the lst of the month will be assessed a 10% additional space charge. All dates and times are herein applicable at the office of the

the lst of the month will be assessed a 10% additional space charge. All dates and times are herein applicable at the office of the
• Our bulls have won more BIF Certified rate of gain tests than any other Charolais breeder
• Winner of the University of Florida Bull Test for the 3rd year in a row!
• 2022 Florida Bulls Test - #1 bull out of 94 gaining 5.92 lbs/day
• SEVEN Rogers Bar HR bulls in the top 10 placing 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th!
• Be it grass or grain, our bulls will put on the pounds for you
• More pounds, more money!
• Bulls are not creep fed
• Weaned bulls are not put in a grow yardthey are developed on GRASS.
• The same grass they will be eating at your place - bermuda, bahia, star, and ryegrass
• Our bulls are bred in the South, raised in the South, and they will work for you in the South
• The heat and humidity of the South will not slow these bulls down
• Rogers Bar HR bulls do not need an adaption period - they just do their job with no additional pampering
Rogers Bar HR’s focus is on Charolais. Our program is designed to produce the best Charolais in the breed. We are the largest breeder in the South, and one of the oldest breeders in the country. We have been performance testing to produce only the best Charolais for over 60 years. Let us put our bloodlines to work for you and your operation.
Saturday, October 21st, 2023
120 Charolais Bulls & 30 Bred Charolais Heifers
Starting with bulls and followed by females.
Open Heifers include:
EF1338925– Silver Gun 467
EF1338939– Silver Gun 467
EF1338924– Silver Gun 467
EF1338936– Silver Gun 467
EF1338926– Silver Gun 467
EF1338942– Silver Gun 467
EF1338930– Silver Gun 467
EF1338890– Silver Gun 467
EF1338155– DC/CRJ Tank
EF1339782– Gold Standard
EF1338929– Gold Standard
EF1339783– Gold Standard
EF1339784– LCC 923
EF1338935– LCC 923
EF1338885– JMAR Benaiah
EF1338886– JMAR Benaiah
F1338897– One Penny Flash
F1338896– One Penny Flash
EF1338913– LCC 923
Donor Cow from Larson’s:
EF1201800– Free Lunch. One of the original “6868” daughters
Fall Pairs include:
EF1256127– Gold Standard
EF1291188– Gold Standard
EF1307316– Free Lunch
EF1307327– One Penny Blanco Flash
EF1307333– Gold Standard
EF1307313– Lock n Load
EF1291176– Gold Standard
EF1291191– Gold Standard
F1307293– Lock n Load
EF1307321– Lock n Load
EF1307319– VPI Free Lunch
EF1307307– Gold Standard
EF1291171– VPI Free Lunch
EF1275494– Gold Standard
EF1286462– Gold Standard
EF1280023– Free Lunch ( Hargrave Cattle Company)
25 WCF Silver Gun 467 (out of Free Lunch– Gold Standard daughters)
50 Fink Gold Standard
20 JMAR Benaiah
Tank, LCC 923 (#26 entire breed for marbling), One Penny Blanco Flash
35 Copperheads (Red Angus x Charolais), 80 Angus bulls, 25 Angus females, and rare Angus semen sell.
918/409-6068 - Stephen Mellott
205/706-5955 - Randy White, Mgr. Catoosa, Oklahoma | www.fhcharolais.com
Top 4% WW; 6% YW; 20% MTL; 7% SC; 1% REA and 9% TSI Herdbull Deluxe
Top 4% WW; 10% YW; 25% MTL; 3% SC; 8% MARB and 15% TSI Style, Performance and the 467 donor
Top 1% WW; 2% YW; 20% MCE; 6% MTL; 2% SC; 2% REA; 25% MARB and 5% TSI Powerhouse Prospect
FH UNCLE BEN 2079 P 73-lb BW; 808-lb ADJ WW
Top 20% CE; 20% BW; 10% MCE and 1% SC Classic calving-ease curve bender with look and style
November 4, 2023
At the Ranch | Hulbert, Oklahoma
We are offering the choice of the MS Bravo Bell daughters. Two are by County Line and two are by Silver Gun. These are the best first-calf heifers on the place and we’d like to share the genetics of the 467 cow that was purchased for $16,000 as an 8-month-old heifer. She is truly cornerstone of the donor pen and her son, 2139, also highlights the bull sale.
M o re J M A R H e rd s i re P ro s p e c t s a l s o s e l l !
• C h a r o l a i s B u l l s & H e i f e r s F e e d E f fi c i e n c y Te s t e d w i t h G r o w S a f e
• D N A t e s t e d f o r a d d e d r e l i a b i l i t y w i t h G e n o m i c E n h a n c e d E P D ’ s
• C o m p l e t e P e r f o r m a n c e a n d U l t r a s o u n d D a t a a v a i l a b l e o n a l l a n i m a l s
• F o o t S c o r e s a n d D o c i l i t y S c o r e s a v a i l a b l e o n a l l b u l l s a n d h e i f e r s .
• B u l l s & H e i f e r s a v a i l a b l e f o r v i e w i n g a n y t i m e o r S a l e D a y.
• R e c e i v e $ 1 0 0 S a l e C r e d i t f o r V i e w i n g o f f e r i n g p r i o r t o t h e c l o s e o f t h e s a l e .
In late August, I visited several Charolais families in Virginia and West Virginia. Most of these were purebred operations, but one was a commercial herd that uses Charolais bulls on commercial red, black and smokie cows. This farm retains ownership of their steer calves and non-replacement heifer calves and feeds them to finish weight in slatted floor, open air finishing barns. During the finishing phase, tissue samples are submitted for genomic testing to help the feedlot manager make informed decisions based on the genetic potential of feeder cattle for growth and carcass characteristics using a terminal index. This commercial operation also has a meat marketing program that utilizes their home raised cattle who excel in the genomic test for tenderness and marbling. Meat orders are delivered to consumers’ front door. Demand for this home raised beef is exceptional.
Six purebred Charolais farms with cow numbers ranging from 20 to 75 head were included in my itinerary. Regardless of the herd size, the quality of the cattle was outstanding. While some owners make their primary breeding decisions based on Genomic Enhanced Expected Progeny Differences (GEEPDs), other breeders placed more emphasis on visual appraisal when making matings. As you might guess, some of the families I visited use both genetic and phenotypic evaluation to make mating decisions.
At one of the herd visits, the owner knew every cow by name and was able to walk right up to the animal and move a foot or two to help me to take the best possible picture. These cattle were not only gentle, but they were also very photogenic. One advantage of owning fewer cows is being able to spend more one-on-one time with each animal. While most cattle breeders appreciate docility, it becomes nearly essential when the owner is also the feeder, the breeder, and the primary care giver to their animals.
I visited families who raise multiple breeds
of purebred cattle. I also visited herds who put all their time and money into raising just one breed and they happen to be Charolais cattle. In both cases, these breeders have produced outstanding Charolais bulls who have gone to bull studs or have been used in top notch purebred and commercial operations around the country.
My final herd visit was at Virginia Tech University (VTU) in Blacksburg, VA. I met with Dr. Dan Eversole who is on our AICA Board of Directors and serves as the faculty member in charge of the VTU purebred beef cattle operation. This operation raises four purebred breeds of cattle and has an annual production sale. Their Charolais herd started when a Virginia Charolais breeder encouraged other Virginia Charolais breeders to allow Virginia Tech to visit their farm and select two animals to become the nucleus of the university Charolais cows. From the animals I observed at Virginia Tech, Dr. Eversole and Chad Joines, the herd manager, have done a wonderful job managing a Charolais operation that has produced several bulls who are making a significant impact on the Charolais breed. Nearly every family I visited commented on how much they appreciate the help they receive from Dan and Chad at Virginia Tech. This interaction between industry and academia is a great model for other states to follow.
After leaving Virginia Tech, I drove to the West Virginia University Reymann Memorial Farm’s Summer Performance Test Field Day and Open House near Wardensville, WV. The turnout was good with nearly 75 people in attendance. The afternoon speakers were informative and included former Charolais breeder Dr. Troy Rowan from the University of Tennessee and Dr. Kent Anderson from Zoetis. The summer bull test included two pens of outstanding Charolais bulls from breeders in PA, VA, and WV. These fall-born bulls will sell through online sales later this fall. The top end of the Charolais bulls have the genomic
The AICA is the official registry for Charolais and Charbray cattle in the United States. Charolais cattle were first brought to the U.S. in 1936. In 1957, the American Charolais Breeders Association and the International Charolais Breeders Association merged forming the present AICA.
Membership in the AICA is obtainable when the applicant has ownership in at least one animal, and has paid the initial membership fee of $125.
AICA annual dues are $100.
Year letter for 2023 is L
Record your 2023 born calves using AICA’s online system. Add the data as the calves are born; continue to update the records as you add weaning and yearling data. Register the calves at any time by adding their name.
Animals Held in the System
If an animal is registered online and held in the system, you can transfer that animal at any time. If an animal was registered online, but wasn’t held in the system, it will not be able to be transferred online. You will need to fill out the back of the certificate that was mailed to you and send it back to the office to be transferred.
DNA Fees
As of January 1, 2023. Samples recieved at the lab after 12-15-22 will reflect the new price.
100K - $40
H/P - $20
BPA- $5 (As of June 1, 2023)
Expedited Registration Work - NEW FEES
If an animal needs to be registered with in a day or two a rush fee of $75 ($150 non members) will be added to work. Once the animal is registered you can pull it up online to view the registration number. The new certificate will be mailed out the following day. We also offer FedEx mailing for additional $75 ($150 non members).
Advertising Deadline
The deadlines to place advertising in the November 2023 Charolais Journal is October 10. Contact your field representative about these and other advertising opportunities.
Performance data must be submitted to the AICA office by October 15 to be included in the November 2023 Genetic Analysis. Please make sure calf data, weights and weigh data have been submitted online or on forms to AICA.
Registration Fee Changes
Registration- all herdbooks
0-4 months $16
5-12 months $22
13-24 months $38
Over 24 Month $50
Whole Herd Rewards-
Before April 1- $16
Between April 2- April 30- $22
After May 1- $36
Reactivation of Disposed Animals- $36 Fall AICA Board of Directors Meeting, November 12-13
The AICA Fall Board of Director and Committee Meetings will be held Sunday, November 12 and Monday, November 13 at the Kentucky Exposition Center in Louisville, Kentucky. A complete schedule of meetings is on page 20.
Transfers cannot be done on-line if the paper has already been issued. The original paper must be returned to AICA. Animals registered on-line can be held in the system for transfer or print later. Many members find it helpful to hold all the newly registered animals in the system. No need to chase papers around.
When using a non-Charolais parent, follow the example given on the entry screen. For a non-Charolais female type FNF-XXXX, for a nonCharolais male type FNM-XXXX. You may also use breed codes to indicate the breed of the non-Charolais animal but be sure to use 4 digits (example: FNM-ANAN). We can add the pedigree of your other breed animal but need a copy of the pedigree 1st. The fee to add a pedigree is $20.
Be sure to click the “register” box and the “save” button at the bottom of the registration screen if you want the animal registered. The registration number will pop up in the middle of the screen or you’ll get an error message telling you what boxes you have missed.
Under the “tools” tab, you will find a new “Data Export” button. This data export gives you the flexibility to export data on animals in your herd and use those data files in your own management packages. You can download and save the files directly to your computer in a CSV (can be opened in Excel) format. There are many options within this feature including selecting the type of animal to export and specific data.
11700 NW Plaza Circle Kansas City, Mo 64153
Phone: (816) 464-5977
Fax: (816) 464-5759
E-Mail: Info@Charolaisusa.com
Website: www.charolaisusa.com
Executive Vice President
Dr. Clint Rusk • Ext. 101 Crusk@Charolaisusa.com
Recording Secretary
Maggie Smithee • Ext. 401 Msmithee@Charolaisusa.com
Vice President of Operations
David Hobbs • Ext. 200 Dhobbs@Charolaisusa.com
Youth Activities & Foundation
Kaitlyn Chism • Ext. 201 Kchism@Charolaisusa.com
Chris Kendall • Ext. 300 Ckendall@charolaisusa.com
Asst. Recording Secretary
Sarah Page • Ext. 402 Spage@charolaisusa.com
Communications & Events Coordinator
Samantha Corn • Ext. 102 Scorn@Charolaisusa.com
To Use The Extension Numbers
Listed For The Above Staff, Phone (816) 464-5977.
Southeast Representative
Floyd Wampler
294 Peoples Road Bristol, TN 37620 (423) 612-2144
Southwest Representative
Cody Beck
19800 John Wayne Perry, OK 73077 (765) 719-1622
North Central Representative
Hadley Schotte
2811 South Lancaster Drive, Apt. 9 Sioux Falls, SD 57106 (785) 562-6632
West Representative
Clint Sexson
77714 S Edwards Road Stanfield, OR 97875 (541) 609-0167
Other Regions
Call The AICA Office. (816) 464-5977
Commercial Advertising
Jay Carlson
Carlson Media Group, LLC Beef Breed Group (913) 268-5725 office
AICA Office
Michael Sturgess 407 Breesport St. San Antonio, TX 78216 (210) 867-6863
Vice President
Donnie Leddy 15635 472nd Ave. Stockholm, SD 57264 (605) 695-0113
Chad Zehnder 982 397th Ave NW Stanchfield, MN 55080 (612)554-2154
David Hubert
510 Maple Ave. Oakley, KS 67748 (785) 672-2540
Eddy Loggains 4431 Larkin Road Violet Hill, AR 72584 (870) 404-4332
CPI Board President
Dr. Clint Rusk
Board Of Directors
Eddy Loggains
Michael Sturgess
Donnie Leddy
David Hubert
AIJCF Board of Trustees
Chairman & Trustee
Larry Lehman
Bill Nottke
Kim Coudron Schwecke
Dr. Clint Rusk
Kaitlyn Chism
Fundraising Chairman
Larry Lehman
Larry Ludeke
Vice President
Bob Tibbs
Area 1
Scott Eaton 113 Georgetown Dr Glendive, MT 59330 (406) 852-3205
term expires 2024
Area 2
T. Lane Grau
1680 CR 37 Grady, NM 88120 (575) 760-6336
term expires 2023
Area 3 Donnie Leddy 15635 472nd Ave Stockholm, SD 57264 (605) 695-0113
term expires 2024
Area 4 David Hubert 510 Maple Ave. Oakley, KS 67748 (785) 672-2540
term expires 2023
Area 5
Mitch Thomas P.O. Box 717 Raymondville, TX 78580 (956) 535-0936
term expires 2024
Area 6
Eric Dennis 170 Rock Bluff Rd Saint Jo, TX 76265 (940) 841-2792
term expires 2023
Area 7
Chad Zehnder 982 397th Ave NW Stanchfield, MN 55080 (612) 554-2154
term expires 2024
Area 8
Jim Husz 22790 Icon Road Maryville, MO 64468 (660) 582-9151
term expires 2023
Rod Smith
Ray Franz
AICA Committee Chairmen & Vice Chairman
Jeff Bunker 13080 Janus Ave Sparta, WI 54656 (608) 633-53342
Donnie Leddy
Vice President
Advertising/Marketing CHAIRMAN
Frank Ellis Jr.
Area 12 Director
Bob Tibbs
3545 Old Level Rd. Havre de Grace, MD 21078 (410) 734-6873
Affiliate CHAIRMAN
Frank Ellis
Area 12 Director
Marty Lewis 9411 W 56th St S Monroe, IA 50170 (515) 250-2362
Area 9
Tyler Davis PO Box 935
Ashdown, AR 71822
(903) 908-5913
term expires 2024
Area 10
Troy Bertsche 4328 E 1800 N Road
Flanagan, IL 61740
(815) 674-1244
term expires 2023
Area 11
Jeff Harrod 645 Evergreen Rd Frankfort, KY 40601
(502) 330-6745
term expires 2024
Area 12
Frank Ellis Jr. 250 Ellis Road
Letohatchee, AL 36047
(334) 315-8927
term expires 2023
Area 13
Kyle Reaves 5840 West Allens Bridge Greeneville, TN 37743 (423) 723-9245
term expires 2024
Area 14
David Clark 10165 Log Cabin Road Denton, MD 21629
(410) 924-3521
term expires 2023
Area 15
Dan Eversole
3250 Litton-Reaves Hall
Blacksburg, VA 24061
(540) 231-4738
term expires 2024
Mike Schumacher
Dr. Clint Rusk Kaitlyn Chism
Breed Improvement CHAIRMAN
Jim Johnson
812 Patteson School Rd. Appomattox, VA 24522
(434) 546-2341
Dan Eversole
Area 15 Director
Commercial CHAIRMAN
Dennis Metzger
205 E Hill St
Whitman, NE 69366
(816) 519-8208
Mitch Thomas
Area 5 Director
Larry Ludeke
P.O Box 186 Liverpool, TX 77577
(832) 439-4666
David Hubert
Area 4 Director
Junior Council CHAIRMAN
Larry Lehman
P.O. Box 700
Tioga, TX 76271
(972) 529-8723
David Clark
Area 14 Director
Long Range Planning CHAIRMAN
Larry Ludeke
Mike Schumacher
14809 Pike 139
Bowling Green, MO 63334
(573) 324-2528
Rules & Ethics
Cheryl Lux
P.O. Box 348
Augusta, MT 59410
(406) 562-2021
Donnie Leddy
Vice President
connections with both the breeders and juniors within the AICA.
What are your future plans?
I plan to graduate from OSU with a degree in Ag Communications. After graduation, I plan to find a career in the industry where I can utilize my skill set to advocate for proagriculture policy, as well as keeping a hand in my family’s operation.
What is one thing you would say to someone interested in joining the Charolais breed?
President Weston Schrader Wells, KS (785) 488-6390 weston.schrader@gmail.com
Vice President Shade Bunker Sparta, WI (608) 855-0270 shadebunker1@gmail.com
Secretary Ethan Shoemake Warner, OK (918) 424-8703 ethan.shoemake2004@gmail.com
Hi! I am from Cochranton, Pennsylvania where my family has a cow-calf operation, running Charolais, Hereford, and Herefordinfluenced cattle. I’ve recently started my sophomore year at Oklahoma State University where I am studying Agriculture Communications.
What do you want to accomplish with your time on the AIJCA Board?
I want to carry on the tradition of the junior board members before me of striving for excellence in promoting the breed and increasing the junior membership. I hope to continue to improve the events and experiences for the juniors to make their time with the AIJCA as memorable and impactful as possible.
What color crayon would you be and why?
I think that if I was a crayon I would be red. I’m passionate about the cattle industry and looking forward to making personal
The hospitality that the people within Charolais breed offer is unmatched. Since my first AIJCA Junior National in Perry, Georgia in 2021, I have felt nothing but welcome at every event. The Charolais breed has been so impactful on my life within the past three years, and I feel beyond blessed and grateful for the opportunities that it has given me. Who inspired you to become a Junior Board Member?
My brother, Walker, has always been a light in everyone he meets in life; always putting his family and friend’s needs before his own, pushing others, and spreading positivity. For my past nineteen years, he has been my biggest role model, teacher, and greatest friend. He is who pushed me to become a Junior Board member and to get out of my comfort zone.
What is the best piece of advice that you have been given?
If I work hard, am kind, honest, and genuine - good things will come. If I leave every bad situation knowing I handled it the best that I could and leave every great situation knowing that I was gracious and humble - good things will come. Good things, actually great things, come to those who believe, those who are patient, and those who are both passionate and compassionate.
What is one way that we can continue advocating for the agricultural industry?
One way that my family has been advocating for the ag industry has been
Treasurer Jaycee Littleton Simms, TX (903) 701-2129 jayceelittleton02@gmail.com
Ex-Officio Devon Benes Valparaiso, NE (402) 499-3429 devben@hotmail.com
Area 1 Maddy Rohr Elbert, CO (720) 467-3302 maddy23@ksu.edu
Area 2 Jaycee Littleton Simms, TX (903) 701-2129 jayceelittleton02@gmail.com
Area 3
Nissa Olsen Manhattan, KS (785) 313-2975 nco.charolais@gmail.com
Area 4
Lexi Huse Elm Mott, TX (254) 299-7099 lexihuse2006@gmail.com
Area 5
Carter Hoge Good Hope, IL (309) 255-4131 carterdhoge@gmail.com
Area 6 Tannah Cassatt Webb City, MO (417) 499-7935 tmcassatt@gmail.com
Fundraising Jaycee Littleton Programs & Activities Shade Bunker
Area 7
Reagan Dunn Cochranton, PA (814) 720-0446 reagandunn17@gmail.com
Area 8 Marie Downey Prattville, AL (812) 573-6606 downeyme03@gmail.com
At Large Austin Alexander Bremen, AL (256) 287-1166 austin.alexander.2022@gmail.com
At Large Shade Bunker Sparta, WI (608) 855-0270 shadebunker1@gmail.com
At Large Mason Leifeste Cameron, TX (512) 987-8417 masonaleifeste@gmail.com
At Large Ethan Shoemake Warner, OK (918) 424-8703 ethan.shoemake2004@gmail.com
Membership Ethan Shoemake Junior National Weston Schrader
Membership in the nationwide American-International Junior Charolais Association (AIJCA) is open to anyone 21 years of age and under as of January 1 of the present year. The initial membership fee is $30 and $25 annual dues thereafter.
getting involved with state beef and cattlemen’s organizations within the past several years. This has led to opportunities to meet with our state legislatures to give them our own story as well as sharing other farmers’ and ranchers’ stories for them to take back to Washington.
The MBS cowherd is built on a balanced, consistent measure of both performance and production records. Twenty plus years of being enrolled in the AICA Whole Herd Rewards (WHR) program, ultrasound and harvest data form the basis of the breeding program.
You will make your selection from the 75 plus head cowherd, including bred heifers. Sires include Ledger, Big Ben, Capital Gain, Fargo, Affinity, Tank and VPI The Graduate. 24 Females rank in the Top 5% TSI and 34 in the Top 10%. 10 Females rank in the Top 5% Marbling and 18 in the Top 10%.
Calving will begin at the start of the new year with most calves on the ground by early February sired by The Graduate and AI sires including LT Atlas.
You may also stop in the 2023-born replacement pen and make your selection from a powerful set of The Graduate daughters.
MBS Charolais, Bowling Green, Mo. | Mike Schumacher (573) 470-5411
We could not have asked the Schrader family for anything more! Spencer, Laci, and their kids, Weston and Josi, have cracked the gates wide open to you with a monumental first. This marks the first time they have ever sold choice from the heart of the replacement female pen and the first time in over 15 years they have sold a female other than an open heifer. Spencer and Laci have spent the last 25 years building the Schrader Ranch genetic program with the goal of making quiet, sound, maternal, and functional females that still perform. Adhering to these principles has yielded females that do everything mentioned above but still have that front pasture, heart stopping look.
The buyer will have unprecedented access to 35 bred heifers that have been selected down from the initial 60 that were weaned. Due to the drier conditions this year, only the very best were kept. Many of these breds are ETs or are AI sired and out of breed leading bulls such as LT Anthem, LT Affinity, LT Avenger, LT Patriot, Keys Powermax, TR CAG Carbon Copy, and TCCS Saint Christopher. This elite set of heifers sell bred to LT Affinity, TCCS Saint Christopher or Schrader’s Vision 068. Vision is making waves in his own right with a stylish phenotype and breed changing performance… ranking in the top 4% WW, 7% YW, 9% TSI, 15% MTL, and 20% REA. A breathtaking set of females bred to the breed’s elite sires… what more could you ask for? Selection to be made by January 1, 2024.
Schrader Ranch, Wells, Kan.
Laci Schrader (785) 488-7227
| Spencer Schrader (785) 488-7204
| Weston Schrader (785) 488-6390
When the Stabel family set out on the path to build a Charolais herd, it was with one goal in mind. Provide the Full Circle for their customers, from bulls to feeder calves to feedlot, and that’s just what they did. Full Circle Cattle Company has sought out the very best genetics from across the country while building their herd.
The emphasis has always been on the end product by way of heavy performing, carcass-oriented bulls that can go out and work anywhere. But that doesn’t mean they can’t be eye appealing. Feminine, maternal, show stopping females form the basis of the cowherd and heavy selection on conformation has led to an outstanding cowherd with females that can raise bulls, replacements, or show heifers.
The purchaser of this pick has access to all spring born 2023 females including heifers sired by LT Inception, CCC Reputable, LT Badge, DC/CRJ Tank, LT Tioga, Houlio, and FC RF Summit. The progeny of several donor females will be available including LT 3357, LT 2184, LT 6108, RF 2054 and RF 102. This outstanding set of open heifers will have something for everyone and is one lot not to be missed!
Many people hadn’t heard of NextGen Cattle Company before their inaugural Flint Hills Fall Classic Sale in the fall of 2018. But ever since then you would be hard-pressed to miss the waves those guys are making. NextGen has designed their program around producing top tier performance and carcass genetics that allow their customers to produce the very best product for the feedlot as well as making bullet proof replacement females. They have pushed the boundaries of performance and have not allowed themselves to conform to the norm, creating unique pedigrees and endless opportunities. One such opportunity is right here… For the first time ever NextGen Cattle Company is opening their gates to you the buyer and offering unprecedented access to their open heifer crop!
The buyer of this lot will have choice of over 60 head from one the most progressive cowherds in the breed. Pedigrees include breed leaders like LT Badge, DC/CRJ Tank, GHC Reagan, LT Countdown, as well as soon to be famous bulls like SVY Profound 145J, CMF 10Z Ledger, Rio Cooler F068 and MBS Tank 001.
You will also find the progeny of several donor females including NWMSU Amy 788, NWMSU Christine 762, and Fink Miss 6317… the dam of NG Kronos 317K a featured lot in their fall 2023 event. Come sale day be prepared to bid quickly and don’t let this opportunity pass you by.
PRESENTED BY: NextGen Cattle Co., Paxico, Kan. | Derek Thompson (785) 213-1753 Brad Lindstrom (785) 580-6883 | Andrew Bird (785) 230-4802
Pure brood cow power… that’s the first thing that comes to mind when you see Amy 3865. And that’s for good reason too! Long made with a square hip she delivers power to the ground with a solid, heavy boned skeleton. Femininity and maternal prowess radiate from this impressive female with a presence that only a proven donor cow has. She is all that and more! A daughter of the famous EPD giant VPI Free Lunch, she offers a balanced genetic profile with a focus on carcass quality and performance. Top 5% Marbling EPD. Genomically enhanced EPDs and PA Free. Offering one flush cycle, conventional or IVF, guaranteeing 6 transferrable eggs.
DOB: 3/6/2018 | REG: F1288898 | POLLED | TATTOO: 814
Sire Reg: M846721
2250 OF 3575D040ET
FINK AMY 9614 6885
AMY 6885 4925 GG
PRESENTED BY: 6/20 Ranch, Stotts City, Mo. | Elliott McClure
(217) 202-3939
Dam Reg: F1241213
PRESENTED BY: Big Creek Charolais, Harrisonville, Mo. Jeannine Doughty (816) 616-8838
A no-miss donor who is the epitome of consistency in her production history. Chase numbers, show cattle, or both! The first calf she sent to town, Big Creek Outsource 102 Pld, owned with Aces Wild Ranch, was Reserve Champion Bull here at the American Royal and the Royal Breeders Classic. He followed that with Reserve Champion honors at Fort Worth and finished 4th Show Bull of the Year. Her last year’s heifer topped this sale and this year’s heifer calf, a full sib, is another sale feature as Lot 7. Carly 814 is a 3/4 sister in blood to Denver Champion and $140,000 Embryos on Snow topper, SVY Mayfield. She blends show ring look, with incredible numbers! She’s in the Top 1% Milk, MTL; 2% REA; 6% WW; 15% CE; 20% BW, CW; 25% YW; 30% TSI. Carly is as feminine and attractive as you can make one, while passing on the production traits to take your program to the next level in whichever direction you choose. Genomically enhanced EPDs and PA Free. Offering one IVF cycle guaranteeing 6 transferrable eggs.
If it’s not broke, don’t fix it! Another full sister to Big Creek Outsource 102 Pld, who made a lot of fans during his show career and a full sister to the $25,000 high selling female in this sale last year, Big Creek Carly 204 P, to Kole Harris of Kansas! The next day she was named National Reserve Spring Calf Champion! What more could you ask for? Proven, successful, consistent. Carly 309 is so unique in her incredible rib shape, while keeping the style, soundness, and eye appeal it takes to hang banners like her siblings! She’s going to follow in her mother’s footsteps and head straight to the donor pen.
This sweetheart will win you over on sale day, so look her up and take her home!
Seller retaining one successful flush at seller’s expense and buyer’s convenience.
DOB: 3/24/2023 | REG: F1341751 | POLLED | TATTOO: 309
Sire Reg: EM908904
Dam Reg: F1288898
SCF Lady Dianna
DOB: 2/17/2023 | REG: F1341371 | POLLED | TATTOO: 236
Sire Reg: EM893465
Dam Reg: EF1237275
PRESENTED BY: Big Creek Charolais, Harrisonville, Mo.
Jeannine Doughty (816) 616-8838
This heifer hits on so many of the adjectives we use to describe a good one that it almost becomes cliché.
Super long spined, extravagant fronted, square hipped, and deep as a well. You can’t put one together any more complete than Lady Di and seeing her on the move reinforces the notion of her femininity as well as her overall soundness. Her presence in the pasture will only be magnified when she enters the show ring. A pedigree to match her phenotype, she is sired by the famous Redemption and goes back to the Stealth 9509 donor of Polzin and M&M fame. Come ready to bid on sale day because this female will have plenty of friends.
PRESENTED BY: Sparks Charolais Farm, LaMonte, Mo. | James Sparks
(660) 287-4149
Rarely do you find a female who is able to bridge the gap between the show ring and the replacement pen as easily as this female. Missy packs a punch with tons of body, a powerful hip, and a stout bone beneath her. Her long spine ties right into that elegant front end that just adds to her feminine appeal. Sired by the successful Outlier, she goes back to the WCCC Miss Alliance 428, who was one of the foundation donors of the Wright Charolais program. Without a doubt Missy is a show heifer by design but an integral breeding piece for your program once she is done with the ring.
DOB: 3/2/2023 | REG: EF1341571 | POLLED | TATTOO: 303
Sire Reg: EM908904
Dam Reg: F1251371 LT LONG DISTANCE 9001 PLD
DOB: 5/3/2023 | REG: F1340218 | POLLED | TATTOO: 320
Sire Reg: EM950397
Dam Reg: F1326774
PRESENTED BY: Carr Cattle Company, Webb City, Mo.
Ryan Carr (417) 388-0562 | Ashley Carr (417) 300-3611
PRESENTED BY: Carr Cattle Company, Webb City, Mo.
Ryan Carr (417) 388-0562 | Ashley Carr (417) 300-3611
We saw the very first Summit calves capture attention this spring as they went to auction and this special female looks to continue that rhythm! A fantastic May baby who can handle more competition than the summer division will deliver her. Turbo has that next level look with extra extension throughout her front third, piles of power, bone, and an impressive middle with plenty of rib. A standout from birth, she strikes a picture-perfect pose that is seen as easily in the pasture as it will be in the ring.
Proven, consistent, eye catching, and profitable. What they have in common is they all can be used to describe the progeny of the Cigarro 924 donor. This exceptional bred heifer is no different. Long spined, elegant in her shoulder and neck and still massive through the center portion of her body, she has depth and dimension to spare! Bred for the donor pen, 120 has had an excellent show career for Jackson, but she is ready for the next step with you. Due in November to the famous Resource. Take her home and let this awesome female work for you.
DOB: 10/4/2021 | REG: EF1320321 | POLLED | TATTOO: 120
Sire Reg: M846631
Dam Reg: F1117008
Bred AI 2/8/23 to CCC WC Resource 417 P. Safe in calf.
PRESENTED BY: Jackson Ebert, Polo, Mo. | AJ Ebert
LOT 12
If you are looking for something just a little bit different, look no further! Matt always brings a good one when he comes to the Royal and this year is no different. Missy 404 is a brood cow prospect with plenty of rib, dimension, and performance. What makes this bred heifer so unique is her pedigree – Cedardale Abracadabra 123A, HooDoo, Outsider, and the famous Stella’s Sable donor. Her dam was a highly successful show heifer whose career was highlighted by being selected Reserve Champion Female at the Keystone International Livestock Exposition
Class A ROE Show. Her sire, SAC HooDoo Magic 198 Pld, was a past Breeders
Classic finalist and Champion Bull at Keystone. He’s now working at Bradley Cattle, Missouri. Sells due in January to GHC Reagan.
DOB: 4/4/2022 | REG: F1323649 | POLLED | TATTOO: 404
Sire Reg: M939642
Dam Reg: EF1305872
Bred AI 3/31/23 to GHC Reagan 9012. Safe in calf.
PRESENTED BY: SAC Show Cattle, Manchester, Md. | Matt Bauerlein
(410) 215-5008
DOB: 2/23/2022 | REG: F1332949 | POLLED | TATTOO: 2203
Bred AI 4/1/23 to GHC Reagan 9012. Safe in calf.
PRESENTED BY: Pfeifer Farms, Russell, Iowa & Connor Briggs, Chariton, Iowa | Justin Pfeifer (641) 203-3362 | Connor Briggs (641) 217-1415
Once again the Briggs/Pfeifer families have brought us something special and you’ll have to look long and hard to find another bred heifer with this much power and presence. Complete in her make up and design, Patricia delivers what every cowman dreams about with a soft middle, big bone and foot, a powerful rear third, and a front end that ties in high and has extension for days. Whether you are making show heifers, replacements, club calves, or bulls with eye appeal, this donorto-be has the phenotype to work no matter what your program is. Bred to GHC Reagan for a January calf, she is already on her way to generating you profits. Seller retaining three successful flushes consisting of 7 embryos each at seller’s expense and buyer’s convenience.
CC WGB Sally 101 P
CB Reagan 3001
BOY Outlier 812 ET PLD X CC WGB Sally 101 P
CC WGB Sally 101 P REG: F1314344
An exciting opportunity to get in on the ground floor with one of the classiest young donors out there! Rocket fronted, big dimensioned, long hipped, massive at the ground and sound, Sally has been successfully campaigned by the Briggs/Pfeifer family since she was an open heifer. A highlight this summer being named Reserve Junior National Cow-Calf Pair. But now she has made that pivotal transition into an awesome young donor, and she is proving to be just as adept. Her first calf is a stud! CB Reagan 3001 is long and level in his lines, with a great set of feet and legs, easy fleshing and loaded with power. Be sure to watch his debut in the Royal Breeder’s Classic. Guarantee of 1 pregnancy if implanted by a certified technician within 1 calendar year of sale date.
PRESENTED BY: Pfeifer Farms, Russell, Iowa & Chloe Briggs, Chariton, Iowa | Justin Pfeifer (641) 203-3362 | Brian Briggs (641) 203-1264
WD 7143 Good Lord Lorrie 2J ET is one of the coolest females that was seen this summer at the AIJCA Junior National. Words struggle to describe the sheer cow power and femininity that this female displays all the while keeping an elegant look. Up headed and extravagant in her lines, she boasts a wide level hip and depth for days. Her presence at the Junior National these past two years has not gone unnoticed. With this unique offering, you have the opportunity to capture that same level of female with all the hard work done. The Dunn Family and Wright Charolais proudly offer 3 reverse sorted female full sibs to this year’s Bred & Owned Reserve Champion Female. Sired by Redemption and out perhaps one of the most consistent and profitable cow families of the Charolais breed, Elvira. Guarantee of 1 pregnancy.
PRESENTED BY: Wright Charolais, Richmond, Mo. & The Dunn Family, Cochranton, Pa. Chris Peuster (816) 529-2190 | Derry Wright (816) 456-3792 | Walker Dunn (814) 807-4816
PCC Force of Nature 122J ET X 3G Cowgirl Xquisite
The dam of this exciting mating needs no introduction. 3G Cowgirl Xquisite has been making waves and generating banners and revenue for her owners since she was the high selling lot in the Utopia Genetics Dispersal for $50,000. After being an integral part of the Ridder Farms program, she now graces the pastures of Garrison’s Quarter Circle 7. Her progeny continually rise to the top and daughters have sold all over the country to the very best of programs. With over 50 progeny registered to her at AICA, she has proven her place as a donor dam to be reckoned with and this mating to Force of Nature guarantees to be one of the best yet.
PCC Force of Nature 122J shocked the breed in Denver and has continued as one of the most exciting young sires in recent memory and judging by the calves being offered this fall has the potential to rock the breed to its foundation. Selling 6 sexed heifer IVF embryos with a guarantee of 2 pregnancies if implanted by a certified technician within 1 calendar year of sale date.
PRESENTED BY: Quarter Circle 7 Livestock, Boss, Mo. Heath Garrison (573) 247-7441 | Kaden Garrison (573) 247-0310
RF Ms IA Wind 722
Three (3) IVF Sexed Heifer Embryos
RF Ms IA Wind 722 ET REG: F1276116
Three (3) IVF Sexed Heifer Embryos REG: F1292630
PCC Force of Nature 122J ET X ‘Hazel’ RF Ms IA Wind 035
When we talk about maternal power, cow families, and consistency through the generations, these lots exemplify just that. Lots 17 and 18 are maternal sibs to the dam of the Lot 19 embryos “Hazel”, RF Ms
IA Wind 035, the reigning Reserve National Champion Charolais Female crowned right here in Kansas City as a pair last fall. Hazel and her dam 722 continue to crank out the good ones and these embryos sired by the exciting duo of Force of Nature and Summit are sure to be the next big thing! Force of Nature calves have just started to hit the market and if you haven’t seen them you should take a second look. Summit crashed onto the scene this past spring when the first of his calves sold through the Ridder Farms Online Sale sparking interest across the country. The high seller that day was $20,000 for 2/3 interest and the entire sire group averaged over $27,000. Whether you are looking to make show heifers or front pasture replacements this mating will do the trick. Selling 3 sexed heifer IVF embryos of each mating with a guarantee of 1 pregnancy if implanted by a certified technician within 1 calendar year of sale date.
PRESENTED BY: Ridder Farms, Hermann, Mo. |
Justin, Texas |
PCC Force Of Nature 122J ET REG: EM961978
Force of Nature is exactly that! Seamless in his transition from each third, bold and square in his muscle pattern, he’s a level hipped Charolais sire that still tacks on an exquisite neck attachment and striking front third that the show ring so desires. Sired by Redemption, who is taking the breed by storm and backed by a Supreme World Champion and full sister to Outlier, out of the infamous Berkly.
PRESENTED BY: Ridder Farms, Missouri | Mid-Continent Farms, Kansas | WGB Cattle, Illinois | Matt Barnard, Foosland, Illinois
SKS Super Puncher 423K REG: EM970701
Super Puncher lives up to his name in terms of his massive structural build and muscle shape while being named Champion Bull at the Fort Worth National ROE Show as a calf. His dam, Madelyn won Houston as a yearling and then came back and reserved it as a pair which votes to his maternal backing. Madelyn is as stout and big features as you could ask a cow to be, Brightside came in and refined her shoulder design to create what has been quite the conversation piece in the Charolais barns. PA Free.
PRESENTED BY: Skeans Cattle Co, Texas | David Skeans (940) 736-7500 Fox Hollow Farms, Oklahoma | Strittmatter Family, Texas | Walker Farms, Texas | Big House Show Cattle, Texas
When registering an animal, you have the option to hold papers online. To release to print or transfer go under MyHerd>MyHeld PapersTransferorPrint. Note: Print means it will be sent to the AICA office to print and mailed out 2 business days later.
Find the animal you are wanting to print or transfer. Click either Print or Transfer. Note: Print means it will be sent to the AICA office to print and mailed out 2 business days later.
Maggie Smithee Recording SecretaryIf you have questions or need assistance, please email Maggie Smitheemsmithee@charolaisusa.com or call 816-464-2474 x401.
1. If you are transferring, verify the correct animal is selected. Put in the Buyer’s information (Member #) and Sale Date.
a. If the buyer doesn’t have a Member ID Number you can use Request Buyer Member Number From Office. They will receive an email with the breeder number.
2. If it’s a bred female put breeding information in Female Breeding. Then, click Add.
3. Once finished inputting information, click Transfer.
1. If you are printing a certificate. Make sure correct animal is selected.
2. Then click Print. This will release the certificate to be printed at the AICA Office and mailed to you.
Noble Research Institute livestock consultant Robert Wells offers best management practices that can help ranchers survive market- and weather-related disruptions and allow for more profit year-in and year-out.
The ranching business has always been subject to the variability and extremes of external factors, such as market volatility and weather extremes. Neither of these seem to be letting up any time soon.
So for ranchers to economically survive market downturns as well as capitalize on good times, it helps to get back to the basics, fine-tune their operations and plan for the long-term. An extremely viable strategy is to start working more with nature and less against it through implementation of regenerative ranching principles.
The following is a list of 10 management practices and concepts
to consider that can help keep you from paying to be in the ranching business and losing money for the next few years. Remember, the difference between someone who is a hobbyist or professional is if they pay to do it or they are paid for what they do.
Spending as little as $750 to $1,000 more on the purchase price of a better bull with known genetics could net you an additional approximately $1,500 more per bull, annually. If breeding for a terminal market, this is accomplished by purchasing a bull that will excel in
growth traits that allow the rancher to sell the maximum total pounds of weaned calves off the ranch while still having a moderately sized cow in the herd. If you are breeding for replacement females, then consider using genetics from a sire (live bull or artificial insemination) that will create a female that will fit the environment and management that you expect her to work in. Consider traits such as milking ability, mature weight, mature height, carcass and growth characteristics that are the optimal combination to be successful within the context of your operation.
Using a marketing alliance can help increase the probability of receiving top or even premium pricing for your cattle, since you can leverage the strength of numbers an alliance can provide. Market your cattle in a venue that will maximize your return on the investment of raising and selling a quality calf. If you are the only producer at the sale on a given day who is offering cattle that have been preconditioned and vaccinated, do not expect to receive a premium price, because the order buyers will just blend your cattle into the load with other general cattle he bought on the same day. Alliances can help you coordinate the best times and locations to optimize your profits when you sell. They also can help you to determine desirable genetic traits to select for, especially with herd bulls.
Larger cows require more forage to sustain themselves on a daily basis. This can affect pasture stocking rates. A 1,400-pound cow is 200 pounds or 17% larger than a 1,200-pound cow, and she is going to be taking in 11% more forage. That’s why stocking rate must be considered if you change your average cow size from 1,200 to 1,400 pounds. If you cannot increase the forage production accordingly, you will have to decrease the stocking rate by 11% fewer cows to still have enough forage for the number of cows in the pasture. The heavier cow should wean a heavier calf, but this increase will not be enough to offset the reduced cow numbers nor the associated costs of the heavier cows. Moderation in size can help the bottom line. Know the average weight of your cows when they are in a body condition score of 5. Purchase replacements that will be moderate in frame and weight or buy bulls that will help to achieve more moderate frame scores in female offspring. The expected progeny difference (EPD) traits of mature size and weight are examples of selection
tools that can help your decisionmaking.
Your cows should be expected to work daily for you. A successfully productive cow will efficiently deliver a calf to the weaning pen each year, with little cost and few problems along the way. In order to do this, you must select the right female, then develop her so she will be successful in the environment where you expect her to work.
When reducing herd numbers, first cull what I call the three O’s: old, open and ornery cows. Then, consider additional culls as the situation warrants. Older cows have a difficult time maintaining weight while usually weaning an even smaller calf. Carrying an open cow through the winter is analogous to hiring an employee, paying them monthly but then not expecting them to show up to work for the next year. Ornery cows damage equipment, injure people and reduce efficiency when they are difficult to work in the pen or if they take part of the herd to the trees when you come into the pasture.
6. DEVELOP A SHORT AND DEFINED BREEDING SEASON. Increasing the number of earliercalving cows within your defined calving season will increase the average weaning weight at marketing time. Consider this: if a calf is born 30 days earlier in the calving season and gains 2 pounds per day while on the cow, the calf will weigh 60 pounds more than its later peers at the same weaning date in the fall. That is roughly a 10% to 12% increase in weaning weight achieved simply by making sure more calves are born in the first third of the calving season. Also, make sure that timing of the breeding season is in synchronization with the best forage availability and quality on the ranch. Time the breeding season and subsequent calving season so that when cows are
in peak lactation with their highest nutritional demand for the year (two to three months post calving), your pastures have the highest forage quality and quantity available.
As stated above in No. 6, it is best to schedule the calving season to match the average cow’s highest nutritional demand, about 2-3 months post calving, to availability of the best quality and quantity of pasture. For most ranches, this means calving in early spring if its pastures are dominated by warm-season grasses. Unless there are adequate cool-season forages available to support the cow’s peak nutritional requirements during peak lactation, cows should not be calving in the winter months.
Manure scoring is a great way to monitor if a cow is getting enough nutrition in almost real time. A cow grazing pastures that supply enough nutrition to meet her requirements will have a manure score of 3 (range 1-5; 1 excessive nutrition, 5 inadequate nutrition). Manure scores give the producer an estimate of the digestibility of the pasture forage the cow has been eating for the past 36 to 72 hours. This method allows you to identify nutritional deficiencies before they manifest into lower body condition scores. If you must feed hay, provide high-enough quality hay that additional feed supplementation is not necessary. It takes a free-choice diet (28.4 pounds dry matter/day) of either pasture or hay that is at least 9.9% crude protein and 57.6% total digestible nutrients to meet a 1,200-pound cow’s highest nutritional requirements during peak lactation (two to three months post calving).
Heterosis, or hybrid vigor, is an often-overlooked tool to increase the commercial cattleman’s overall efficiency. Heterosis is an easy tool to implement for most cattlemen and can increase weaning weights, cow fertility and longevity, improve growth performance, and produce a more desirable feeder calf.
Hay feeding is probably the most expensive form of delivering forage
Your cows should be expected to work daily for you. A successfully productive cow will efficiently deliver a calf to the weaning pen each year, with little cost and few problems along the way.
to the cow. If you are locked into this system by the forage type available on your operation, make sure you don’t waste hay by using antiquatedstyle hay rings. A modified cone hay feeder can reduce hay loss by 8% to 15% compared to older, typical-style feeders. Feeding hay may be necessary during weather emergencies, when cattle are penned for working or other management activities (weaning, estrus synchronization, etc.). Otherwise, the need for hay throughout the winter is a sign the ranch is stocked more heavily than the land resources can sustain naturally, especially in native pasture systems. 10. KEEP RECORDS.
The old saying is true: you can’t manage what you don’t measure. The more records you keep – from how much feed/mineral and hay is fed to weaning weights and percent weaned calves – the more powerful your management decisions can become.
Develop key performance indicators to benchmark how your operation compares to itself over time and to others of similar size and in the same area annually. Keeping pasture and grazing management records is also a vital activity for the intentional rancher, as these records will inform future management decisions and explain past performance of the pasture and the livestock that grazed it. The number of acres that you manage is your finite resource, thus management should focus on appropriately reducing costs and optimally increasing revenue to increase profit per acre.
Keep in mind the above-referenced management practices will help most producers survive market- and weather-related disruptions and will allow for more profit year-in and yearout. Pastures that have been managed regeneratively will have more soil organic carbon and thus have a higher
degree of water-holding content. This in itself will help producers manage through many weather extremes. Additionally, regeneratively minded ranchers who implement the above practices will more than likely be those who are better pasture managers and will have healthier soils, as well.
High-selling lots:
$24,000 – Donor. M6 Ms New Jewel 0155 Pld, 11-710, by M6 New Standard 842 P ET. To Highway 84 Genetics, Dothan, Ala.
3-3-19, by RBM Fargo Y111. Rebred to LT Atlas 0251 Pld. Heifer calf, 12-2-22, by LT Rushmore 8060 Pld. Cow to Bina Charolais, Lawton, N. D. for $4,500. Calf to Dwain Doherty, Thrall, Texas for $5,000.
Auctioneer: Cody Lowderman, Macomb, Ill.
Sale Managers: Hubert Cattle Sales, Oakley, Kan.
$19,000 – Donor. Choice of Red Factor Donors. To Wright Charolais, Richmond, Mo. (1/2 interest.)
$19,000 – Donor. Choice of Red Factor Donors. To Wright Charolais. (1/2 interest.)
$16,500 – Open Heifer. CCR-WIA Ms Shandy 2109, 9-9-22, by JMAR Benaiah 1E66. From Wild Indian Acres and Cannon Charolais Ranch, Newton, Iowa. To Reaves Charolais, Greenville, Tenn.
$15,500 – Open Heifer. WIA Ms Jehu Jewel 321 P, 1-22-23, by SCX Jehu 233E. To New Life Charolais Farm, New Bloomfield, Mo.
$9,000 – Spring Cow-Calf Split. M6 Ledger Jewel 6185 P ET, 10-23-16, by LT Ledger 0251 P. Bull Calf, 2-2-23, by LT Atlas 0251 Pld. Cow to J&K Taylor Farms, DeSoto, Mo. for $5,000. Calf to Bruner Polled Charolais, Grandview, Texas for $4,000.
Note: Offering sold to 15 states and Canada.
3 Charolais-Cross Pairs $4,500
2 Flushes $3,500
Total Sale Gross: $402,000
By David Hobbs$14,250 – Spring Cow-Calf Split. WIA Ms New Stone F711 P, 10-20-18, by WC Milestone 5223 P. Rebred to LT Atlas 0251 Pld. Heifer calf, 3-3-23, by LT Atlas 0251 Pld. Cow to Sellhorst Charolais, Fremont, Neb. for $5,250. Calf to Ryanne Crutcher, Fair Grove, Mo. for $9,000.
$9,500 – Spring Cow-Calf Split. DC Penny 96,
Lebanon, Tennessee - August 26, 2023
Judge: Jake Nikkel, Marion, South Dakota
Total Shown – 42: 38 – Females – 4 – Bulls
Senior Calf and Grand Champion
Female: BRCHE MCC Hot Toddy 2507 Pld E, 9-27-22, by CCC WC Redemption 7143 Pld ET. Alyssa Meier, Clinton, Tenn.
Reserve Senior Calf and Reserve
Grand Champion Female: HNRX BRCHE Expresso 2133 ET, 10-8-22, CCC WC Redemption 7143 Pld ET. Kara Brooks, Brush Creek, Tenn.
Junior Calf Champion Female: Millie 0922, 2-6-23, by CS Cash 5. Chelsy Stephens, Tompkinsville, Ky.
Reserve Junior Calf Champion
Female: Penelope 1322, 3-17-23, by CS Cash 5. Chelsy Stephens.
Intermediate Champion Female: Ankony Miss Lady K025, 8-20-22, by CCC WC Redemption 7143 Pld ET. Hayden Sampson, Afton, Tenn.
Reserve Intermediate Champion
Female: Heart – J – Lucky Matron 2761, 3-16-22, by RDW Sir Lucky W033P. Hart – J Char – Lay, Elm Creek, Neb.
Junior Champion Female: AC Kricket 2207, 4-6-22, BOY Outlier 812 ET Pld. Alyssa Meier.
Reserve Junior Champion Female: FC Ms Summit 2229 P, 3-3-22, by HBC Summit 1H. Hayden Sampson.
Senior Champion Female: IRC Georgia Peach, 2-28-22, by M Payout 9439 ET. Cliffton Porter, Hartsville, Tenn.
Reserve Senior Champion Female: Welcome Grove Allison, 9-12-21, by LT Patriot 4004 Pld. Hayden Sampson.
Junior and Grand Champion Bull: 3ACES Dice 5502, 5-6-22, by 3ACES
Crushing Hearts G879. Alyssa Meier.
Reserve Junior and Reserve Grand Champion Bull: Welcome Grove Hot Wind ET, 6-1-22, by LT Wyoming Wind 4020 Pld. Welcome Grove Charolais, Mosheim, Tenn.
Senior Calf Champion Bull: WPG Porter, 9-2-22, by MC Mr Goose. Coy Price, Campbellsville, Ky.
Reserve Senior Calf Champion Bull: Jimmy, 12-18-22, by 3FFJ21. Coy Price.
Produce of Dam – 2 Shown. 1. Chelsy Stephens on TCC Miss Ellie 221. 2. Chelsy Stephens on DDC Anita Z02. Breeders Herd – 1 Shown. 1. Chelsy Stephens.
Group of Five Head – 1 Shown. 1. Chelsy Stephens.
Senior and Reserve Grand Champion
Female: CCC Ms Sweetheart 2031
P, 1-15-22, by CCC Mescalito 9038 P. Makayla Houck, Prescott, Iowa.
Junior Calf Champion Female: Carrs Missy 309 P ET, 3-24-23, by BOY Outlier 812 ET Pld. Carr Cattle Company, Webb City, Mo.
Reserve Junior Calf Champion
Female: TTG Linn 40L, 4-9-23, TTG Jetson Wrangler 30J. Taylor Goering, McPherson, Kan.
Senior Calf Champion Female: RF Miss Maura 2331 ET, 12-1-22, BOY Outlier 812 ET Pld. Jenna Hasekamp, Madison, Mo.
Reserve Senior Calf Champion
Female: DC NBCC Gwen 2221K, 9-2222, by CCC WC Redemption 7143 Pld ET. Brittany Hirsch, Thayer, Mo.
Intermediate Champion Female: RF Ms Duchess K110, 8-9-22, by FC RF Summit 0018 ET. Hayden Englert, Washington, Kan.
Reserve Junior Champion Female: BS CC Ms Kami 202K, 4-10-22, BOY Outlier
812 ET Pld. Colton Harlan, Greenleaf, Kan.
Reserve Senior Champion Female: Carrs Ms Sweetheart 205 P, 2-20-22, by BRCHE White Bear 8505 Pld ET. Leemon Cattle Company, Fairland, Okla. Cow – Calf Champion: CCC Ms Sweetheart 1030 P, 1-3-21, by LT Blue Value 7903 ET. Heifer Calf: SKC Angel 331, 3-8-23, by WC Everest 4048 P. Makayla Houck.
Reserve Cow – Calf Champion: WalMar Ms Blaze 509 P, 3-5-15, by LT Ledger 0332 P. Bull Calf: Wal-Mar Mr Patrick 314P, 3-7-23, by LJR SS Mr Swayze 2144 ET. Isom Martson, Canton, Kan.
Hutchinson, Kan. - September 16, 2023
Judge: Kyle Shoufler, Modoc, Indiana
Total Shown – 44: 29 Females – 15
Junior and Grand Champion Female: Lazy H Lover Girl 2220, 4-23-22, by MCF Bohannon 305A. Madalyn Rohr, Elbert,
Spring Heifer Calves – Calved March 4 to April 19, 2023. 4 Shown. 1. Carr Cattle Company on Carrs Missy 309 P ET. 2. Taylor Goering on TTG Linn 40L. 3. Isom Marsten on Wal-Mar Ms Patty 310P. Junior Heifer Calves – Calved
February 2 to February 28, 2023. 3
Shown. 1. Madison Rump, Burton, Kan., on J-S Katie 301 Pld. 2. Sarah McKown, Valley Center, Kan., on M3 Ms Loretta 111A. 3. Justin Hard, Sterling, Kan., on Hards Queen 2301.
Winter Heifer Calves – Calved
November 19 to December 23, 2022. 5
Shown. 1. Jenna Hasekamp on RF Miss Maura 2331 ET. 2. Isom Marsten on Wal-Mar Ms Halow 257P. 3. Abigail Peck, Monroeville, N.J. on SCC AML Elvira 223.
Senior Heifer Calves – Calved
September 3 to September 22, 2022. 3
Shown. 1. Brittany Hirsch on DC NBCC
Gwen 2221K. 2. Aubrey Niess, Joplin, Mo., on Gillig Ms Stealth 257 P ET. 3. Leemon Cattle Company on AML Elvira 212.
Late Summer Yearling Females
– Calved August 9, 2022. 1 Shown.
Hayden Englert on RF Ms Duchess K110.
Late Spring Yearling Females – Calved
April 3 to April 23, 2022. 4 Shown. 1.
Madalyn Rohr on Lazy H Lover Girl 2220.
2. Colton Harlan on BS CC Ms Kami
202K. 3. Hayes Leemon, Fairland, Okla., on 6/20 LCC Ruthie K013 Pld.
Early Spring Yearling Females –
Calved March 13, 2022. 1 Shown. Kolten
Rump, Burton, Kan., on J-S Lady Belle 216 Pld.
Junior Yearling Females – Calved
January 15 to February 20, 2022. 4
Shown. 1. Makayla Houck on CCC Ms Sweetheart 2031 P. 2. Leemon Cattle Company on Carrs Ms Sweetheart 205
P. 3. Hayden Englert on JBE Ms Karmen 202K.
Senior Yearling Females – Calved
September 14 to October 19, 2019. 2
Shown. 1. Madison Rump on J-S Lady Lilly 193 Pld. 2. Haylee McKown, Valley Center, Kan., on TR Ms Jovie 1724J ET.
Cow-Calf – Calved January 3, 2021 to February 5, 2015. 2 Shown. 1. Makayla Houck on CCC Ms Sweetheart 1030
P; SKC Angel 331. 2. Isom Marsten on Wal-Mar Ms Blaze 509 P; Wal-Mar Mr Patrick 314P. BULLS
Senior Calf and Grand Champion Bull and 3rd Overall Breeds: AML Carrs Road House 220, 11-4-22, by LJR SS Mr Swayze 214H ET. AM Livestock, Richmond, Kan., and Carr Cattle Company.
Intermediate and Reserve Grand Champion Bull: SFC Denali 2120, 7-522, by WC Everest 4048 P. Makayla Houck.
Junior Calf Champion Bull: Bar S Powermax 3001, 2-12-23, by KEYS
Powermax 57G. Jayce Dickerson, Paradise, Kan.
Reserve Junior Calf Champion Bull: J/O Monroe 307, 1-31-23, by MJ Monroe
021. Megan Johnson, Beaver, Okla.
Reserve Senior Calf Champion Bull: JS Rougue’s Grand 2203, 10-19-22, by WGB Outer Limits 801 ET. Emma Jones, Emmett, Kan.
Reserve Intermediate Champion Bull: EFCC Jumpman 181K, 5-2-22, by WC Notorious 8275 P. Double C Ranch, Lindsborg, Kan.
Junior Champion Bull: MJ Briarwood 206, 2-2-22, CML Raindance 996G.
Megan Johnson.
Reserve Junior Champion Bull: HL Diablo’s Outsider LD, 3-10-22, by MR Diablo 118F. Kole Harris, Helper, Kan.
Senior Champion Bull: BJCF Caldwell J701 ET, 3-3-21, by BOY Outlier 812 ET Pld. Bar J Charolais, Liverpool, Texas.
Spring Bull Calves – Calved March 18, 2023. 1 Shown. Madison Rump on J-S Viper 334 Pld.
Junior Bull Calves – Calved January 3 to February 18, 2023. 3 Shown. 1. Jayce Dickerson on Bar S Powermax 3001.
2. Megan Johnson on J/O Monroe 307.
3. Sarah McKown on M3 Sir Cardinal 004A.
Winter Bull Calves – Calved November 4, 2022. 1 Shown. 1. AM Livestock and Carr Cattle Company on AML Carrs Road House 220.
Senior Bull Calves – Calved October 19, 2022. 1 Shown. 1. Emma Jones on JS Rogue’s Grand 2203.
Late Summer Yearling Bulls – Calved July 5 to August 10, 2022. 2 Shown. 1. Makayla Houck on SFC Denali 2120. 2. Mason Leifeste, Cameron, Texas on MSL Mr. Duece 17K.
Summer Yearling Bulls – Calved May 2 to June 4, 2022. 3 Shown. 1. Double C Ranch on EFCC Jumpman 181K. 2. Maguire Rohr, Elbert, Colo., on LHR He Ain’t No Saint 2206 TW. 3. Bar J Charolais and Carr Cattle Company on Carrs Mr Ignite 222 P.
Spring Yearling Bulls – Calved March 10, 2022. 1 Shown. 1. Kole Harris on HL Diablo’s Outsider LD.
Junior Yearling Bulls – Calved February 2, 2022. 1 Shown. Megan Johnson on MJ Briarwood 206. Two-Year-Old Bulls – Calved March 3, 2021. 1 Shown. 1. Bar J Charolais on BJCF Caldwell J701 ET.
Junior Get-Of Sire: 2 Shown. 1. Wal-Mar Charolais, Canton, Kan., on LJR SS Mr Swayze 214H ET. 2. Madison Rump on WC WIA Xerox 1141 P ET.
Breeders Herd: 2 Shown. 1. Wal-Mar Charolais. 2. Madison Rump. Group Of Five Head: 2 Shown. 1. WalMar Charolais. 2. Madison Rump.
is the 18 year-old daughter of Jason and Pam Hankins of Springfield, MO. Emma has been showing ca le since she could walk. Her first Charolais Junior National was in Kansas City, Missouri and she was only six! Emma competed in a variety of contests her first few years until she was eight and showed for the first time in Texarkana, Texas. She has been to every Junior National since then and loved ever second of it. Emma is the past president of the Missouri Junior Charolais Association as well as a past regional vice-president of the Missouri Junior Ca leman’s Association. She is a member of Greene County Ca leman’s, Republic FFA, and the American International Junior Charolais Association. During her years of high school, Emma has been a part of the Republic Ambassador program, the Agriculture program, Advisory Council, and Honors program. Emma was a lead ambassador, Area 12 FFA Vice-President, Junior Advisory member, and high ranking in the National Honor Society. She graduated high school in December of 2022 and began a ending Ozark Technical College in January 2023. Emma is pursing a Business and Finance degree, with hopes to get her appraisals license a er graduation. She loves working with the younger generation of Charolais breeders and hopes to be the mentor that she looked up to as a kid. Emma was co-sponsored by Bradley Ca le and Missouri Charolais Association.
Tannah Cassa is the 19-year-old daughter of Dr. Shannah Cassa and granddaughter of Bill Choate of Webb City, Missouri. Tannah has grown up showing Charolais ca le and her first Charolais Junior National was in Fort Worth, Texas. Tannah’s first time showing was with her Charolais bo le calf at the county fair, and since then she has remained extremely fond of the Charolais breed. Tannah is currently the President of the Missouri Charolais Junior Association, a member of the American-International Junior Charolais Association, and is on the Junior Board of Directors representing Area 6. Tannah is heavily involved in 4-H, being the President of the Mt. Moriah 4-H club and a 4-H National Delegate. During her years of high school at Thomas Jefferson Independent Day School, Tannah was a member of the National Honor Society and has been active in both sport and musical avenues. In the Fall of 2023, she began at the University of Missouri, pursuing a degree in Animal Science, and continuing her education on to Veterinary School. Tannah hopes to act as a mentor to young juniors and help them thrive in their uniqueness. Tannah is co-sponsored by Carr Ca le Company and Missouri Charolais Breeders Association.
Bella Parker is the 16-year-old daughter of Phillip Parker and Nicole Vasquez, and the granddaughter of Gary and Christel Biggs, all of Godley, Texas. Bella and her grandpa, Gary Biggs, run Buddy’s Charolais, a purebred cow/ calf operation in North Central Texas. Bella has been a ending production sales across the country since she could walk. Bella showed for the first time at the Minnesotas Junior National in 2015 and has been to every Junior National since. Bella is the President of the Lake Granbury 4-H Club, Hood County 4-H Ambassador, Tolar FFA Sentinel, Texas Junior Charolais Association Director At Large, and previously Miss United States Agriculture for Hood County. During her years of high school and middle school, Bella has been a part of the National Honor Society, past basketball and volleyball captain, and Honors and Dual Credit program and still maintains a spot in the top 10% of her class. Bella is heavily involved in livestock judging through both 4-H and FFA, and this year she led her FFA team to state and placed high individually in the state. She is also deeply involved in community service she gives over 25 hours each year towards serving her community, county, and state. She plans to graduate high school in May of 2025 and a end a junior college in the fall to judge livestock. Bella plans to pursue an Animal Science degree, with hopes of ge ing her Doctor of Veterinarian Medicine license a er graduation. She loves working with the younger and older generations of Charolais breeders and hopes to be the mentor that she looked up to as a kid. Bella has dreamed of being Miss Charolais since 2015 when she a ended her first Junior National and met Miss Charolais USA. Bella is sponsored by Buddy’s Charolais.
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Gwynette Sturgess, 83, passed away on August 28, 2023.
Gwynette was born in Brownfield, Texas on October 23, 1939, to Jim and Mabel Pharr.
Gwynette attended and graduated from Plains High School in 1957 and furthered her education at Lubbock Christian College for two years. Just two years later in 1959, she married Jerry Sturgess. They farmed in Tulia for 4 years before moving to Dumas, Texas. There they continued farming from 1964 to 1983. Through the years to come, they purchased ranches in Strang, Oklahoma, Oakwood, Texas and LaRue, Texas. Larue is where they currently lived and ran a purebred cattle operation.
A few of her favorite things were oil painting, sewing, and quilting. She also held love for computers and bookkeeping. She was the bookkeeper for the family purebred cattle and ranch operations. While in Dumas the family ran a purebred hog operation, and she was very active in the stock shows that her kids showed in as well.
Gwynette is survived by her husband of 64 years, Jerry Sturgess of LaRue, three sons: Michael Sturgess and wife Lauren of San Antonio, Jay Sturgess, and wife Lori of LaRue, and Kynan Sturgess and wife Troyce of Hereford, one brother: Pharon Pharr and wife Suzan of Plains, Texas, one sister: Sandra Jackson and husband Dean of Lubbock.
She is also survived by her grandchildren: Shelbi Sturgess, Stacey Tracey and husband Jeff, Cody Sturgess and wife Brittney, Kristen Sturgess, Cooper McClurg, and wife Sadie, Katyn Spivey and husband Trent, Taylor Montgomery and husband Evan, Reed Sturgess, Barry Krieghauser and Brandi Krieghauser, and her great grandchildren: Eli, Zeke, Isabelle, Pecos, Kendell, Jessie, Meredith, Cash, Tilly, Demi, Oxley, and Reagan.
Memorials may be made to the Tipton Children’s Home, 1000 N Broadway Ave, Tipton, OK 73570.
Iowa State Fair
Appalachian Fair
Kentucky State Fair
Maryland State Fair
South Dakota State Fair
Nebraska State Fair
Minnesota State Fair
Des Moine, Iowa- August 19, 2023
Judge: Matt Leo, Snelling, Calif.
Junior and Grand Champion Female: TC MS Kay K170, 4-5-22, by BOY Outlier
812 ET Pld. Logan Tibken, Wiota, Iowa.
Junior Yearling and Reserve
Champion Female and Champion
Iowa Female: PF MS Patricia 2203, 2-23-22, by CCC WC Redemption 7143
Pld. Connor Briggs, Chariton, Iowa.
Intermediate and Grand Champion Bull and Champion Iowa Bull: SFC Denali 2120, 7-5-22, by WC Everest 4048 P. Makayla Houck, Prescott, Iowa.
Reserve Intermediate and Reserve
Champion Bull: SR Out Of Bounds 296, 7-6-22, by DAJS Out Of Bounds. Siek Ranch, Blairstown, Iowa.
Grand Champion Percentage Female: RJ Miss Kyra 22K, 1-30-22, by M&M
Outsider 4003 Pld. Ben Snedden, Grand Junction, Iowa.
Reserve Champion Percentage
Female: JCCF Charlie’s Angel, 4-10-22, by TR PZC Turton 0794 ET. Holdgrafer Farms, Bryant, Iowa.
Gray, Tenn. - August 22, 2023
Judge: Bo Bramlet, Harrisburg, Ill.
Senior Calf and Grand Champion
Female: Ankony Miss Charlo K035, 9-8-22, by LT Patriot 4004 Pld. Welcome Grove Charolais, Mosheim, Tenn.
Intermediate and Reserve Grand Champion Female: Ankony Miss Lady K025,8-20-22, by CCC WC Redemption 7143 Pld ET. Hayden Sampson, Afton, Tenn.
Intermediate and Grand Champion
Bull: Welcome Grove Hot Wind ET, 6-1-22, by LT Wyoming Wind 4020 Pld. Welcome Grove Charolais.
Louisville, Ky. - August 26, 2023
Judge: Emily Griffiths, Kendallville, Ind.
Senior Calf and Grand Champion
Female: Druin Gin D105, 10-15-22, by CCC WC Redemption 7143 Pld ET. Charles & Toni Druin, Eminence, Ky.
Senior and Reserve Grand Champion
Female: CAG Ms Sydney 2879K E ET, 2-6-22, by BOY Outlier 812 ET Pld. Kalin
Schrader, Continental, Ohio.
Senior Calf and Grand Champion Bull: Barrons Secret Copy, 9-17-22, TR CAG Carbon Copy 7630E ET. Sarah Barron, Mount Vernon, Ky.
Junior and Reserve Grand Champion
Bull: Barrons Sharpshooter K405, 2-822, by LT Patriot 4004 Pld. Sarah Barron.
Timonium, Md. - August 27, 2023
Judge: John McCurry, Burrton, Kan.
Junior and Grand Champion Female: LMAN Snowbella 5K ET, 3-14-22, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Bryliee Miller, Grantsville, Md.
Junior Calf and Reserve Grand Champion Female: LMAN KLL Angie 15L ET, 4-3-23, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Kathy Lehman, Shelby, Ohio.
Junior Calf and Grand Champion Bull: KAT Shaggy 322 Pld, 3-22-23, by TR CAG Carbine’s Vision 9700 ET. Katelynn Cape, Hampstead, Md.
Senior Calf and Reserve Grand Champion Bull: SBF Sentinel 201 P, 11-23-22, by SAC CMC Warcraft H746 Pld. Samuel Leach, Midland, Va.
Supreme Champion Cow-Calf Pair Overall Breeds: D&D Ms Kenendy 2101 Pld, 1-12-21, by TS Waylon 31F ET. Bull Calf: KAT Shaggy 322 Pld, 3-22-23, by TR CAG Carbine’s Vision 970 E. Katelynn Cape.
Huron, S.D. - August 28, 2023
Judge: Alan Miller, Gridley, Ill.
Senior Calf and Grand Champion
Female: BRCHE MCC Hot Honey 2508 Pld E, 9-28-22, by CCC WC Redemption 7143 Pld ET. Briggston Bertsche, Onida, S.D.
Junior and Reserve Champion Female: CAUL Ms Ivy 921K, 4-15-22, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Emma Caulfield , Bradley, S.D.
Junior and Grand Champion Bull: CAG Clear Vision 2634K, 2-22-22, by TR CAG Carbine’s Vision 9700 ET. Cagney Effling, Highmore, S.D.
Intermediate and Reserve Champion Bull: LT Badge 2739 Pld ET, by LT Badge 9184 Pld.. Lindskov’s LT Ranch, Isabel, S.D.
Grand Champion Percentage Heifer: ALAP Vanilla Ice, 5-12-22, out of TTMS Chantel 8126. Hollis Fawcett, Ree Heights, S.D.
Reserve Grand Champion Percentage
Heifer: RJ Peaches 149K, 3-14-22, by BOY Outlier 812 ET Pld. McQuade Beare, Estelline, S.D.
St. Paul, Minn. September 2, 2023
Judge: Brent Murphy, Houstonia, Mo.
Senior and Grand Champion Female: CCC Ms Sweetheart 2031 P, 1-15-22, by CCC Mescalito 9038 P. Makayla Houck, Prescott, Iowa.
Junior Calf and Reserve Grand Champion Female: BJF Grace 3016L, 2-6-23, by BOY Outlier 812 ET Pld.
Cooper Dorn, Henning, Minn.
Junior Calf and Grand Champion Bull: BD Blackburn, 1-3-23, by BOY Outlier 812 ET Pld. Brooke Dunsmore, Mora, Minn. Intermediate and Reserve Grand Champion Bull: SFC Denali 2120, 7-522, by WC Everest 4048 P. Makayla Houck.
Grand Champion Female
Grand Champion Percentage Female
Grand Island, Neb. - August 30, 2023
Judge: Kyle Gillooly, Wadley, Ga.
Junior and Grand Champion Female: DSUL Charlotte 258K ET, 3-17-22, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Brantley Went, Leigh, Neb.
Junior Calf and Reserve Champion
Female: DC NBCC Lights Out 311, 4-5-23, by BOY Outlier 812 ET Pld. Katie Utech, Hubbard, Neb.
Senior Calf and Grand Champion Bull: DC NBCC Kainan 2222K, 9-22-22, by CCC WC Redemption 7143 Pld ET. Katie Utech.
Junior and Reserve Champion Bull: BCR Prestige 234 Pld, 3-23-22, by CCC Mescalito 9038 P. Deron Benes, Valparaiso, Neb.
Grand Champion Bull
Grand Champion Female
Grand Champion Bull
How long have you been in the Charolais breed and how did you get involved?
Shawn – I’ve been involved my whole life I guess but my Grandparents bought my brother and I our first Registered Charolais heifer, Sammy, in 2010 when I was just three years old. We took that heifer to the Houston Livestock Show and she was Reserve Overall. That cow was the one that started it all for me and my sibling’s purebred operation, MSL Livestock.
What other activities do you participate in?
Shawn – I love sports, especially baseball, football, and golf. I’m also very active in our local and county 4-H programs. I’m currently President of the Cameron 4-H Club and Vice-Chair of Promotion for our County Council 4-H. I’ve served as our FFA Greenhand President and am very active in FFA. I’m also a member of the Cameron United Methodist Church. Kind of a side note is that I raise and show Santa Gertrudis heifers too. Two different breeds right there!
What is your favorite memory that you have made through Charolais cattle?
Shawn – I don’t have that ‘one’ big memory but instead I have lots! Probably all the weeks spent at Junior Nationals with my friends from all over the U.S., being named Reserve Champion Junior Showman at Fort Worth in 2019, making top five Junior Showmanship again at Perry, Georgia in 2021, and winning the junior team fitting contests in South Dakota and Georgia with my Texas teammates. These are just a few of my highlights!
What is your cattle operation based on?
Shawn – MSL Livestock is the operation that my brother and sister and I developed through the years. It stands for Mason, Shawn & Landree Leifeste. Together we own a small herd of club calf cows, registered Miniature Herefords, and of course Charolais. We have about 25 registered Charolais cows where we utilize AI and ET. We oftentimes sell bulls to commercial cattlemen in our area and then sell both females and bulls private treaty and through online sales throughout the year. We also show a lot of the cattle we raise.
Shawn – I stay pretty active at the state level by participating in our state shows and events and attending our junior meetings we have throughout the year. I plan on running for the Texas Association Junior Board this upcoming year. My family also attends Junior National shows when it all works out and I participate in numerous contests and activities at both the state and national level.
Shawn – I would probably have to say my Papa Stan Cross. Man, he’s one of the old pioneers when it comes to showing Charolais cattle. I’ve seen some of his pictures and heard all his stories…boy does he have the stories and he knows everyone in the barns! My Papa was also a past Herdsman of the Year winner and National Show Dedicatee so that’s pretty cool, too. The Charolais breed has been part of my family since way before I came along, and I really have my Papa Stan to thank for that.
What are your future goals?
Shawn – Who knows where I’ll be once I graduate high school, but I would love to go to college maybe on a livestock judging scholarship or to play baseball or football. I’ve thought about being a coach too. I’ve always wanted to be one, so we’ll see. Whatever I do, I want to make a good living while still being involved in the cattle business and my family’s operation as well as my own down the road.
*Interviewed by AIJCA Board
As we transition to a more fall calving operation, we will liquidate our spring calving cow herd.
Select group of bred heifers, fall calving first calf heifer pairs and fall calving cows. ADDITIONAL CONSIGNMENTS FROM 007 CHAROLAIS, AND LINK CHAROLAIS.
sire. IKE Tuffy 4103 X mgs: DCF Gold Club 7253 P
Will calve by sale day to HPF SHF High Cotton 784
sire. IKE Tuffy 4103 X mgs: Three Trees Wind 2638 ET Will calve by sale day to HPF SHF High Cotton 784
sire. Tri-N Reload 5109E X mgs: FH-DCF Cowboy 219 P ET
Exposed to NGC Loadmaster 232K ET
sire. DZC Renegade Z9596 X mgs: RBM Fargo Y111
Exposed to NGC Loadmaster 232K ET
Eric, Angie & Brayden
Haley & Garrit
ERIC: 940-841-2792 - Edennis591@yahoo.com
COLT KEFFER - 765-376-8784
DCF MS TUFFY 718 – F1250644 DCF MS TUFFY 722 – F1250645 DCF NO DOUBT 1113 – F1330536 DCF MS SONIC 1075 – F1330486Hello Everyone! My name is Kennedy Caldwell and I am the new CAT o ce manager! Some of you may recognize me from TJCA events assisting Danni with all the things. Although I will still be doing that, I am excited to add the role of o ce manager for CAT. A little about me: I am from the small town of Idalou, Texas where I actually grew up primarily exhibiting swine nationwide. However, following high school I went on to South Plains College to judge livestock collegiately and later on to Texas Tech University. During college, I was fortunate enough to be on two competitive teams where I had the opportunity to interact with all people across various livestock species. is led me to apply for the intern position with the American International Charolais Association, which to this day I con dently can say was the most in uential and fun internship I did! I truly loved every aspect and most importantly enjoyed interacting with the awesome people of the Charolais Association. rough that internship grew a relationship with Danni and the Texas Junior Charolais Association, well they have been stuck with me since. I am excited to develop relationships with more people within the association and look forward to everything that is to come. If you ever need anything, feel free to reach out!
I’ll see everyone in Cowtown, Kennedy Caldwell, O ce Manager
Eric Dennis, Saint Jo, TX 940-995-2161
David Skeans, Gainesville, TX 940-736-7500
Jason Littleton, Simms, TX (903)276-0347
Josh Owens, Troup, TX (903)258-3670
Gary Biggs, Godley, TX 817-320-3535
Bradley Bracewell, Tioga, TX 940-437-5516
Jimmy Curtis, De Kalb, TX 903-244-2459
Peggy DeMoss, Bowie, TX 940-841-1166
Collin Greer, Shelbyville, TX 936-591-2142
Braden House, Iola, TX 979-676-1450
Chris Link, Center, TX 936-590-2949
Larry Ludeke, Liverpool, TX 832-439-4666
Area 5 Director: Mitch omas, Raymondville, TX 956-535-0936
Area 6 Director: Eric Dennis, Saint Jo, TX 940-995-2161
Field Staff : Cody Beck (765) 719-1622
cbeck@charolaisusa.com www.charolaisusa.com
Kennedy Caldwell, O ce Manager
Email: texascharolais@gmail.com
Phone: 806-601-6678
Mailing Address: 6515 15th Dr. Lubbock, TX 79416
3-R Ayala Cattle Co.
Raul H Ayala
PO Box 206 Cotulla, TX 78014 (830)965-2620 ayala.quarterhorses@yahoo.com
4CK Cattle Co.
Andy Snider PO Box 412 Neches, TX 75779 903-391-7209
4M Land & Cattle Co. Ltd
Matthew C Mitchell 10982 FM 407
Justin, TX 76247 940-395-0547
Aces Wild Ranch LLC
Jed Watje
10111 Wolf Hollow Millsap, TX 76066 817-600-1082
Bar J Charolais
Larry Ludeke PO Box 186 Liverpool, TX 77577 832-439-4666 larryl@qiminc.com
Bar L Charolais
Jason L Littleton PO Box 282 Simms, TX 75574 903-276-0347
Barber Cattle Company
Matt Barber 340 ANCR 4351 Frankston, TX 75763 361-354-4879 mattrbarber@yahoo.com
Big House Show Cattle
Braden House
2056 FM 1696 Iola, TX 77861 (979) 676-1450 bradenhouse@rocketmail.com
Birnbaum Charolais
Allen And Randy Birnbaum 3953 FM 2440 Giddings, TX 78942 979-540-8623 birnbaum26@yahoo.com
Boyert-Core Show Cattle
888 92Nd Ave
Pleasantville, IA 50225
Bruner Polled Charolais
E. E. Bruner 12320 E FM 916 Grandview, TX 76050 (817)202-7680
Buddy’s Charolais
Gary & Christel Biggs
9224 CR 915
Godley, TX 76044
Bumpurs Ranch
Donald Bumpurs 7803 FM 937 Marquez, TX 77865 903-529-2583
C&C Farms
Casey Carlton 5410 Hwy 278 Rosston, AR 71858 (870) 953-1687
Cabezuela Charolais
Juan Roberto Cabezuela PO Box 491 Van Horn, TX 79855 (432)425-4233 gettnline@yahoo.com
Cavender Ranches
Joe Cavender 1530 CR 3313 Jacksonville, TX 75766
Charisma Valencia 622 Reno St. Lewisville, TX 75077
Clint J Miller 6364 FM 747 S Jacksonville, TX 75766
CMR Charolais
Arturo G & Graciela Guzman 1802 Meadow Ct Killeen, TX 76549 (254)681-4454 guzman@hot.rr.com
Cuto Mountain Ranch Douglas Coe 11188 Hwy 377 South Mason, TX 76856 (903)237-8059 heimplatz@aol.com
DeMoss Show Cattle
Jerry,Peggy, & Richie DeMoss 106 E Wilbarger St Bowie, TX 76230 940-210-9597 jprdemoss@icloud.com
Dennis Charolais Farms
Eric Dennis 170 Rock Blu Road Saint Jo, TX 76265
DMR Ranch
Marc and Deborah Robinson 6720 An Co Rd 448 Palestine, TX 75803 903-676-6069 mrobinson1836@yahoo.com
Double R Dees Charolais Reed Dees 2020 CR 236 Nacogdoches, TX 75961 281-889-2626
DTR Livestock
Daniel Ryan Kyle PO Box 391 Franklin, TX 77856 979-324-3130
Dybdal Charolais
Ty Dybdal
57541 886 Rd
Newcastle, NE 68757
Escape Ranch
Brad & Carolyn Miedke
35272 Brumlow
Waller, TX 77484 936-372-5244 (hm)
Evans Charolais Ranch
Dr Rick Evans 2601 Austin Ave Brownwood, TX 76801 (325)647-9039 rickevans6464@gmail.com
Felderho Cattle Co. Brad & Mckinnon Felderho 1437 N. FM 373 Muenster, TX 76252 940-727-8202 felderho cattle@gmail.com
Filippo Family Farms PO Box 620 Rush Springs, OK 73082 405-714-7037 f73082@gmail.com
Fox Hollow Farms LLC
Stephen R Mellott 125 Spunky Creek Dr Catoosa, OK 74015 918-409-6068 smellott@hsi-LLC.com www. charolais.com
Franklin Family Cattle
Scott & Cindy Franklin 831 CR 3685 Ladonia, TX 75449 903-453-4466 sfranklin31@hotmail.com
Graham Getaway LLC
Kim & Patricia Pedersen 81 Kennington Court Dallas, TX 75248 469-446-4912 - KIM 81kennington@gmail.com,
Greer Charolais
Collin & Courtney Greer / Rebecca Greer 4558 FM 417 E Shelbyville, TX 75973 (936)591-2142 cgreer4557@gmail.com
Greg Cli on, Auctioneer 7221 Eden Road N Richland Hills, TX 76182 (817)313-5250
Hann Family –Spring Valley Ranches
Roy Hann Family 9995 CR 353 Gause, TX 77857 979-255-5709
Hat eld Charolais
James S Hat eld PO Box 1266 Terrell, TX 75160 214-912-0921
Hayden Farm
James & Cathy Hayden 4430 Bloom eld Road Bardstown, KY 40004 (502) 507-4984 jhayden@haydensteel.com
Heritage Acres Ranch
Mark Arldt 1196 CR 111 Giddings, TX 78942
mark@heritageacrestexas.com www.heritageacrestexas.com
Hess Cattle
Chris Hess 608 N Main Muenster, TX 76252 940-736-3504 chrisdhess@yahoo.com
Hobbs 3-Way Ranch Timothy Hobbs 405 CR 117 Wharton, TX 77488 timmy.hobbs@yahoo.com
Idle Time Charolais Donald & Dee McAdams 1420 Lilley Yeager Loop N Cleveland, TX 77328 281-622-9461 misang54dee@yahoo.com
Jackson Cattle Co. Je F Jackson 5947 FM 203 Walnut Springs, TX 76690 254-897-9116 je 3302@yahoo.com
Jerry Hawes Ranch (JH) Jerry & Carolyn Hawes PO Box 824 Georgetown, TX 78627 512-863-7991 hawesrusty@gmail.com
JFS Ranch Kelly & Patty Stretcher PO Box 1535 Liberty, TX 77575 903-790-5081
kstretcher@ nb.bank
K&K Ranch Steve R Killion 2228 CR 1301 Rusk, TX 75785 (903)683-6297-Home
Kailei Gotorth 5906 Redwood Ln. Rowlett, TX 75089 214-444-1531
Kalli N Ellis Kalli N Ellis PO Box 157 La Ward, TX 77970 361-235-0203 kelli.ellis@yahoo.com
Kiefer Livestock Nolan Kiefer 18319 Vintagewood Lane Spring, TX 77379 832-331-0904 lieferlivestock@gmail.com www.kieferlivestock.com
Kocurek Cattle Company
Stephen A Kocurek 8535 State Hwy 36 South Caldwell, TX 77836 979-406-0627 sales@kosurekindustries.com www.kocurekindustries.com
Kris, Wendy, Corbin & Avery Hunt
2940 Jay Dr. Longview, TX 75605 903-736-3806 wendy@2htransport.com
La Perla Ranch
Armando Medina 9007 Village Drive San Antonio, TX 78217 (210)240-8228 amedina74@gmail.com
Ledbetter Charolais
Jearl & Lee Ledbetter 924 Rollign Ridge Rd. Lockhart, TX 78644 512-845-1449 - Jearl
Lee Show Cattle
Alan Lee 520 Tower Rd Gillham, AR 71841
Lehman Charolais
Larry & Robbie Lehman PO Box 700 Tioga, TX 76271 972-529-8723 lehmancharolais@aol.com www.lehmancharolais.com
Lewis Ranch
Jason Lewis 8101 East U S Hwy 90 Seguin, TX 78155 830-708-9239 sales@telewisranch.com
Link Charolais
Chris & Caroline Link 2234 Hwy 7 E Center, TX 75935 936-590-2949 chris.link@sbcglobal.net
Loran Charolais
Michael - Cathy Loran 518 Kinder Road Scotland, TX 76379 940-541-2476 cathyloran@hotmail.com
Los Pinos Cattle Co. Salvador R Ortega PO Box 40468 Houston, TX 77240 713-213-2021 manuel@lospinoscattle.com www.lospinoscattle.com
Mc Curdy Charolais Pat & Cole Mc Curdy 178 Fairview Ct Decatur, TX 76234 940-389-2812
mccurdy.cole@yahoo.com www.facebook.com/mccurdyranch
Milligan Ranch
John Milligan PO Box 1600 Navasota, TX 77868 979-574-3419 johnm@milliganranch.com
Mossleigh Farm Inc Betty S. Brown PO Box 578 Brookshire, TX 77423 (281)375-5221 brownLLC@outlook.com
P5 Charolais
Chris & Laura Pedersen PO Box 796 Terrell, TX 75160 972-672-2138 lpedersen@stcutility.com
Palla Charolais
Lyle & Lonnie Palla 7964 FM 529 Bellville, TX 77418 979-865-5249
Parr Charolais Greg C Parr 721 Menden St. Memphis, TX 79245 940-585-8559 gregparr1968@gmail.com
Plyler & Son Charolais Caleb, Briana & Huck Plyler 1748 Hempstead 7 Hope, AR 71801 (870) 703-1394 cplyler2014@icloud.com
Raasch Family Cattle
Bernard & Melinda Raasch
15303 Cameron Road Excelsior Springs, MO 64024 573-777-0260 mlh0972@hotmail.com
Ramro LLC/ RJ Cattle Co
Rosemary J Harrison 2975 Lazy Lane Blvd Houston, TX 77019 713-204-4903
dbgant@comcast.net, ramro@ comcast.net
Red Smith Genetics Corp
Hatch Cummings Smith Jr PO Box 366 Llano, TX 78643 646-416-1774
Rocker J Cattle
Michael Jeter 3637 US Hwy 281 North Jacksboro, TX 76458 432-788-0135
RSD Charolais
Raley Downing 1960 Church Ave Troy, TX 76579 254-239-9978
Rustyn W Ray Cattle
Rustyn W Ray #3 Mockingbird Lane Maumelle, AR 72113
Saginaw Charolais
Brad Smith
218 Saginaw Eddy Rd Donaldson, AR 71941 501-920-9409 rustyrayconstruction@gmail.com
Satter eld Charolais
Mark Satter eld 169 Satter eld Farm Rd Norfolk, AR 72658 (501) 944-9274 satter eldfarms@icloud.com
Sellhorst Charolais
Glenn Sellhorst 1160 N Platte Freemont, NE 68025 402-380-4465 glennsellhorst@aol.com
Shady Oaks Farms
Clark & Amy Behrends 3599 Ranch Rd 1376 Fredericksburg, TX 78624 830-456-3693 clark@behrendsfeed.net www.shadyoaksfarms.com
Sha er Cattle Co
Doug W Sha er 9668 State Hwy 96 Carthage, MO 64836 417-358-2444 judysha er@aim.com
Shepherd Charolais
Sara Shepherd 1308 Quebec Ave Stuart, IA 50250 515-321-6870 letter2sara@gmail.com www.ShepherdCharolais.com
Silver Creek Farms
Ricky & Kathy Kellison PO Box 369 Lockney, TX 79241 806-292-5982 silvercreek.farm@att.net www.silvercreekfrm.com
Simmons Charolais Joseph & Tara Simmons 24003 CR 441 Rising Star, TX 76471 325-642-3135 simmonscharolais@windstream.net www.simmonscharolais.com
Skeans Cattle Co
David & Larry Skeans 1216 Walter St Gainesville, TX 76240
Skiles Cattle Co
Garrit Skiles 204 PR 545 Lohn, TX 76852 432-557-7771
Smith Charolais Farms
Mark Smith PO Box 3733 Longview, TX 75606 903-736-0042
Stapleton Cattle
Josh Stapleton 5236 FM 1502 Detroit, TX 75436
Sturgess Double S Cattle
Michael & Lauren Sturgess 8806 Terra Cli San Antonio, TX 78255 msturgess@southernlivestock.com
omas Charolais Inc
Mitch omas & Tonnyre omas Joe PO Box 595 Raymondville, TX 78580
Tom Lewis Ranch
Patsy & Jason Lewis 8101 East US Hwy 90 Seguin, TX 78155 830-305-3215
Tomlinson Farms
Mark Tomlinson 414 CR 618 Rosharon, TX 77583 713-249-4951 ricefarmer1@hotmail.com
Trinity Valley Community College
Marc Robinson 100 Cardinal Dr Athens, TX 75751
Triple W Farms
Danny Wendland 7717 CR 3963 Ta , TX 78390 361-850-0776
Twisted V Ranch Bj Vickers 19233 CR 2160 Troup, TX 75789
V4 Cattle Company
John David Vasut 375 E. CR 341 Angleton, TX 77515 979-481-4412
West Charolais Ranch
Gary & Kristie West PO Box 12 Pleasanton, TX 78064 (210)260-3984
Windmill Ranch/ Carmine Charolais
Marlene & Conway Waak 1629 W US Hwy 290 Carmine, TX 78932 979-451-1507
Kaydence Fabinski
Cayden Stein
Aubree Mitchell
McKenna Mitchell
Cason Addington
Jade Stone
Roxton Stone
Emily Blackmon
Jacob Blackmon
Ashley Nipp
Camille Asmus
Mollie Welch
Riley Silves
Dalton Hamilton
Brittnee Hamilton
Cayla Parrish
Lynlee Gerik
Hayleigh Gerik
Alynna Ruelas
Molly Moss
Finley Schill
Kolton Hayner
Paisley Hayner
Jaycee Philen
Kylie Polhemus
Cooper Haywood
Brayden Dennis
Madyson Kiser
Carter Baker
Ethan Adams
Emma Adams
Saige Sowa
Baileigh Ferguson
Kalyn Albright
Kaycee Clark
Zane Potter
Grace Potter
Cannon Potter
Daniel Hytche III
Harlie Groom
Mckenna Muston
Travis Williams
Savannah Kelly
Harris Kelly
Emily Minatrea
Alex Duran
Veronica Duran
Sara Aultman
Kyeler Field
Audrey Field
Raley Downing
Creed Vineyard
Jaycee Hueske
Sidney Grice
Jayden Mata
Abigail Wells
Mary-Clair Goyen
Kacy Randall
Makaelyn Swain
Jackson Swain
Paisley Miller
Kasen Ramirez
Jaycee Littleton
Jaylee Littleton
Bella Parker
Lyndsey Franklin
Ridge Conway
Robert Clay Conway
Casey Conway
Jase Fortner
Jacob Fulp
Emily Fulp
Keaton Gilbreath
Quirt Odom
Claire Baker
Katie Summit
Makenzie Schneider
Kaylee Soto
Kaitlyn Hendricks
Caeley Makaelyn
Jayden Schoppe
Henry David Chapman
CalvinHays Chapman
Jacob Boelter
Koda Nelson
Kailei Goforth
Maddison Bedford
Savannah Jeter
McKayla Mears
Elizabeth Caffey
Emma Caffey
Jaxon Casey
Rydge Casey
Madison Smith
Laney Smith
Carter Greer
Camille Greer
Addison Corpus
Corbin Hunt
Avery Hunt
Keston Gerik
Will Herd
Kaydon Willett
Lexi Huse
Kinlee Hughes
Paisley Lightfoot
Stockton Lightfoot
Tilden Lightfoot
Paisley Lightfoot
Laken Schill
Jacob Saenz
Rodalyn Dunham
Evan Watson
Tripp Jones
Brigg Jones
Landree Leifeste
Shawn Leifeste
Mason Leifeste
Belle Watje
Makila Watson
A national reserve champion, this 2244 daughter has been admired throughout her life for her stylish combination of femininity, width and depth. The daughters of Goin’ Places are fantastic. We need more of them! We have enhanced her impact on our herd through the use of sons by Wyoming Wind, M6 Density (Big Top x 248), BPC BottomLine (914 x 2244) and M6 Fresh Air (Three Trees Wind x 914). The daughters of these bulls are exemplifying the same characteristics that made Goin’ Places so desirable.
This dam of Cooley Royce has been called a “freak” because of her enormous width and spring of rib. The kind of power that N60 transmits makes breeding easy! She has worked with every bull we’ve tried. Her sons are stout, growthy and easy to sell, while her daughters and granddaughters are maternal and productive. Have you seen the Royce daughters? They will work in anyone’s herd. We expect N60‘s influence to permeate our herd for many years to come.
With nearly 200 registered progeny, few females have had a greater impact on the breed than 248. We purchased an interest in 248 from M6 as a first calf heifer because we thought she was the most feminine Cigar daughter we had ever seen. Upon selling her, we produced nine clones to 248, ensuring that her genetics will continue to proliferate in our herd. Since the clones are just as productive as the original, the possibilities are endless.
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Mor talit y has gone way down. The use of First Defense products has proven to be a major weapon in the fight against neonatal s c o ur s o n o ur dair y h e r d s . C al ve s in o ur c ar e ge t pr ote c te d a s s o o n a s th ey hi t th e g r o un d If i t w a s m o r e c o m p li c ate d than that, I wouldn’t be standing here.
the genomic enhanced EPDs and the phenotype to offer plenty of merit to purebred and commercial breeders alike. There were also high quality Charolais heifers being developed at the Reymann Memorial Farm.
Charolais breeders are friendly, positive, hard-working people in every state and country I have visited in the past two years. Whether they own 20 cows or 1,000 cows, purebred Charolais breeders nearly all have a similar goal to produce the very best genetics they can to benefit the commercial and purebred breeders who purchase cattle from their herd. In PA, VA, and WV it is not unusual for Charolais breeders to join forces to test their cattle, market their cattle and invest in new genetics to provide their customers with the very best the Charolais breed has to offer. And the final observation, fresh picked Virginia apples are delicious!
Ballots will be mailed to Active AICA members in Areas 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14 on November 1; completed ballots must be received at address noted on ballot by November 30.
My grandfather homesteaded and brought his family out to Grady, New Mexico in 1907. There has been and are currently five generations of the Grau family members within 1/4 of a mile from the original homestead. My grandfather and father A.L. Grau raised Hereford cattle until 1965, when A.L. decided to start our Charolais herd. Myself, my wife, and my son are currently involved in GRAU CHAROLAIS RANCH. My daughter, Kristin, is also involved when she is home from attending Texas Tech University. My other two daughters are involved in the ranch in various ways.
I have attended and shown Charolais cattle at numerous shows over the years. I also attended three Junior National conferences in my youth. I am currently serving on the Activities Committee and the Commercial Committee, as well as the current Area 2 Board Member. I have also served on the Advertising & Marketing Committee.
I beleive it is important to promote the Charolais breed to increase market share. The Charolais have gain, cutability, hybrid vigor, and effeciency advantages that no other breed has. We need to promote hide colors alternative to black, that excel in all phases of production (cow/calf, feelot and packer).
My wife, Jan, and I own and operate a ranch in northern Colorado where we raise Charolais cattle and Border Collies. We have a bull sale at the ranch in April.
I also own and operate a small biotechnology company in Greeley, Colorado where we do DNA testing for genetic traits and defects in livestock, including sheep, pigeons, pigs and dogs. We have recently begun testing for PA in Charolais cattle and hope to expand our cattle testing.
We use our dogs on the ranch and also attend trials. I serve as superintendent of the cattle dog trials at the National Western Stock Show and the Nebraska State Fair, was a founder, vice president and currently am treasurer of the National Cattledog Association and serve as a Director of the American Border Collie Health and Education Foundation. I bred Suffolk sheep for 30+ years and served for 4 years as President of the United Suffolk Sheep Association.
In addition to breeding Charolais cattle for 18 years and conducting 12 annual bull sales, I have for six years served on the Breed Improvement and Finance committees of the AICA. Last year, in response to requests from multiple AICA members, we at Gene Check developed and offered a rapid, low cost test for Progressive Ataxia (PA).
The Charolais breed is widely recognized by commercial breeders as a breed that adds performance to their calves in terms of rate of gain, muscling and feed efficiency in addition to hybrid vigor. As a Board, I feel we should be focused on creating and increasing market for char-cross calves by continuing and increasing our work with packers.
The association should continue to grow by attracting new members as well as serving its members, including encouraging and facilitating the use of our breed improvement tools such as Whole Herd Rewards and DNA testing, perhaps via incentives.
Dybdal Charolais a fourth-generation farm and ranch operation located in Northeast Nebraska. I have been involved in the Charolais Breed since 1982. After return home from college and marrying my wife Krista, we grew our Charolais Herd and worked to establish a breeding stock and a commercial cow/calf program. We now host an Annual Charolais Bull Sale in April as well as offering a select group of females for sale each Spring and Fall.
I have been involved in the Charolais breed on the National, Regional and Local levels in many different aspects. I have served on the Nebraska Cattlemen Board of Directors, as President and a current Board of Director of the Nebraska Charolais Association and have shown on the National, Regional and Local levels many years. I am quite proud to say that my family also shares the same passion as the entire family was quite involved in planning three Charolais Junior Nationals held in Nebraska. Our children Taylor, Ty and Trisha were quite involved in the Nebraska Junior Charolais Association each serving as the President and Charolais Ambassador. They were heavily involved in the AIJCA contests as well as showing, with Ty and Trisha serving on the National Board and Ty as the AIJCA President. Our family was quite proud to receive the AIJCA Family of the Year Award, the Nebraska Charolais Association Seed Stock Producer of the Year, as well as the AICA Seed Stock Producer of the Year.
As a Director I would look forward to becoming more familiar with and having an impact on the AICA operations as well as the promotion of the Charolais Breed. The beef industry as a whole is in uncharted waters concerning demand and profitability and I would like to ensure that the Charolais Breed is in the forefront of these ever-changing times. I would like to thank you for this opportunity.
Our family ranch was founded in 1958. I have been an active Charolais breeder since I purchased my first Charolais heifer 54 years ago. I am married to Shelby (Sweeney) Hubert, and we have three grown daughters Whitney, Lindsey, and Hannah. We have five grandchildren. We purchased part of my parent’s operation in 1996 and have continued breeding Charolais cattle.
I served Area 4 as Director from 2000-2002. I was the Board of Directors Secretary from 2001-2002 and have been President of the Kansas Charolais Association on two different occasions. I have served eleven years as Logan County Commissioner. I also served seven years on the Kansas State Fair Board. am currently completing my term as Area 4 Director and Treasurer. I would like to seek reelection for another term.
I feel that I would bring experience, integrity, and common sense to the board if I were reelected. would appreciate your consideration.
I have been involved in the cattle industry all of my life, first with my grandfather, then with my dad and now with my wife and daughters. At the age of 19, I bought my first herd of Charolais cattle and have been in the Charolais business ever since. My family and I own and operate Bar L Charolais located in Simms, TX. My daughters,
Jaycee and Jaylee, are both involved in the Junior Charolais Association.
I have served on the Charolais Association of Texas (CAT) board for two terms and am involved in several committees with AICA.
I think the director of AICA would look out for what is best for the Charolais breed as a whole. I think the director would envision an organization that would be profitable for not only the breeders but the buyers as well.
My name is David Skeans. I grew up in Houma, Louisiana. I graduated from Central Lafourche high school and was very active in FFA and 4-H. It was there that I developed a passion for livestock and the agriculture industry. I attended Nicholls State University and earned a Bachelor degree in Agriculture Sciences in 2005. I continued my education at Louisiana State University and earned a Masters degree in Animal Science in 2009. After college my wife Katie and I moved to Gainesville, TX. Katie and I have a seven year old son, Theron and a three year old daughter, Holland.
In 2009 I began teaching high school agriculture. That year I partnered with my dad Larry on our family’s commercial cow calf operation. In our first year, we decided to transition the operation towards raising purebred Charolais. We did our research and bought our foundation Charolais females through Eric Dennis, Larry Lehmann, Bradley Bracewell, and Dennis Adams. In our female selections, we placed emphasis on structural correctness, udder quality, and overall phenotypic appeal. We used EPD’s as a useful tool when making our selections. We have been detail oriented in recording birth weights, weaning weights, and yearling weights on our calf crops. We grew our program relatively quickly by flushing our best females and used our commercial cows as recipients. We centered our program around raising, developing, and marketing registered Charolais bulls to commercial cattlemen. Bradley Bracewell and Eric Dennis were influential in helping us to develop our program, and in giving me a platform to market our bulls in the early years of our operation.
Our Charolais herd continued growing as I taught Agriculture Science. I am very passionate about teaching kids, and I feel like the National FFA Organization is one of the premier youth leadership organizations in the world. I spent 12 years in the classroom, but in the spring of 2021 I decided to run our Charolais operation full time. This transition allowed me to concentrate on developing and marketing our Charolais bulls. We market and sell all of our bulls private treaty. In addition, we sell a handful of elite females each year in production and consignment sales. We sell a handful of show heifer prospects each year, and take pride in the success of our customers.
Since becoming a Charolais breeder, I have been very involved in the Charolais Association of Texas. I have served as a C.A.T. board member for the past 10 years. I have held numerous C.A.T. offices including: President in 2015-16 and am serving as Vice President 2021 - current. I have been a member of the C.A.T. sale committee for the last 5 years and have been actively involved in planning and promoting our sales. I am interested in serving as an AICA area director, because I am passionate about the Charolais breed. I feel like we have a product that the cattle industry wants and needs. We have great leadership in place, and I would like to contribute where I can. I enjoy visiting and collaborating with other breeders in our area and across the country. There seems to be continuous pressure for the cattle industry to transition towards black hided cattle, especially in certain areas. Pressure from branded beef and value added programs may just be well promoted marketing gimmicks, but they do create challenges. Many of our livelihoods depend on the demand
for Charolais bulls from commercial cattlemen. I would like to ensure that the board continues to place emphasis on an information and outreach campaign, detailing feeding trials of Char and Char cross calves. We have a great product in Registered Charolais bulls. Our product will add more pounds at weaning and increase the consistency and uniformity of our customers’ calf crops. These calves will continue to perform and grade for the feedlot sector. It is up to us as an organization to ensure the industry acceptance of our Charolais sired calves. Thank you for considering me as your Area 6 director.
Jim Husz was born and raised on a Southwest Iowa diversified crop and livestock farm. The foundation for Jim’s life was laid in 1976, when the Husz family purchased their first registered Angus cattle as an entire unit. An immediate love was formed that led to a successful career in the Iowa and National Junior Angus programs. Later, as a student at Northwest Missouri State University, Jim played a role in building and developing an innovative bull test facility and was on a successful livestock judging team.
After graduating from Northwest, and a two-year stint at Mogck & Sons Angus Ranch in South Dakota, Jim began his 34-year career on the staff of his alma mater. During his 13 years as beef herdsman, Jim worked with several different breeds and breeders while managing the Larry and Velma Ehlert Bull Test Facility. This, combined with the tutelage of Dr. C.K. Allen, refined his knowledge of performance programs and genetic contribution available within those breeds. During this same time, work was being done to grow and develop an innovative Charolais herd at Northwest, focusing on antagonistic convenience and carcass traits. This process ultimately led to a few bulls being placed into bull studs and the herd developing national prominence. For 20-plus years, all the cull steers and heifers from the University herd have been retained, fed, and carcass data evaluated, to help make improvements in the herd.
Currently, Jim is the Area 8 Board Member and serves on the Breed Improvement Committee for the American-International Charolais Association. During this tenure, Jim has helped on several subcommittees involving both phenotypic and genotypic data collection. Jim is also an active Director for the Missouri Charolais Breeders Association and most recently was awarded an Honorary State Degree by the Missouri Future Farmers of America.
Aside from the duties of managing the University Farm, Jim also raises a select herd of Angus and Charolais cattle with his daughter, Taylor.
If re-elected, I hope to continue the landmark advancements that have occurred during my tenure. I feel that the breed has been challenged the last few years, but with a proactive approach, we can implement critical change that will cement the Charolais position in the beef cattle industry.
I own and operate J&A Charolais along with my wife Angela and daughters Shade and Breeze. Our ranch is located in Sparta, WI. We have been in the seedstock business since 1995 and the cattle business our whole lives. We travel the country exhibiting and selling our cattle. We focus on producing well balanced cattle with a focus on growth and eye appeal that our
commercial customers demand.
I have served on the Activities Committee for many years and am currently the Chairman. I have been a member of the Junior National Planning Committee three times, 2002, 2015, and 2023. I have also served the Minnesota/Wisconsin Charolais Association as Director and Treasurer for many years.
Like most breeders, I feel that Charolais cattle bring many outstanding benefits to the table. We need to continue to promote these benefits to the commercial customer. We must also work to get our message to the end user consumer to increase the demand for Charolais genetics. I feel my history in the breed and background will be an asset to the AICA board. I also have the ability to work with many different types of people.
My name is Steve Zimmerman. I bought my first Charolais heifers back in 1980. Before becoming assistant herdsmen for the late Earl and Bernice Millikin at Elm Charolais Farms in Hartford, WI.
Even though I became the President and Vice President of the Slinger FFA, in my early years, I also held the President position in the former Wisconsin Junior Charolais Association and Ohio Valley Junior Charolais Association.
Since then I have been on the Wisconsin Red Angus Association as Vice President and a board member. As for Coney Creek Farm in general, we have seen huge growth before downsizing in 22. From being, major award winners in both State and National Shows in the past 25 years, we plan to go for 30. While still planning on being a part of the Breed Associations in years ahead. In the meantime, I am trying to get the youth of today to get more interested in Beef Cattle Production and Showing. The past few years I have seen the decline in showing now that the age groups have moved on from college to the workforce.
It has always been interesting to see how the breeds have evolved over the years during the days that many have enjoyed over the years to show at. As the ever-changing economy between the breeds and customers’ needs. The new needs need to be met in this everchanging world and economy now.
I feel like I could bring some experience to this position. I realize not all positions are that easy to follow in someone’s footsteps before them, but I guess that’s why I willingly to continue my efforts in the Angus and Charolais community.
I am the fifth generation to raise cattle on my family ranch in central Alabama. From a young age, I had a passion for cattle and horses, and I grew up working on the same land that I currently work every day. I enjoyed calf roping, showing horses and working cows as a young man. After high school, I graduated from Auburn University at Montgomery and accepted a job with the State of Alabama Department of Human Resources, where I worked in Child Support Enforcement and Information System Development. I retired in 2005 and have been very thankful for the opportunity to pursue my passion full-time and devote more time to my cattle and horse business. I have been married to Linda Ellis for 32 years, and we have two children, Kristen and Wilson Ellis. I have served as a deacon at Pintlala Baptist Church for 31 years and currently serve as chairman of the deacons. I am past president of the Alabama Child Support
Association and the Lowndes County Cattlemen’s Association. I am currently serving as president of the Southeastern Livestock Exposition. I serve as a director for the Lowndes County Cattlemen’s Association. I am a member of the American-International Charolais Association, Alabama Cattlemen’s Association, National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, Lowndes County Cattlemen’s Association and the American Quarter Horse Association. After raising Beefmaster cattle for several years, I started my purebred Charolais business in 1999. I currently run about 45 brood cows and sell bulls and replacement heifers off the farm. With my cattle and horses I have always concentrated on quality over quantity, using the best genetics available, and I have held fast to that commitment to ensure consistently happy customers and develop longstanding relationships in the industry.
Over the past few years, I have hosted several tour groups of young cattlemen and cattlewomen as well as vet students and animal science students from several universities. It’s brought me great joy to pass on my knowledge, expertise and enthusiasm for the business to the next generation of leaders coming up in the field. I enjoy telling people about our Charolais cattle and how they have kept my business profitable for years.
I am currently serving as the AICA Director for Area 12. In February 2022 I organized a regional meeting that coincided with a Charolais sale in Montgomery, AL. Dr. Clint Rusk, who had recently been hired as our Executive Vice President, flew to Alabama to attend the meeting and the sale the following day. I have enjoyed meeting and getting to know many of the breeders of Area 12 and attending many of the sales in our area. In 2022 I was asked to serve on the Progressive Ataxia subcommittee of the Breed Improvement Committee. I am proud of the work we did to address the problem of PA and develop policy that was eventually put in place to deal with this issue. I am a member of the Breed Improvement Committee. I have served as chairman of the Affiliate Committee since 2021 and I am also currently serving as chairman of the Advertising and Marketing Committee.
I have been blessed to meet many wonderful people through my Charolais business. I am a staunch advocate for the Charolais breed and I enjoy the chance to actively support our members, expand our membership and help promote our industry.
I am asking the members of Area 12 for your vote so that I can continue the work that I have been doing with AICA for another term.
I live in Denton, Maryland with my wife Sharon. My son, Ben, lives nearby and helps with the cattle operation. My family’s involvement with the Charolais breed was started in 1962 by my father Jim Clark and I have continuously owned Charolais breeding stock since 1968, when I was 8 years old. I presently operate a herd of 25 purebred females and also put in 10-15 embryos per year from donors that I own in a partnership. I retired 5 years ago from a 35-year career in Agricultural Lending with MidAtlantic Farm Credit and during that time I was a Loan Officer, Credit Analyst, and Vice President for the company. I received a B.S. Degree in Animal Science from Virginia Tech in 1982 and was on the 1980 Livestock Judging team. I was also in the Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity and the Block and Bridle club in college.
I greatly enjoyed being an AIJCA member from the early 1970’s to the early 1980’s. I attended many Junior Nationals and served as a Director on the Junior Board for two years. My regional Charolais involvement is through membership in the Colonial Charolais
Association, and I have served as President, Secretary/Treasurer, Director, and Junior Advisor. I have attended many Junior Nationals with my sons, as they were AIJCA members for over 10 years. On the local level I have served as President and Treasurer of our County Fair.
During my two and a half years of serving as Area 14 Director it has been rewarding to help work on the challenging issues that have come up within the Charolais breed. The groundwork has been started to address some long-standing issues and I would very much like to have another term to help see those things through. From an early age I’ve been a student of the Charolais breed and have participated in a lot of its history. This background has been helpful in serving as a Director and I would like to keep putting that knowledge to work to advance the breed into the future. I’m very open to input from the membership and feel that I can put my cattle and business skills together to help AICA keep moving in a positive direction.
Caleb Testerman
My name is Caleb Testermans from Pipestem, WV. My wife, Ashlee, and I have 2 sons; Cruz, who is currently in Marine Corp boot camp and Duke who is a Junior in High School. I was born and raised in the coal country of West by God Virginia on a small commercial cattle farm. My father, grandfathers, uncles, and cousins were at one point underground coal miners. After high school I joined the United States Marine Corps. Upon returning home I met my wife Ashlee who introduced me to Charolais, thus creating my new intriguing obsession with this breed of cattle. We have now raised charolais cattle for almost 20 years. This fall will be the 4th Annual Quality over Quantity bull and Female sale. We test feed efficiency, carcass, performance, and many other traits.
I started “ Let’s Talk Charolais”, a facebook group which currently has over 13,000 members worldwide. The group was started to bring Charolais breeders together to discuss, advertise, and share valuable information about the breed. The group has proven to be a great promotional tool for Charolais and Charolais influenced cattle. This platform has brought to light the vast differences in the breed across different states, regions, environments, and countries all while showing why everyone loves white cattle.
I am a member of the Quality Group, this group of East Coast breeders came together to offer RFI- Residual Feed Intake tested, carcass tested, and genomically enhanced genetics on the East Coast. This group is working together to advance Charolais genetics making them more efficient and productive in the seedstock and commercial sectors.
As Director I would love to work with advancing Charolais into the new generation of scientific breed improvement. Genomics have become the most useful tool in a cattleman’s toolbox, in all breeds. Moving forward we must create awareness and simplify the education process explaining the importance of genomics and data collection to all producers, large and small.
“Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing towards what will be.”
I’m very active in community organizations, local and state government, 4-H and FFA, Treasurer of the Maryland State Fair, Harford County Farm Bureau Liaison to Harford County Government, Finance Chairman for my church.
I am a Past Director and President of AICA, Past President of Colonial Charolais Association, Vice Chairman AICA Advertising & Marketing Committee. I have also
been involved in regional Charolais shows and sales.
I want to help the Board continue to grow this Great White Breed in a conservative manner, while helping our local breeders feel involved in local, regional and national decisions.
I am 28 years old and living on our family farm here in McVeytown, Pennsylvania. Since returning to the farm 8 years ago, I have had the opportunity to reignite my passion for Charolais cattle through working on and building my own herd within our family’s operation, Bratton Charolais Farms. We currently run about 5060 Charolais and Charolais cross females, raise and sell bulls, and supply calves for our freezer beef business as well. I am currently focusing on increasing our registered female herd and introducing some red factor genetics as well.
I am currently employed at our local feed mill and have come to enjoy the nutritional and health aspects of raising cattle. I also enjoy being involved in ministries within our church and local community here in central Pennsylvania.
I have enjoyed getting to know the AICA and a few of those within the Charolais breed over the past 5 years. My grandpa, Ray Bratton, was a key figure in getting me started in the Charolais breed, along with my parents, Diane and Lyle. Daren Statler has also been a great mentor and friend along the way. I’ve come to learn that the Charolais folks are some of the best!
I began showing Charolais and Charolais cross cattle in 4-H when I was 10. I enjoyed learning how to choose, grow, train, and display quality cattle that look good, move well, and produce a high-quality end product. I’ve also enjoyed attending local events sponsored by the AICA and those within the organization over the past few years with focuses on genomics and feed efficiency.
A recent highlight was getting the opportunity to ride along south with Daren Statler to deliver some bulls to Mr. Doug Rogers in Mississippi with a hospitable layover at Mr. Robert Summerford’s in Alabama. Getting to visit with folks who have been in the business for a while is always a gift and reminder that this business is truly a people business. I hope to continue to meet more Charolais folks and be involved in more events in the future.
With the beef cow herd here in the northeast being predominantly British influenced, it seems we have a tremendous opportunity to market Charolais genetics based on efficient growth, carcass merit, heat/weather tolerance, general heterosis and more! Many dairy farmers are also looking to use beef breeds in their breeding programs to boost marketability and profitability in their calf crop. I believe Charolais offers what commercial producers want, but we need to find more ways to deliver.
We also need to be able to address issues or preconceived notions of the commercial producer as well. For example, if black calves get a premium over reds, tans, and whites, we need to be able to offer alternative solutions. Red factor genetics and/or calf buyback programs both pose as possible solutions for our commercial customers.
I appreciate the work AICA has done and continues to do on behalf of its members and their customers. If elected, I’d be proud to continue the work for solutions using the strengths of both the Charolais breed and its breeders. Understanding what we have to offer and finding ways to communicate it more effectively is the answer to not only increasing Charolais and Charolais influenced cattle numbers here in the east, but also creating a more efficient and profitable beef supply chain. As a director, it would continue to be my desire to find more tangible ways the Charolais breed can further serve and boost producers here in the east.
VeaBea Thomas, Clint & Cally Kindred 18475 Capri Place • Harrold, SD 57536 Office: 605-973-2448
Cell: 605-222-1258 Cally’s Cell: 605-222-1515 thomas@venturecomm.net
B&B Farms Carl J. Boynton 984 Will Blankenship Road Pikeville, TN 37367 423-290-9458
Garrett Charolais Billy Garrett 5087 HWY 70E Crossville, TN 38555 931-456-5600 M6 New Germaine 585 P ET (EF1220820)
Deadline for submitting performance information for November 2023 Analysis
Wyoming Wind and D040
Ankony Miss Lady K025 (EF1324990)
Deadline for submitting performance information for December 2023 Analysis
Deadline for submitting performance information for January 2024 Analysis
October 7 Bradley & Hankins Fall Colors Sale, Republic
October 14 Wild Indian Acres Bull Sale, Joplin
October 20 Royal Breeders Bull Classic, Kansas City
October 20 Royal Collection Sale, Kansas City
October 21 American Royal National ROE Sale, Kansas City
October 21 Angell-Thomas Production Sale, Paris
October 21 Bradley Bull Sale, Springfield
October 28 Mead Bull & Female Sale, Versailles
November 4 Wright Female & Bull Sale, Kearney
December 2 Ridder Female & Bull Sale, Herman
March 2 Mead Bull Sale, Versailles
March 2 Peterson Bull Sale, Mtn. Grove
March 9 Wright Bull Sale, Kearney
March 16 Bradley Bull Sale, Springfield
March 16 Wild Indian Acres Bull Sale, Joplin
March 16 Windy Hill Open House, Cedar Hill
March 23 8 Story Bulll Sale, Gallatin
Rt. 2, Griggsville, IL 62340
Rick Curfman (217) 285-5213
Roger Curfman (217) 491-1923
Ryan Curfman (217) 248-7711
Sharlene Cell:
“Charolais Since 1960”
Dale (815) 674-4419
Steve (815) 674-2395
Larry (815) 674-2397
Trent (815) 992-0282
Nick (815) 822-4417
Keystone International Livestock Exposition Class A ROE Show
Harrisburg, Penn.
Northern International Livestock Exposition Class A ROE Show
Billings, Mont.
American Royal Livestock Show National ROE Show
Kansas City, Mo.
Deadline for submitting performance information for December 2023 Analysis
AICA Fall Board of Directors Meeting & Committee Meetings Louisville, Ky.
Louisville, Ky.
Contact David Hobbs (816) 464-2474, ext 200, dhobbs@charolaisusa.com with affiliate event dates.
M O R E O N T H E W E B: www.charolaisusa.com/calendar.html
October 1 – Deadline for submitting performance information to AICA for November 2023 Genetic Analysis.
October 3 – Double-H Charolais Retirement & Online Complete Dispersal, SC Online Sales, Sale Manager: JWC Marketing, LLC.
October 3 – Meinders Stock Farms Mature Cow Herd Dispersal, CK Online Sales. Contact: Zach Meinders.
October 5 – Boyert Show Cattle Spring Born Heifer Online Sale, SC Online Sales. Contact: Jared, Jake or Clayton Boyert.
October 7 – Bradley Cattle & Hankins Farms Charolais & Red Angus Fall Colors Sale/Hankins Farms Complete Charolais Herd Dispersal, 6 p.m., Hankins Sale Facility, Republic, Mo. Auctioneer: Cody Lowderman. Sale Manager: Innovation AgMarketing LLC.
October 7 – Keystone International Livestock Exposition Class A ROE Charolais Show, Harrisburg, Pa.
October 7 – Southern Connection Sale, 1:00 p.m., at Knoxville Livestock Market, Knoxville, Tenn. Sponsors: South Carolina Charolais Association; Georgia-Florida Charolais Association. Auctioneer: Greg Clifton. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service.
October 8 – Keystone International Livestock Exposition Junior Charolais Heifer Show, Harrisburg, Pa.
October 10 – Bertsche Cattle Show Heifer & Genetics Sale, CKOnlineSales.com. Contact: Brandon Bertsche.
October 12 – JMAR Genetics & Guests Quality Over Quantity Bull & Heifer Online Sale, DVauction.com. Contact: Jim Johnson.
October 13 – North Carolina State Fair Open Charolais Show, Raleigh, N.C.
October 14 – Wild Indian Acres Fall Bull Sale, Joplin Regional Stockyards, Joplin, Mo. Auctioneer: Bailey Moore. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales.
October 14 – Homewood Cattle Company Bull Sale, at the farm, Forest, Miss. Contact: Sean Ferrell.
October 14 – Thomas Charolais Inc. Annual Fall Bull Sale, 1 p.m., at the ranch, Raymondville, Texas. Contact: Mitch Thomas or Tonnyre Joe.
October 16 – CK Cattle From Pasture To Purple Online Sale, SC Online Sales. Contact: Chris Effling.
October 17 – Jackson Cattle Company Spring Born Online Heifer Sale, Walnut Springs, Texas. Contact: Jeff Jackson.
October 18 – Northern International Livestock Exposition Junior Charolais Show, Billings, Mont.
October 18 – Northern International Livestock Exposition Class A ROE Charolais Show & Composite Charolais Show, Billings, Mont.
October 20 – Aces Wild Ranch Southern Belles Fall Female Sale, At the ranch, Millsap, Texas. Sale Manager: Innovation AgMarketing LLC
October 20 – South Carolina State Fair Open Charolais Show, Columbia, S.C.
October 20 – State Fair of Texas/Pan American Livestock Exposition Open Charolais Show, Dallas, Texas.
October 20 – Meadows Creek Farm Arcadia Black & White Bull Sale, Arcadia Stockyard, Arcadia, Fla. Contact: Richard or Glenn Meadows.
October 20 – Royal Breeders Bull Classic, 8 a.m., American Royal Livestock Show Hale Arena, Kansas City, Mo. Sponsor: Missouri Charolais Breeders Association. Contact: Jeannine Doughty or David Hobbs.
October 20 – Royal Collection Charolais Sale, 1:30 p.m., American Royal Livestock Show Wagstaff Sale Center, Kansas City, Mo. Sponsor: Missouri Charolais Breeders Association. Sale Manager: JWC Marketing LLC
October 21 – American Royal Livestock Show Junior Charolais and Percentage Heifer Show. 8 a.m. , Kansas City, Mo.
October 21 – American Royal Livestock Show National ROE Show , Kansas City, Mo.
October 21 – Fink Beef Genetics Fall Bull & Female Sale, Noon, Fink Beef Genetics Sale Facility, Randolph, Kan. Contact: Galen or Lori Fink or Megan or Chad Larson.
October 21 – Rogers Bar HR Fall Turn-Out Bull & Bred Heifer Sale, at the ranch, Collins, Miss. Contact: Doug Rogers.
October 21 – Angell – Thomas Charolais Bull & Female Sale, 12:30 p.m., at the farm, Paris, Mo. Contact: Russ or Sally Thomas.
October 21 – Bradley Cattle Bull Sale, Springfield Livestock Marketing Center, Springfield, Mo. Contact: Bruce Bradley.
October 23 – Hinshaw Show Cattle Online Female Sale, SC Online Sales. Contact: Dan, Jacob or Levi Hinshaw.
October 24 – BJR Summerford Online Bull Sale, CKOnlineSales.com. Contact: Robert or Alan Summerford.
October 24 – Dybdal Charolais 10th Annual Friends In Low Places Elite Show Heifer Online Sale. Contact: Ty or Larry Dybdal.
October 24 – Fred Ranch Complete Dispersal, 11 a.m., Burwell Livestock Market, Burwell, Neb. Auctioneer: Cody Lowderman. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales.
October 27 – 29th Annual Hokie Harvest Sale, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Va. Contact: Dan Eversole.
October 28 – L.G. Herndon Jr. Farms Best of the South 5th Annual Black & White Bull & Female Sale, at the farm, Lyons, Ga. Contact: L.G. Herndon Jr., Sky Herndon, or Kevin Asbury.
October 28 – Mead Farms Fall Performance Tested Bull Sale, Noon, Mead Sale Headquarters, Versailles, Mo. Auctioneers: Jerry Lehmann and Wes Tiemann. Contact: Alan Mead or Scott Wall.
October 28 – Nipp Charolais and Friends Production Sale, 1 p.m., at the ranch, Wilson, Okla. Contact: Curtiss Nipp.
October 28 – Plyler & Son Get The Brand Volume 8 Bull Sale, 1 p.m., Southern Arkansas University Story Arena, Magnolia, Ark. Auctioneer: Justin B. Stout. Contact: Caleb Plyler.
October 30 – AM Livestock Pasture Promises Online Sale, SC Online Sales. Contact: Adam or Hannah McCall.
November 1 – Deadline for submitting performance information to AICA for December 2023 Genetic Analysis.
November 4 – Fox Hollow Farms Fall Production Volume 3, 1 p.m., at the ranch, Hulbert, Okla. Contact: Stephen Mellott.
November 4 – The Fall Bull Sale, Noon, Mid-State Stockyard, Letohatchee, Ala. Contact: Bobby Keahey.
November 4 – The Wright Charolais Fall Event Sale, 1 p.m., Wright Charolais Sale Facility, Kearney, Mo.
Auctioneer: Greg Goggins. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales.
November 7 – ECP Cattle Online Sale, Live on CCI.Live. Contact: Ethan Propp.
November 11 – OK Charolais Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at McAlester Union Stockyards, McAlester, Okla.
Auctioneer: Greg Clifton. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service.
November 11 – Leachman Cattle of Colorado Fall Harvest Sale, Leachman Bull Barn, Fort Collins, Colo. Contact: Lee Leachman.
November 11 – North American International Livestock Exposition Junior Charolais Heifer Show, Louisville, Ky.
November 12 – 13 – 2023 AICA Fall Board of Directors Meeting & Committee Meetings, Kentucky Exposition Center, Louisville, Ky. Contact: Samantha Corn, AICA.
November 13 – 55th National Charolais Show, North Amercian International Livestock Exposition, Louisville, Ky.
November 17 – 18 Cavender Ranches 19th Annual Fall Production Sale, Commercial Females: November 17; Bulls: November 18, Cavender’s Neches River Ranch, Jacksonville, Texas Contact: Joe Cavender, Todd Harvey, Justin Matejka or Mark Cowan.
November 17-18 – Effertz Key Ranch The Key to Foundation Females Online Bred Heifer Sale, DVauction.com. Contact: Roger or Kevin Effertz or Adam Dean.
November 17 – Wienk Charolais Ranch Legends of Fall Bull Sale, at Arcadia Stockyard, Arcadia, Fla. Contact: Jeff, Sterling, Stetson or Ty Eschenbaum.
November 17 – Wagonhammer Ranches Total Package Female Sale, at the ranch, Bartlett, Neb. Sale Manager: CK Sales & Marketing.
November 18 – Sara Shepherd Charolais Annual Female Sale, at the farm, Stuart, Iowa. Sale Manager: JWC Marketing LLC.
November 22 – Benes Cattle Company Online Steer & Heifer Sale, Valparaiso, Neb. Contact: Mitch Benes.
November 30 – Charolais Charbray International Virtual Show Entries Close, www.charolaisinternational. com
December 1 – Deadline for submitting performance information to AICA for January 2024 Genetic Analysis.
December 1 – Meadows Creek Farm 18th Annual
It’s All Black & White Bull & Female Sale, Mid State Stockyards, Letohatchee, Ala. Contact: Richard or Glenn Meadows.
December 1 – Schurrtop Ranch Charolais & Angus
Bull Sale, Tri-State Livestock, McCook, Neb. Auctioneer: Cody Lowderman. Contact: Marty, Ryan, Jerry or Kay Schurr.
December 2 – Dennis Charolais Farm Spring Calving Dispersal, Marietta, Okla. Sale Manager: CK Sales & Marketing.
December 2 – 32nd Annual Rancher’s Choice
Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at Nixon Livestock Commission Company, Nixon, Texas. Auctioneer: Greg Clifton. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service.
December 2 – Ridder Farms Family Values Female
Sale & Annual Bull Sale, at the farm, Hermann, Mo. Sale Manager: JWC Marketing LLC.
December 3 – Boyert Show Cattle Online Bred Heifer & Cow Sale, SC Online Sales. Contact: Jared, Jake or Clayton Boyert.
December 3 – Rennert Ranch/Heart-J Char-Lay
Maternal Legacies Sale Volume 3, 1:00 p.m., Kearney, Neb. Auctioneer: Matt Printz. Contact: Kristian Rennert.
December 13 – Rifle Creek Cattle Co. 6th Annual
Registered Charolais Bull Sale, at the ranch, Anselmo, Neb. Contact: Riley or Steph Seda.
December 14 – Jackson Cattle Company Holiday
Edition Female Sale, Walnut Springs, Texas. Contact: Jeff Jackson.
December 16 – Hassebrook Charolais Female Reduction Sale, Albion Livestock, Albion, Neb. Auctioneer: Matt Lowery. Sale Manager: JWC Marketing LLC.
December 31 – AIJCA National Junior Merit Program
Application Deadline. Contact: Kaitlyn Chism, AICA.
January 1 – Deadline for submitting performance information to AICA for February 2024 Genetic Analysis.
January 1 – Cattlemen’s Congress Junior Charolais and Percentage Heifer Show, Oklahoma City, Okla.
January 1 – Cattlemen’s Congress Class A ROE Charolais Show, Oklahoma City, Okla.
January 2 – Cattlemen’s Congress Class A ROE
Charolais Heifer & Bull Pen Show, Oklahoma City, Okla.
January 13 – National Western Stock Show National ROE Charolais Heifer & Bull Pen Show, Denver, Colo.
January 13 – 45th National Charolais Sale, 1:30 p.m., National Western Stock Show H. W. Hutchison Family Stockyards Event Center, Denver, Colo. Sale Manager: CK Sales & Marketing.
January 14 – National Western Stock Show Junior Charolais and Percentage Heifer Show, Denver, Colo.
January 15 – National Western Stock Show National ROE Charolais Show, Denver, Colo.
January 26 – Charolais Association of Texas Cowtown Cattle Drive Sale, Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo West Arena, Fort Worth, Texas. Sale Manager: JWC Marketing LLC.
January 27 – Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo National ROE Charolais Show, Fort Worth, Texas.
January 29 – Gold Rush Elite Multi Breed Genetics Sale, Rapid City, S.D. Auctioneer: Seth Weishaar. Sale Manager: CK Sales & Marketing.
February 1 – Deadline for submitting performance information to AICA for March 2024 Genetic Analysis.
February 7 – Broberg Charolais 7th Annual Bull Sale, at the farm, Tilden, Neb. Auctioneer: Seth Weishaar. Sale Manager: CK Sales & Marketing.
February 10 – Bradley 3 Ranch The Wide Body Bull Sale, at the ranch, Estelline, Texas. Contact: James Henderson or Mary Lou Bradley-Henderson.
February 12 – 60th Annual Iowa Beef Expo Charolais Sale, 1:30 p.m., Iowa State Fairgrounds, Des Moines, Iowa. Auctioneer: Justin B. Stout. Sale Manager: JWC Marketing LLC.
February 14 – 33rd Annual San Antonio Livestock Show All Breeds Bull & Commercial Female Sale, 10:00 a.m., San Antonio Livestock Show Auction Facility, San Antonio, Texas.
February 16 – R Lazy B Charolais Production Sale, 1:00 p.m., Hub City Livestock, Aberdeen, S. D. Auctioneer: Seth Weishaar. Contact: Robert Birklid.
February 17 – Meadows Creek Farm 8th Annual Black & White Spring Forward Bull & Female Sale, South Alabama Stockyard, Brundidge, Ala. Contact: Richard or Glenn Meadows.
February 20 – Bina Charolais 29th Annual Powerhouse Bull Sale, Jamestown Livestock, Jamestown, N.D. Contact: Lane Bina or Denae Stern.
February 20 – Deutsch Charolais Annual Online Bull Sale, ckonlinesales.com. Contact: Tim Deutsch.
February 24 – Cannon Charolais Ranch 11th Annual Bull Sale, 1 p.m., at the ranch, Newton, Iowa. Auctioneer: Cody Lowderman. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales.
February 24 – Rogers Bar HR Spring Turn-Out Charolais Bull Sale, at the ranch, Collins, Miss. Contact: Doug Rogers.
February 24 – Shepherd - Shamburg Charolais & Angus Private Treaty Bull Sale, at the farm, Stuart, Iowa. Contact: Sara Shepherd or Dan Shamburg.
February 27 – Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo Class A ROE Show, Houston, Texas.
Contact David Hobbs (816) 464-2474, ext. 200, or dhobbs@charolaisusa.com with your Classified Advertising.
The following terms and conditions govern all advertising in the Charolais Journal, which is used without separate or additional contract terms.
word, $30 min., paid in advance.
ads requiring substantial extra production time will be charged a minimum $50/hour rate. If you prefer no extra charges, request that the Journal staff simplify the ad if necessary at their discretion. CANCELLATION
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A 5% discount for all advertising will be given if prepaid for one year. No agency commissions allowed on breeder rates.
All advertising copy (including photos) must be in the Charolais Journal office by the 25th of the second month preceding publication, i.e. Jan. 25 for the March issue or the first working day thereafter. A $100 late fee will be applied to all late advertisements. Proof deadline: 20th of the second month preceding publication, i.e. Jan. 20 for March issue.
The Charolais Journal reserves the right to refuse any advertising or copy at its sole discretion. The Charolais Journal assumes no responsibility for the accuracy and truthfulness of submitted advertising containing pedigrees or statements regarding performance. The Charolais Journal accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of any photographs supplied by other than its own staff. Advertisers shall imdemnify and hold harmless the Charolais Journal for any claims concerning advertising content as submitted.
Notice to advertisers: Advertising for sales scheduled prior to the 20th of the month of publication accepted at the advertiser’s risk. The Charolais Journal assumes no responsibility for distribution.
Advertising and editorial reprints available. Sale catalogs and brochures are produced at special rates. Contact office for prices.
Combat was sold to Kenmere Charolais in our 2023 Bull Sale for $75,000 for twothirds interest. He brings a well-balanced profile to the table with his eye appeal, big scrotal, perfect foot structure, added length and depth of body and cow making power in one package. Combats Dam was our pick from Hubert Charolais that has a beautiful tidy udder and model confirmation. This herd sire prospect sired by the famous and heavily used DC/CRJ Tank E108P will definitely rise to the top of our program!