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At Home in Edmond Summer 2022
By Toni Glenn IBS is a common, long term, recurring gastrointestinal disorder that affects over 20 percent of the world’s population of their quality of life, according to Science Daily, a publisher of the latest research. I have struggled with it for over 15 years–never knowing when or where it will strike with urgent diarrhea, gas, pain or constipation. Did I mention weakness, brain fog, dehydration, fatigue, and anemia from the intestine’s inability to break down and absorb essential nutrients? Then there is the fear of embarrassment that causes people to limit social interaction, travel and recreational activities. Many are afraid to leave the house. Over the years, I have seen several medical specialists and tried loads of supplements, enzymes, herbs, meditation, acupuncture and diarrhea, constipation, gas and bloating medicines. Nothing has worked. There is no cure for IBS. Still, I was desperately searching for something to help manage my IBS so I could go on an 11-day tour of Italy for my first European trip ever. I had to leave in a week. I was referred to Innovative Pharmacy Solutions, a compounding, nutrition, health and wellness pharmacy in Edmond.
As I walked in the pharmacy, I noticed the calm and welcoming atmosphere. Pharmacists and team members were talking to customers and answering questions with sincere interest and concern. The walls were lined with neatly stacked jars and products for nearly every type of ailment and even cosmetics. As I shared my problem with a staff member behind the counter, a big smile stretched across her face. When she said, “We can help you”, I felt a glimmer of hope for the first time in ages. She went to a shelf and held up a white jar of IG 26 Plus DF, anutraceutical or food-based product with health-giving additives and medicinal benefits. She said it also strengthens the immune system through our gut lining–our body’s first line of defense against toxins, allergens, germs and infections that cause inflammation–all of which play a role in IBS and Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD or Crohn’s disease). The preparation contains immunoglobulins, or antibodies. This dietary supplement was developed by decades of research by agricultural and immunology scientists, who investigated the health benefits of making products. These products are generally pureed
from cattle colostrum or cattle blood (serum). This particular product is made from the eggs of hyperimmunized chicken. Hyperimmunized to the twenty-six major GI pathogens present in the human gut. These are the ‘Green Berets’ of our immune system Dave Mason, pharmacist and owner of Innovative Pharmacy Solutions, said. When consumed by humans, it strengthens the GI tract by coming to the aid of our natural immunoglobulins. “We are actually “giving immunity”. Not boosting immunity-actually GIVING it,” he added. Does it work? Just let me say that I had no IBS episodes in Italy and have not had one since I started taking it daily. When I asked Mason, how he knows a product works, he said in his humble way: “We know what a product is supposed to be doing in the body, We know a product works when people who buy it for the first time, keep coming back for more.” When I asked Mason what inspired him to keep exploring the new frontiers of science for innovative solutions for health and wellness, he humbly replied: “I just like taking care of folks.” This story should not be considered medical advice and patients should consult with their medical professional before taking any new medications or supplements.