Edmonton Community Foundation Spring 2011 Community Investment Partnership Project Guide

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Edmonton Community Foundation is pleased to once again provide a guide to Community Investment Partnership (CIP) projects. ECF receives many requests for financial support and learns of innovative and timely projects through our contacts in the charitable sector. The need for support outweighs the amount available through ECF’s discretionary funds.

On the next page are some questions and answers that may help you as you look through this booklet. Once you have reviewed the projects we encourage you to contact our office for more information on the projects and how you can participate.

Many donors have partnered with us through CIP. To date, more than $59,000 has been committed to projects suggested to donors in previous editions of this guide. These commitments help leverage ECF support to our community and help donors provide timely grants in their areas of interest. This guide contains a number of project proposals ranging in scope and focus, each designed to meet a current community need. If you are interested in any of these projects you can participate by allocating a portion of the income from your donor advised fund to that project.

For more information on the CIP program or any of these projects please contact Craig Stumpf-Allen at (780) 426-0015 ext 111 or email craig@ecfoundation.org.

Deadline to support projects: November 25th, 2011.


FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS What if I want more information about a project?

My fund is small. Can I still participate?

This guide contains only brief summaries of proposed projects. Further information can be provided upon request.

No matter how much your fund has available to grant, you can participate in the Community Investment Partnership. By combining your fund’s granting power with others at ECF, we can enhance the impact of your granting decisions.

What happens if other donors choose the same project, or if the project I choose does not receive other funding?

If you wish, you can also provide an immediate gift in support of one the projects.

Projects will be funded on a first-come, first-served basis. If a project receives more support than needed, we will contact you to discuss alternatives.

Do I have to contribute to the programs you identify?

Grant requests will also be considered by our advisory committees (volunteers with expertise in their respective sectors) who will provide recommendations to the ECF Board of Directors. If a project is not approved by the ECF Board, we will contact you to discuss why and to explore other options.

No. You can decide whether you want to contribute to the programs identified here. You may choose to wait for another idea or may identify a grant recipient on your own. You can also ask for information on other organizations which are addressing community issues which are of particular concern to you.




VALEDA HOUSE Project Need: $30,000 Project Description: Valeda House opened a year ago to help address a gap in transitional housing available for women and their children. Previously, a shortage of supportive housing for women who left high risk situations, addiction treatment or detox often resulted in these women returning to unsafe environments or risky behaviours. Valeda House combines a shelter with community resources to address issues such as addictions and parenting skills. A grant would provide additional services for women and their children.

Organization: Catholic Social Services provides over 120 social service programs including foster care, elder abuse interventions, and immigrant services.




DA BOM SQUAD Project Need: $35,125 Project Description: Da Bom Squad was established to expose youth (ages 12-16) who have significant police involvement with alternatives to criminal behaviour. The combined expertise of the Edmonton Police Service, the Family Centre, Boys and Girls Clubs, and the Canadian Forces help teens develop confidence, good decision making skills and positive relationships with each other and adult advisors.

A grant would support equipment, program costs and transportation; all staff are provided by partner agencies.

Organization: The Edmonton Police Foundation promotes and supports community policing, crime prevention, and education initiatives developed by the Edmonton Police Service.


EDMONTON VOLUNTEER DRIVER PROGRAM Project Need: $30,000 Project Description:


For some patients, just getting to their cancer treatment can be a challenge. By providing specially trained volunteer drivers, the Canadian Cancer Society alleviates this one concern for cancer patients while offering practical support. Program costs include training, recruitment materials, and mileage for volunteers.

The Canadian Cancer Society works to eradicate cancer and to enhance the quality of life of people living with cancer.




ENTERPRISE STRING QUARTET Project Need: $25,000 Project Description:


Community engagement strengthens the work of any university. The University of Alberta’s Enterprise String Quartet delivers ‘guerilla’ performances – bringing the music of Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven and other composers to Edmonton audiences in unconventional settings. The request is for funds to support artists’ fees, marketing, and administration.

The University of Alberta’s Enterprise String Quartet was formed in 2009 by violin professor Dr. Guillame Tardif and takes its name from its original venue, Enterprise Square.


MAKE TAX TIME PAY Project Need: $25,000 Project Description: Sometimes resources are available to low income families but eligible people don’t access them due to lack of awareness. Make Tax Time Pay helps clients complete their income tax return, apply for government benefits which are income dependent, and gain additional information on financial resources. In 2011, volunteers helped complete over 4,000 tax returns and helped service users apply for benefits such as child care subsidies and the

Leisure Access Program. Costs are primarily related to staffing.

Organization: E4C (Edmonton City Centre Church Corporation) provides a range of services to Edmontonians in need including the school lunch program, Clareview head start, and housing.




STEP UP & STEP IN Project Need: $24,000 Project Description:


Step Up & Step In is a program created by and for youth, to address violence by focusing on youth engagement, resiliency and empowerment. Youth develop and implement school and community activities. Through their involvement, they develop leadership, conflict management and peace building skills. The request is to support a second position to increase the number of schools and youth participants.

YOUCAN Edmonton strives to assist young people in creating a youth culture of peace.


ADULT LITERACY SERVICES IN NORTHEAST EDMONTON Project Need: $24,000 Project Description:


Imagine not knowing which bus you should catch because you couldn’t read the destination. Unfortunately, 40% of Canadian adults do not have the literacy skills they need to cope in our society and 15% have problems with any printed materials. Recognizing the concentration of this issue in Northeast Edmonton, the Learning Centre Literacy Association has requested support for rent at a site in Abbottsfield Mall to allow them to provide training with reading, writing and numeracy.

The Learning Centre Literacy Association provides community-based adult literacy training.




VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR Project Need: $20,480 Project Description:


In 2010, more than 200 volunteers contributed over 10,000 hours to the mission of the Alberta Diabetes Foundation. Recruiting, training, screening and supporting all this work, which helps raise over $470,000 annually, is no small task. The ADF has now increased its activities to the point that a dedicated volunteer coordinator is needed. Costs are related to salary only.

Alberta Diabetes Foundation is devoted to raising money for diabetes research.


THOUSAND FACES FESTIVAL OF MYTHIC ART Project Need: $12,000 Project Description:


This new festival brings together artists of diverse cultures to share works inspired by the mythologies of the world. The inaugural festival included Beowulf, The Tempest, and stories with Egyptian, Phillipino, and Hindu influences. Plans are well underway for the second festival to be held in May 2012. The request is primarily in support of artists’ fees and production costs.

Theatre Prospero exposes students and other audiences to Shakespearean and other mythic plays through school matinees, artist-inresidence programs at schools, and public performances.




SUCCESS COACH Project Need: $30,000 Project Description:


The Way In was started by teachers who noticed that the Millwoods area lacked services for students dealing with mental health issues, chaotic home-lives and at-risk behaviours. To address this, three Millwoods schools partnered with Alberta Health Services, the YMCA, the Family Centre, and Addiction and Mental Health to provide a range of services to students and their families. Two schools have success coaches to work with students. A grant is requested to provide a success coach at the third school.

The Way In is an initiative at three Edmonton Public Junior High schools in Millwoods. It provides wrap around services to improve mental health through prevention, promotion and intervention.


SENIORS’ WELLNESS PROGRAM Project Need: $20,000 Project Description: We often hear about the health care crisis which will result from an aging population. Programs aimed at disease prevention and health promotion reduce the need for intervention services. The Seniors’ Wellness Program for Ashbourne residents and the surrounding community promotes seniors health through the services of a registered nurse who provides health education talks, individual consultations, and early identification of possible health

problems. The request is in support of staffing costs.

Organization: Garneau United Assisted Living Place operates the Ashbourne, a 110-unit assisted living facility.




POHNA: KEEPERS OF THE FIRE Project Need: $30,000 Project Description: Pohna is a collaboration between Nati ve Counselling Services, the Edmonton Police Service, the school boards and others to prevent youth from becoming involved in gang activity and redirect youth who are already involved in gangs. Youth voluntarily commit to the program and work with Youth Workers to ensure follow through. The program has resulted in reduced police involvement, increased attendance at school, and improved interactions with peers and

adults. The request relates to staff costs and client activities and transportation.

Organization: Native Counselling Services of Alberta provides services such as court workers, family and community wellness, and legal education.


CONNECTIONS CONCERT SERIES Project Need: $25,000 Project Description:


To expose more youth to classical music and inspire a new generation of listeners, the Connections Concert Series will provide three short concerts that are welcoming, enjoyable and family friendly. To expand the concerts’ reach, a partnership with CKUA will broadcast the concerts to another 8,000 listeners. Costs relate primarily to marketing, artist fees, and technician costs.

The Alberta College Conservatory of Music at Grant MacEwan University provides comprehensive music education for students of all ages.




ACCESSIBILITY LIFT Project Need: $19,643 Project Description:


Over the past six year s, SCONA has been renovating and upgrading the small house which is the home-away-from-home for over 300 seniors. Renovations have included upgrades to the main floor and basement, the addition of an outdoor lift and an accessible washroom. A grant is requested to install a lift that will improve access to the basement to make better use of all activity space.

Seniors Citizens Opportunity Neighbourhood Association (SCONA) provides a range of opportunities for seniors – especially those over 80 – to engage with their community.

Edmonton Community Foundation 9910 – 103 Street Edmonton, AB T5K 2V7 Phone 780.426.0015 Fax: 780.425.0121 info@ecfoundation.org www.ecfoundation.org


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