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Born in Berlin, socialized in West-Berlin of the 80'th: Maybe that's the reason why all my art-projects were linked to a certain remarkable sociocultural demand. Maybe not. I've been founder/director of the BERLINER KUNSTSALON (2004-2011), running the "tease art fair" in cologne (2007-2010), publishing Berlin's first 'for free' monthly art magazine (2001-2004) + a couple of catalogues. Further more I wrote about art + curated a big amount of art shows as a forum for cutting-edge, contemporary art ranging from the programmatic to the experimantal. Last but not least I exhibited own works for different reasons, my photos are placed in a few collections. Around 2011 I decided to leave "art scene" because - to name only one reason - I felt a lack of inspiration. Since then, I've been operating a predominantly inner dialogue... and so on ;)
