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Georg Fisher IPS saddle clamps
2021 Georg Fisher IPS saddle clamps, 2-inch, 4-inch, 6-inch, new condition. Suggest retail price
Lot 51
Georg Fisher Electro fusion multi clamp
(2) 2021 Georg Fisher Electro fusion multi clamp standard 2 inch through 4-inch IPS with 19-inch bar base in toolbox, new and never used. Suggest new retail price 1530.00. Lot 49 and lot 50
McElroy Datalogger
2021 McElroy Datalogger six, DL 18001, MDL8374, Standard unit. June 25, 2021, starts the warranty date. The warranty date started June 25, 2021; current model has a suggest retail price of $8098.00. Contact the manufacturer for warranty information. Lot 54
McElroy pipe fusion equipment
2020 McElroy pipe fusion equipment, consisting of: (1) model 2LC, 217201, serial number C104796, 2-inch capacity, (1) pipe heater,2LC 2 CU, model 252801, both units were purchased new used less than 50 occurrences, new appearance, near new condition. The manufacturer offers a warranty. Contact the manufacturer for details. The suggested new retail is $4240.00.
Lot 52
McElroy pipe fusion equipment
McElroy pipe fusion equipment, consisting of the following: (1). 2LC, ID tag is not available, (1) McElroy heater model 2Lc and 2CU HEATER, model215505, both unit show signs of usage. Lot 55.