Accessible parking Journey Map

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Mapping Placard Holder Parking Experiences KATE

“Always on the lookout for a spot that is closest to a curb cut”


“I’m technology illiterate. Very much so. I have a hard time knowing what to do with it [pay terminal]”


“Without the parking subsidy I fear I will have to severely restrict the number of trips I do each month”



“I’m always thinking to myself…. where can I park...where can I get my lift out?”

“Money isn’t everything, safety is”

Kate is a single mother who lives, works, and plays downtown. Due to a back injury, Kate is unable to lift her feet more than a few inches off the ground, making getting up and over curbs or snowbanks impossible. This means when parking she is always on the lookout for a spot that is closest to the curb-cut.

In a Nutshell

Increase number of designated stalls so I can safely enter and exit my vehicle. USE CASE(S)

Pay terminal inaccessible ACCESS NEEDS

1. Curb cut near stall 2. Stall near destination CURRENTLY USES SUBSIDY?



Hys Centre, Downtown

Lyn is a retired widow who lives alone on the north side of Edmonton. Rather than struggle to find a spot that meets her access needs she prefers to park and take the bus downtown. Unfortunately this only works for her in the summer months when snow and ice on the sidewalks is not a barrier.

Pattie is a fierce advocate and single mom who is no longer able to work due to intermittent vision impairment, fatigue, and decreased endurance associated with MS. This means she is always on the lookout for a stall close to her destination and depends on the parking subsidy.

Margaret lives a full and busy life, frequenting downtown and all parts of the City with her adapted van. She’s always on the lookout for a spot that enables her to safely lower her lift onto the sidewalk. This has gotten harder since the installation of new bike lanes in the City’s core.

In a Nutshell

In a Nutshell

In a Nutshell

Keep the sidewalks clear so I can park and take the bus year round.

Free parking enables me to enjoy the City.

Park where I want, when I want without hassle even if I get a ticket.


App inaccessible Pay terminal inaccessible

Pay terminal inaccessible App inaccessible Unable to afford




1. Wider stall 2. Curb cut near stall 3. Brighter screen on pay terminal 4. Clear instructions at pay terminal CURRENTLY USES SUBSIDY?

No, unaware it existed PREFERRED PAYMENT METHOD


Royal Alex, Hys Centre, Downtown

1. Stall close to entrance and pay terminal 2. Curb cut near stall 3. Alternative to paying at terminal and using app CURRENTLY USES SUBSIDY?



Downtown, 124 street, Whyte Avenue, Hys Centre

In her retirement Sandy finds she is now frequenting different parts of the city in her car but has been disappointed by the lack of available accessible parking. Frequently unable to find a spot that suits her needs she resorts to paying for parking on private surface lots. She would rather pay and feel safe than not pay and have her safety jeopardized.

In a Nutshell

Find a safe place to park even if it means paying more.


Pay terminal inaccessible ACCESS NEEDS

1. Sidewalk clear of obstacles to allow for lift to land 2. Stall close to destination CURRENTLY USES SUBSIDY?



Pay terminal inaccessible ACCESS NEEDS

1. Wider stall 2. Stall close to curb cut 3. Clear ground surrounding pay terminal CURRENTLY USES SUBSIDY?





Her work and personal life takes her all over the City with little predictability from day to day


Whyte avenue, Downtown





Activities in this Phase

Activities in this Phase

Activities in this Phase

Activities in this Phase KATE - Walks slowly, feeling unsafe returning to vehicle in oncoming traffic.

KATE - Googles the location ahead of time to see if there is parking, try and find out if it is accessible, and if she can walk instead of park.

KATE - Goes to destination and drives around looking for a spot that is closest to curb cut and door. If no spot available opts to leave and miss appointment

KATE - Currently doesn’t pay. Would pay using the app but would need additional information on how to get and use it. Finds the pay terminal difficult and sometimes impossible to get to.

LYN - Gets a friend to google the location for her and mark the directions and info down on a piece of paper.

LYN - In the winter, drives around looking for a spot that is closest to curb cut and door and is out of the way of busy traffic. In the summer parks and takes the bus (this only works for her in the summer months when snowy sidewalks are not a barrier).

LYN - Walks along the street in traffic to curb cut to access sidewalk and pay terminal. Pays using coins (has no debit or credit cards).

MARGARET - With few spots that meet her access needs, Margaret parks wherever works for her, even if that means getting a ticket

PATTIE - Currently doesn’t pay. Pattie doesn’t have a phone that supports the app so would be forced to pay at the terminal, this would waste precious time and energy if she had to walk further than her destination to the pay terminal. She found the terminal difficult to use in the trial and would prefer to be able to call in to register her plate.

MARGARET - Looks at google earth before making the trip. Will also do a driveby to check the area out ahead of time. If there is no sign of accessible parking she will call and ask. PATTIE - Minutes are precious to Pattie, with only 3-4 hours each day that she has enough energy to do things she carefully plans her time out to maximize efficiency and productivity.

PATTIE - Due to limited endurance and mobility challenges Pattie drives around her destination looking for a spot close to the entrance and a curbcut so she can get in quickly. If she can’t find a suitable spot she leaves and misses her appointment.

MARGARET - “Pays for parking in bulk”. Never pays using the app or terminal, just pays the tickets when she gets them.

SANDY - Currently doesn’t pay. Would pay using the app as the pay terminal is commonly difficult to get to and use in her chair. She would need more information on how to get and use the app (without having to visit the pay terminal).

LYN - Feels unsafe returning to vehicle in oncoming traffic. Opens door all the way and takes extra time to sit down. MARGARET - Returns to passenger side of the vehicle, puts lift down onto the sidewalk, rolls on, and re-enters vehicle. Hopes for no ticket. PATTIE - Returns to vehicle and drives away. If barriers on sidewalk such as snow, walks on road in oncoming traffic. SANDY - Wheels through oncoming traffic to return to vehicle and complete transfer into driver’s seat with doors wide open.

SANDY - Drives around looking for a spot close to a curb cut and out of the way of traffic so she can open her door all the way and safely transfer into her chair.


Challenges/Barriers (1) No universal understanding of what ‘accessible’ means. When calling ahead sometimes people report there is an accessible stall/entrance when there is not (2) Snow and ice create additional barriers to worry about and are difficult to gauge ahead of time (Kate, Lyn, Margaret, Pattie, Sandy)


Challenges/Barriers GENERAL (1) Arriving to destination and finding all designated spots full (2) Difficult to find spot near popular destination (Kate, Lyn, Margaret, Sandy) STALL ACCESSIBILITY (1) Finding no stalls wide enough to safely open driver door all the way

Opportunities for Improvement (1) Let people know they can call 311 to find out where the closest designated stall is to their destination

(1) Distance too far from car to curb cut to pay terminal to entrance (Kate, Lyn, Pattie, Sandy) (2) Unclear how to use pay terminal (Lyn) (3) Screen brightness makes it impossible to read (Lyn, Margaret) (4) Card slot and coins difficult to manipulate with limited finger dexterity (Margaret, Pattie)

(5) Difficult to remember zone number and license plate number (Pattie) (6) Buttons difficult to push with numbness in fingertips (Pattie) MOBILE (1) No cell phone or data or old phone (Lyn, Pattie) (2) Unclear how to use app (Pattie) (3) Fears around security of data (Lyn)

Challenges/Barriers GENERAL (1) Arriving to find a parking ticket (Margaret) (2) Would be difficult to return to machine to purchase more time (Kate, Lyn, Margaret, Sandy, Pattie) (3) Often difficult to estimate amount of time needed when using terminal (Pattie, Lyn)

(2) Difficult to find stall near curb cut

Opportunities for Improvement

(3) Bike lanes, flower pots, construction signs, snow windrows block access to sidewalk (Kate, Lyn, Margaret, Pattie, Sandy)

Opportunities for Improvement

(2) Increase citizen awareness of Epark website map and all its functions

Opportunities for Improvement INCREASE STALL ACCESSIBILITY (1) Curb cuts beside payment terminal (2) Designated stall near each payment terminal (3) Wider stalls so driver’s door can be opened all the way (4) Increase number of designated accessible stalls

(1) Education program for seniors on the new Epark system

(6) Have option to call or text in to register vehicle license plate

(2) Instructions clearly listed on a sign beside each pay terminal

(7) Signal earlier to people that they will need their license plate and zone number

(3) Call button on terminals to 311 for customer support (4) Have option to have instructions read aloud at pay terminal (5) Introduce a sliding scale or ways for people on fixed incomes to pay less

(8) Introduce a tap function for payment on terminal

(1) Option to call and add more time or end session

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