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United Way is helping students build strong, stable futures

United Way of the Alberta Capital Region brings together caring people and businesses, non-profits, governments, and other organizations to give children and youth the support they need to get a great start in life, do well in school, and reach their full potential.

For vulnerable students, navigating the school system and making it to graduation is about more than just getting good grades. Healthy relationships with family and friends, access to school supplies, secure food and housing, and mental health resources are vital in supporting students on their educational journey.

More than ever, youth in the Edmonton region are facing socioeconomic challenges and a lack of access to basic needs.

United Way initiatives like Tools for School and All in for Youth (AIFY) lay foundations for support through the school years, from kindergarten all the way to high school completion — giving the next generation the tools they need to succeed and break out of the cycle of poverty.

No single person or organization can solve our communities’ biggest problems on their own. It’s only by coming together and leveraging the power of a collective movement that we can make lasting change.

“At PCL, we take great pride in giving back to our community. Supporting United Way is an essential part of that commitment,” says Chris Pullen, vicepresident and general manager with PCL Industrial Management Inc. “We’re proud to support an organization that provides resources to youth in our community and supports them as they explore potential career opportunities. Young people are the future of our industry, and we feel privileged to play a part in guiding them toward success.”

United Way of the Alberta Capital Region builds relationships in the community to collaborate, coordinate, and make real headway in tackling big issues in our region. Since our start in 1941, United Way has worked with our partners in businesses, government, unions, and agencies to build stronger communities where everyone can thrive.

By being there for youth on their educational journey, your support of United Way can help kids stay in school and set the next generation up for success.

Giving Students The Tools They Need To Succeed

For many of us, summer means fun, sun, and a chance to relax. For others, summer means stress as back-to-school shopping puts pressure on a family’s already tight budget.

In some areas of the Alberta Capital Region, the need for backpacks filled with school supplies is as high as eight in 10 students.

Families shouldn’t have to choose between school supplies and putting food on the table. United Way’s Tools for School initiative aims to reduce this barrier. By providing backpacks, we can give children and youth the tools they need to be successful and participate in school.

United Way has seen a steady increase in needs from schools across the Edmonton area in recent years. Families are stretched thin due to the socioeconomic ripple effects of the pandemic, and our region is facing an influx of newcomers and refugees seeking a new start.

Through support of community donors and corporate sponsors, we continue to meet the needs of children and youth in our community. At the start of the 2021-22 school year, United Way was able to provide 16,289 backpacks and kits to families in need across the Alberta Capital Region.

Graduating From High School Can Break The Cycle Of Poverty

High school graduation is linked to better chances of employment, increased lifetime earnings, and improved overall wellbeing. By providing wraparound services, United Way’s All in for Youth (AIFY) initiative supports children and youth on their journey toward high school completion.

Located directly within eight Edmonton schools, All in for Youth brings together 10 local partners to address the complex needs children and families experience when living with low income.

AIFY removes barriers to learning, helping students and families in many ways through mentorship and student success coaching; student and family mental health therapy; out-of-school time group programming; school nutrition programs; and in-home family support. These supports not only help students, but also offer families a sense of stability.

“Because of this support, I was able to get this job where I am right now. I got support for my clothes, my child’s school stuff, books, stationery, and school snacks at the same time every Friday…They’re always there to provide,” a student’s caregiver shared.

Last year, more than 2,800 students and their families had access to AIFY services – helping them to thrive in school and in life.

As school communities experienced upheaval during the COVID-19 pandemic, AIFY resources were there to help families navigate the ever-changing restrictions. While some programming and service delivery started out or stayed virtual, there was a concerted effort to shift services back to in-person when possible.

The school communities saw how student and family mental health and wellness was impacted by the pandemic, including learning disruptions, social isolation and re-adjusting to in-person learning, and the socio-economic repercussions of COVID-19 protections.

While the pandemic may have changed the needs of students and families, it did not stop the ability of AIFY to give them the support they needed.

Over the past seven years of All in for Youth, students, families, and school staff have reported greater resiliency and hope, more positive relationships and social networks, and improved self-esteem. AIFY has also tracked improved school performance, and better physical and mental health.

Together, these changes lead to stronger, healthier, and safer communities.

Helping Kids From The Start

As we flip the calendar page towards summer, United Way is already gearing up for a busy season supporting students and families as they navigate their educational journey.

Investing in education equips people with the tools and confidence to create meaningful and lasting change in their own lives. When we support educational journeys, students – and, ultimately, our community – become stronger, more resilient, and more capable.

But we can’t do it alone. When you support United Way, you are an important part of a movement of changemakers who want what’s best for their community.

Together, we can empower students and their families to build brighter and stronger futures. u

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