Saturday, September 11, 2010 1:00 (EST) at the farm Winchester, Indiana Annual Production Sale
Volume XXIV
General Information Sale Date Saturday, September 11, 2010 • 1:00 PM (EST)
Dave Hendrickson, Owner Doug Smith, Manager 4440 W. St. Rd. 32 • Winchester, Indiana 47394 Phone (765) 584-5894 • Fax (765) 584-0143
w w w. s i l v e r t o w n e f a r m s . c o m Silvertowne Farms would personally like to extend an invitation to you and your family to attend the 24th Annual Production Sale, Saturday, September 11, 2010. New challenges present an opportunity for each of us to adapt and utilize new strategies, philosophies and technologies to succeed in the agricultural industry. Breeding and raising Simmental Cattle has been no exception. With increased input costs, and marketing in a competitive global economy each of us are evaluating and reevaluating how to position ourselves for the future. With that in mind, once again we will be offering live web casting and internet bidding of our 2010 sale, keeping our clientele in mind that are unable to personally join us. With the convenience of internet bidding, we also want to iterate the inability to visit with those bidders in person. Please feel free to contact us to visit about Simmental Genetics in our program and yours.
Sale Day Phones
Sale Site: (765) 584-5894 • (765) 584-0143 • Doug Smith: (765) 969-0734
Hospitality Friday, September 10 After 4:00 PM - Viewing of Sale Cattle 8:00 PM - Social at the Randolph Inn & Suites Saturday, September 11 9:00 AM - Viewing of Sale Cattle 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM - Lunch 1:00 PM - Silver Certificate Sale XXIV
Motel Accommodations
The Randolph Inn & Suites, Winchester, IN • (765) 584-8281 (Ask for Silver Towne Farms block)
Holiday Inn, Richmond, IN • (800) 548-2473 Holiday Express, Muncie, IN • (765) 289-4678
Silver Towne Farms will assist buyers in coordinating and making the most economical trucking arrangements possible.
Herd Health
Silver Towne Farms maintains a certified Brucellosis free and accredited Tuberculosis free herd. All cattle will be wormed, vaccinated for IBR, BVD, BRSV, PI3, Pasturella Hemolytca, Leptovibro 5 way Clostriduim 7 way w/Hemophlous Somnus and Hardjo. All calves tested negative for BVD PI. All cattle will need to be poured for grubs later this fall. All females are calf hood vaccinated.
STF continually strives to uphold the integrity of our reputation and the cattle we produce. The last year has been a humbling year and one that has marked achievement through sacrifice and hard work by not only us but also our customers.
Not only do we acknowledge the success that we have experienced, but the success that each of you have experienced with infusing our genetics into your program. Many of our customers have experienced success in the showring, but equally important is the success in the beef industry; producing market topping feeder calves and fat cattle; replacement heifers and cattle that are excelling in economically important traits. However when all is said and done; we are in the business of producing a wholesome, safe and healthy end product for consumers and how truly humbling to feed the people of our nation.
Thank you for your time, consideration and support because without you none of this would be possible. The acquaintances and friendships that we have generated over the last two and half decades have been the most rewarding part of our involvement in the Simmental industry.
Livestock Publication Representatives
We hope to see you sale day, Saturday, September 11, 2010. In the meantime, if we can be of any assistance in making arrangements or visiting about the sale offering please feel free to give us a call.
ASA Eastern Trustee - John Harker ASA Field Representative - Jeremie Ruble • (406) 581-7940
Simmentally yours,
Dave, Doug, and our families at STF
Up-to-date breeding and calving information will be supplied sale day. All cattle sell guaranteed under the suggested sale terms and conditions of the American Simmental Association. Col. John Spiker • Jane Lew, West Virginia • (304) 884-7915 Col. Ron Kreis • Adamsville, Ohio • (740) 683-3235
Silver Towne Farms Sales Consultants
Buddy Robertson: (580) 747-7000, cell • (580) 938-2491, home Keith Phillips: (606) 584-5626, cell Dalton Lundy: (502) 727-6898, cell Chris Sweat: (479) 970-6905, cell Michael Behrhorst: (515)338-0040, cell Buyers unable to attend the sale may send their bids to Auctioneers or Sale Consultants.
EDJE Technologies – Steve Sellers • (866) 957-6145 Cattle Business Weekly – Grant Conover • (515) 419-1004 Special assignment – Michael Behrhorst • (515) 338-0040
American Simmental Association Guests
STF Onyx 451W
STF Onyx 451W
STF Onyx 451W
STF Onyx 451W 2481646 Born 1/02/2009 Tattoo: 451W
FLUSH Birth Weight: 96 ADJ WW: 850
STF Onyx 451W
stf dominique R170
STF Bullseye 01X
STF Bullseye 01X 2534888 Born 3/01/2010 Tattoo: 01X
Polled P/B Bull Birth Weight: 94 ADJ WW: 810
stf dominance t171 mmp kiss this 37l stf radiant 02x
LOT # 1A, 1B & 1C
sac mr mt 73g gcf miss caliente ss me too l06
STF Radiant 02X
STF Radiant 02X 2534889 Born 3/02/2010 Tattoo: 02X
Polled P/B Open Heifer Birth Weight: 96 ADJ WW: 650
STF Fixation –
full brother to Lots 1A, 1B and 1C
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 7.4 2.8 29.1 50.9 -1.4 -2.5 12.1 -3.1 -0.02 0.22 0.03 0.25 95 59
1A – Selling one flush in STF Onyx to the sire of your choice. “Onyx” was high selling female in our 2009 production sale going to Liberty Cattle Co. of Florida. Onyx in her only outing was calf and Grand Champion Female of the 2009 NAILE with her full sib being bull calf champion also. This flush opportunity will represent Simmental genetics at their finest with her sire STF Dominance owned by Remington Cattle Co. Hudson Pines Farm, and Hale Ranch also being named bull calf champion in 2007 at the NAILE and senior and Grand Champion bull at 2010 NWSS in his only two outings of his show career. Her grand sire STF Dominique was the 2005 NAILE grand Champion bull and is owned by Don Fritzler and family of Colorado. Onyx is managed and housed by STF and the ET work will be performed after her calving in 2011. Here is your chance to get in on cow families and sire’s with a history of success. Guaranteeing 5 embryos and 2 pregnancies with a cap of 8. Any above 8 can be purchased from Liberty Cattle Co. on a per embryo basis. 1B – A full brother to STF Fixation. STF Fixation was bull calf Champion at the 2009 NAILE and lead bull in our 2010 Res Pen of bull at the NWSS. This bull is just a march calf and has a very bright future. Look for his picture on 1C – This female is a full sib to STF Onyx and is a March female with a very bright future. This female’s overall make-up and design has a striking resemblance of her big sister. Look for her picture on
Saturday, September 11, 2010 • 1: 00 PM (EST) at the farm Winchester, Indiana
STF Beauty 510N
STF Beauty 510N
LOT #2
STF Beauty 510N
STF Beauty 510N 2198284 Polled P/B Cow Born 3/02/2003 Tattoo: 510N Birth Weight: 78 ADJ WW: 713
sac mr mt 73G stf made stout L158 stf desa rae STF Beauty 510N
LOT # 2
rains limit up stf diva 510j h&j Promise
STF/RP Goddess T097 STF Beauty 510N x Ankonian Red Caesar
STF Beauty has been one of my all time favorites and a favorite to many visitors to the farm. Beauty works very well in transplant and is a very solid producer. She is no stranger to producing top Simmental genetics. She was bred to STF Fixation on 6-20-10. What an exciting mating this should be. Her daughter sells as lot 58. CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 7.3 0.8 23.6 37.7 1.8 -12 -0.2 -14.1 0.04 0.17 0.00 -0.31 93.9 56
STF Unanimous UP26 Grandson of Beauty. STF Russom RE86 x STF Sly Moves 2
24thAnnual Silver Certificate Sale
SS Paige P263
SS Paige P263
LOT #3
SS Paige
SS Paige 2240558 Born 2/24/2004 Tattoo: P263
Polled P/B Cow Birth Weight: 82 ADJ WW: 696 pvf-bf bf26 black joker
njc laredo njc/tjf jolene SS Paige
LOT # 3
lrs preferred stock 370c bs miss pref stock 263j sgt p13
A very solid producing female we purchased from Sloup Simmentals. This female is as deep and massive of any female you will find for her frame size. We flushed this female with great success producing embryos. Paige is bred to a full sib to Onyx and Fixation, STF bull 16W on 5-3-10. Her bull calf sells as lot 35A. CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 5.3 0.2 31.7 60.8 1 11.8 27.6 -0.9 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.13 99.6 60.5
Saturday, September 11, 2010 • 1: 00 PM (EST) at the farm Winchester, Indiana
Choice of STF Rose XN99 or STF Ebulient XL64
STF Rose XN99 tnt top gun R244
LOT #4
STF Rose XN99
STF Rose XN99 2533468 Polled P/B Open Heifer Born 1/04/2010 Tattoo: XN99 Birth Weight: 88 ADJ WW: 681
wheatland red ace 747T wheatland Lady 902J
STF Rose XN99 STF Ebulient xl64
LOT # 4 & 4A
gws ebonys trademark 6N stf desmarque SL57 stf desa rae
STF Ebulient XL64
TF Ebulient XL64 S 2533245 Polled P/B Open Heifer Born 1/08/2010 Tattoo: XL64 Birth Weight: 85 ADJ WW: 696
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 6.1 1.1 31.1 55.3 2.8 5.9 21.5 -3 0.02 0.11 0.01 0.01 97 60 XN99 & XL64—These two solid red females are sound, correct and are both out of proven donors here at STF. Their sire “Red Ace” was the top selling bull in Wheatland Stock Farms 2008 bull sale Their expectations are unlimited and the red genetics in these pedigrees are unstoppable. We are selling pick of these two females, you choose the one you want and the other will stay at STF. Their dam is full sib to the 2008 NWSS Grand bull “STF Savvy” and grand daughters of STF Desa Rae.
STF Ebulient XL64 4
24thAnnual Silver Certificate Sale
Choice of STF Double Take 155X or STF Prolific X53M
STF Double Take 155X srs fortune 500
LOT #5
STF Double Take 155X
TF Double Take 155X S 2533482 Born 2/03/2010 Tattoo: 155X
Polled P/B Open Heifer Birth Weight: 96 ADJ WW: 859
STF Prolific X53M
TF Prolific X53M S 2533452 Polled P/B Open Heifer Born 2/10/2010 Tattoo: X53M Birth Weight: 83 ADJ WW: 677
stf mr momentum h508 lrs ms zinger 508c STF Double Take 155X STf prolific x53M
LOT # 5 & 5A
jdj charisma 20P stf Charisa t809 gcf miss caliente
155X & X53M—Two solid black females out of the STF Charisa T809 female. These two carry an extreme amount of capacity, soundness, and structural correctness. They have the potential to become donors and brood matrons of the Simmental breed. We are selling pick of these females you choose the one that suits you best and the other will be retained at STF. T809 is a maternal sib STF Onyx.
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 8.4 1.5 27.5 58.7 5.3 -0.9 12.9 0.2 0.03 0.26 0.04 0.22 115 61
STF Prolific X53M Saturday, September 11, 2010 • 1: 00 PM (EST) at the farm Winchester, Indiana
Open Heifers LOT #6
STF Terra Cotta X300
TF Terra Cotta X300 S 2533469 Born 1/03/2010 Tattoo: X300
Horned P/B Open Heifer Birth Weight: 89 ADJ WW: 758
wheatland bull 468P wheatland red hummer 608S Wheatland Lady 443P STF Terra Cotta X300 stf dominique R170
LOT # 6
STF Kiss Me T300 mmp kiss this 37L
Here is a solid red horned heifer that is as good as they get. This female’s dam is a flush mate to STF Dominance and sired by the Red Hummer bull. This female has always been one of my favorites and should prove to be a great producing cow.
STF Terra Cotta X300
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 6.6 2.4 37.5 66.5 1.8 2.1 20.9 5.5 0.05 0.11 0.05 0.28 98 62
LOT #7
STF Shocker Up 405X
TF Shocker Up 405X S Pending Born 2/10/2010 Tattoo: 405X
Polled P/B Open Heifer Birth Weight: 89 ADJ WW: 654
stf shocking Dream STF Upper Deck 292U STF Miss LJ25 STF Shocker Up 405X
LOT # 7
stf montana Black KF25 stf miss 405T Zeis Miss Ace N13
This fancy black female will make a good addition to anyone’s herd. She has very fancy eye appeal.
STF Shocker Up 405X
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 6.15 0.65 25.9 52.45 1.92 0.7 13.7 -5 0.00 0.21 -0.02 -0.21 92 55
LOT #8
STF Crimson X261
TF Crimson X261 S 2533428 Born 1/07/2010 Tattoo: X261
Polled P/B Open Heifer Birth Weight: 70 ADJ WW: 619
stf much more k300 stf high dollar nh486 af bianca h86 STF Crimson X261
LOT # 8
stf montana black kf25 stf miss 261h stf miss 261h
A red baldie female with an outcross pedigree to most producers. She has a tremendous amount of eye appeal and femininity. The STF High Dollar has worked well here at STF. Hopefully you won’t miss the capabilities of this female
STF Crimson X261 6
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 5.8 -2.0 18.5 34.3 -0.9 3.8 13.1 -19.9 0.04 0.25 0.00 -0.37 101 59
24thAnnual Silver Certificate Sale
Open Heifers LOT #9
STF Eccentric X304
TF Eccentric X304 S 2533477 Born 1/08/2010 Tattoo: X304
Polled 1/4AN 3/4 SM Open Heifer Birth Weight: 94 ADJ WW: 672 stf mr momentum h508
svf/njc mo town m216 njc svf antoinette k205 stf eccentric x304
LOT # 9
stf too red G64 stf miss s304 crcc lass 4069P
We can’t say enough about the potential this female has to offer. She has an extreme amount of eye appeal and femininity along with the structural correctness and soundness to complement anyone’s herd. This female’s potential is limited only by the management style in which she is incorporated. Be sure and look her up.
STF Eccentric X304
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 8.1 -0.6 18.7 44.8 4.5 0.5 9.9 -11.1 0.14 0.39 0.04 -0.26 107 61
LOT #10
STF Descry 151X
STF Descry 151X 2533473 Born 2/12/2010 Tattoo: 151X
Polled P/B Open Heifer Birth Weight: 90 ADJ WW: 639 ppsr Montana irish 107D
stf montana black KF25 stf desa rae STF Descry 151X
LOT # 10
SAC mr MT 73G gcf miss caliente ss Me Too L06
A solid black female with multi generations of cow families and predictability in her pedigree. This female is a maternal sib to Onyx and Fixation and has a world of potential.
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 4.9 2.6 27.6 51.3 -4.8 -2.4 11.4 -3 0.00 0.22 0.01 0.08 93 58
LOT #11
STF Decry 151X
STF Embrace X090
TF Embrace X090 S 2533455 Born 1/11/2010 Tattoo: X090
Polled P/B Open Heifer Birth Weight: 84 ADJ WW: 774
hc power drive 88H wheatland bull 468P wheatland Lady 902J STF Embrace X090
LOT # 11
cns dream On L186 stf miss angel R090 KenCo/MF Glamours Angel
This females sire was Supreme Canadian Agribition bull Wheatlands “Hummer”. She is deep bodied, structurally sound with a world of potential. Her mother is the full sib to the 2007 NWSS Grand Champion female “WHCC Angels Dream”.
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 7.8 0.0 32.9 59.5 4.7 12.2 28.7 -2.1 0.07 0.14 0.05 0.2 115 64 Saturday, September 11, 2010 • 1: 00 PM (EST) at the farm Winchester, Indiana
STF Embrace X090 7
Open Heifers LOT #12
STF Embellish W70X
TF Embellish W70X S 2533491 Polled P/B Open Heifer Born 12/27/2009 Tattoo: W70X Birth Weight: 68 ADJ WW: 684
nichols legacy g151 Hooks Shear Force 38K c&d tracy STF Embellish W70X
LOT # 12
wheatland bull 468P stf unsurpassed 170U gcf miss caliente
A solid black Hooks Shear Force daughter and granddaughter of the “Calienta” female. She is structurally sound with a different gene pool to a lot of breeders.
STF Embellish W70X CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 13 -2.8 22.8 41.9 2 10.2 21.6 -16.7 -0.09 0.34 0.06 0.59 130 67
LOT #14
STF Ecstasy X853
TF Ecstasy X853 S 2533434 Born 1/02/2010 Tattoo: X853
Polled P/B Open Heifer Birth Weight: 74 ADJ WW: 745
cns dream on l186 stf shocking dream sj14 stf miss jo114 STF Ecstasy x853
LOT # 14
srs right on 22R wbf enchantment u853 stf enchantment nl25
A solid black female which is moderate in frame but yet extremely smooth in her overall makeup. Her genetics trace back to the “Enchantment” cow family which has proven its self time and time again.
STF Ecstasy X853
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 8 0.1 26.8 55.2 4 2.7 16.1 -4.1 0.07 0.34 0.04 0.01 117 64
LOT #15
STF Diamond 260X
TF Diamond 260X S 2533443 Born 1/05/2010 Tattoo: 260X
Polled P/B Open Heifer Birth Weight: 80 ADJ WW: 732 NJC Laredo
T178 HR Miss 42B HR R29 STF Diamond 260X
LOT # 15
srs fortune 500 stf Miss 260T stf leona l260
This female would have an outcross pedigree to most producers. If you are needing new genetics be sure to look her up.
STF Diamond 260X 8
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 7.4 0.1 26.1 53.1 2.8 4.7 17.8 -5.4 0.02 0.07 0.02 0.08 108 57
24thAnnual Silver Certificate Sale
Open Heifers LOT #16
STF Miss XS64
STF Miss XS64 2533467 Polled P/B Open Heifer Born 1/09/2010 Tattoo: XS64 Birth Weight: 88 ADJ WW: 746 cns dream on l186 stf shocking dream sj14 stf miss j0114 stf miss xs64
LOT # 16
stf moment ahead pj26 stf miss sn64 stf miss n64k
A solid black female that has a world of potential. This young female has structural make-up to be very competitive and make a great cow.
STF Miss XS64
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 10 1.3 34.7 66.7 4.7 0.1 17.5 4.3 -0.03 0.24 -0.01 0.06 114 66
LOT #17
STF Arraign XM70
TF Arraign XM70 S 2533485 Polled P/B Open Heifer Born 1/13/2010 Tattoo: XM70 Birth Weight: 97 ADJ WW: 706
tnt top gun R244 wheatland Red Ace 747T wheatland Lady 902j STF Arraign XM70
LOT # 17
stf too red g64 stf miss m170 russ mack 170B
This solid red female has an outcross pedigree to many Simmental breeders. She is a a complete female that has a great future ahead of her.
STF Arraign XM70
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 5.9 1.9 24.4 43.9 2.7 6 18.2 -8.5 0.07 0.13 0.02 -0.14 86 51
LOT #18
STF Shyly XR41
STF Shyly XR41 2533480 Polled P/B Open Heifer Born 2/27/2010 Tattoo: XR41 Birth Weight: 95 ADJ WW: 626 stf dominique R170 stf dominance T171 mmp kiss this 37L stf shyly xr41
LOT # 18
stf starquest N114 stf miss RG41 stf secret remedy
A red baldie female with a world of potential. This female’s cow family has been very solid producers here at STF.
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 5.1 2.7 25.8 47.5 -2.8 -0.3 12.6 -5.1 0.04 0.17 0.00 -0.14 97 55
STF Dominance T171 – sire of Lot 18
Saturday, September 11, 2010 • 1: 00 PM (EST) at the farm Winchester, Indiana
Open Heifers LOT #19
STF Promiscuous XTH1
TF Promiscuous XTH1 S 2533429 Polled P/B Open Heifer Born 1/14/2010 Tattoo: XTH1 Birth Weight: 70 ADJ WW: 665
svf/njc mo town m216 stf easy rider s17 stf miss m170 stf promiscuous xth1
LOT # 19
cns dream on l186 stf rhe-awty th1 stf desa rae
STF Promiscuous XTH1
A red female that has been a pasture favorite to many visitors this summer. This female is very attractive in her overall make-up and design. Her sire is a former high seller going to Tauer Simmentals of IN and sired us a very uniform set of calves.
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 9.6 -2.8 13.8 30.5 5.8 -2.5 4.4 -23.1 -0.03 0.4 0.02 -0.04 116 61
LOT #20
STF Harmony XT03
TF Harmony XT03 S 2533447 Born 1/15/2010 Tattoo: XT03
Polled P/B Open Heifer Birth Weight: 80 ADJ WW: 731
svf/njc mo town m216 stf easy rider s17 stf miss m170 STF Harmony XT03
LOT # 20
cns dream on l186 wf lisa t03 wf miss macy e4
A solid black female that is very complete and great disposition. This female would be a great junior project and foundation cow.
STF Harmony XT03
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 10.2 -1.7 18.2 35.1 6.2 1.1 10.2 -18.9 -0.04 0.25 0.01 -0.04 110 59
LOT #21
STF Bashful XS26
TF Bashful XS26 S 2533484 Polled P/B Open Heifer Born 1/17/2010 Tattoo: XS26 Birth Weight: 96 ADJ WW: 737
Wheatland Bull 131L wheatland bull 680S wheatland Lady 351N STF Bashful XS26
LOT # 21
stf open range p022 stf miss SN26 stf mss n260
This solid black female is very attractive made with a world of genetic potential.
STF Bashful XS26 10
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 5.9 4.0 39.9 72.2 3.7 -2.2 17.8 11.4 -0.01 0.14 -0.01 0.1 95 62
24thAnnual Silver Certificate Sale
Open Heifers LOT #22
STF Miss 700X
STF Miss 700X 2533449 Born 1/22/2010 Tattoo: 700X
Polled P/B Open Heifer Birth Weight: 81 ADJ WW: 713 wheatland bull 468P
wheatland Red Hummer 608S wheatland Lady 443P STF Miss 700X lss thumper KG46
LOT # 22
stf sharee 700S stf dreamie 700n
This moderate framed female will make someone a tremendous replacement female she is structurally sound and correct.
STF Miss 700X CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 7.1 0.3 33.4 58.4 2.6 5.3 22 -2.4 0.00 0.19 0.01 0.09 112 64
LOT #23
STF Limitations X662
TF Limitations X662 S 2533489 Born 1/27/2010 Tattoo: X662
Polled P/B Open Heifer Birth Weight: 99 ADJ WW: 729
stf russom re86 stf unanimous up26 stf sly moves p260 stf Limitations X662 stf starquest n114
LOT # 23
stf miss s662 stf miss k662
This STF Unanimous daughter possess all the qualities you need to make a great cow.
STF Limitations X662 CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 4.6 4.5 33.6 57.1 -2.3 0.8 17.6 3 0.01 0.15 0.00 0.04 95 57
LOT #24
STF Black Magic X753
TF Black Magic X753 S 2533479 Born 4/01/2010 Tattoo: X753
Polled P/B Open Heifer Birth Weight: 94 ADJ WW: 689
LOT #25
STF Miss XS62
STF Miss XS62 2533474 Polled P/B Open Heifer Born 4/12/2010 Tattoo: XS62 Birth Weight: 90 ADJ WW: 506
wheatland bull 131l
stf shocking dream 292U
wheatland bull 680s
STF upper deck 292u wheatland lady 351n
stf black magic x753
LOT # 24
stf Miss lj25 STF Miss XS62
hc power drive 88h STF miss lj25
LOT # 25
ksu venom 101m stf miss sn62
h&j promise
stf gracious ng62
This young female is very clean in her lines. Be sure and look her up sale day.
A moderate framed female which holds a bright future. This female is the youngest in the sale so don’t let her size fool you.
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 3.6 2.3 28.7 56 4.1 3.8 18.1 -0.5 0.10 0.22 0.02 -0.17 97 59
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 8.1 1.8 24.8 50.6 4.6 0.6 13 -4.3 0.02 0.2 0.00 -0.1 107 58
Saturday, September 11, 2010 • 1: 00 PM (EST) at the farm Winchester, Indiana
Open Heifers LOT #26
STF Miss XP86
STF Miss XP86 2533476 Polled P/B Open Heifer Born 2/14/2010 Tattoo: XP86 Birth Weight: 92 ADJ WW: 709 svf njc mo town m216 stf easy rider S17 stf miss m170 STF Miss XP86
LOT # 26
stf mucH More K300 stf miss PH86 Af bianca h86
This black female should be an outcross to most. Her dam is one of our top red females here at STF. She has no limitations to what she could do for you.
STF Miss XP86 CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 6.3 1.5 24.1 43.8 3.2 1.2 13.3 -9.1 0.11 0.22 0.02 -0.31 99 57
LOT #27
STF Unbelievable
STF Unbelievable Pending Born 1/19/2010 Tattoo: X44L
Polled P/B Open Heifer Birth Weight: 83 ADJ WW: 784 njc laredo
t178 HR miss 42b hr r29 STF Unbelievable
LOT # 27
BS Mr Corector 9111j STF Red Suspicion stf red admiration 157J
This female never seizes to amaze me, she keeps getting better, and better. If you are looking for a future red donor cow, don’t miss this one.
STF Unbelievable
LOT #28
STF Delicacy X451
TF Delicacy X451 S 2533463 Born 2/22/2010 Tattoo: X451
Polled P/B Open Heifer Birth Weight: 86 ADJ WW: 643
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 7.3 0.7 32.55 62.5 2.65 4.2 20.5 0.9 -0.01 0.21 0.02 0.22 119 64
LOT #29
STF Ruby 109X
STF Ruby 109X 2533458 Born 3/01/2010 Tattoo: 109X
Polled P/B Open Heifer Birth Weight: 85 ADJ WW: 822
hc power drive 88h
stf moment ahead pj26
wheatland bull 468p
stf split decision S373 wheatland lady 902J
stf delicacy x451
LOT # 28
stf miss 373l STF Ruby 109X
stf made stout l158 stf shameless 451S
LOT # 29
stf diva 510J
pvf-bf bf26 Black Joker northland sophie 109L northland miss 906J
This black baldie female is out of a young productive female which has proven to be a consistent here at STF. This female has the potential to make a great cow.
This “STF Split Decision” female is a smooth made female with a pedigree to back her up.
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 7 0.7 25.9 45.2 2.3 5.2 18.1 -9.6 0.02 0.08 0.02 -0.06 98 56
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 7.6 0.9 23.6 52.3 2.8 6.3 18.1 -4.5 -0.03 -0.01 0.02 0.2 98 54
24thAnnual Silver Certificate Sale
Open Heifers LOT #30
STF Temperance XR72
TF Temperance XR72 S 2533478 Polled P/B Open Heifer Born 2/07/2010 Tattoo: XR72 Birth Weight: 94 ADJ WW: 686
svf/njc mo town m216 stf easy rider S17 stf miss M170 STF Temperance XR72 Wheatland bull 131L
LOT # 30
stf Rosie RK72 STF Desa Rae
This female has cow families backing her. She is very smooth and attractive made with a world of opportunity in her future. Don’t pass her up.
STF Temperance XR72
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 7.9 -0.6 24.2 50.2 3.4 -3.8 8.3 -8.1 0.00 0.25 0.00 -0.11 109 61
LOT #31
STF/WF Hallmark X405
TF/WF Hallmark X405 S 2535166 Born 1/12/2010 Tattoo: X405
Polled P/B Open Heifer Birth Weight: 104 ADJ WW: 796
stf dominique R170 stf dominance t171 mmp kiss this 37l stf hallmark x405
LOT # 31
ms getcha some ms xts summers mahogan manske cow 617
If you are looking for a good donor cow. Here may lie the next great one she is a powerful female front to back. Her genetics are second to none and an outcross to a wide variety of sires available for mating this young female to.
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 7.2 1.8 29.2 51.3 1.1 3 17.6 -4.3 -0.03 0.11 0.00 0.00 91 58
LOT #32
STF Rally XN56
STF Rally XN56 2533440 Polled P/B Open Heifer Born 3/13/2010 Tattoo: XN56 Birth Weight: 79 ADJ WW: 731
STF/WF Hallmark X405
LOT #33
STF Charismatic XP46
TF Charismatic XP46 S 2533462 Polled P/B Open Heifer Born 3/17/2010 Tattoo: XP46 Birth Weight: 86 ADJ WW: 683
njc laredo
njc laredo
t178 HR
t178R miss 42b hr r29
stf rally xn56
LOT #32
miss 42b hr r29 STF Charismatic XP46
stf much more k300 stf miss n756
LOT # 33
SS Goldmine L42 STF Shiny Pearl PG46
gw miss jet black 756h
LSS Black Pearl
This solid black female is square hipped, with natural soundness and the ability to be a great cow.
This moderate female is interesting to watch develop. She has really came a long way in a short time.
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 6.3 -1.1 22.9 44 1.9 6.6 18 -12.8 0.12 0.11 0.04 -0.16 101 57
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 8.9 -0.4 30.9 51.7 3.8 0.8 16.3 -7.6 -0.01 0.16 0.02 0.09 118 63
Saturday, September 11, 2010 • 1: 00 PM (EST) at the farm Winchester, Indiana
Choice of STF Extraordinare X700 or STF Mr XP26
STF Extraordinare X700
LOT #34A
STF Extraordinare X700
TF Extraordinare X700 S 2533230 Born 1/02/2010 Tattoo: X700
Polled P/B Bull Birth Weight: 95 ADJ WW: 802
LOT #34B
STF Mr XP26 2533167 Born 1/27/2010 Tattoo: XP26
stf too red g64
wheatland bull 131L
stf russom re86
wheatland bull 680s stf beauty 510n
STF Extraordinare X700
LOT # 34A
wheatland Lady 351N STF Mr XP26
ss goldmine l42 stf dreamie 700n
LOT # 34B
ss goldmine l42 stf sly moves p260
stf dream catcher 162l
stf raging angel
WOW! This bull has been impressive since the day he hit the ground. The cow families backing this genetic power pack is unbeatable. Whether you are wanting a show stopper or a great herd sire don’t overlook this guy’s possibilities. Selling choice on X700 and XP26. You choose the one you want and the other will stay at STF. STF will retain possession of these two bulls at no additional cost to the new owner through January 2011.
This bull is the maternal sib to STF Unanimous, which was the high selling bull in our 2008 production sale going to Hale Ranch,TX, Remington Cattle Co, Alberta and Wheatland Stock Farm, Sask. His performance thus far has been outstanding. You choose the one you want and the other will stay at STF. STF will retain possession of these two bulls at no additional cost to the new owner through January 2011
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 8.4 0.8 23.7 40.4 1.1 0.7 12.6 -12.3 0.01 0.16 0.00 -0.14 102 57
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 6.8 3.4 36.7 61.9 3.4 4.8 23.2 4.2 -0.01 0.06 0.00 0.08 93 59
STF Mr XP26 14
Polled P/B Bull Birth Weight: 102 ADJ WW: 908
24thAnnual Silver Certificate Sale
Choice of STF Absolute X263 or STF Poacher X160
SS Paige P263 - dam of Lot 35A
LOT #35A
STF Absolute X263
TF Absolute X263 S 2533215 Born 1/05/2010 Tattoo:X263
Polled P/B Bull Birth Weight: 90 ADJ WW: 776
LOT #35B
STF Shocking Dream – sire of Lot 35A and 35B
STF Poacher X160
TF Poacher X160 S 2533205 Born 1/03/2010 Tattoo: X160
Polled P/B Bull Birth Weight: 86 ADJ WW: 771
cns dream on l186
cns dream on l186
stf shocking dream sj14
stf shocking dream sj14 stf miss j0114
STF Absolute X263
LOT # 35A
stf miss j0114 STF Poacher X160
njc laredo ss paige
LOT # 35B
HC Hummer 12M stf Miss S160
bs miss pref stock 263J
njc svf love me dont u
Son of lot 3. He is very complete in the overall make-up and in skeletal design. You choose the one you want and the other will stay at STF. STF will retain possession of these two bulls at no additional cost to the new owner through January 2011
This STF Shocking Dream bull should be a calving ease wonder. This would be a great purchase for anyone’s herd. You choose the one you want and the other will stay at STF. STF will retain possession of these two bulls at no additional cost to the new owner through January 2011
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 8.2 0.3 32.5 61.2 4.7 5.6 21.9 -0.5 0.01 0.16 0.02 0.16 109 63
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 9.6 0.3 32.6 62 5 6 22.3 00.0 -0.03 0.18 0.01 0.18 115 65
STF Poacher X160 Saturday, September 11, 2010 • 1: 00 PM (EST) at the farm Winchester, Indiana
Choice of STF Electrify X794 or STF Elan XE79
STF 508E - granddam to lot 36A & 36B cns dream on l186
LOT #36A
STF Electrify X794
TF Electrify X794 S 2533227 Born 3/04/2010 Tattoo: X794
Polled P/B Bull Birth Weight: 93 ADJ WW: 945
stf shocking Dream SJ14 stf miss j0114
STF Electrify X794 STF Elan XE79
LOT # 36A & 36B
pvf-bf bf26 black joker stf jokers wild l508 lrs ms zinger 508c
LOT #36B
STF Elan XE79
STF Elan XE79 2533216 Born 3/09/2010 Tattoo: XE79
Polled P/B Bull Birth Weight: 90 ADJ WW: 846
X794 and XE79—These two bulls go back to STF Jokers Wild L508 which is the dam of the multi-winner STF Bambi owned by Whispering Hills of Texas. “Jokers Wild” is also a maternal sib to STF Momentum owned by Sunset View Farms and has been very influential sire in the Simmental breed. STF Shocking Dream has been used extensively here and has proven to be an easy calving sire. Don’t miss this golden opportunity for these herd sires. You choose the one you want and the other will stay at STF. STF will retain possession of these two bulls at no additional cost to the new owner through January 2011
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 8 1.3 34.4 66.2 4.4 2.7 19.9 4 -0.07 -0.01 0.01 0.35 108 59
STF Shocking Dream SJ14 - sire of lots 36A & 36B 16
24thAnnual Silver Certificate Sale
Choice of STF Troubadour 152x or STF Unified 451X
STF Troubadour 152X
LOT #37A
STF Desmarque –
dam of lot 37A and 37B
STF Troubadour 152X
TF Troubadour 152X S 2535379 Born 2/14/2010 Tattoo: 152X
Polled P/B Bull Birth Weight: 85 ADJ WW: 875
stf russom re86
This solid red bull has a tremendous amount of versatility with proven cow power in his pedigree. His sire has proven to be a very consistent producer here at STF for his first calving season. Don’t miss him if you are looking for a red bull. You choose the STF Troubadour 152X one you want and the other will stay at STF. STF will retain possession of these two STF unified 451x bulls at no additional cost to the new owner through January 2011.
LOT # 37A & 37B
stf unanimous up26 stf sly moves p260
gws ebonys trademark stf desmarque stf desa rae F25A
LOT #37B
STF Unified 451X
STF Unified 451X 2535381 Polled P/B Bull Born 1/07/2010 Tattoo: 451X Birth Weight: 100 ADJ WW: 850
This solid red bull is sired by the 2008 top selling bull “STF Unanimous” owned by Wheatland Cattle Co., of Sask. Canada, Remington Cattle Co. Alberta, Canada, and Hale Ranch of Texas. This bull has great depth of rib and structural correctness. You choose the one you want and the other will stay at STF. STF will retain possession of these two bulls at no additional cost to the new owner through January 2011.
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 6.75 1.65 31.75 52.15 2.45 -0.3 15.6 -4.25 0.00 0.15 0.00 -0.06 99 60
STF Unanimous –
STF Unified 451X Saturday, September 11, 2010 • 1: 00 PM (EST) at the farm Winchester, Indiana
sire of lot 37A and 37B 17
Bulls LOT #38
STF Prevalent XS09
TF Prevalent XS09 S 2533228 Polled 1/4 AN 3/4 SM Bull Born 1/01/200 Tattoo: XS09 Birth Weight: 94 ADJ WW: 707
cns dream on l186 stf shocking dream sj14 stf miss J0114 STF Prevalent XS09
LOT # 38
stf too red g64 stf miss S809 crcc lass 4069P
STF Prevalent XS09
This 他 blood bull has depth of rib, structural soundness, and natural thickness. This bull is extremely smooth made and clean for the amount of muscle and mass he possesses.
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 7.2 0.6 28.4 54.2 4.8 0 14.2 -4.2 0.1 0.32 0.04 -0.02 104 63
LOT #39
STF Mr XUM4 2533219 Born 1/04/2010 Tattoo: XUM4
Polled P/B Bull Birth Weight: 90 ADJ WW: 874 nichols legacy g151
hooks shear force 38k C&D tracy STF Mr XUM4
LOT # 39
stf shocking dream SJ14 stf miss SD UM46 stf muffin MG46
This Hooks Shear Force bull should be a calving ease bull. His dam is sired by STF Shocking Dream which we have used on many first calf heifers with no problems. Be sure and look him up.
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 14.5 -1.0 35.7 63.6 5 3.9 21.8 -1.3 0.02 0.49 0.06 0.44 141 76
LOT #40
STF Bull XU29
STF Bull XU29 2533185 Born 1/05/2010 Tattoo: XU29
Polled P/B Bull Birth Weight: 76 ADJ WW: 777 cns dream On L186
stf shocking dream SJ14 stf miss J0114 sTF Bull XU29
LOT # 40
triple c ponderoso rey Miss HR U29 ms reflections HR S29
This bull has jumped leaps and bounds since June, at day of weaning we were indecisive on his expectations but he has went far beyond what we had hoped. If his performance keeps going hard to tell how he may look come sale time.
STF Bull XU29 18
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 9.1 -0.6 31.7 61.3 6.8 3.2 19.1 -1.7 -0.03 0.21 0.04 0.34 117 66
24thAnnual Silver Certificate Sale
Bulls LOT #41
STF Mr X37L 2533174 Polled P/B Bull Born 1/15/2010 Tattoo: X37L Birth Weight: 110 ADJ WW: 836 stf montana black KF25 stf dominique r170 dls black Baldie L170 stf mr x37l
LOT # 41
hooks red quorum 55h stf miss N37L MMP Kiss this 37L
This stout red bull will make anyone a good herdsire. He has the package of great red genetics. Be sure and look him up sale day.
STF Mr X37L CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 6.4 4.2 35.9 72.8 1.1 -1.3 16.7 12.5 0.10 0.25 0.02 0.00 99 62
LOT #42
STF Mr XR64 2533171 Polled P/B Bull Born 1/15/2010 Tattoo: XR64 Birth Weight: 102 ADJ WW: 842 stf dominique R170 stf dominance T171 mmp kiss this 37l STF Mr XR64
LOT # 42
ss goldmine l42 stf miss rn64 stf miss n64k
Here is your opportunity to put some STF Dominance in your herd. Don’t overlook this powerful bull.
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 9.4 2.6 28.9 50.7 1.3 2.7 17.1 -3.5 -0.05 0.15 -0.01 0.00 99 58
LOT #43
STF Mr X260
STF Mr X260 2533163 Polled P/B Bull Born 1/21/2010 Tattoo: X260 Birth Weight: 102 ADJ WW: 884 NJC Laredo t178 HR miss 42b hr r29 STF mr x260
LOT # 43
gw lucky break 047G stf miss n260 stf leona l260
This bull is power packed with genetics. He will be one to look out for in the shows and as a herdsire.
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 7.7 3.0 37.1 70.9 3.9 3.5 22 9.3 0.01 0.10 0.01 0.19 107 61 Saturday, September 11, 2010 • 1: 00 PM (EST) at the farm Winchester, Indiana
STF Mr X260 19
Bulls LOT #44
STF Combat 444X
TF Combat 444X S 2533173 Polled P/B Bull Born 2/02/2010 Tattoo: 444X Birth Weight: 106 ADJ WW: 880
cns dream on L186 stf shocking dream sj14 stf miss j0114 STF Combat 444x
LOT # 44
rains limit up stf diva 510j H&J Promise
STF Combat 444X
This powerful guy’s sire is the sire of the many time winner and high selling open heifer in our 2008 sale “STF Shimmering lite” owned by Aleesa Hege-Dickerson. His dam would be a maternal sib to the many time champion STF Prima Donna for Whispering Hills Cattle Co. of Texas and also a maternal sib to the STF Beauty.
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 10.6 0.4 25.5 42.9 5.3 0.3 13.1 -11.5 0.05 0.15 0.02 -0.13 102 58
LOT #45
STF Mr 171X
STF Mr 171X 2533222 Born 3/06/2010 Tattoo: 171X
Polled P/B Bull Birth Weight: 92 ADJ WW: 836 svf njc mo town m216
stf eady rider s17 stf miss m170 sTF Mr 171X
LOT # 45
cns dream on l186 stf sweet satisfaction stf dreamie 700n
STF Mr 171X
LOT #46
STF Frabjous 157X
TF Frabjous 157X S 2533202 Born 2/21/2010 Tattoo: 157X
Polled P/B Bull Birth Weight: 84 ADJ WW: 713
This solid black bull is very clean in his design and make-up. His dam is in our donor program and is very productive. His sire STF Easy Rider is being used pretty heavily and has not let us down thus far. Be sure and look him up sale day.
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 10.6 -1.1 18.6 36.2 6.4 0.8 10.1 -17.4 0.02 0.37 0.02 -0.07 118 62
LOT #47
STF Tremor H61X
STF Tremor H61X 2533165 Polled 3/4 Blood Bull Born 3/17/2010 Tattoo: H61X Birth Weight: 102 ADJ WW: 810
stf shocking dream SJ14
stf dominique r170
stf shocker UP46
stf dominance T171 stf shiny pearl PG46
STF Frabjous 157X
LOT # 46
mmp kiss this 37L stf tremor h61x
stf made stout L158 stf beauty 510N
LOT # 47
stf diva 510J
gw jet black 873B gw miss jet black 761h Y081
This powerful red bull is very stout made. A Performance oriented bull that is attractive in overall style balance and structural make-up. This bull is athletic in the overall skeletal make-up and design and should prove to be consistent producing sire.
This ¾ blood bull gives you the opportunity to purchase the “STF Dominance” genetics with the combination of an outcross dam. Could be what your herd needs for a change. Don’t overlook him.
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 8.5 0.6 31.1 49.8 3.6 -7.5 8.1 -7.3 0.03 0.22 0.01 -0.11 107 62
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 5.5 3.8 29.8 53.9 -0.9 1.2 16.1 0.3 0.06 0.18 0.01 -0.11 80 52
24thAnnual Silver Certificate Sale
Bulls LOT #48 STF Mr XT37 Born 1/06/2010
STF Mr XT37 2533201 Tattoo: XT37 Twin
Polled P/B Bull Birth Weight: 84 ADJ WW: 807 stf russom re86
stf unanimous up26 stf sly moves p260 stf mr xt37
LOT # 48
stf dominique R170 stf domino tn37 stf miss n37L
This bull is sired by the young STF Unanimous sire, which is proving to be a very consistent producing sires.
STF Mr XT37 CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 6.3 2.8 37.7 70.7 1.6 -0.9 18 8.8 0.04 0.16 0.01 0.09 99 62
LOT #49
STF/WF Prolix X044
TF/WF Prolix X044 S 2533166 Polled P/B Bull Born 1/03/2010 Tattoo: X044 Birth Weight: 102 ADJ WW: 777
stf dominique R170 stf dominance T171 mmp kiss this 37l STF/WF Prolix X044
LOT # 49
ms getcha some xts summers mahogany Manske cow 617
This could be your opportunity to own a “STF Dominance” bull with an outcross pedigree on the bottom side. This bull is stout and packed with natural thickness. Don’t miss this opportunity to add him to your herd.
STF/WF Prolix X044
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 7.2 1.85 29.2 51.35 1.05 3.05 17.6 -4.25 -0.04 0.11 -0.01 0.01 91 58
LOT #50
STF Durable XJ14
TF Durable XJ14 S 2533212 Born 3/18/2010 Tattoo: XJ14
Polled P/B Bull Birth Weight: 87 ADJ WW: 762
Stf affirmed p44r stf confirmed u44l stf leona l260 sTF Durable XJ14
LOT # 50
circle s leachman 600u stf miss j0114 bs miss corrector 0114
This solid black bull is thick, stout, and rugged. This bull is out of a new sire STF Confirmed, owned by Hobbs Farms of Tipton. He has been a great asset here at STF, his first calves have been very impressive. His dam is the dam to STF Shocking Dream.
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 6.7 1.0 31.9 59 1.8 2.2 18.1 -0.8 0.00 0.17 0.02 0.17 105 62
STF Confirmed U44L - sire of Lot 50
Saturday, September 11, 2010 • 1: 00 PM (EST) at the farm Winchester, Indiana
Bulls LOT #51
STF Intercept XR70
TF Intercept XR70 S Pending Polled P/B Bull Born 1/04/2010 Tattoo: XR70 Birth Weight: 82 ADJ WW: 816
njc laredo t178 HR miss 42b hr r29 STF Intercept xr70
LOT # 51
bc mr corrector stf red suspicion stf red admiration 157j
This solid Red bull is structurally sound, thick and massive rib. Don’t overlook this opportunity to add to your herd.
STF Intercept XR70
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 7.3 0.7 32.55 62.5 2.65 4.2 20.5 0.9 -0.01 0.21 0.02 0.22 119 64
LOT #52
STF/HR Prevail XR57
TF/HR Prevail XR57 S 2533241 Polled P/B Bull Born 1/11/2010 Tattoo: XR57 Birth Weight: 100 ADJ WW: 933
stf russom re86 stf unanimous up26 stf sly moves p260 STF/HR PRevail XR57
LOT # 52
bs mr corrector stf red suspicion stf red admiration 157J
A solid red bull that is a maternal sib to our 2008 reserve Champion pen of 3 bulls at the NWSS. This bulls performance has risen to the top and we are expecting great progeny from him. If you need a red bull be sure to check this bull out.
STF/HR Prevail XR57
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 7.8 1.9 35 61.4 1.75 3 20.5 1.75 -0.01 0.20 0.01 0.10 112 64
Retained Semen Interest in All Bulls . . .
The bull buyer will receive full possession, 100% salvage value, and 2/3 semen interest of any bull purchased in this sale while STF will retain 1/3 semen interest in these bulls. This semen interest is a royalty interest that entitles STF to 1/3 of the revenues of any semen sold. STF retained semen interest remains even if the bull or any interest in the bull is sold to a third party. It is the buyer’s responsibility to ensure that STF’s interest is upheld if semen is ever sold. The buyer must also inform any third party of STF interest if the bull is ever sold. STF will not be responsible for expense related to semen collection or promotion of any bull purchased, unless a mutual agreement is reached for these expenses prior to semen collection. STF retained semen interest also includes the right to collect semen on the bull at our expense and the buyer’s convenience. If the bull buyer would like 100% semen interest on the bulls they can purchase this by paying an extra 1/3 on the purchase price of the bull. For example if a bull brings $9,000, and buyer would like 100% semen interest they can do this by paying an extra $3,000. STF does ask for 100 units of semen at collection cost for in herd use only.
24thAnnual Silver Certificate Sale
STF Charisa T809
CNS Dream On L186 JDJ Charisma 20P Nichols Beauty D93 STF Charisa T809 SAC Mr MT 73G GCF Miss Caliente SS Me Too L06
LOT #53
3 Embryos
STF Unanimous x STF Charisa T809 Selling 3 embryos guaranteeing 1 pregnancy
STF Charisa is a maternal sib to STF Onyx. This mix of genetics could be a first class winner. Selling three embryos guaranteeing one pregnancy if implanted by a certified ET Technician.
STF Miss LJ25
STF Charisa T809
STF Unanimous
WLE Power Stroke HC Power Drive 88H Kappes Lady Irish F88 STF Miss LJ25 J&C Black Maximizer W5 H&J Promise HJ Ms Buck
LOT #54A
LOT #54B
3 Embryos
Triple C Invasion x STF Miss LJ25 Selling 3 embryos guaranteeing 1 pregnancy
3 Embryos
Wheatland Bull 680S x STF Miss LJ25 Selling 3 embryos guaranteeing 1 pregnancy
STF Miss LJ25 has done a tremendous job here in production and carrying on the tradition of consistency of the Promise cow family. These matings will represent the future of the dam of the high selling open female in our 2008 production sale and has been the contributor of many of our high selling lots. Guaranteeing one pregnancy if implantation is done by a certified ET Technician.
STF Miss LJ25
Triple C Invasion
Ms XTS Summers Mahogany hart black jackson F474 ms getcha some manske cow gold 422 ms xts summers mahogany eblen bull ec32 GCF Miss Caliente
Summers Mahogany son and daughter. ms gold lace
LOT #55
3 Embryos
STF Fixation x MS XTS Summers Mahogany Selling 3 embryos guaranteeing 1 pregnancy
Here is new genetics for most. This exceptional donor has been mated up with the new bull STF Fixation. What a combination this could be. Guaranteeing one pregnancy if implantation is done by a certified ET Technician.
Saturday, September 11, 2010 • 1: 00 PM (EST) at the farm Winchester, Indiana
STF Fixation
Bred Heifers
STF Miss WS99
LOT #56
STF Miss WS99
STF Miss WS99 2485356 Polled P/B Bred Heifer Born 2/02/2009 Tattoo: WS99 Birth Weight: 100 ADJ WW: 636
LOT #57
STF Miss W474
STF Miss W474 2485348 Polled P/B Bred Heifer Born 1/04/2009 Tattoo: W474 Birth Weight: 84 ADJ WW: 558
STF Too Red G64
stf dominique r170
lss thumper kg46
stf dominance t171 LSS Black PearL
STF Miss WS99
LOT # 56
mmp kiss this 37l stf miss w474
GWS Ebonys Trademark 6N STF Miss SG99
LOT # 57
sac mr mt 73G gcf miss caliente
stf april
ss me too L06
This female is destine to be a great producer. Her genetics go back to the ER Miss Redline 42B cow family which has proven itself to be great producers. She is safe in calf to Hooks Shear Force bred 4/09/10.
Wow look at this pedigree. Full sib to STF Onyx and STF Fixation. One that is hard to part with, but must share in these great genetics. This female is bred to STF Backlash on 7/29/10.
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 6.4 3.2 39.5 65.2 2.3 -2.1 17.6 5.7 0.12 0.25 0.02 -0.09 106 64
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 7.4 2.8 29.1 50.9 -1.4 -2.5 12.1 -3.1 -0.02 0.22 0.03 0.25 95 59
STF Miss W474 24
24thAnnual Silver Certificate Sale
Bred Heifers
STF Deliberate WN64
LOT #58
STF Deliberate WN64
TF Deliberate WN64 S 2481649 Polled P/B Bred Heifer Born 3/04/2009 Tattoo: WN64 Birth Weight: 106 ADJ WW: 714
LOT #59
STF Miss WN99
STF Miss WN99 2485358 Polled P/B Bred Heifer Born 1/09/2009 Tattoo: WN99 Birth Weight: 93 ADJ WW: 704 Wheatland bull 468P
mv red light 406 wheatland red hummer 608s
stf too red g64
Wheatland Lady 443P
ER miss too red 13-D sTF Miss WN99
stf deliberate wn64
LOT # 58
stf dominique R170 stf domino TN37
LOT # 59
stf made stout L158 stf beauty 510n stf diva 510j
stf miss n37l This solid red female should make an impact on any breeders herd. She is safe in calf to Shear Force bred on 4/01/10.
This solid red female is structurally sound with genetics to back her up. She is bred to Remington HR on 4/04/10. Safe in calf.
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 5.8 2.5 32.7 65.1 1.9 1.2 17.6 5.3 0.06 0.20 0.01 -0.05 95 61
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 7.2 1.4 33.8 55.9 2.5 -3.2 13.7 -2.4 0.04 0.12 0.01 -0.06 100 60
STF Miss WN99 Saturday, September 11, 2010 • 1: 00 PM (EST) at the farm Winchester, Indiana
Bred Heifers LOT #60
STF Mesmerize WT03
TF Mesmerize WT03 S 2481691 Polled P/B Bred Heifer Born 1/11/2009 Tattoo: WT03 Birth Weight: 65 ADJ WW: 672
STF Too Red G64 lss thumper kg46 LSS Black PearL STF Mesmerize WT03
LOT #60
cns Dream On L186 wF Lisa T03 wf miss macy e4
This female completeness should be an asset to anyone’s herd. She is safe in calf to Hooks Shear Force bred on 4/20/10.
STF Mesmerie WT03
LOT #61
STF Miss W038
STF Miss W038 2487157 Polled P/B Bred Heifer Born 4/14/2009 Tattoo: W038 Birth Weight: 93 ADJ WW: 623
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 8.2 -1.2 27.7 45.8 4.5 1 14.9 -12.2 -0.01 0.28 0.01 0.00 113 64
LOT #62
STF Miss WN26
STF Miss WN26 2485345 Polled P/B Bred Heifer Born 1/22/2009 Tattoo: WN26 Birth Weight: 100 ADJ WW: 777
ds black zinger 141B
lss thumper kg46
stf aces high g34
STF afirmed p44r ER miss redline 42b
sTF Miss W038
LOT # 61
stf dumplin 444m sTF Miss WN26
shs navigator n2b hpf ms deep creek S038
LOT # 62
gw lucky Break 047G stf miss n260
deep creek ms 600u h807
stf leona L260
This STF Aces High female takes us back to the ER Redline 42B family. This cow family is one that will never disappoint one. She is bred to Hooks Shear Force on 5/28/10
This female has the genetics packed going back to the “STF Leona” cow family and sired by the two time NWSS Reserve Champion bull “STF Affirmed. She is bred to STF Shocking Dream on 3/22/10.
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 11.3 1.8 21 43.3 2.1 0.4 10.9 -8.7 0.00 0.10 0.01 -0.02 97 53
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 7.5 5.3 51.7 91.5 3.6 0.8 26.6 24.6 0.06 0.24 0.01 0.25 109 70
LOT #63
STF Miss W61H
STF Miss W61H 2487113 1/8AN 1/8 SA 3/4 SM Bred Heifer Born 4/16/2009 Tattoo: W61H Birth Weight: 90 ADJ WW: 684
LOT #64
STF Miss WT46
STF Miss WT46 2487155 Polled P/B Open Heifer Born 3/30/2009 Tattoo: WT46 Birth Weight: 61 ADJ WW: 629
svf njc mo better m217
svf njc mo better m217
stf bull t32
stf bull t32 ss reality
STF Miss W61H
LOT # 63
ss reality STF Miss WT46
gw jet black 873B gw miss jet black 761h
LOT # 64
sand ranch hand stf miss tm46 stf muffin mg46
This ¾ blood female is phenomenal in her overall makeup and structural soundness. You will travel many miles to find a female with this much depth and natural completeness. She is bred to STF Shocking Dream on 5/28/10.
This females sire goes back to the SVF/NJC Mo Better. She was bred to STF Shocking Dream on 5/10/10.
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 5.8 2.8 30.9 67.6 0.3 6.6 22 7.5 0.02 0.15 0.00 0.07 87 56
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 9.8 -2.4 24.7 56 3.3 4.3 16.7 -7.2 -0.11 0.12 0.01 0.32 118 62
24thAnnual Silver Certificate Sale
Bred Heifers LOT #65
STF Miss WT59
STF Miss WT59 2487151 Polled P/B Open Heifer Born 4/07/2009 Tattoo: WT59 Birth Weight: 74 ADJ WW: 633 svf njc mo better m217 stf bull t32 ss reality stf Miss WT59
LOT # 65
jdj intimidator 080k HPF ms lookin sharp t09 hpf lookin sharp n064
This solid black female is moderate in frame score and is bred to STF Shocking Dream on 5/16/10.
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 9.6 0.2 20 48.8 3.7 9.2 19.2 -7.4 -0.13 0.01 0.00 0.31 107 54
LOT #66
STF Miss 25W
STF Miss 25W 2504937 Born 3/04/2009 Tattoo: 25W
Polled P/B Bred Heifer Birth Weight: 78 ADJ WW: 571
STF Miss WT59
LOT #67
STF Miss W781
STF Miss W781 2487111 Polled P/B Bred Heifer Born 4/14/2009 Tattoo: W781 Birth Weight: 94 ADJ WW: 727 stf dominique r170
stf dominique r170 stf dominance t171
stf dominance t171
mmp kiss this 37l
mmp kiss this 37l STF Miss W781
STF Miss 25W
LOT # 66
stf montana black KF25 stf enchanted girl RL25
LOT # 67
stf montana black KF25 stf enchanted girl RL25 stf miss lj25
stf miss lj25 Bred to STF Shocking Dream on 5/28/10.
A great opportunity to get your STF Dominance genetics started by purchasing this bred female. W781 is safe in calf to STF Shocking Dream bred on 5/12/10.
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 6.3 2.3 31.4 64.3 -0.1 -2.8 12.9 4.6 0.14 0.34 0.04 -0.07 111 64
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 6.3 2.3 31.4 64.3 -0.1 -2.8 12.9 4.6 0.14 0.34 0.04 -0.07 111 64
LOT #68
STF Miss WL50
STF Miss WL50 2487122 Polled P/B Bred Heifer Born 3/21/2009 Tattoo: WL50 Birth Weight: 78 ADJ WW: 728
LOT #69
STF Miss 662W
STF Miss 662W 2485353 Polled P/B Bred Heifer Born 1/25/2009 Tattoo: 662W Birth Weight: 80 ADJ WW: 611
stf moment ahead pj26
stf too red g64
stf split decision s373
stf much more k300 stf miss 373l
stf miss WL50
LOT #68
h&J promise stf miss 662w
pvf-bf bf26 black joker stf jokers wild l508
LOT # 69
stf starquest n114 stf miss s662
lrs ms zinger 508c
stf miss k662
This “STF Split Decision” daughter is solid black with the maternal package to be a good Simmental producer. She was bred 5/09/10 to STF Shocking Dream.
Bred 5/17/10 to Winchster HR.
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 8.3 0.4 35.4 75.2 2.2 5 22.7 8.4 -0.07 -0.09 0.00 0.37 109 60
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 5.2 1.7 15 25 -2.1 2 9.5 -20 0.07 0.26 0.04 -0.2 94 52
Saturday, September 11, 2010 • 1: 00 PM (EST) at the farm Winchester, Indiana
Bred Heifers LOT #70
STF Petals W009
STF Petals W009 2484961 Polled P/B Bred Heifer Born 3/14/2009 Tattoo: W009 Birth Weight: 84 ADJ WW: 514
stf mr momentum h508 stf moment ahead pj26 stf forgotten princess STF petals W009
LOT # 70
hC Power drive 88h stf miss lj25 h&j promise
Her sire STF Moment Ahead was Grand Bull at the 2006 Dixie National. She is solid black and structurally sound. She is safe in calf to STF Shocking Dream bred on 5/02/10.
STF Petals W009
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 8.3 0.0 18.4 46.4 4.1 7.6 16.8 -9.1 0.05 0.20 0.02 -0.17 113 57
LOT #71
STF Miss WT14
STF Miss WT14 2485373 Polled P/B Bred Heifer Born 1/13/2009 Tattoo: WT14 Birth Weight: 68 ADJ WW: 645 srs j914 preferred beef triple c invasion r47k hooks karrie 47k stf miss wt14
LOT # 71
cns dream on l186 hr/rr ms arapahoe t14 dx ms arapahoe princess
Safe in calf to STF Open Range bred on 4/04/10.
STF Miss WT14
LOT #72
STF Miss 28W
STF Miss 28W 2504940 Born 2/25/2009 Tattoo: 28W
Polled P/B Bred Heifer Birth Weight: 96 ADJ WW: 587
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 9.4 -0.1 30.1 50.6 2 5.2 20.3 -7.7 -0.04 0.21 0.02 0.23 114 64
LOT #73
STF Miss 36W
STF Miss 36W 2504948 Born 3/02/2009 Tattoo: 36W
Polled P/B Bred Heifer Birth Weight: 95 ADJ WW: 683 bs mr corrector 9111j
mv red light 406 wcs frosty 313N
stf too red g64
triple t ms sky g705
ER miss too red 13-D stf miss 28w
LOT # 72
STF Miss 36W stf dominique R170 stf domino TN37
LOT # 73
stf montana black kf25 stf enchanted girl rl25 stf miss lj25
stf miss n37l
Bred on 5/17/10 to Winchester HR.
Safe in calf to STF Shocking Dream bred on 4/06/10.
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 5.8 2.5 32.7 65.1 1.9 1.2 17.6 5.3 0.06 0.20 0.01 -0.05 95 61
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 6.9 1.7 32.4 57.2 2.6 -2.4 13.8 -1 0.13 0.36 0.04 -0.08 116 65
24thAnnual Silver Certificate Sale
Bred Heifers LOT #74
STF Diamond 109W
TF Diamond 109W S 2481645 Polled P/B Bred Heifer Born 1/03/2009 Tattoo: 109W Birth Weight: 93 ADJ WW: 715
stf dominique r170 stf dominance t171 mmp kiss this 37l sTF Diamond 109W hc power drive 88H
LOT # 74
stf miss lj25 h&J Promise
Look at this genetic packed female, she is safe in calf to STF Shocking Dream bred on 4/4/10.
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 6.5 1.7 24 49.9 2.5 3.1 15.1 -4.9 0.08 0.25 0.03 -0.13 103 58
LOT #75
STF Miss W72P
STF Miss W72P 2487143 Polled P/B Bred Heifer Born 3/10/2009 Tattoo: W72P Birth Weight: 76 ADJ WW: 657
STF Diamond 109W
LOT #76
STF Miss 38W
STF Miss 38W 2504950 Born 3/02/2009 Tattoo: 38W
Polled P/B Bred Heifer Birth Weight: 87 ADJ WW: 496 ppsr montana irish 107d
stf dominique r170
stf montana black kf25
stf dominance t171
stf desa rae
mmp kiss this 37l STF Miss 38W
STF Miss W72P hc power drive 88H
LOT # 75
LOT # 76
stf miss lj25
sac mr mt 73g gcf miss caliente ss me too l06
h&J Promise Here is your opportunity to purchase one of the hottest genetics going. This STF Dominance daughter has all the potential to make a great donor cow and maternal side going back to the LJ25 cow family. She is bred to STF Shocking Dream on 5/9/10.
Bred 5/28/10 to Hooks Shear Force.
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 6.5 1.7 24 49.9 2.5 3.1 15.1 -4.9 0.08 0.25 0.03 -0.13 103 58
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 4.9 2.6 27.6 51.3 -4.8 -2.4 11.4 -3 0.00 0.22 0.01 0.08 93 58
LOT # 77
STF Cinderella WR25
TF Cinderella WR25 S 2481685 Polled P/B Bred Heifer Born 2/10/2009 Tattoo: WR25 Birth Weight: 84 ADJ WW: 582
LOT #78
STF Miss 35W
STF Miss 35W 2504947 Born 3/07/2009 Tattoo: 35W
Polled P/B Bred Heifer Birth Weight: 78 ADJ WW: 644
wheatland bull 131l
Wheatland bull 468P
wheatland bull 680s
wheatland red hummer 608s wheatland lady 351n
stf cinderella wr25
LOT # 77
Wheatland Lady 443P STF Miss 35W
stf montana black kf25 stf enchanted girl rl25
LOT # 78
stf montana black kf25 stf enchanted girl rl25
stf miss lj25
stf miss lj25
This solid black female has an outcross sire for most breeders. She was bred to STF Shocking Dream on 5/07/10.
Bred to STF Shocking Dream on 5/16/10.
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 3.4 2.2 34.2 67.5 1.5 -1.7 15.4 6.2 0.15 0.31 0.04 -0.11 106 64
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 5.6 1.8 37.2 71.1 0.9 1.6 20.2 7.6 0.16 0.28 0.05 -0.01 117 66
Saturday, September 11, 2010 • 1: 00 PM (EST) at the farm Winchester, Indiana
Bred Heifers LOT #79
STF Miss 30W
STF Miss 30W 2504942 Born 3/02/2009 Tattoo: 30w
LOT #80
Polled P/B Bred Heifer Birth Weight: 80 ADJ WW: 582
STF Miss 158W
STF Miss 158W 2487135 Polled P/B Bred Heifer Born 4/01/2009 Tattoo: 158W Birth Weight: 81 ADJ WW: 643
Wheatland bull 468P
cns dream on l186
wheatland red hummer 608s
stf dream dollar s404 Wheatland Lady 443P
stf dreamie 700n
stf miss 30w
LOT # 79
sTF Miss 158W hc power drive 88h
LOT # 80
stf miss lj25
stf no joking matter 636 stf miss 158s
h&J Promise
stf sweetheart 158H
Bred on 5/25/10 to STF Shocking Dream.
Bred to STF Mr. 15W on 7/18/10.
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 5.8 1.1 29.8 56.7 3.5 7.6 22.5 -2 0.1 0.19 0.04 -0.06 109 61
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 8.2 0.8 26.9 49.6 4.8 2.1 15.5 -6.7 0.11 0.09 0.05 0.02 100 57
Cows LOT #81
STF Miss S160
STF Miss S160 2369260 Born 4/18/2006 Tattoo: S160
Polled P/B Cow Birth Weight: 100 ADJ WW: 663 wle power stroke
hc hummer 12m lbr destinys dream k830 STF Miss S160
LOT # 81
pvf-bf bf26 black joker njc svf love me dont u njc ebony antoinette
STF Miss S160
This “Hummer” female is a hard one to part with. She has been a great producer and a female with a “hard to come by” pedigree. She is bred to a new bull of ours STF Bull 16W, He is a bull sib to the 2010 NAILE Grand Champion Female, STF Onyx. She was bred on 5/16/10 to STF Bull 16W Her bulls calf sells as lot 35B
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 8.1 0.9 33.9 65.3 1.7 12.2 29.2 2.9 -0.05 0.06 -0.01 0.15 110.6 63.2
LOT #82
STF Desilu 652S
STF Desilu 652S 2431542 Born 01/15/2006 Tattoo: 652S
Polled P/B Cow Birth Weight: 81 ADJ WW: 648
WLE power stroke GWS ebonys trademark 6n njc ebony antoinette
STF DesA Rae - dam of Lot 82 & 87
STF Desilu 652S
LOT # 82
mv red light 406 stf desa rae er miss redline 42b
A young productive female that will fit well in anyone’s herd. STF Desilu is a full sib to STF Savvy and STF Desmarque. She was bred to Winchester HR on 5/17/10 .
STF Desmarque 30
STF/RP Savvy
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 5.9 1.2 30.8 52 2.7 0.9 16.3 -4.9 -0.02 0.23 -0.01 -0.10 103 62.9
24thAnnual Silver Certificate Sale
Cows LOT #83
SS/STF Goldilocks
S/STF Goldilocks S 2214153 Born 4/05/2003 Tattoo: N96
Polled P/B Cow Birth Weight: 90 ADJ WW: 667
wle power stroke ss goldmine l42 gw miss lucky buck 858G SS/STF Goldilocks
LOT # 83
black max er miss redline 42B er miss redline 40T
A solid black SS Goldmine daughter of the great ER Redline 42B cow. This female has done a nice job and has many years left. She was bred 6/30/10 to STF Upper Deck 292U.
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 6 -1.7 20.9 35.6 2.8 1.5 12 -18.9 -0.05 0.14 0.01 0.00 101.7 58.3
LOT #84
STF Miss S662
STF Miss S662 2431550 Born 1/25/2006 Tattoo: S662
Polled P/B Cow Birth Weight: 105 ADJ WW: 672
ER Miss Redline 42B - dam of Lot 83
LOT #85
STF Show Girl SM78
TF Show Girl SM78 S 2342312 Born 3/10/2006 Tattoo: SM78
Polled P/B Cow Birth Weight: 81
stf montana black kf25
WLE Power stroke
stf starquest n1114
GWS Ebonys Trademark 6N stf leona l260
STF Miss S662
LOT # 84
njc ebony antoinette STF Show Girl SM78
circle s leachman 600U stf miss k662
LOT # 85
Ellingson black perfector stf miss m787
gw miss stoplight 662H
STF extasy K114
This female goes back in time to the 600U generations and “STF Leona”. Her genetics are proven and her is your chance to own her. Safe in calf to Remington Red Label bred on 3/24/10.
This solid black female has several productive years ahead of her. She is sired by the many time winner “GWS Trademark”. She is bred to T178 HR on 6/5/10.
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 1.6 4 25.7 47.9 -6.9 1.2 14.1 14.1 2.9 0.24 0.01 0.16 97.9 56.2
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 7.1 0.6 32.5 56 3 0.3 16.6 -3.4 -0.03 0.17 0.02 0.21 109.7 63.5
LOT #86
WF Lisa T03
WF Lisa T03 2400952 Born 3/02/2007 Tattoo: T03
Polled P/B Cow Birth Weight: 74 ADJ WW: 577
LOT #87
STF Twyla T114
STF Twyla T114 2387519 Born 1/03/2007 Tattoo: T114
nichols legacy g151
wle power stroke
CNs dream On l186
ksu venom 101M cns sheeza dream k107w
WF Lisa T03
LOT # 86
Polled P/B Cow Birth Weight: 97 ADJ WW: 642
miss kansas K11G STF Twyla T114
circle S Leachman 600U wf miss macy e4
LOT # 87
mv red light 406 stf desa rae
nichols blk diamond B107
er miss redline 42B
This young “Dream On” daughter has a bright future her. She is safe in calf to STF Fixation bred on 4/16/10. What an exciting mating this could be. Her heifer calf sells as lot 20.
This solid black female is extremely sound and is has many more productive years to follow. Bred to STF Bull 15W on 6/24/10.
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 10.3 -1.8 25.7 41.8 7.3 1.8 14.7 -15.5 -0.09 0.27 0.01 0.15 119 65.5
CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW CW YG ME BF REA Api Ti 7.7 -0.1 16.7 40.4 5.3 -4.5 3.8 -13 -0.04 -0.01 -0.03 -0.28 94.4 50.5
Saturday, September 11, 2010 • 1: 00 PM (EST) at the farm Winchester, Indiana
Reference Sires Ref. Sire A
STF Backlash WM17
Sire: STF High Dollar NH486
CE 5.9
BW 1.0
Dam Sire: GWS Ebonys Trademark 6N ASA# 2481674
WW 30.2
Ref. Sire B
YW MCE MM MWW 50.5 2 -1.7 13.4
STF Upper Deck 292U
Sire: STF Shocking Dream SJ14 Dam Sire: HC Power Drive 88H
CE 7.3
BW 0.6
WW 25.5
Ref. Sire C
BW 1.7
BW 0.2
BW 1.7
Ref. Sire F
BW -0.1
Ref. Sire I
CE 0.9
BW 2.7
BW -1.8
YW MCE MM MWW 43.5 -3.7 0.2 13.4
BW 4.7
Dam Sire: Circle S Leachman 600U
WW 26.3
ASA# 2081939
YW MCE MM MWW 47.0 6.8 13.7 26.8
STF Open Range P022
BW -0.7
Dam Sire: STF Desa Rae
WW 19.1
ASA# 2233065
YW MCE MM MWW 37.1 3.9 -2.3 7.2 24thAnnual Silver Certificate Sale
YW MCE MM MWW 58.6 6.1 2.1 20.7
Dam Sire: HS Reflections J34
WW 26
ASA# 2252969
YW MCE MM MWW 39.6 3.3 1.2 14.2
STF Shocking Dream SJ14
Sire: CNS Dream On L186
ASA# 2507540
ASA# 2252968
Winchester HR
Sire: CNS Dream On L186
CE 11.0
YW MCE MM MWW 58 4.1 3.1 18.4
Dam Sire: HS Reflections J34
WW 37.2
Ref. Sire J
CE 17.1
WW 30.7
ASA# 2462250
Remington Red Label HR
Sire: CNS Dream On L186
Hooks Shear Force 38K
Sire: SS Goldmine L42
YW MCE MM MWW 57 1.6 7.3 24.3
Dam Sire: SAC Mr MT 73G
WW 26.5
Sire: Nichols Legacy G151
CE 12.1
CE 6.6
Dam Sire: Miss 42B HR R29
Ref. Sire K ASA# 2534892
T178 HR
Sire: NJC Laredo
STF Bull 16W
Sire: STF Dominaqnce T171
Ref. Sire G
YW MCE MM MWW 43.5 -3.7 0.2 13.4
Dam Sire: Wheatland Bull 131L
WW 33.9
Ref. Sire E
CE 20.2
ASA# 2481667
STF Bull 15W
Sire: STF Dominique R170
CE 6.2
Dam Sire: SAC Mr MT 73G
WW 26.5
Ref. Sire D
CE 1.2
YW MCE MM MWW 51.1 5.6 3.6 16.3
STF Fixation W155
Sire: STF Dominance T171
CE 6.2
ASA# 2436791
Ref. Sire H
BW 0.7
Dam Sire: Circle S Lechman 600U
WW 34.6
ASA# 2335795
YW MCE MM MWW 63.6 8.5 --1.9 15.4
TERMS: The terms of the sale are cash or good check, payable in U.S. funds. Settlement is to be made sale day. The possession of the cattle will not pass until settlement is made. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Announcements from the auction block will take precedence over printed material in the catalog. Up-to-date information on breeding will be provided sale day. BIDDING: All animals sell to the highest bidder. Any disputes or challenges regarding bids will be settled by the auctioneer and his decision will be final. INSURANCE OF PURCHASES AND RISK: All animals are at owner’s risk and become the property of the purchaser as soon as declared sold. Arrangements will be made to have insurance available when making settlement. REGISTRY CERTIFICATES: Each animal is recorded, or in the event of baby calves, breeder’s certificates will be furnished in the Herd Registry of the A.S.A. certificate of registry. All animals will be transferred to new owner free of charge. Does not pertain to steers or commercial lots. ACCIDENTS: Although every precaution will be taken to protect the safety and comfort of buyers, neither the sales management, auctioneer or owners assumes any responsibility in this matter and disclaims any liability, legal or otherwise, in the event of accident or lost property.
The sale will be held at the farm, State Rt. 32, 4 1/2 miles west of Winchester, Indiana. Winchester is 20 miles east of Muncie, and 25 miles north of Richmond, Indiana. Interstate 69 is 30 miles west and Interstate 70 is south 25 miles. Indianapolis is about 2 hours from the farm.
AIRPORTS Winchester, IN Randolph County Airport Muncie, IN Served by connecting commuter flights; 1/2 hour drive Dayton, OH Served by most major airlines; 1 hour drive Indianapolis, IN Served by most major airlines; 2 hour drive
GUARANTEE: All cattle sell fully guaranteed in accordance with the suggested sale terms and conditions of the American Simmental Association. Terms available upon request. BREEDERS GUARANTEE: Females - Cows represented as being “safe in calf” have been examined and declared safe by a licensed vet and will be accompanied by a vet certificate to this effect. They’re considered breeders without further guarantee. Buyer has a 24-hour option to have licensed vet examine the cow before the animal leaves the premises. Cows with calves at side shall be considered breeders also without further guarantee. Cows and heifers represented as bred are not guaranteed “safe in calf” but they and open heifers selling as individual lots are guaranteed to be breeders. No guarantee shall apply to suckling calves. No guarantee is given that a pregnant female will deliver live calves, or that she will carry calves full-term nor that the calf carried will not be mummified. In no event shall the seller be responsible for more than purchase price. The seller is not responsible for damage caused by foreign bodies after the animal has been sold, nor for sickness not apparent at sale time. BREEDING GUARANTEES AND DEFINITIONS: 1. Females are guaranteed to be breeders, with the exception of: a. Female calves sold at side of dam b. Injury or disease occurring to the animal after time of sale c. Gross negligence or willful misconduct on the part of the purchaser d. Females used in ovum transplant after time of sale e. Cows sold with calf at side or a female that calves after sale to a breeding prior to the date of sale f. Females not properly vaccinated and females competitively shown after time of the sale void from breeding guarantee. 2. Bulls are guaranteed to be breeders (defined as the ability to settle healthy cows by the time the bull is 18 months of age) with the exception of: a. Bull calves sold at side of dam b. Injury or disease occurring to the animal after time of sale c. Gross negligence or willful misconduct on the part of the purchaser d. Bulls shown competitively after sale 3. Any guarantees with respect to the ability to freeze semen shall be made by separate agreement between buyer and seller. 4. Safe in calf females are females that have been diagnosed pregnant by a competent veterinarian, and are pregnant at time of sale. 5. A bred female is a female known to have been served by a bull either by natural breeding or artificial insemination, but it does not necessarily mean that the female is safe in calf to that service. 6. A pasture bred female that has been pastured with a designated bull and has been exposed for the time stated, but it does not necessarily mean that this female is safe in calf to that bull. 7. An open heifer is a virgin heifer that has never been exposed to a bull either through natural service or artificial insemination. 8. An open cow is a cow that has not been exposed to a bull either through natural service or artificial insemination. 9. As we have no control over the acts of God, we cannot guarantee these cattle against death, loss or sickness. We guarantee cattle to be healthy sale day. Insurance available sale day upon request
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On the Leading EDJE of Innovation 866.839.3353
Saturday, September 11, 2010 • 1: 00 PM (EST) at the farm Winchester, Indiana
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4440 W St R 32 Winchester, Indiana 47394 (765) 584-5894
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Saturday, September 11, 2010 1:00 (EST) at the farm Winchester, Indiana Annual Production Sale
Volume XXIV