Leaning Into What Really Matters Lessons, learnings and opportunities from the last year as we navigated the pandemic together
Gratitude When I reflect back on the past year and the tough times our Skills community faced, the key word for what really mattered most to me is gratitude. Gratitude for how the people we serve and their families have adapted their lives, been patient, careful and kind to one another during an otherwise stressful time. Gratitude for our amazing leaders on the front lines and in management who have helped people live their lives as safely as possible. Gratitude for our organization and its ability to quickly translate provincial health orders into our own organizational realities, supporting people we serve in their own homes, throughout the city. Gratitude that we haven’t lost anyone in our Skills community to COVID-19. Gratitude for the leadership everyone has shown in looking out for each other, being empathetic, kind, and offering help in little and big ways. I’m sure the pandemic and all its uncertainty has caused us to reflect on what really matters as individuals and as a community of interconnected people. I’m pleased that our Skills community is using this report to share their personal reflections, stories and learnings about what has really mattered to them over this past year. As an organization, we want to make sure that these essential lessons aren’t forgotten as the pandemic subsides in the coming months. Here are some other important learnings I’ve taken away from this past year.