Metal Pavilion
La Velia Museum
Country Club Pitch and Putt
Mobile Restaurant
Music Center
Adrian Riquelme - Portfolio 2013
Adrian Riquelme - Portfolio 2013
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Calle Tomillo 3, Torreguil, Sangonera la Verde. Murcia. Spain.
Phone number / 0034 665378377
Adrian Riquelme noviembre de 2012 – Presente (7 meses)
GGLAB (Green Geometries Laboratory) Full time architect in trainig time. enero de 2012 – julio de 2012 (7 meses) Valencia, España
LANGAUAGES English Italian Spanish
good written and oral skills B2 Level good written and oral skills C1 Level mather tongue
EDUCATION Universidad Politécnica Valencia Licentiate degree, Architecture. Politecnico di Torino Licentiate degree, Architectural History and Criticism. COMPUTER SKILLS
PhotoShop, Illustrator, Indisign, Autocad, SketchUp, Rhinoceros, Grasshopper, VRay, 3D Studio.
Metal Pavilion
Regent’s Park (London)
Architect Adrian Riquelme Year 2012 Tools AutoCad, SketchUp, VRay, Photoshop
The project consists of the design for a building to serve as a business exhibition pavilion for metal building materials. The construction should be sited in an open space with surrounding landscaped areas which can accommodate a daily influx of people. The aim, as far as possible, is to blend the pavilion with its natural surroundings through a game of reflections but at the same time for it to maintain its industrial character, avoiding curves, in keeping with its purpose to promote the building company. To achieve this, we decided to use hexagons for the project; these, in turn, are subdivided into smaller equilateral triangles that make up the metal plates. In this way, we have designed a type of geometric shell where we play with distorting the vertices, thereby creating a host of angles and reflections of the environment.
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integration into the environment As we can see in all these elevations, the pavilion’s character grows through its interaction with the natural surroundings.
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Velia Museum
Via dei Fori Imperiali, Rome
Architect Adrian Riquelme Year 2013 Tools AutoCad, SketchUp, VRay, Photoshop
The Via dei Fori Imperiali is one of the most important avenues in the Italian capital. The street is the product a succesion of planning decisions made during the fascist period in an attempt to modernise the city and create a sense of power and military control. The new monumental avenue joined the Coliseum and The Piazza Venezia, overlooking different archaeological areas and with the Coliseum providing a spectacular focal point to complete the perspective. On one side of the avenue are the Imperial Forums and on the other is a large, solid wall designed by Antonio Munoz to retain the earth excavated in order to create the new avenue. Behind the wall is also the rubble from the medieval and baroque district that had to be destroyed to make way for Mussolini’s new project. The new design project consists of the replacement of the old wall by a covered walkway, a series of exhibition rooms and an auditorium. The inclined walkway will serve a triple role. It will provide entry to the different exhibition rooms and create pedestrian access between the “Via dei Fori Imperiali” and the gardens on top of ‘‘Colina della Velia”; thirdly, a glass wall will allow passers-by to see the different historical layers contained in the mound. 12
During Republican and Imperial times.
Fascist era axes.
The Republican and Imperial road system.
Study of the urban road system over time.
The Medieval / Renaissance city.
The walkway in the museum recreates the two Roman and Medieval streets that were parallel to Via dei Fori Imperiali.
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A volumetric display of the different layers of the building.
Front access to the walkway and museum. Rear access to the cafeteria and auditorium.
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View of the hall and rear access to the cafeteria and auditorium.
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View of the inclined walkway and glass wall to the right.
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“Country Club”
Pitch & Putt Murcia (Spain) Architect Adrian Riquelme, Ramón Gomez Year 2013 Tools AutoCad, SketchUp, VRay, Photoshop
‘’Club de Campo’’ (Country Club) is a sports club located in a southern area of Spain called Murcia. The order required the design of a course for pitch & putt in disused plots and the design of a practice area which would, in turn, provide a new, modern facade to the complex. The club’s limited economic resources forced us to do something simple but eye-catching and for this reason we decided to include a new logo in the practice area netting to give an updated image for the club. We also chose to maintain the existing retaining walls, thereby reducing labour and costs, forming the new course around the old walls. The original terracing would be used to form an attractive spectator area overlooking the final part of the course. Water conservation is always a concern in this area of Spain but the creation of a small pond would be justified by the natural presence of water in the lowest part of the plot.
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Picture of the original site.
The new development.
Route of the golf course.
Water harvesting scheme.
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Mobile Restaurant Architect GGlab Disign team Jose Ramón Tramolleres Alberto seller, Laura Juan, Adrián Riquelme, Jaune Verdaguer, Miguel Rus. Year 2011 Tools Maya, Grasshopper, Rhinoceros, Illustrator. On July the 30th 2011, a Spanish restaurant called ‘‘El Bulli’’ closed doors temporaly. El Bulli is one of the most important and influencial restaurants in the world and it will be transformed into a fundation. El Bulli is not only a restaurant but a school, a workshop and a research center. This approach has proven to be succesful one a at GGlab we wanted to extend this via architecture. Our response at GGlab resulted in the Mobile Restaurant project which is a mixture between a restaurant, cooking workshop and traveling conference center. The desing is based on the traditional typology of a theater, the blachers become the dinning area while the stage become the kitchen. This typology allows to use the space for conferences and workshops transforming the restaurant into a multipurpose space. The soft geometry allows the Mobile Restaurant to intereact seanlessly with variety of environments, while keeping it welcoming.
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2 Music Home. OMA Open bbackground.
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Music Center Valencia, Spain. Architect Adrian Riquelme Year 2012 Tools Autocad, Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, SketchUp, V-Ray.
Musical center in Valencia is my final project. It is a multifunctional building where converge several activities related to music. In the public area you can find an auditorium, a smaller concert hall and a large exhibition hall with cafeteria and shopping space. Moreover, in the private area found the music school and residences for students and artists. The proposed project tries to provide cultural activity and create a new source of movement in the area. The building opens on all four sides in order to create public spaces, semi-open and closed circulations aimed to encourage the influx of people. The aim will be to draw the viewer to the center or heart of the project hub, which houses the cafe area, the store and the different terraces. It seeks to design spaces that allow both day activity of night.and especially ground level, it is important that it can be used by the district convenient ways, depending on context. In conclusion, look for the design of a building to enrich the culture and life of the area.
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Sereveral facades and sections.
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‘‘...y aqui termino, sin hacer sombra a nadie ni despeinarme.’’ Mario Benedetti
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Thank you for the opportunity.