She has all the parts in all the right places. Square hipped, big boned, deep sided, with a big soft middle, and elegant front. With siblings that have sold for $40,000, $25,000, $25,000, $20,000, $17,000, $16,000, and 15,000 and with one bannering as the 2019 AIJCA Junior National Heifer Show Grand Champion Bred & Owned Heifer. With looks and lineage like this, you can expect big things from this female’s future.

3/5/2022 | REG: F1324687 | POLLED | TATTOO: 204 LT LONG DISTANCE 9001 PLDM&M OUTSIDER 4003 PLD M&M MS CARBINE 1567 PLDBOY OUTLIER 812 ET PLD Sire Reg: EM908904 TR PZC MR TURTON 0794 ETTR MS BERKLY 4711B ET TR MS MONTELLA 1572Y LT RUSHMORE 8060 PLDCCC WC RESOURCE 417 P WC CCC BLUE GIRL 1528 PBIG CREEK CARLY 814 P Dam Reg: F1288898 BIG CREEK GAME CHANGER 192 PETBIG CREEK STELLA 522 P WCR MS TRADITION 8361 P CE BW WW YW Milk MCE Mtnl SC TSI 1.2 0.9 66 112 24 1.9 57 0.5 249.53 PRESENTED BY: Big Creek Charolais, Harrisonville, Mo. Jeannine Doughty (816) 616-8838 21 EPDs
4/20/2022 | REG: EF1325323 | POLLED |
5342PLT LONG DISTANCE 9001 PLD LT BELLE 7026 PM&M OUTSIDER 4003 PLD Sire Reg: M846631 M&M RAPTOR 8122 PLDM&M MS CARBINE 1567 PLD MS COOLEY JPOT 1107N9 ET SCC C055 145R PLDSCC 145R 93U PLD SCC MISS FAB 91L PLDTR MS RANDI 0633X Dam Reg: F1122939 LT WYOMING WIND 4020 PLDTHOMAS MS WY WIND 3638N ALC MS DUKE Y12J CE BW WW YW Milk MCE Mtnl SC TSI 8.0 -1.0 61 100 18 4.9 49 0.7 236.01 PRESENTED BY: Stone Charolais, Clinton, Mo. | Jeff Stone (660) 351-4502 & Grand Hills Cattle, Fort Collins, Colo. | Lance Pfeiff (970) 215-5281 22 EPDs LOT 21 LOT 22
NOVEMBER 5, 2022 HENRY CATTLE COMPANY BRADFORD AGRICULTURE Mitch & Cindy Henry PRAIRIE OAK FARM Charolais, Angus & Semi Angus Bulls The Fall Sale He Sells! Herd #2101 He Sells! Herd #303 He Sells! Herd #05 O C T O B E R 2 0 2 2  45
CR MILESTONE 7220F11 ET EM918316 DOB: 2/7/2018 Polled Sire: WC Milestone 5223 P Dam: LT Loann 7220 PLD EPDs: 0.3 2.0 66 122 22 6.2 55 1.1 F918316 3/5/2021 Polled Sire: WC Milestone 7220F11 ET Dam: RCR MS KOJO C222 EPDs: 0.1 1.7 67 113 22 3.0 55 0.8 Carcass: 25 0.76 0.003 0.05 249.53 F1323945 2/2/2021 Polled Sire: DC/BHD King F2503 P Dam: GC Miss Cool Paula 652 P EPDs: 2.2 1.7 65 115 27 1.8 60 1.0 RCR MS GRID SQUAW J800 F1323943 2/2/2021 Polled Sire: M6 Grid Maker 104 PET P Dam: LCC TX White Squaw EPDs: 9.2 -0.4 47 93 24 7.8 47 0.9 Carcass 12 0.65 -0.012 0.24 243.45 RCR MS FARGO J816 F1323956 2/18/2021 Polled Sire: RBM Fargo Y111 Dam: RCR Ms Maxi Gain F515 EPDs: 1.7 1.1 73 136 28 2.0 65 1.3 Carcass: 40 0.91 0.031 -0.02 270.87 MYRON RUNFT CHAROLAIS Complete Dispersal Sale We’ve reached an era in our life when it’s time to slowup and enjoy and celebrate the great memories and success our Charolais cattle have had for us and our customers for the last 66 years! A complete dispersal of all our cattle insures everyone can evaluate our lifetime of breeding quality performance cattle and obtain their choices of our endeavors! We’re offering a complete working set of cattle that will perform each year with profitable and functional Charolais! (note 2 of the heifers below have their dams shown on next page) Breeding Performance Charolais Cattle since 1956 http://www.LiveAuctions.tv CALL 682-816-4900 FOR DETAILS 46  O C T O B E R 2 0 2 2
GC MISS COOL PAULA 652 P F1237444 Born: 11/4/16 Polled Sire: M6 Cool Rep 8108 ET Dam: GC Miss Paula 707 P Produced our high selling bull in 2020 at $9250 by King LCC TEXAS WHITE SQUAW 2748 EF1253041 Born: 3/2/18 Polled Sire: RBM Rhinestone Z38 Dam: RE Ms Duke 745 ET Daughter sells as J800 by M6 Grid Maker 104 RCR MS CHROME JOHNNY D340 F1238103 Born: 2/6/16 Polled Sire: RCR Chrome Illusion Dam: RCR Ms Johnny B121 Pedigree includes Raile 2250 T077 & Eatons Chrome RCR MS SMOKE N FIRE F556 F1292785 Born: 7/29/18 Polled Sire: RCR Kojo Fire C233 Dam: RCR Ms Dillion Duke Pedigree includes Smokester & Fire Water 5792RET RCR MS HENRY MAC D356 F1238109 Born: 4/29/16 Polled Sire: RCR Uno Mac Y849 Dam: RCR Ms Henry Bea Y791 Pedigree includes Key’s Henry & WCR Sir Mac 809 F1266193 Born: 2/24/18 Polled Sire: WC Capital Gain 5205 P Dam: RCR Ms Maxi Std D304 Daughter sells as J816 by RBM Fargo Y111 1460 Penn Road Belleville, KS 66935 (C) 785-527-1269 (C) 785-527-1045 MYRON RUNFT CHAROLAIS Complete Dispersal Sale Thursday, November 17, 2022 // 1:00 PM // Mankato Livestock Auction, Mankato, KS MYRON RUNFT Dennis Adams PO Box 10590 College Station, TX 77842 (979) 693-1301 Cell: (979) 229-4472 email: outfrontcattle@gmail.com www.outfrontcattle.com Brett Sayre (573) 881-1876 O C T O B E R 2 0 2 2  47


When the trailer door opened in June and three white heifers slowly stepped off into a field at their new home at the University of Maryland’s Central Maryland Research and Education Center, they brought a new hands-on course for students one step closer to reality.

The Charolais heifers joined three Wye Angus-Holstein cross-bred heifers that came from an earlier research project to make up the start of a new Beef Management/ Calf Watch class in the university’s Department of Animal and Avian Sciences, set to debut for the Fall 2023 semester.

The herd will also be used for hands-on Extension workshops and training for beef producers, according to Racheal Slattery, the department’s beef and dairy coordinator, who is leading the project. An open house for the newly-established herd was held on July 28 at the research farm.

The new course will give students hands-on experience with cattle and train them to help producers, particularly with spring calving, Slattery said.

The class is modeled after another class in the department, Sheep Management/Lamb Watch, which has become very popular with students.

Starting a herd with hands-on capabilities for students and producers has been a goal of Slattery’s since coming to the university six years ago.

“I’ve been wanting to develop this course for quite a long time because it’s been missing in the Animal Science department,” Slattery said.

But before the cows could arrive, Slattery and staff at the research farm worked since the beginning of the year to tear out old horse wire fencing, clear brush and debris and install new fencing for a rotational grazing system.

The herd occupies land at the farm that has too much slope to safely raise field crops.

The center is also working with USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service technicians to revive a gravity-fed watering station for the animals in a remote part of the pasture.

The Charolais heifers were born in October of 2021, and are a gift to the Department of Animal and Avian Sciences from Robert and Judy Tibbs of Shadow Springs Farm in Harford County, Md.

The Tibbses are well-known for breeding quality animals with good temperament a hallmark of their herd and have a long history of helping youth learn through animal projects.

“I am very thankful to Shadow Springs Farm for their very generous gift,” Slattery said. “I absolutely cannot wait for class to start. I know the students are going to really enjoy working with them.”

In 2023, the heifers will be brought to the campus farm

at end of their pregnancies, and through the month of October, students will keep a round-the-clock watch to ensure healthy births.

Slattery said on-campus lessons will focus on obstetrics, facility design for calving and developing feed rations for the mothers and calves.

The class will also work with the herd at the Clarksville site with lessons focusing on facility design for rotational grazing, animal care and safe handling practices.”

Racheal Slattery, beef and dairy coordinator in the university’s Department of Animal and Avian Sciences and Bob Tibbs
48  O C T O B E R 2 0 2 2
More Look. More Power. He Adds More! CR/NC UNO MAS 3560 E10 P ET Sire: Milestone Dam: New Standard x Clarice J139 Avg. Progeny Performance BW WW REA %IMF 51 Bulls 79.8 709 14.3 3.18 38 Heifers 75.6 698 CE BW WW YW MILK MCE TM CW REA MB TSI EPD 7.5 -0.1 76 130 32 8.2 70 33 0.87 0.18 269.59 % RANK 40 50 5 9 8 25 2 6 15 25 10 SEMEN AVAILABLE Thanks to MW Farms, Bell Buckle, TN, for your recent purchase of 25 Nipp Charolais Females and an outstanding UNO MAS son! nippcharolais@yahoo.com nippcharolais.com EM919966 O C T O B E R 2 0 2 2  49


Breath taking scenery, centuries of history, powerful Charolais Cattle encompassing twelve days of travel across the United Kingdom, July 6 – 18.

Delegations representing twelve countries participated in activities including herd tours, shows, education and visits to historical sites.

e World Congress concluded with a GALA Dinner aboard e Titanic Exhibition. Watch for details for the 2023 World Technical Charolais Conference in the Czech Republic and the 2024 World Charolais Congress in Canada.

e United States delegation representing 7 states Cow-Calf Pairs, Caylers Charolais John Dellinger, Dotty Macy at Caylers Charolais Lee Eaton, snack time at Oakchurch Farm Teme Charolais cowherd on the Welsh/England border Historic York Lori & Eddy Loggains, Donnie Leddy at Oakchurch Farm
e Eaton Crew C H A R O L A I S J O U R N A L50  O C T O B E R 2 0 2 2

Charolais Charbray International AGM Delegates

(front l-r)

Cecile Laine, France, Treasurer: Helge By, Canada, 1st Vice-President; Kamil Malat, Czech Republic, President; Dominique Lolergue, France, 2nd Vice-President; Candace By, Canada, Secretary

(back l-r)

Marton Bujdoso, Hungary; Ben Harman, United Kingdom; Clint Rusk, United States; Chris Curry, United Kingdom; Reynaldo Farias, Mexico; Anna Ingvar-Nilsson, Sweden; Rolf Svensson, Sweden; Maria Lissa Lour, Estonia; Colin Rex, Australia; Reet Pikkmets. Estonia; Craig Scott, Canada; David Erskine, Ireland; David Hobbs, United States; Aiden Mac Hale, Ireland

Welcome Reception – Eddy Loggains, Craig Scott, Canada; Clint Rusk, Colin Rex, Australia e Great Yorkshire Show presentation by Clint Rusk Kersknowe Charolais cowherd British National Show Champions
C H A R O L A I S J O U R N A L O C T O B E R 2 0 2 2  51
Delegates from 12 Countries
Carolyn and John Gibson at Brigadoon Charolais Molly Eaton “joined the band” at the Final GALA Dinner Goldie’s Solway rth Charolais Commercial Cowherd Brigadoon walking herd tour Eddy Loggains visits with Reynaldo Farias, Mexico
C H A R O L A I S J O U R N A L52  O C T O B E R 2 0 2 2
STAY CONNECTED WITH AICA THROUGH FACEBOOK American-International Charolais Association Get the most up-to-date information from the AICA including deadline reminders, event recaps, sale and show day results and Charolais Journal highlights! https://www.facebook.com/CharolaisUSA/ O C T O B E R 2 0 2 2  53
NEW ONLINE LIVESTOCK AUCTION SERVICE BUYER FRIENDLY, SELLER EFFICIENT VISIT US AT AGSALEDAY.COM A new and innovative platform that is buyer-friendly, as well as seller-efficient, designed to help you buy and sell livestock and other items. Targeted Auction Notifications Only Powerful Search Filters Easy To Use App Download the app by searching “Sale Day” in the App Store 54  O C T O B E R 2 0 2 2

Miss Charolais USA 2023 Contest

Baylee Butler Miss Charolais USA 2022 is the 17 year-old daughterof Chris and the late Tim Butler of State Center, Iowa.Baylee was sponsored by Iowa Charolais Breeders Association.As crowned Miss Charolais USA, Baylee received a $1,000 scholarship sponsored by AICA, a $2,000travel fund co-sponsored by AICA and Missouri Charolais Breeders Association, official crown,wardrobe boots, and royalty pin sponsored by Miss Charolais USA program donors, use of the officialtraveling leather sash sponsored by the Charolais Dees, personal sash sponsored by Sparks CharolaisFarm, Montana Silver hat crown, bracelet and buckle sponsored by Windy Hill Charolais Farms, andthe official blazer sponsored by Connell-Henley Farms.

Meet our 2023 Miss Charolais USA Contestant:

Emma Hankins is the 17 year-old daughter of Jason and Pam Hankins of Springfield, MO. Emma has been showing cattle since she could walk. Her first Charolais Junior National was in Kansas City, Missouri and she was only six! Emma competed in a variety of contests her first few years until she was eight and showed for the first time in Texarkana, Texas. She has been to every Junior National since then and loved ever second of it. Emma is the president of the Missouri Junior Charolais Association as well as a past regional vice-president of the Missouri Junior Cattleman’s Association. She is a member of Greene County Cattleman’s, Republic FFA, and the American International Junior Charolais Association. During her years of high school, Emma has been a part of the Republic Ambassador program, the Agriculture program, Advisory Council, and Honors program. Emma was a lead ambassador, Area 12 FFA Vice-President, Junior Advisory member, and high ranking in the National Honor Society. She plans to graduate high school in December of 2022 and begin attending Ozark Technical College in January 2023. Emma is pursing a Business and Finance degree, with hopes to get her appraisals license after graduation. She loves working with the younger generation of Charolais breeders and hopes to be the mentor that she looked up to as a kid. Emma is co-sponsored by Bradley Cattle Company and Missouri Charolais Association.

Gold Sponsors Annual Sponsors of $250+

American-International Charolais Association Missouri Charolais Breeders Association Connell-Henley Farms, Eugene, Mo. Sparks Charolais Farm, LaMonte, Mo. Windy Hill Charolais Farm, Cedar Hill, Mo.

Silver Sponsors Annual Sponsors

Charolais Dees

Shadow Springs Farm, Havre de Grace, Md.

Bronze Sponsors 2023 Contestant Sponsors

Bradley Cattle Company, Springfield, Missouri

Thank You 2022 Miss Charolais USA Program Sponsors: Miss Charolais USA 2023 will be awarded a $1,000 scholarship and up to $2,000 in travel funds! October 20-21, 2022 • American Royal • Kansas City, Mo Learn more about the Miss Charolais USA Program at www.miss-charolais-usa.jimdosite.com. Contact Program Director: Jamie Dehan, (913) 544-6128 or miss_charolais_usa@yahoo.com. Miss Charolais USA Queen C H A R O L A I S J O U R N A L O C T O B E R 2 0 2 2  55



29th Annual Autumn In The Ozarks

September 5, 2022

Strafford, Mo.

Auctioneer: Ronn Cunningham, Rose, Okla.; Sale Manager: Mitchell Management, Guthrie, Okla.


Cow-Calf Splits

Spring Cow-Calf Pairs

Fall Cow-Calf Pairs

Bred Heifers

Open Heifers $1,312

Bred Cows $2,500


included in above averages:

Embryos $179

Units of Semen

semen Tank/Semen $1,000



High-selling lots: $5,600 – Cow-Calf Pair. TCCS Saint Lydia, 6-5-18, by TCCS Saint Christopher. Bull Calf, 5-9-22, by TCCS Resourceful Marbler. From TC Cattle Services, Ramsey, Ill. To Sheldon Laib Mercer, N.D.

$4,600 – Bull. LCC Germaine’s Genesis 3511, 1-11-21, by PVF Ridge 7142. From Lehmann Cattle Company, Lathrop, Mo. To Joe Smith, Taneyville, Mo.

$4,600 – Cow-Calf Split. LCC Marion’s Diva 1310, 2-28-20, by WR Foreman D602. Rebred to KC Jack 0891 P. Bull calf, 1-22-22, by Mead LCC Bulls Eye T484. From Lehmann Cattle Company. Cow to Wild Indian Acres, DeSoto, Mo., for $2,500. Calf to Marty Kampe, Calhoun, Mo., for $2,100.

$4,000 – Bred Cow. RCR Cassie 9261, 10-15-19, by FTJ Cascade 1508. Bred to LT Countdown 9712 Pld. From Ricketts Charolais Ranch, Hallsville, Mo. To New Life Charolais, New Bloomfield, Mo.


Garrett Charolais

Performance • Pedigree • Polled WELCOME GROVE CHAROLAIS Silas Maxwell 1120 Welcome Grove Rd. Mosheim, TN 37818 (423) 552-4072 A Quality Program Reaves C h arolaisKyle Reaves 5840 West Allens Bridge Greenville, TN 37743 (423) 723-9245 Kyle.reaves63@aol.com M6 Law & Order 577 P (M875914) M6 Cool Rep 8108 x New Standard x Nancy 6100 CE BW WW YW M TM 8.6 1.3 69 123 38 73 High-selling Bull at 2016 Fall M6 Sale! M6 Cool Germaine 1145 P ET (EF1149859) M6 Cool Rep 8108 x 0383 x 914 cow The Result of a brother/sister mating and Pick of the Flush. Our Choice to head up our ET Program. Genetics Include: Rio Bravo; New Standard; Gain & Grade; Fire Water; 0383, Nancy 6100. Welcome Grove choice from M6 Dispersal - Donor Female CE BW WW YW M TM REA Marb 7.3 0.5 64 120 29 61 0.85 0.13 MCF Lady GI Duke 5003 PET (F1022001) VCR 914 x HBR Lady GI 207 P ET CE BW WW YW M TM 1.9 1.4 57 105 37 65 Donor Cow at Reaves Charolais M6 Ms New Fire 3105 P M6 New Phelps 1104 P x M6 Nancy Water 1168 Welcome Grove Impressive (1321) BHD Reality T3136 P x MR Ms Impressive 405 Donor Female CCF/Bamboo Smokin Joe 5334 ET EM862003
W Farm BC E46 Duke B01 P ET Cigar x Duke 914 EPDs: 4.9 1.4 59 96 15 6.3 44 1.1 Mike & Connie Watkins Kellie & Scott Porter and Kristie & Jarrod Buhler Lebanon, TN 37087 (615) 444-3114 or (615) 642-0976 Come check out our bulls, females and ET Program! Bloodlines from 2244, 914, Cigar, Wyoming Wind and D040 CHAROLAIS BREEDERS www.tennesseecharolais.com
Together to breed quality Charolais GP Ms Cigar L02 ET EJ Impressive Smoke 881P Smokester daughter Cigar Daughter B&B Farms Carl J. Boynton 984 Will Blankenship Road Pikeville, TN 37367 423-290-9458
Billy Garrett 5087 HWY 70E Crossville, TN 38555 931-456-5600
5 Bulls $3,120 6
$3,392 3
$3,333 5
$2,120 19
$1,882 13
58 Lots ........................................
$48 1
R E V I E W 56  O C T O B E R 2 0 2 2




Carl Speight, 83 of Dadeville passed away on September 2, 2022 in the Dade County Nursing Home. He was born in Dadeville, MO on September 29, 1938 to Clinton and Lavonda (Hayward) Speight.

Carl was raised on the family farm and from a young age took an active role in the day to day operations. Carl graduated from Dadeville High School in 1956. He attended college in Rolla, Missouri for two years before making the decision to return to Dadeville to pursue his true passion of farming.

On March 17, 1972 Carl married Loretta Potts and together they worked to expand the farming operation. Over the years they transitioned to a purebred Charolais herd and sold breeding stock for over 35 years. Carl took great pride in the quality cattle he raised.

Carl was active in community affairs and a big supporter of the Dadeville School. He was a member of the Dadeville United Methodist Church, American International Charolais Association, the Grand Masonic Lodge, as well as Abou Ben Adhem Shriners.

Carl was preceded in death by his wife Loretta, his parents Clinton and Lavonda Speight and his sister Ella Mae Vanhooser. He is survived by his brother Dennis and wife Ann of Stafford, VA; Brother-in-law Billy Vanhooser of Dadeville; nephews and nieces, Darrel Vanhooser and wife Rene, Debbie Worthington and husband Randy, Brad Vanhooser and wife Susan, Megan Vogel and husband Scott, Paula Crouch and Kyle Speight and wife Shannon; great nephews and nieces, Josh and Corry Worthington, Darris and Marsha Vanhooser, Nicole Vanhooser, Brian and Sarah Worthington, Dalton and Sandra Vanhooser, Ben and Audra Vanhooser, Andrew and Julie Vanhooser, Peyton Crouch, Caleb Crouch and Sebastian Vogel.

2022 Livestock Marketeers Hall of Fame Induction

The Livestock Marketeers held their 57th Annual Hall of Fame banquet in Kansas City, Mo on June 14th, 2022. This year’s inductees were Henry Stockdale, Columbia, Tn (posthumous), John Meents, Jenera, Oh and Greg Hubert, Oakley, Ks. The host for this year’s event was the American Hereford Association and Certified Hereford Beef. The Livestock Marketeers is a formal group of livestock marketing professionals from across the nation whose purpose is to promote and honor those who are dedicated to the livestock marketing industry.

Henry Stockdale operated a livestock transportation business located in Columbia, Tennessee. Many of the leading purebred seedstock operations in the nation trusted Henry to relocate and care for their cattle while in transport. John Meents served as a field representative from 1978 until his retirement in 2021. He served as a road agent for organizations such as: The American Yorkshire Club & Yorkshire Journal, The Drovers Journal, The American Polled Hereford Association & Polled Hereford World and The American Hereford Association and Hereford World. Greg Hubert and his wife Brenda own and operate Hubert Cattle Sales, a Charolais sale management firm based in their hometown of Oakley, Kansas. Greg began his career in sale management in 1986. To date he has managed 817 auctions and marketed 56,379 head of registered cattle.

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Now and then someone comes along with ideas or observations that change the way people do things, and sometimes even change the face of an industry. Bud Williams was one of those people, and his unique methods of handling cattle are now being adopted by many folks in the cattle industry. These methods are not only easier on the animals and people handling them, but also saves/makes money for the producer because reducing stress on cattle helps decrease illness and shrink and increases performance.

Bud died in 2012, but his family and students continue to put on schools and clinics. Whit Hibbard—a 4th generation cattle and sheep rancher whose family owns Sieben Cattle in north central Montana near Cascade— now travels the world putting on cattle handling clinics to teach the basics of stockmanship. He uses Power Points with many short videos, focused on the fundamentals of low-stress livestock handling.

“I make it very clear that this term is synonymous with Bud Williams. Bud developed the methods, and Allan Nation (who edited and published The Stockman Grass Farmer until his death a few years ago) coined the term,” says Hibbard.

Bud never liked that term, however. Most people don’t fully understand what low stress should be, and their perception is usually wrong. “Many folks immediately jump to the conclusion that it means not putting any pressure on cattle. They equate low stress with no stress, but that doesn’t work. Bud astounded a lot of people by how much pressure he put on animals, if the situation called for it. He put on whatever pressure was necessary, and it might be a lot, but it was proper pressure. It was at the right angle, the right amount, the right timing, the right release. He clearly conveyed to the animals what he wanted, and then it was over—and that’s what made it low stress,” Hibbard said.

Cattle react to human actions. Every time we handle cattle we are positively or negatively setting the stage for how they’ll react to handling in the future. They have excellent memories; a negative experience can have lasting repercussions. Low-stress handling strategy has ramifications far beyond understanding the philosophy involved. Calm, relaxed cattle are more productive. Stressed cattle are less productive and can also be a

danger to themselves and their handlers. Improper handling also opens the door to adverse public opinion regarding food animal production, and plays into the hands of special interests such as animal rights groups. Adopting low-stress handling techniques is a win-win for the cattle, the handlers, and the beef industry in general.

To understand how these methods work, it helps if a person can see someone doing it correctly. One misconception people have about low-stress handling is that they think it takes too much time, but the opposite is true if done properly. It saves a lot of time and is better for the animals and the people.

The whole purpose is efficiency and getting the job done as quickly as possible without stress on the animals. “If you do it properly you are not making all the mistakes conventional handlers do; they get the cattle upset, uncooperative and resistant, wanting to go back, losing their trust. Then a person has to try to fix those mistakes, which takes more time,” Hibbard said.

“Our clinic focuses on what I call the fundamentals and on proper mindset and attitude, and the importance of working with our animals and preparing them for future production events,” Hibbard explains.

Most people would never try to take an untrained horse out to work cattle, or a young, inexperienced stock dog. They give those animals some training first before they have to do the job. It should be the same principle with cattle.

“There are 12 basic principles that are inherent in Bud’s methods, and 10 techniques, so at the clinic we go over those, with a lot of supportive videos. These are very short, averaging about 15 seconds in length. During the course of a clinic, people see at least 100 videos, so they can see what we are talking about. We illustrate all of it. For a one-day clinic, this takes all morning,” he says.

“In the afternoon we focus on practical applications-typical production events--such as how to properly drive cattle in general, and how to drive cows and calves. We spend a lot of time talking about corral work and everything involved—such as emptying pens, alleyways, and sorting—how to use whatever crowd pen you have, whether it’s a wedge, tub, or Bud Box. We talk about how to work a lead-up, how to work a squeeze chute, properly, scale loading, and loading a trailer or semi. We address

Adopting low-stress handling techniques is a win-win for the cattle, the handlers, and the beef industry in general.
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specialty topics if there is time—which usually only happens in a two-day clinic,” Hibbard explains.

These topics include fence-line weaning, riding for health, range management, and sometimes other special topics, depending on the people attending. These topics might include pasture doctoring, low-stress bison handling, predation mitigation, feedlot animal health, receiving and destressing cattle, working with wild and feral animals.

These techniques are safer for the animals and the people handling them and also saves/makes money for the rancher. “For instance, it just blows people’s minds on the amount of shrink that we cause when we handle our animals improperly. For example, at our stocker operation in Montana, we now save about $38,000 in shrink every time we load out 500 yearlings.”


The Bud Box is named after Bud Williams who for many years promoted the concept of using a box-shaped set of gates when loading cattle onto trucks or into a processing chute. This simple design allows a stockperson to take advantage of many of the natural behavioral tendencies of cattle. The Bud Box is typically about 14 feet wide, and 20 to 30 feet long. Cattle enter the box and a gate is closed when they are all inside it. The gate should latch near the exit lane. The exit lane is one animal wide.

The Bud Box facilitates low-stress handling because we can take advantage of some natural tendencies. Cattle tend to follow other cattle, and also tend to exit a pen at the same point they entered. They always want to turn around to go out the way they came. If you keep pushing cattle straight ahead and try to work then through gates or openings ahead of them, they balk or want to turn around. You can’t push cattle to sort them. It has to be their idea, and a good facility takes advantage of the natural inclination of cattle to turn around and exit the corral the way they came from.

They also respond when they can easily see what is pressuring them. When a cow is brought into the Bud Box, she must stop when she reaches the end of the box. As she is reaching the end of it, you have entered the Bud Box and closed the gate. At this point you are standing in front of the exit lane. When the cow reaches the end of the box, her tendency will be to turn back and leave the box at the same point she entered. When the cow has turned, she will be facing you. When you are positioned properly in front of the exit, the cow will easily see the exit.

You then apply pressure to a cow by position and by your timing, angle, and speed of encroachment toward the cow. You can increase pressure by taking some steps toward the cow. As pressure on the cow increases due to your approach, she will have a strong tendency to release this pressure by moving past you and into the exit from the box. When she moves toward the exit, you continue to walk past the cow. From this position she can easily keep an eye on you as she feels your pressure, and also see the opening which allows for release of that pressure. The cow is moving in an arc around you and you are working inside a circle relative to the cow. Working inside the circle is a good stockmanship technique because it allows the cow to always see your position and watch your movements. The design of the Bud Box assists in putting the cow and the person in correct position relative to each other and to the exit from the pen.

When more than one cow is brought into a Bud Box the movement and position of the person is the same. With multiple cattle, you have the additional benefit that cows tend to follow other cows. The key when working with multiple cows in a Bud Box is to pressure properly to get the first cow moving toward the exit. When she starts to move toward the exit, do not make any movements that stop her from moving forward. If you walk parallel with a cow you tend to slow her down, so do not walk with the cow. Stay inside the curve created by the cows’ movement toward the exit.

Patience is required to work with cattle. You must allow a little time for them to understand the process. It is counterproductive to force cows out of a Bud Box, but safe and efficient to allow them to initiate their movement out of the box.

Two things prompt cows to move into and out of a Bud Box: technique and stimulus. Proper technique involves your position in the Bud Box and the stimulus is the timing, angle, and speed of your movement within the box. The box design helps guide your position, and allows you to precisely control the level of stimulus for movement. Each time cattle are worked properly, they learn what to do and become calmer, and easier to work the next time. They learn calm handling if handled calmly.

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July 2 -7, 2023 Angela Bunker Planning Committee Co-Chairman Wisconsin Representative 608-633-7357 jacharolais@gmail.com Sydney Zehnder Planning Committee Co-Chairman Minnesota Representative 320-216-5307 sydneyzehnder@gmail.com Kaitlyn Chism AICA Director of Youth Activities 816-464-2474 ext 201 515-205-9704 kchism@charolaisusa.com Monday, november 7, 2022 embryos | Flushes | semen | ag products | services Fall Fundraiser Contact us to Donate! 60  O C T O B E R 2 0 2 2

Winter Charolais

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AICA Roll of Excellence Show Results

Minnesota State Fair –Class B ROE

St. Paul, Minn.  September 3, 2022

Judge: Lynn Ewald, Waldorf, Minn. Total Shown – 49: 37 Females; Bulls – 12


Senior and Grand Champion: CCC Ms Sweetheart 1030 P, 1-3-21, by LT Blue Value 7903 ET. Makayla Houck, Prescott, Iowa.

Junior Calf and Reserve Grand Champion: WDZ Heidi 2085 Pld, 2-9-22, by BOY Outlier 812 ET Pld. Natalia Zehnder, Stanchfield, Minn.

Reserve Junior Calf Champion: Sally 2003K ET, 1-28-22, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Lee Bjorklund, Henning, Minn.

Senior Calf Champion: SFK Mile 186, 11-12-21, by CCC Jingle N Go 9055 P. Makayla Houck.

Reserve Senior Calf Champion: BC/ HF Miss Ellen 162, 10-14-21, by CAG TR Franchise 8606F ET. Ashley Betker, Royalton, Minn.

Intermediate Champion: SFC Phoebe 169, 7-4-21, by WC Bluegrass 2196 P ET. Makayla Houck.

Reserve Intermediate Champion: TR Ms Outsider 1943J ET, 5-8-21, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Abigail Nelson, Rice, Minn.

Junior Champion: HEX Miss Onfire 1301 ET, 4-10-21, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. Payton Foster, Rose Creek, Minn.

Reserve Junior Champion: White Rose Mustang Sally 117J, 3-9-21, by TR Mr Diablo 2584Z. Mick Lindstrom, Centerville, S.D.

Reserve Senior Champion: WDZ Ms Phenom 1010, 1-27-21, WDZ Phenom 839. Natalia Zehnder.

Cow-Calf Champion: WDZ Ms Business Lady 0188, 3-14-20, by JRL No Holdn Back 1621 P. Bull Calf: KNS Mr Bronson 2201, 5-2-22, by LT Affinity 6221 Pld. Abigail Nelson.

Reserve Cow Calf Champion: 2H LM Ms Lady Bee 2004 Pld, 3-23-20, by LT Affinity 6221 Pld. Heifer Calf: LM Lady B Insider Edition 205K, 4-13-22, by WIA-Conley Insider D9. Daniel Ozburn, Mayer, Minn.


Senior and Grand Champion: WDZ Bennington 0151, 3-5-20, by JLS WDZ Ledger 845 Pld. Katie Nelson, Rice, Minn., and Sydney Zehnder, Stanchfield, Minn.

Junior Calf and Reserve Grand Champion: White Rose – BE Polar Cub 202K, 1-7-22, by ONL AWR Cool Cub 7C.

Reserve Junior Calf Champion: ASS Fargo 229, 2-18-22, by RBM Fargo Y111. Anderson Show Stock, Stewartville, Minn.

Senior Calf Champion: PPP Kingsman 99 219, 10-12-21, by WDZ Kingsman 737 P. Payton Foster.

Reserve Senior Calf Champion: White Rose Cabana Boy 137J, 9-27-21, by GHC Reagan 9012. White Rose Charolais.

Junior Champion: EFCC Mr Fire Proof J4171, 4-28-21, by TR DSUL 100 Proof B24 ET. James Volz, Elmore, Minn.

Reserve Junior Champion: AJE Merlyn 56, 4-30-21, WC Milestone 5223 P. Ashley Eisenbraun, Paynesville, Minn.


Produce of Dam: White Rose Charolais on HF Mustang Sally 904 Pld.

Junior Get-Of-Sire: Katie Nelson on WDZ Bennington 0151.

Breeders Herd: White Rose Charolais.

Group of Five Head: White Rose Charolais

62  O C T O B E R 2 0 2 2
Minnesota State Fair – Class B ROE C H A R O L A I S J O U R N A L M o r e o n t h e W e b : AICA Roll of Excellence show results are available on the AICA website at www.charolaisusa.com
Grand Champion Female Grand Champion Bull Reserve Grand Champion Bull Minnesota State Fair Reserve Grand Champion Female Photos courtesy of Pearl’s Pics




Appalachian Fair

Gray, Tenn.  August 23, 2022

Judge: Garrett Knebel, Bozeman, Mont.

Junior and Grand Champion Female: PVC Natalie 2105, 3-2-21, by TR Mr Outkast 6605D. Michael Ridley, Chatsworth, Ga.

Junior Calf and Reserve Grand Champion Female: OHF Lady A302 ET, 9-1-21, by WC Milestone 5223 P. Rieley Peacock, Fall Branch, Tenn.

Kentucky State Fair

Louisville, Ky.  August 27, 2022

Judge: Kaden Malm, LaGrange, Ky.

Junior and Grand Champion Female: DUX Jacquelyn, 4-12-21, by LT Authority 7229 Pld. Grant Taylor, Winchester, Ky.

Reserve Junior and Reserve Grand Champion Female: BOY Carbine 168J, 4-17-21, by WR Wranger W601. Jaecee Jo Schrader, Continental, Ohio.

Senior and Grand Champion Bull: Barrons Little Dunk, 11-3-20, by M6 Slam Dunk 3115 P ET. Michaela Barron, Brodhead, Ky.

Reserve Senior and Reserve Grand Champion Bull: LHC Cubby 0035 Pld, 10-4-20, by ONL AWR Cool Cub 7C. Long Hall Cattle, Hillsboro, Ohio.

Tennessee State Fair

Lebanon, Tenn.  August 27, 2022

Judge: Hugh Mooney, Elk Grove, Calif.

Grand Champion Female: GC Ms Madonna 114 PET, 10-10-21, by CCC WC Redemption 7143 Pld ET. Walynn Maupin, Newbern, Tenn.

Reserve Grand Champion Female: RW CC Jersey Girl 1207 ET Pld, 5-4-21, by RBM TR Rhinestone Z38. William Maupin, Newbern, Tenn.

Maryland State Fair

Timonium, Md.  August 28, 2022

Judge: Adam Hayes, Kingwood, W. Va.

Junior and Grand Champion Female: W2 Starstruck 13J, 2-1-21, by D R Revelation 467. Abigail Peck, Monroeville, N.J.

Junior Calf and Reserve Grand Champion Female: SWF Ms Carly 2213, 3-25-22, by BOY Outlier 812 ET Pld. Slate Wind Farm, Mercersburg, W. Va.

Senior Calf and Grand Champion Bull: SAC BC Hondo 1024, 10-24-21, by TR CAG

Carbon Copy 7630E ET. Matthew Bauerlein, Hampstead, Md.

Senior and Reserve Grand Champion Bull: KNS Sancho 0715H, 5-25-20, by TR Mr Outkast 6605D. Rockin K Cattle, Lexington, Va.

South Dakota State Fair

Huron, S.D.  August 29, 2022

Judge: Brock May, Mineral Point, Wisconsin

Senior and Grand Champion Bull: DPC Copy White 087C ET, 9-22-20, by TR CAG Carbon Copy 7630E ET. Bertsche Cattle, LLC, Onida, S.D.; Diamond P Cattle, Big Cabin, Okla., and ECP Cattle, Adair, Okla.

Junior and Reserve Grand Champion Bull: TR MR Carbon Copy 1707J ET, 3-17-21, by TR CAG Carbon Copy 7630E ET. Thomas Ranch, Harrold, S.D.

Junior and Grand Champion Female: HNRX GCC Pumpkin Spice 190, 4-5-21, by CCC WC Redemption 7143 PLD ET. Bertsche Cattle, LLC.

Reserve Junior and Reserve Grand Champion Female: TR Ms Outsider 1949J ET, 4-7-21, by M&M Outsider 4003 PLD. Holt Cattle Company, Mina, S.D.

Nebraska State Fair

Grand Island, Neb.  August 31, 2022

Judge: John DeClerk, College Station, TX

Junior and Grand Champion Female: MD Miss Jenna 145 ET, 3-15-21, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Dybdal Charolais, Newcastle, Neb.

Intermediate and Reserve Grand Champion Female: Circle B Nora J068, 6-9-21, by RENN Brighton 8505. Circle B Livestock, Albion, Neb.

Junior and Grand Champion Bull: Circle B Endzone J889 ET, 3-3-21, by CAG CC Sideline 7063E ET. Circle B Livestock, Albion, NE.

Reserve Junior and Reserve Grand Champion Bull: KASH JCS Rhinestone Cowboy, 3-9-21, by RBM TR Rhinestone Z38. Kashlyn Krebs, Gordon, Neb.

Maryland State Fair

O C T O B E R 2 0 2 2  63
Champion Female Champion Bull South Dakota State Fair Champion Female Champion Bull Nebraska State Fair Champion Female Champion Bull Photos courtesy of Legacy Livestock Imaging Appalachian Fair Champion Female Tennessee State Fair Champion Female Kentucky State Fair Champion Bull Photos courtesy of Focus Marketing Group


HAYDEN FARM James, Cathy and Brooke Hayden

Montgomery Charolais

Darby Montgomery

Thompson Road


S.E.A.N.A. Charolais

Frankie Anthony

Jarboe LN Hardinsburg, KY 270-617-0888


David, Rhonda, Michael & Nicholas

St. Rose Road

KY 40033

Clint & Kelly Hall

Harrod Farms


Jenna and

KY 40601

Rolling Hills Charolais

Ross Embry





Allison Charolais

John Allison


Castle, KY 40050

Jake 645 Evergreen Rd. Frankfort,
Jeff Harrod: 502-330-6745 2015 Res. National Champion Female D & D Ms. Kennedy 1430 Candy
3440 Ruddles Mill Road Paris, KY 40361 859-338-0170 www.sullivancharolais.com Sullivan Charolais
Road New
502-845-2806 502-220-3170 Bulls & Heifers For Sale at the Farm
4430 Bloomfield Road Bardstown, KY 40004 (502) 349-0005 (502) 507-4984 cell • Sons of Tank E108P Available Private Treaty
• Lancaster,
40444 859-339-3922 BULLS FOR SALE
2571 Sunbeam Rd. Leitchfield,
42754 Rollinghillscharolais@hotmail.com
Maysville, KY Hillsboro, OH 937-763-0931 606-782-1981 FACEBOOK PAGE: www.facebookcom/Kentucky Charolais Association
633 Winston Road Oakland, Ky. 42159 (270) 991-5787 davidjaggers@rocketmail.com Mark Your Calendar! Nov. 12 NAILE Junior Heifer Show Nov. 14 NAILE National ROE Show 64  O C T O B E R 2 0 2 2 PERFORMANCE DEADLINES Performance data must be submitted to the AICA office by— December 1 for January 2023 Genetic Analysis. Please make sure calf data, weights and weigh data have been submitted online or on forms to AICA. 2023 Junior National Calendar Fundraiser The 2023 AIJCA Calendar will be mailed with the December 2022 Charolais Journal as well as to all AIJCA members. Date block sponsorships are available for $50 each or 5 for $200. Date blocks can include information such as sale dates, farm/ranch information or birthday wishes. For sponsorships, contact an AIJCA Junior Board of Director (contact information on page 32) or Director of Youth Activities, Kaitlyn Chism by November 10. All proceeds benefit the 2023 AIJCA Junior National.






and Ree Reich

44213 204th St. Lake Preston, SD 57249 (605) 847-4529 Alan & Deb Vedvei www.vedveicharolais.com E-mail: vedveicharolais@gmail.com Reich R
1007 Kingsbury Belle Fourche, SD 57717 (605) 892-4366 39120 192nd Street Wagner, South Dakota 57380 (605) 384-3300, (605) 491-0986 Vedvei Charolais Featuring–M6 Rock Star 306 P ET Fresh Air x Rio Bravo EPDs: 3.2 2.3 67 114 18 4.6 51 0.9
Steve - Myrna - Greg - BJ 405 Samara Ave. • Volga, SD 57071 • (605) 627-5229 keppenchar@valleyfibercom.net • www.keppencharolais.com Herd Sire Prospects & Embryos for Sale Private Treaty Calvin Sandmeier (605) 285-6179 13123 322nd Ave. • Bowdle, SD 57428 www.sandmeiercharolais.com Gary Sandmeier (605) 285-6766 Contact these seedstock breeders for herd sire prospects and herd building females. “2000 AICA Seedstock Producer of the Year” JAMIE EGGLESTON 21130 379th Ave. • Wessington, SD 57381 (605) 883-4602 • Fax: (605) 883-4924 egglchar@santel.net • www.egglestoncharolais.com Space Available Contact Hadley Schotte (785) 562-6632 J&M Ranch Purebred Charolais Private Treaty Sales Matriarch’s of the Midwest Female Sale • Nov. 7 Bull Sale • April 3 DAVID MASON Cell: (605) 680-0780 • pvfcharolais78@gmail.com www.pvfcharolais.com 20629 443rd Ave Lake Preston, SD 57249 jrolson2664@gmail.com (605) 860-2080 Jerod & Melanie Olson
Dakota Charolais S.D. Charolais Breeders Association 2008 Outstanding Seedstock Producer Troy & VeaBea Thomas, Clint & Cally Kindred 18475 Capri Place • Harrold, SD 57536 Office: 605-973-2448 Troy’s Cell: 605-222-1258 Cally’s Cell: 605-222-1515 Clint’s Cell: 605-890-0148 thomas@venturecomm.net
Ranch Geyer Cattle Co. Sam & Connie Geyer De Smet, SD 605-860-2081 www.geyercattlecompany.com 2022-2023 NATIONAL Roll of Excellence Shows Saturday, October 22 American Royal Livestock Show 54th National Show Kansas City, MO Monday, November 14 North American International Livestock Exposition Louisville, KY Saturday, January 14 National Western Stock Show Pen Shows Denver, CO Monday, January 16 National Western Stock Show (Hill) Denver, CO Saturday, January 28 Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo Fort Worth, TX ACE-ORR Makers Mark 689 M738574 Past National Calf Champion Top 4% Milk • 7% MB • 15% TSI 5% CW • 4% REA • 7% MCE • 15% TM O C T O B E R 2 0 2 2  65



Upcoming Events







Bull Classic, Kansas

Royal Collection Sale, Kansas


& Female Sale, Versailles

Wild Indian Acres Bull Sale, Cuba

Wright Female & Bull Sale, Kearney

Ridder Female &




The Dale Ridder Family 1585 Little Bay Road Hermann, MO 65041 Home (573) 943-6462 Dale (573) 680-4691 Cell Derek (573) 680-4692 Cell Ridder-Farms@hotmail.com www.ridderfarms.com By
For Cattlemen Female & Bull Sale December 3 FC RF SUMMIT 0018 ET PLD RIDGE X JEWEL 428 Calving Ease + Power www.missouricharolais.com
October 1 Bradley/Hankins Female Sale, Republic October 15
Bull Sale, Carthage October 15
October 15
Bull Sale,
October 21
City October 21
City October 22
October 29
November 5
December 3
Hermann December 17 Bradley Bred
Sale, Springfield Ranch 3287 Lick Creek Road Leasburg, MO 65535
Livestock Office 11027 Chateau Chura Sunset Hills, MO 63128 (314) 378-3255 cell Bill Nottke bill@riverdalecorp.com JDJ Smokester J1377 Pld ET Semen: $50/straw; No Signing Fee Milk Trait Leader ROE Sire Peterson Farms Charolais New Whistle Steve & Sandy Peterson • Jeremiah, Andrew & Joey 8767 Outer Road, Mtn. Grove, MO 65711 (417) 926-5336 • (417) 746-4410 March 4, 2023 • Bull Sale Brand of Quality MEAD FARMS ANGUS & CHAROLAIS Barnett, MO Bull Sale • October 22 Owner: Alan Mead (573) 216-0210 meadangus@yahoo.com www.meadfarms.com Larry & Peggy Aschermann 734 Belle Aire Place Carthage, MO 64836 (417) 358-7879 www.aschermanncharolais.com • e-mail: hayhook@gmail.com October 15 • Bull Sale Our Goals Are ... ... Breeding Stock • Easy Calving • Fast Growing • Premium Grading Corman Charolais Dan Corman Pomona, Missouri (417) 252-1373 “BreedingCharolaisSince1958" www.cormancharolais.com Jeannine Doughty (816) 616-8838 P.O. Box 523 Harrisonville, MO 64701
Creek Charolais Progeny of Fire Water, Budsmydad, Grid Maker, Slasher, Revelation, Bluegrass, Royce and Wyoming Wind Get your at the www.bigcreekcharolais.com Home of the 34th National Champion Female MBS CHAROLAIS Mike & Brian Schumacher 14809 Pike 139 Bowling Green, MO 63334 (573) 324-2528 home (573) 324-5411 work mbscharolais@gmail.com We Collect Data. We Sell Bulls. Cell 660-670-4721 • Home 660-277-4728LKD Miss Ledger 419 8 STORY FARMS Charolais Cattle Austin & Courtney Story 29143 175th St • Altamont, MO 64620 (660) 749-5834 • (660) 663-5048 cell 8StoryFarms@gmail.com • www.8storyfarms.com www.facebook.com/8storyfarms Production Sale • March 25, 2023 Bruce & Janna Bradley Marshfield, MO • 417-848-3457 BRUCEMBRADLEY@HOTMAIL.COM B/B BRADLEY CATTLE Oct. 1 Fall Colors Sale • Oct. 15 Bull Sale WC Inferno 6561 P Top 2% TM Top 5% Milk Top 7% WW, YW, MB Top 8% TSI Turn Up The Heat! WWW.WRIGHTCHAROLAIS.COM Derry & Mary Wright, Owners Chris & Kelsi Peuster, Managing Partner 42922 Old Hwy. 10 w Richmond, MO 64085 816-456-3792 Derry 816-529-2190 Chris 816-776-3512 farm office Fall Event Sale November 5 5 J Charolais The Johansen Family 11218 County Line Road Syracuse, MO 65354 (660) 473-2945 WCR Sherman Tank 0525 ET P Charolais for 33 Years The Right Kind! LEHMANN CATTLE COMPANY Charolais & Angus 9376 SE V Hwy, Lathrop, MO 64465 Jerry & Michelle Lehmann • Alex Sauer & Suzie Theriault 573-999-4759 or 860-459-9337 CHAROLAIS FARMS Bonacker Family Cedar Hill, MO David: (314) 974-5230 bonakrfam@sbcglobal.net Follow us on Facebook Open House • March 18, 2023 M6 Ms Sun Jewel 5124 P ET Top 1% TSI Quality+ Proven Genetics HALE FARMS Rick Hale 54 Hosier lane Louisburg, MO 65685 417-838-7251 Mike, Sara, Connor & Cannon Kisner 5805 Perkins Road • DeSoto, MO 63020 (636) 586-2299 • (636) 236-0306 cell wildindianacres@yahoo.com Shannon Carpenter, Manager (937) 418-2275 Bull Sale October 29 Top 1% YW, Milk, TSI Top 20% MB Making an Impact! LT ATLAS 0251 PLD 66  O C T O B E R 2 0 2 2

Akin Charolais

OakHill Farm


Summerford Charolais

Robert A. Summerford II 148 West Pike Road Falkville, AL 35622 Located 12 miles north of Cullman (256) 784-5255 Bus. (256) 758-0653 Cell Alan Summerford • (256) 758-0652 E-Mail: bjrsummerford@charter.net www.bjrsummerford.com Quality and Performance Charolais in North Alabama Scott Tipton Phone: (706) 754-8462 1001 Preacher Campbell Rd. Cell: (706) 200-6655 Clarksville, GA 30523 COLORADO 15493 Co. Rd. 57 Hillrose, CO 80733 Bred For Performance~Carcass Quality~Disposition Pat Gebauer & Luan August (970) 847-3345 prewittranch@gmail.com
Jim Akin 6700 County Road 71, Lexington, AL 35648 (256) 229-5395 Res. (256) 710-4897 Cell Home of the Super Grazer 168 GEORGIA Your Herd Bull Source C H A R O L A I S MV Limestone Mountain View Charolais BJR Register 6132 ET P CALIFORNIA FEEDLOT CHAROLAIS JERRY & SHERRY MALTBY P.O. Box 760 Williams, CA 95987 e-mail: bbr@citlink.net Mobile: (530) 681-5046 Office: (530) 473-2830 Fax: (530) 473-3278 www.brokenboxranch.com Chris Matthew • 719 468 8100 Malinda Matthew• 719-980-2852 31213 CO Rd MM • LaJunta, CO 81050 horsecreekcharolais@gmail.com horsecreekcharolais.com Annual Bull Sale Last Tuesday in March FLORIDA
Home of Bennett Charolais Wayne & Lois Bennett Barn: (770) 893-3446 Home: (770) 893-2674 Cell: (770) 826-9551 1779 Holcomb Road Dawsonville, Ga 30534 oakhillfarmga@tds.net www.oakhillfarmga.com Cattle For Sale Private Treaty “Focus on the Family”
Home of JWK Vanessa D029 ET Donor: 2244 x 934 Keahey Charolais Quality Charolais Since 1987 H 251-275-8137 C 334-456-2547 P.O. Box 207 Grove Hill, AL 36451 E-mail: bobby@williamskeahey.com Bobby & Pam Keahey Bull Sale • Nov. 5, 2022 Letohatchee, Ala. CE BW WW YW MILK MCE MTL SC CW REA FAT MB TSI 6.7 -0.2 70 131 32 6.6 67 1.3 37 0.92 0.010 0.13 272.93 RDK Samson 037P ‑Owned with Chad Bradford, Downey Charolais CE BW WW YW MILK MCE MTL SC CW REA FAT MB TSI 8.0 -0.3 69 135 24 8.6 59 1.0 35 0.75 0.008 0.01 274.09 WCR Ranger 115 P‑Owned with Chad Bradford, Wienk Charolais CE BW WW YW MILK MCE MTL SC CW REA FAT MB TSI 13.4 -3.0 61 111 26 4.5 56 1.1 24 0.52 0.012 0.11 254.67 WCR Primed 1132 P ‑Owned with Downey Charolais, Sykes Farm, Wienk Charolais CE BW WW YW MILK MCE MTL SC CW REA FAT MB TSI 7.0 -1.2 77 134 21 6.0 59 0.8 40 1.10 0.041 0.04 271.11 Heart J Royal Range 1743‑Owned with Heart J Charolais, Chad Bradford Herd Sire Limited Semen O C T O B E R 2 0 2 2  67

Rick Curfman

Curfman Farms

Roger Curfman


Ryan Curfman


Bullard Cattle

The Bertsche




BAR S Ranch

Innovative Beef Production


Fancy Creek Charolais


der Ranch


Hubert Charolais Ranch



68  O C T O B E R 2 0 2 2 MARYLAND Bob & Judy Tibbs (410) 734-6873 3545 Old Level Road Havre de Grace, MD 21078 shadowspringsfarm@comcast.net Home of White Squall MYERS CHAROLAIS 14806 National Pike Clear Spring, MD 21722 301.331.7300
Purebred Charolais Since 1968 The Don Olsen Family 17050 Tuttle Creek Blvd. • Randolph, KS 66554 785-313-2913 • 785-313-2975 fancycreek@kansas.net www.fancycreekcharolais.com KANSAS Beef Genetics Megan, Lori & Galen Fink 15523 Tuttle Creek Blvd. Randolph, Ks 66554 Phone/Fax: (785) 293-5106 finkbull1@twinvalley.net www.finkbeefgenetics.com Sales • Oct. 14 &15 Hanover, Kansas 66945 www.laueranch.com LeAnna Laue (785) 337-2600 Brant Laue (913) 488-3896 Ron & Diane Nord & Family 2104 Charolais Lane Bloomington, IL 61704 (309) 828-1448 or (309) 827-0457 (309) 275-0409 Ron cell Raising Charolais Since 1962 s
Spencer & Laci Schrader Weston & Josi 2118 Oxbow Rd., Wells, KS 67467 (785) 488-2135 home (785) 488-7204 Spencer cell (785) 488-7227 Laci cell schrader@twinvalley.net www.schraderranch.comCharolais • SimAngus • Composites Females and bulls for sale private treaty
510 Maple Ave. Oakley, KS 67748 David & Shelby Hubert (785) 672-2540 April 4, 2023 44th Annual Bull & Female Sale MYRON RUNFT CHAROLAIS 1460 Penn Road Belleville, KS 66935 Home (785) 527-5047 Cell (785) 527-1269 Breeding Charolais since 1956 Dispersal • Nov. 17, 2022
PUREBRED CHAROLAIS – ANGUS Corey Vaughan – (316) 213-5484 14630 E. 44th St. S. – Derby, KS 67037 Corey@3Ncattle.com vaughanfamilyranch.com
Since 1945
Dickerson (785) 998-4386 Ken Stielow (785) 998-4335 bars@gorhamtel.com Paradise, Kansas 67658 1864 2022 “Charolais Since 1960” Producing quality breeding stock for 62 years.
Family 17052 N 400 East Rd. • Flanagan, IL 61740
(815) 674-4419 Steve (815) 674-2395 Larry (815) 674-2397 Trent (815) 992-0282 Nick (815) 822-4417 “We don’t keep our cows, they keep us.” BC Brett, Tina, Madison & Austin Beavers 28378 710th Ave • Collins, IA 50055 515-460-3074 • www.beaverscharolais.com BEAVERS CHAROLAIS TS Derringer H038 ...building a program around proven genetics Marty, Joyce, Kaitlyn and Mason Lewis 9411 W. 56th St. S. • Monroe, IA 50170 Marty (515) 250-2362 • Mason (641) 745-9448 martylewis81@gmail.com
Bulls & Females Available Private Treaty SAT LT Ridge 9238 P PVF Ridge 7142 x LT Brenda 2184 Pld
& Sarah Strnad 1716 280th Road Formoso, Kansas 785-794-2471 home 785-243-8600 mobile tsstrnad@nckcn.com www.tsstrnadcharolais.com On Facebook: T&S Strnad Charolais Production Sale March 18
557 190th Road = Hillsboro, KS 67063 woodencross@fhrd.net www.WoodenCrossCattleCo.com Merle Schlehuber 620-381-1712 Bull Sale • March 21 IOWA 24502 N. 1050 East Road Cornell, IL 61319 Paul Cell: 815-343-9380 Sharlene Cell: 815-343-9381 Email: bullard@crtelco.net
Rt. 2, Griggsville, IL 62340
(217) 285-5213 rick@curfmancharolais.com
64 years of quality seedstock production CC


West Fork Ranch

Cattle Company,

Schurrtop Angus & Charolais



NEBRASKA Dybdal Charolais Larry & Krista Dybdal 88361 575th Ave • Newcastle, NE 68757 Home: 402-692-3704 • Cell: 402-841-9784 kldybdal@nntc.net November 1 • Online Sale M I C H I G A N ENDSLEY’S CHAROLAIS FARMS 5590 E State Rd, Hastings ,MI 49058 269-945-5531 or endsleyscharolaisfarms.com Breeding Quality Performance Cattle for the Commercial and Purebred Cattleman.
Jamie & Kay Fred • Rose, NE Bull Sale • March 25 Ray D. Winz & Sons 72354 Q Rd. • Holdrege, NE 68949 Ray (308) 995-5515, Doug (308) 991-6941 Steve (308) 567-2286 Contact us for Semen on our Trait Leading Sires. Wagon Wheel Charolais Roseann Wilson (308) 750 - 8708 78939 Hwy 10 • Loup City, NE 68853 www.westforkranch.com
40842 Farnam Road Farnam, NE 69029 Ryan (308) 320-4067 Marty (308) 362-4941 Jerry (308) 530-9652
Sure Performance Cattle www.schurrtop.com Riley (308) 880-0828 Steph (308) 880-0681 Ranch (308) 749-2553 www.riflecreekcattlecompany.com NEW MEXICO Private Treaty Year Round PO Box 2670 • Moriarty, NM 87035 Bill King (505) 220-9909 • bill@billkingranch.com Tom Spindle–Foreman (505) 321-8808 T. Lane Grau 575-760-6336 | tlgrau@hotmail.com GRAU
Since 1965 Grady, New Mexico Colten Grau 575-760-4510 Total Outcross Performance Genetics 5th Annual Bull Sale Dec. 17, 2022 Rifle Creek
LLC.--Purebred Charolais Since 1980--
Ranches Box 548 Albion, NE 68620 (402) 395-2178 The Total Performance Brand www.wagonhammer.com Female Sale November 18




70  O C T O B E R 2 0 2 2 David & Georgeanne Webb David Webb Jr. 317 Old Vinland School Road Easley, SC 29640 H: (864) 246-6203 C: (864) 640-7756 Visitors Welcome Email: webbcharolais@gmail.com WC VULCAIN 422 P ET EM854233 Sired by LT Ledger 0332 P Herd Sires SAT Fargo 8017 P DC/JDJ Armored G258P WIA Forman 010P Tommy & Sherrille Wilks P.O. Box 118 Patrick, SC 29584 TEXAS Caleb Boscamp (830) 857-5189 Julie Boscamp (830) 857-5129 julieboscamp@yahoo.com Liverpool, Texas Larry Ludeke (832) 439-4666 E-mail: larryl@qiminc.com www.barjcharolaisfarm.com Full French & Purebred Genetics Nubbin Ridge Farm Mike King, Farm Manager 6198 West Oak Hwy Westminster, SC 29693 (864) 958-1343 cell Home of: NRF Mr Donald Trump 716 P M863369 - Smokester x Full Sister 914 NRF Sir Ledger 736 P M876349 - Ledger x Smokester x Rich Lady Quality Seedstock available with a focus on 914 and Cigar genetics! SOUTH CAROLINA EPDs: CE: 2.1 BW: 1.8 WW: 70 YW: 130 M: 19 MCE: 3.5 TM: 54 TSI: 267 1360 CR 460 Waelder, TX 78959 Registered Charolais Michael & Lauren Sturgess Ranch located near LaRue, TX 407 Breesport St • San Antonio, TX 78216 Mob: 210-867-6863 Email: msturgess@southernlivestock.com Jay Sturgess – 903-681-0725 www.SturgessDoubleS.com Ranch located 12 miles Southeast of Athens, TX on US Hwy 175, then 1 mile South on FM 2588. Bulls for the Gulf Coast! NORTH DAKOTA (701) 720-1156Roger (701) 720-1363 Kevin (701) 338-2980 Office Breeding Registered Charolais Since 1959 Gerald and Loretta Effertz and Family PO Box 640 • Velva, ND 58790-0640 Neil (701) 223-5202 Bryan (701) 624-5104 ekrinc@srt.com OKLAHOMA Rick & Lisa Wilson Hart Box 865 Chickasha, OK 73023 Office (405) 224-0645 Home (405) 224-0694 Kirk & Peggy Castleberry 873 County Road 1440 Ninnekah, OK 73067 405.574.2685 Cell Pasture Proven Genetics Since 1962 Castleberry Hill Top C Charolais LLC
Curtiss & Brenda Nipp P.O. Box 239 Wilson, OK 73463 (580) 668-3332 nippcharolais@yahoo.com Bull Sale • Oct. 30
6651 Valley Camp Rd. Greencastle, PA 17225 (717) 729-6453 darenstatler@centurylink.net www.descocharolaisfarm.com Production Sale • October 30 HAMM Mogo B1 Full French Outcross President- Chris Link Office Manager- Caroline Link 2234 State Hwy 7 East Center, TX 75935 (903) 754-0764 texascharolais@gmail.com www.CharolaisAssociationofTexas.com
Eric Dennis
Denae: 605-237-0526 Lane: 701-351-3298 binachar@polarcomm.com Lawton, North Dakota Since 1979 Your Source for White & Red Factor Genetics Ethan Propp Adair, Oklahoma 918-864-6567 epropp11@gmail.com JAB Monster 006 Pld Eye Appeal + Power HNRX GCC Pumpkin Spice Bull Sale Feb. 21


Rafael Ortega




O C T O B E R 2 0 2 2  71 K&K Charolais Ranch Quality Charolais Raised in the Rocks at Cherokee, San Saba County, Texas Kenneth Kuykendall (325) 622-4227 • FAX (325) 622-4673 Dennis Charolais DCF Pure Gold 802 P ...easy calving... ...explosive growth... Eric Dennis 170 Rock Bluff Road Saint Jo, TX 76265 • (940) 841-2792 40th National Reserve Grand Champion Female (972) 529-8723 Billy Stein, Manager (979) 200-1300 Tyson Hann (979) 324-6659 • tyson@svrtx.com • Roy W. Hann Jr. www.svrtx.com • Ranch Located Near Gause 1824 Comal Ridge Dr • College Station, TX 77845 Striving towards excellence in Charolais since 1996
Raul Montez • Manager 39606 FM 1736 West Hempstead, TX 77445 (832) 331-6800 Cuero/Victoria, Texas area (281) 467-4710 • (713) 444-5708 • (713) 204-4903 ramro@comcast.net Full French Charolais Bulls For Sale Private Treaty Bulls and Heifers
“Since 1936” THOMAS CHAROLAIS INC. Fall Bull Sale • October 20 P.O. Box 595 • Raymondville, TX 78580 (956) 689-5162 • Fax (956) 689-3693 E-mail: thomasra@gte.net Web: www.thomascharolais.com Mitch & Linda (956) 689-6379 Mitch Mobile (956) 535-0936 TriniTy Valley CommuniTy College RANCH regisTered Charolais CaTTle 100 Cardinal Drive . Athens, TX 75751 Marc Robinson 903.675.6285 www.tvcc.edu/agriculture
CO. Registered Charolais Larry Skeans • David Skeans • Katie Skeans 940-736-7500 1138 C.R.162 Gainesville, TX 76240 David_Skeans@hotmail.com www.skeanscattle.com 465 FCR 781 • Donie, TX 75838 WASHINGTON VIRGINIA 4C4C Amos Charolais Matt Amos 360-751-2791 mattamos44@hotmail.com Luke Amos 360-749-3330 oldtimer828@q.com Facebook: 4C Amos Charolais Castle Rock, WA Your Northwest Source for Quality Charolais Cattle Alan & Leslie Alexander Pasco, WA 99301 509-727-9151 - Alan www.hangnacattle.com Follow us on Facebook
A Cattle Company CCC Resurrection 840 P Rancher’s Choice Bull & Female Sale 4th Saturday in February Agricola Knoll Farm Registered Charolais Cattle Mike & Terri Suchodolski 3676 Elon Road Monroe, VA 24574 Agricolaknoll@aol.com 434.384.5832 home 434.660.2793 cellAKF CREWS FARMS Billy, Billy C., Barry & Brent Chatham, Virginia (434) 656-2361 - (434) 656-3771 Time Proven Genetics 1 inch- 11x rate: $30/issue Prepaid 1 year (11 issues): $313 2 inch - 11x rate: $60/issue Prepaid 1 year (11 issues): $627 • Each additional inch: $30/issue • 5% discount for 1 year (11 issues) prepaid ads Reach Potential Customers Advertise your breeding program in the Charolais Breeders section each month! Don & Kathy Schill • (903) 388-1342 $365 $730 (936) 439-0270 Reed (281) 889-2626 reed.dees@att.net RR Reed Dees 2020 CR 236, Nacogdoches, Texas 75961 (936) 560-0794 DOUBLE R DEES CHAROLAIS RR Ms May Classic Bell 158 ET Pld Full sister to ‘Cigar!’

Tommy Barnes Auctioneer



Livestock Grooming Products

72  O C T O B E R 2 0 2 2 will give you insight into the total cattle industry - all the breeds, issues, ideas and innovations. The Cattleman will tell you where the industry has been and where it is going so you won’t be left behind! SUBSCRIBE
$25 per year ($40 foreign) 1301 W. Seventh St. Fort Worth, TX 76102-2660 (817) 332-7155 Ask for Circulation Dept. 580 FM 1810 Decatur, Texas 76234 Mobile (972) 839-6485
189 River Road Lowndesboro, AL 36752 Mobile (334) 462-4004 S E R V I C E S MARKETPLACE CALL TODAY FOR FREE MAIL ORDER CATALOG Sullivan Supply Inc. Dunlap, IA 51529 Phone: (800) 475-5902 FAX: (712) 643-5154 Sullivan Supply South Hillsboro, TX 76645 Phone: (800) 588-7096 FAX: (254) 582-7114
www.sullivansupply.com Fair Grove, Missouri • (417) 766-3278 • crutchercattleco@gmail.com Video Production & Editing Photography Editing ELECTRIC FENCING • MIRACO WATERERS • WEIGHING & EID Offering System Solutions for Charolais Producers www.gallagherusa.com 1-800-531-5908 www.lindeslivestockphotos.com Download Linde’s App! Request Special Photos, Earn Loyalty Points View Promotions & Much More! Order Photos PHOTO/VIDEO AUCTIONEER PUBLICATIONS SEMEN SUPPLIES
O C T O B E R 2 0 2 2  73 Koshkonong, MO Clifford Mitchell (405) 246-6324 ccmosu@msn.com “Over 40 years of proven, practical experience” Greg & Brenda Hubert P.O. Box 100 • Oakley, Kansas 67748 • (785) 672-7449 greghubert@st-tel net Professional Charolais Sales Management Have you planned your advertising? Contact Your Area Field Representative Floyd Wampler (423) 612-2144 Cody Beck (765) 719-1622 Hadley Schotte (785) 562-6632 Ty Groshans (970) 818-6016 Charolais Journal office (816) 464-2474 ext. 104 David Hobbs (913) 515-1215 123 Earl Warren Rd Beechgrove, TN 37018 Cell: (931) 842-1234 CATTLE SALES – Registered and Commercial Auctions, consultations and semen sales FARM SALES – Land and equipment ORDER BUYING –“If you need it, I’ll find it” Home: (931) 389-6865 E-mail: bob@bob-morton.com December 2022 Deadlne: October 25 Winter Charolais Edge Deadlne: November 20 OCTOBER 8 Southern Connection Sale, Knoxville, Tenn. NOVEMBER 17 Complete Dispersal Myron Runft Charolais, Mankato, Kan. DECEMBER 3 31st Ranchers Choice Bull Sale, Nixon, Texas Contact us for Sale Catalogs! Office: 817.562.8980 Cell: 815.762.2641 Fax: 817.562.8981 4812 McBreyer Place, Fort Worth, TX 76244-6083 INSURANCE SALE MANAGEMENT 60 Years in the Charolais Business Mark Your Calender! FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR A CATALOG CALL, TEXT OR EMAIL Over 40 years of evaluation, selection and marketing! OCTOBER 15, 2022 • 1 PM CANNON CHAROLAIS RANCH Mature Cow Dispersal NEWTON, IA NOVEMBER 1, 2022 9th Annual “Friends in Low Places” Elite Show Heifer & Bred Female Sale DYBDAL CHAROLAIS-NEWCASTLE, NE ONLINE AT SCONLINESALES.COM FEBRUARY 25, 2023 • 1 PM 6th Annual Gulf Coast Cattle Show Calf and Bred for the Purple Cow Sale FLORAHOME, FL APRIL 8, 2023 • 5 PM Dybdal Charolais 12th Annual Bull Sale LAUREL, NE See us at these sale events!


AICA Events

October 1 –

Deadline for submitting performance information to AICA for November 2022 Genetic Analysis

October 8 —

Keystone International Livestock Exposition Class A ROE Show Harrisburg, Pa.

October 19 —

Northern International Livestock Exposition Class A ROE Show Billings, Mont.

October 19–20—

AICA Committee Meetings & Fall Board of Directors Meeting Kansas City, Mo.

October 22 — 54th National Charolais Show American Royal Livestock Show Kansas City, Mo.

November 14 –North American International Livestock Exposition National ROE Show Louisville, Ky.

December 1 –Deadline for submitting performance information to AICA for January 2023 Genetic Analysis

October 2022

October 1 — Deadline for submitting performance information to AICA for November 2022 Genetic Analysis.

October 1 – Bradley Cattle & Hankins Farms Charolais & Red Angus Fall Colors Sale, 6 p.m., Hankins Sale Facility, Republic, Mo. Auctioneer: Cody Lowderman. Sale Manager: CK Sales & Marketing.

October 1 — Tulsa State Fair Open Charolais Show, Tulsa, Okla.

October 6 — Virginia Tech 1st Leading Ladies In Hokie Nation Online Sale. Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Va. Contact: Dan Eversole.

October 8 — Keystone International Livestock Exposition Class A Roll of Excellence Show, Harrisburg, Pa.

October 8 — Southern Connection Sale, 1 p.m., Knoxville Livestock Center, Knoxville, Tenn. Sale Sponsors: Georgia-Florida Charolais Association, South Carolina Charolais Association. Auctioneer: Greg Clifton. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service.

October 11 — Big House Show Cattle BHSC House Party Online Sale. Contact: Braden House.

October 11 — The Lineup Sale Hosted by White Rose Charolais & Hill Brothers Livestock. CK Online Sales. Contact: Roger Hinrichs or Paul Hill.

October 13 — 3rd Annual JMAR Genetics & Guests Quality Over Quantity Bull & Heifer Online Sale, Start 9 a.m., DVAuction. Contact: Jim Johnson.

October 13 — Simmons Charolais 2nd Annual Bull Sale, Jordan Cattle Auction, San Saba, Texas. Contact: Joseph Simmons.

October 13 — WGB Cattle The Ladies In White, SC Online Sales. Contact: Will Blankers.

October 14 — Fink Beef Genetics Marbling Plus More Female & Genetics Sale, 6 p.m., Fink Beef Genetics Sale Facility, Randolph, Kan. Auctioneer: Matt Lowery. Contact: Galen or Lori Fink, Megan or Chad Larson or Nick or Tara Hargrave.

October 15 — Angell-Thomas Charolais Bull & Female Sale. 12:30 p.m., at the farm, Paris, Mo. Contact: Russ or Sally Thomas.

October 15 — Aschermann Charolais 35th Edition Bull Sale, 1 p.m., at the ranch, Carthage, Mo. Auctioneer: Jackie Moore. Contact: Larry or Peggy Aschermann.

October 15 — Bradley Cattle Bull Sale, Springfield Livestock Marketing Center, Springfield, Mo. Contact: Bruce Bradley.

October 19 — Northern International Livestock Exposition Class A Roll of Excellence Show & Junior Charolais Heifer Show, Billings, Mont.

October 19 — Thomas Charolais Inc. Annual Fall Bull Sale, 1 p.m., at the ranch, Raymondville, Texas. Contact: Mitch Thomas or Tonnyre Thomas Joe.

October 21 — L.G. Herndon Jr. Farms Best of the South Black & White Pearl Female Sale, at the farm, Lyons, Ga. Contact: L.G. Herndon, Jr., Sky Herndon or Kevin Asbury.

October 21 — Royal Breeders Bull Classic, 8 a.m., American Royal Livestock Show Hale Arena, Kansas City, Mo. Sponsor: Missouri Charolais Breeders Association. Contact: Jeannine Doughty or David Hobbs.

October 21 — Royal Collection Charolais Sale, 1:30 p.m., American Royal Livestock Show Wagstaff Sale Center, Kansas City, Mo. Auctioneer: Justin B. Stout. Sponsor: Missouri Charolais Breeders Association. Sale Manager: JWC Marketing LLC.

October 21 — Meadows Creek Farm Arcadia Black & White Bull Sale, Arcadia Stockyard, Arcadia, Fla. Contact: Richard or Glenn Meadows.

October 22 — American Royal Livestock Show Junior Charolais and Percentage Heifer Show, 8:00 a.m., Kansas City, Mo.

October 22 — 54th National Charolais Show, American Royal Livestock Show, Kansas City, Mo.

October 22 — L.G. Herndon, Jr. Farms Best of the South 4th Annual Black & White Bull Sale, at the farm, Lyons, Ga. Contact: L.G. Herndon, Jr, Sky Herndon or Kevin Asbury.

October 22 — Mead Farms Fall Performance Tested Bull & Female Sale. Noon, Mead Sale Headquarters, Versailles, Mo. Contact: Alan Mead.

October 22 — State Fair of Texas Open Charolais Show, Dallas, Texas.

October 24 — Clift Livestock Char-National Sale, SC Online Sales. Ellensburg, Wash. Contact: Kerry Clift.

October 28 — Virginia Tech 28th Annual Hokie Harvest Sale. Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Va. Contact: Dan Eversole.

October 29 — Fox Hollow Farms Fall Production Sale Volume 2, 1 p.m., at the ranch, Hulbert, Okla. Auctioneer: Ronn Cunningham. Contact: Stephen Mellott.

October 29 — Plyler & Son Get The Brand Volume 7 Bull Sale, 1 p.m., Southern Arkansas University, Story Arena, Magnolia, Ark. Auctioneer: Justin B. Stout. Contact: Caleb Plyler.

November 7 — Char Spangled Banner 2023 Junior National Fundraising Sale, SC Online Sales. Contact: Angela Bunker, Sydney Zehnder, Kaitlyn Chism.

November 7 — Sandmeier Charolais Matriarch’s of the Midwest Female Sale at the ranch, Bowdle, N.D. Contact: Calvin or Matthew Sandmeier.

November 9 — Dynamic Z Charolais Inaugural Online Female Sale. CK Online Sales. Contact: Gib Zahren.

November 10 — Sonderup Charolais Ranch Inc. Dispersal, 1 p.m., Bull Lodge, Fullerton, Neb. Auctioneer: Matt Lowery. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales.

November 12 — Leachman Cattle of Colorado Fall Harvest Sale, Leachman Bull Barn, Ft. Colllins, Colo. Auctioneer: Trent Stewart. Contact: Lee Leachman or Jerrod Watson.

November 12 — North American International Livestock Exposition Junior Charolais Heifer Show, Louisville, Ky.

November 12 — Oklahoma Bull Sale, 1 p.m., Union Stockyards, McAlester, Okla. Auctioneer: Greg Clifton. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service.

November 14 — North American International Livestock Exposition National Roll of Excellence Charolais Show, Louisville, Ky.

November 17 — Complete Dispersal of Myron Runft Charolais, noon, Mankato Livestock, Inc. Barn, Mankato, Kan. Auctioneer: Matt Lowery. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service.

November 18–19 — Cavender-Draggin’ M and Partners 18th Annual Fall Production Sale, Commercial Females: November 18; Bulls: November 19, Cavender’s Neches River Ranch, Jacksonville, Texas. Contact: Joe Cavender or Justin Matejka.

November 18 — Wagonhammer Ranch Total Package Female Sale, Bartlett, Neb. Auctioneer: Cody Lowderman, Macomb, Ill. Sale Manager: CK Sales and Marketing.

November 18 — Wienk Charolais Ranch Legends of the Fall Bull Sale, Arcadia Stockyard, Arcadia, Fla. Contact: Jeff, Sterling or Ty Eschenbaum.

November 20 — Rennert Ranch/Heart-J CharLay Maternal Legacies Sale Volume 2, Kearney, Neb. Auctioneer: Matt Printz. Consultant: Mitchell Management.

November 22 — Texas Junior Charolais Association Raising the Bar Online Fundraiser.

December 2022

Affiliate Events

October 15 — Cannon Charolais Ranch Mature Cow Herd Dispersal, Noon, at the ranch, Newton, Iowa. Auctioneer: Cody Lowderman. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales.

October 15 — Fink Beef Genetics Fall Bull Sale, Noon, Fink Beef Genetics Sale Facility, Randolph, Kan. Contact: Galen or Lori Fink or Megan or Chad Larson.

October 15 — Rogers Bar HR Fall Turn-Out Bull Sale, at the ranch, Collins, Miss. Contact: Doug Rogers.

October 29 — Wild Indian Acres Fall Bull Sale, 1 p.m., Interstate Regional Stockyards, Cuba, Mo. Auctioneer: Anthony Peoples. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales.

October 29 — Cattlemen’s Preferred Sale All Breeds Bull & Commercial Female Sale, Harrison, Ark.

Contact: Luke Mobley

November 2022

Contact David Hobbs (816) 464-2474, ext 200, dhobbs@charolaisusa.com with affiliate event dates.

October 16 — J&J Beef Genetics Female Sale, at the ranch, Mulhall, Okla. Contact: Mark Johnson.

October 17 — Coudron Charolais Online Sale, SC Online Sales. Contact: Kim Schwecke.

October 19–20 — American-International Charolais Association Committee Meetings & Fall Board of Directors Meeting, Kansas City Airport Marriott, Kansas City, Mo.

October 19 — Grand Hills Cattle Production Sale, ckonlinesales.com. Sale Manager: CK Sales & Marketing.

November 1 — Dybdal Charolais 9th Annual Friends In Low Places Elite Show Heifer & Bred Female Sale, SC Online Sales. Larry or Ty Dybdal.

November 5 — Brands of Recognition Bull & Replacement Female Sale, Savannah, Tenn. Contact: Luke Mobley.

November 5 — The Fall Bull Sale, Noon, Mid-State Stockyard, Letohatchee, Ala. Contact: Bobby Keahey.

November 5 — The Wright Charolais Fall Event Sale, 1 p.m., Wright Charolais Sale Facility, Kearney, Mo. Auctioneer: Greg Goggins. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales.

December 1 — Deadline for submitting performance information to AICA for January 2023 Genetic Analysis.

December 2 — Meadows Creek Farm 17th Annual It’s All Black & White Bull & Female Sale, Mid State Stockyards, Letohatchee, Ala. Contact: Richard or Glenn Meadows.

December 2 — Schurrtop Ranch Charolais & Angus Bull Sale, Tri-State Livestock, McCook, Neb. Contact: Marty, Ryan, Jerry or Kay Schurr.

December 3 — 31st Annual Rancher’s Choice Bull Sale, 1 p.m., Nixon Livestock Commission Company, Nixon, Texas. Auctioneer: Greg Clifton. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service.

December 3 — Ridder Farms Family Values Female Sale & Annual Bull Sale, at the farm, Hermann, Mo. Sale Manager: JWC Marketing LLC.

December 3 — Uwharrie Ridge Farms Bull Sale, Snow Camp, N.C. Contact: Mark Wilburn.

December 10 — 20th Annual Charolais Source Bull Sale, Noon, Cleveland County Agricultural & Livestock Exchange, Shelby, N.C. Contact: Larry Edwards or Tommy Wilks.

74  O C T O B E R 2 0 2 2 C H A R O L A I S J O U R N A L
M o r e o n t h e W e b : www.charolaisusa.com/calendar.html

December 10 — Shepherd Charolais Second Annual Female Sale, 1 p.m., WCC Cow Palace, Anita, Iowa. Sale Manager: JWC Marketing LLC.

December 13 — Jackson Cattle Company Holiday Edition Online Heifer Sale. Contact: Jeff Jackson.

December 17 — Bradley Cattle Bred Heifer Sale, Springfield Livestock Marketing Center. Sale Manager: CK Sales & Marketing.

December 17 — Rifle Creek Cattle Company, 5th Annual Registered Charolais Bull Sale, at the ranch, Anselmo, Neb. Contact: Riley or Steph Seda.

January 2023

January 2 — Cattlemen’s Congress Class A Roll of Excellence Show and Junior Charolais & Percentage Charolais Heifer Show, 8 a.m., Oklahoma City, Okla.

January 3 — Cattlemen’s Congress Charolais Heifer & Bull Pen Show, 9 a.m., Oklahoma City, Okla.

January 14 — National Western Stock Show National ROE Pen Show, Denver, Colo.

January 14 — 44th National Charolais Sale, National Western Stock Show, H. W. Hutchison Family Stockyards Event Center, Denver, Colo. Auctioneer: Justin B. Stout. Consultants: CK Marketing & Sales; JWC Marketing. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales.

January 15 — National Western Stock Show Junior Charolais and Percentage Heifer Shows, Denver, Colo.

January 16 — National Western Stock Show National Roll of Excellence Show, Denver, Colo.

January 27 — Charolais Association of Texas Cowtown Cattle Drive Sale, 3 p.m., Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo, West Arena. Contact: Eric Dennis, David Skeans or Jason Littleton.

January 28 — Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo National Roll of Excellence Charolais Show, Fort Worth, Texas.

January 28 — Dennis Charolais Farms, BeefGene Bull Sale, 1 p.m., Sulphur Springs Livestock Commission, Sulphur Springs, Texas. Auctioneer: Justin B. Stout. Contact: Eric Dennis.

February 2023

February 1 — Deadline for submitting performance information to AICA for March 2023 Genetic Analysis.

February 1–3 — The Cattle Industry Convention and National Cattleman’s Beef Association Trade Show, New Orleans, La.

February 8 — Thomas Charolais Inc. Spring Bull Sale, at the ranch, Raymondville, Texas. Contact: Mitch Thomas or Tonnyre Thomas Joe.

February 11 — Bradley 3 Ranch Wide Body Bull Sale, 1 p.m., at the ranch, Estelline, Texas. Contact: James Henderson or Mary Lou Bradley-Henderson.

February 11 — Charolais For Profit Bull Sale, Columbus Livestock Auction, Columbus, Texas. Auctioneer: Jerry Lehmann. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service.

February 13 — 59th Annual Iowa Beef Expo Charolais Sale, Iowa State Fairgrounds, Des Moines, Iowa. Sale Manager: JWC Marketing LLC.

February 17 — R Lazy B Ranch Charolais Production Sale, 1 p.m., Hub City Livestock, Aberdeen, S.D. Auctioneer: Seth Weishaar. Contact: Robert Birklid.

February 18 — Clift Livestock Charolais & Angus Alliance Bull sale, Ellensburg, Wash. Contact: Kerry Clift.

February 21 — Bina Charolais 28th Annual Powerhouse Bull Sale, 1:30 p.m., Jamestown Livestock, Jamestown, N.D. Contact: Lane Bina or Denae Stern.

February 25 — 6th Annual Gulf Coast Cattle Show Calf and Bred For The Purple Cow Sale, Florahome, Fla. Sale Manager: Gulf Coast Cattle Services.

February 25 — Cannon Charolais Ranch 10th Annual Bull Sale, 1 p.m., at the ranch, Newton, Iowa. Auctioneer: Cody Lowderman. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales.

February 25 — Meadows Creek Farm 7th Annual Black & White Spring Forward Bull & Female Sale, South Alabama Stockyard, Brundidge, Ala. Contact: Richard or Glenn Meadows.

February 25 — Rogers Bar HR Spring Turn-Out Bull Sale, at the ranch, Collins, Miss. Contact: Doug Rogers.

February 25 — Shepherd-Shamburg Charolais & Angus Private Treaty Bull Sale, at the farm, Stuart, Iowa. Contact: Sara Shepherd or Dan Shamburg.

February 28 — Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo Class A Roll of Excellence Show, Houston, Texas.

March 2023

March 4 — Mead Farms Spring Performance Tested Bull Sale, Noon, Mead Sale Headquarters, Versailles, Mo. Contact: Alan Mead.

March 4 — Peterson Farms Charolais 30th Anniversary Top Pick Bull Sale, 1 p.m. Peterson Farms Sale Facility, Mtn. Grove, Mo. Sale Manager: Mitchell Management.

March 4 – Satterfield Charolais & Angus Twelfth Annual Bull Sale, 1p.m., at the farm, Evening Shade, Ark. Auctioneer: Justin B. Stout. Sale Manager: JWC Marketing LLC.

March 11 — Wright Charolais 16th Annual Bull Sale, Wright Charolais Sale Facility, Kearney, Mo. Auctioneer: Greg Goggins. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales.

March 14 — Romans Ranches Charolais Production Sale, Westfall, Ore. Contact: Bill or Jeff Romans.

March 18 — Bradley Cattle Bull Sale, Springfield Livestock Marketing Center, Springfield, Mo. Contact: Bruce Bradley.

March 18 — T&S Strnad Charolais Annual Production Sale, at the ranch, Formoso, Kan. Contact: Terrill or Sarah Strnad.

March 18 — Windy Hill Charolais Open House, at the farm, Cedar Hill, Mo. Contact: David or Annette Bonacker.

March 21 — Schrader Ranch 21st Annual Bull Sale, at the ranch, Wells, Kan. Contact: Spencer or Laci Schrader.

March 25 — 8 Story Farms 5th Annual Production Sale, 1 p.m., Daviess County Livestock, Gallatin, Mo. Contact: Austin or Courtney Story.

March 25 — Wakefield Farms Performance Tested Bull Sale, 1p.m., Dunlap Livestock Auction, Dunlap, Iowa. Auctioneer: Jon Schaben. Sale Manager: JWC Marketing LLC.

March 25 — Wild Indian Acres Annual Spring Bull Sale, Interstate Regional Stockyards, Cuba, Mo. Auctioneer: Justin B. Stout. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales.

April 2023

April 1 — Deadline for submitting performance information to AICA for May 2023 Genetic Analysis.

April 1 — AICA Herd Enrollment Deadline

April 3 — Weber Charolais & Red Angus Annual Meat & Muscle Bull Sale, 1 p.m., Weber Sale Facility, Lake Andes, S.D. Auctioneers: Brad Veurink, Dan Clark. Contact: Dean Weber.

April 4 — Hubert Charolais Ranch, 44th Annual Bull Sale, 1 p.m., at the ranch, Monument, Kan. Auctioneer: Justin B. Stout. Contact: David Hubert.

April 8 — Charolais Association of Texas Spring Innovation Sale, Cooke County Fairgrounds, Gainesville, Texas. Contact: Eric Dennis, David Skeans or Jason Littleton.

April 8 — Dybdal Charolais 12th Annual Bull Sale, 5 p.m., Laurel Livestock Sales Company, Laurel, Neb. Contact: Larry or Ty Dybdal.

April 8 — Fink Beef Genetics Charolais & Angus Spring Bull Sale, Fink Beef Genetics Sale Facility, Randolph, Kan. Contact: Galen or Lori Fink or Megan or Chad Larson.

April 8 — The Renaissance 31st Anniversary Edition Sale, 1 p.m., Chappell’s Sale Arena, Strafford, Mo. Sale Manager: Mitchell Management.

April 15 — Lindskov’s LT Ranch Bull Sale, at the ranch, Isabel, S.D. Contact: Bryce or Todd Lindskov.

April 20-25 — Charolais Charbray International World Technical Conference. Czech Republic.

April 29 — Wienk Charolais Ranch 54th Annual Bull Sale, at the ranch, Lake Preston, S.D. Contact: Jeff, Sterling or Ty Eschenbaum.

May 2023

May 6 — 24th Annual The Sale of Excellence, O.D. Butler Texas A&M Research Center, College Station, Texas. Auctioneer: Greg Clifton. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service.

May 13 — Mead Farms Female Sale, noon, Mead sale Headquarters, Versailles, Mo. Contact: Alan Mead. May 26–29 — Texas Junior Charolais Association State Show, Brazos County Expo, Bryan, Texas. Contact: Danni Lunsford Amos.

June 2023

June 1 — Deadline for submitting performance information to AICA for July 2023 Genetic Analysis.

July 2023

July 2–7 — 2023 AIJCA Junior National Show & Leadership Conference, St. Paul, Minn.

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A D V E R T I S E R S ’

21 Ranch ............................................ 70

4C Amos Charolais 71

8 Story Farms 66

5J Charolais 66

Agricola Knoll Farm 71

AgSaleDay.com 54

Akin Charolais 67

Allison Charolais ................................. 64

Arlitt Ranch 5

Aschermann Charolais/Akaushi 66

B & B Farms ....................................... 56

Barnes, Tommy 72

Bar J Charolais 7, 70

Bar S Ranch 68

Beavers Charolais 68

Bella Angel Farms 5

Big Creek Charolais 66

Bina Charolais 70

BioZyme 72

Bill King Ranch 69

Boscamp’s Arrowhead Ranch ............. 70

Bovine Elite, LLC. 72

Bracewell Cattle Co. 70

Bradford Agriculture ........................... 45 Bradley Cattle 66 Broken Box Ranch 67

Bullard Cattle 68

C Squared Cattle Co. 16

Cardinal Charolais 67 Castleberry’s Hilltop C Charolais 70

Cattleman, The ................................... 72 Cattle Visions 24

Cavender Ranches 22

Charolais Association of Texas ............. 70 Charolais Banner 72

Clark Charolais Farm 16

Clayford Ranch Charolais .................... 70

Clifton, Greg 72

Condra Charolais Farms 56

Corman Charolais 66

Crawley, Gary G 72

Crews Farms 71

Crutcher, Matt 72

Curfman Farm .................................... 68

Dal-Dav Charolais 45 DeBruycker Charolais 30

Dennis Charolais Farm ....................... 71

DESCO Charolais Farm 16, 70

Domek Charolais 69

Double R Dees 71

Dybdal Charolais 23, 69

Eaton Charolais ....................... Inside Front

ECP Cattle 70

Effertz Key Ranch 70

Eggleston Charolais ............................. 65

Endsley’s Charolais Farm 69 Evans Charolais 5

Fancy Creek Charolais 68

Fink Beef Genetics 68

Footprint Farms 3

Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo 30 Fox Hollow Farms ................... 14, 15, 70 Franz Ranch 69 Fred Ranch 69

Full Circle Cattle Co........................... 3, 6 Gallagher 72 Garrett Charolais 56 Geyer Cattle Co 65 Grau Charolais Ranch 69 Greer Charolais 12 Gulf Coast Cattle 67 Gulf Coast Cattle Services 73 Guston Ranches 13 Hale Farms 66 Hang’n A Cattle Co. ............................. 71

Harrod Farms 64 Haslag Charolais Farms 66 Hayden Farm ...................................... 64

Heart–J Char–Lay 29 Hebbert Charolais 69 Henry Cattle Co 45 Horse Creek Charolais 67 Hubert Cattle Sales 73 Hubert Charolais Ranch 68

J & J Trust Charolais Cattle .................... 2

J & M Ranch 65

James F. Bessler Inc. 73 JMAR Genetics ..................................... 16 Jorgensen Charolais 67

Justin B. Stout Auction Service 72 JWC Marketing .............................. 30, 73 K & K Charolais Ranch 71 Keahey Charolais 45, 67 Kentucky Charolais Association 64 Keppen Charolais 65

L.G. Herndon Jr. Farms Inc. 10, 11, 67

LaFraise Farms 68 Lambert, Doak .................................... 72

Laue Charolais Ranch 68 Leachman Cattle of Colorado 21 Legacy Custom Meat Processing............ 7 Lehman Charolais 71 Lehmann Cattle Co. 66 Linde’s Livestock Photography 72 Lindskov’s LT Ranch 3, 12, 13, Back Cover

Lipscomb Cattle LLC 45

Little W Farm ..................................... 56

Lone Pine Charolais 53 Long Hall Cattle 64

Los Pinos Cattle Co. ........................... 71

MBS Charolais 66 McNickle Charolais Ranch 68 Mead Farms 66 Missouri Charolais Breeders 64 Mitchell Management 73 ML Lewis Charolais 68 Montgomery Charolais ........................ 64 Morton, Bob 73

Mountain View Charolais 67 Myers Charolais .................................. 68 Nipp Charolais 49, 70 Nord Farms 68

Nubbin Ridge Farm ............................. 70 Oak Hill Farm 67 Odden Charolais Ranch 65 Outfront Cattle Service 73 Peterson Farms Charolais 66 Pinchony Creek Cattle Co 45 Prairie Oak Farm 45 Prairie Valley Farms, lnc...................... 65 Priefert 72

Rambur Charolais, Ltd. 69 Ramro LLC.......................................... 71 Reaves Charolais 56 Reich Charolais Ranch 65 Rennert Ranch .................................... 29 Ridder Farms 66 Rifle Creek Cattle Co. 69 Rio Ranch ........................................... 71 Riverdale Land & Livestock 66 Rocking S Ranch 5 Rogers Bar HR 9 Rolling Hills Charolais 64 Royal Collection Charolais Sale 33-44

Runft Charolais Ranch, Myron 46, 47, 68

SW&S Cattle Co. 71

Sandmeier Charolais 65, Supplement

Sandusky Farms 64

Satterfield Charolais & Angus ............... 3

Sayre Cattle Service 73

Schrader Ranch 68

Schurrtop Angus & Charolais 69

S.E.A.N.A. Charolais 64

Shadow Springs Farm ......................... 68

Skeans Cattle Co. 71

Sonderup Charolais Ranch Inc. ..... 25-28

South Dakota Charolais Breeders 65

Spring Valley Ranches 71

Stewart’s Charolais 65

Sturgess Double S Cattle 70 Sullivan Charolais .............................. 64

Sullivan Supply 72

Summerford Charolais, BJR 67

Sure Champ 72

Sykes Farm 45

T and S Strnad Charolais..................... 68

Tennessee Charolais Breeders 56

Testerman Charolais ........................... 16

The Quality Group 16

Thomas Charolais, Inc. (TX) 71

Thomas Ranch (SD) 65

Three Forks Farm 64

Trinity Valley Community College Rch. ... 71

Vaughan Family Ranch 68

Vedvei Charolais Ranch 65

VitaFerm 72

Wagonhammer Ranches 31, 69

Wagon Wheel Charolais Ranch


Wakefield Farms 69

Webb Charolais Farm


Weber Charolais Farm 65

Welcome Grove Charolais 56

West Fork Ranch 69

Wienk Charolais Ranch...... 1

Wild Indian Acres

8, 12, 66

Windy Hill Charolais Farms 66

Wooden Cross Cattle Co. 68

Wright Charolais 66, IBC

ZOE Charolais 66

76  O C T O B E R 2 0 2 2 C H A R O L A I S J O U R N A L
10 Open Spring ‘22 Show Heifer Prospects 20 Spring Calving Bred Heifers 15 Spring Calving Bred Cows 5 Fall Cow/Calf Pairs 10 Open Fall Yearling Heifers Ready to RBreed eady Breed 30 Eighteen Month Old Bulls SELLING 90 LOTS
Dam of LT Ransom 8644 the 2019 LT Ranch high seller to Doll Charolais & R Lazy B Charolais F1179298 CE BW WW YW Milk TM REA MB TSI 10.5 -1.4 53 89 28 54 0.70 0.24 235.41 LT BLUE VALUE 7903 ET LT BLUEGRASS 4017 P LT UNLIMITED MAID 7184 P LT MISS BREEZY 524 LT WYOMING WIND 4020 PLD LK PRIME NAOMI 303 Dam of LT inception, growth leader purchased by Full Circle Cattle, Co. and former National Sale co-high selling female F1173023 CE BW WW YW Milk TM REA MB TSI 12.4 -2.5 67 109 26 59 0.69 0.32 251.19 LT PATRIOT 4004 PLD LT LEDGER 0332 P LK MISS RIO 2119 LT BRENDA 6120 PLD LT RIO BRAVO 3181 P LT BRENDA’S EASE 3055PLD Dam of LT Badge 9184 the 2020 LT Ranch high seller at $105,000 to NextGen Cattle Co. in Kansas F1225399 CE BW WW YW Milk TM REA MB TSI 3.1 0.4 72 125 23 59 0.42 0.08 258.84 LT PATRIOT 4004 PLD LT LEDGER 0332 P LK MISS RIO 2119 LT MADALYNN 0154 P LT EASY BLEND 5125 PLD LT MISS CENTURY 5519 PET Dam of LT Powerstroke 1654, a standout, highly sought-after outcross bull in the 2021 LT Ranch Bull Sale selling to Gutson Ranches, Greeley, CO F1225943 CE BW WW YW Milk TM REA MB TSI 11.6 -3.1 60 103 26 55 0.58 0.21 246.91 LT TIOGA 4090 PLD BHC TOP PRO 7025 P LT BRENDA 8034 PLD LT GALA 393 PLD LT LEDGER 0332 P LK MISS BLEND 128 Dam 8034 sold for $50,000 at 12 years of age. F1156384 CE BW WW YW Milk TM REA MB TSI 7.2 -2.8 69 118 30 65 0.67 0.10 257.41 LT BRIDGER 9191 PLD LT EASY BLEND 5125 PLD LT CAROL 4105 PLD LT BRENDA 8034 PLD LT SILVER DISTANCE 5342P LT BRENDA 6120 PLD Airey is an impressive perfect uttered donor in the LT herd & has several great females in production. F1208302 CE BW WW YW Milk TM REA MB TSI 4.3 1.3 61 108 32 62 0.68 0.27 250.69 LT BLUE VALUE 7903 ET LT BLUEGRASS 4017 P LT UNLIMITED MAID 7184 P LT AIREY BLEND 9360 PLD LT EASY BLEND 5125 PLD LT AIREY 4142 PLD

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