Amy hamilton fate of mtc tp 2015 05 04

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state tax notes™ Fate of MTC Transfer Pricing Program Hangs in the Balance by Amy Hamilton Amy Hamilton is a senior reporter with Tax Analysts. In this edition of A Sharper Focus, Amy Hamilton writes that it appears unlikely that 10 states are ready to commit to a four-year charter period for a Multistate Tax Commission transfer pricing program but that economist Ednaldo Silva’s influence on state revenue departments is already one legacy of the effort.

The Multistate Tax Commission’s Executive Committee is scheduled to take up on May 7 the proposed design for its Arm’s-Length Advisory Service (ALAS) — but at press time, it was nowhere near having the target number of 10 states financially commit to the plan’s four-year charter period.1 According to MTC Deputy Executive Director Greg Matson, only six states — Alabama, Iowa, Kentucky, New Jersey, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania — have indicated they are interested in being charter members. Bleaker still, the District of Columbia, Georgia, and Hawaii — fully one-third of the jurisdictions that participated in the ALAS advisory group — have declined the MTC’s invitation to join the service as charter members. And Florida, another state that participated in drafting the ALAS design, had not yet made a decision. While 10 isn’t definitive as the minimum number of participants for launching the proposed ALAS program, the plan’s projected $200,000 cost annually per state over the four-year charter period is based on that figure. Budget constraints are already the major reason states cite for declining to participate. The idea behind the plan is for participating states to collectively share the expenses of contracting with economic consulting firms to prepare the transfer pricing analyses that would support their arm’s-length adjustments and to assess the studies submitted by taxpayers. The plan designers conservatively estimate that an MTC transfer pricing program would yield $110 million for participating states over the charter period. It’s possible additional states will commit by May 7. At press time the MTC still hadn’t heard from about 20 states

1 MTC, ‘‘Design for an MTC Arm’s-Length Adjustment Service,’’ May 7, 2015.

State Tax Notes, May 4, 2015

with corporate income taxes. It’s unknown what direction the Executive Committee will provide to the architects of any potential MTC project. Legacy The ALAS effort has not been an entirely academic exercise. During the first advisory group meetings, top revenue officials from nine states examined various IRC section 482 types of discretionary authority and other tools used by the states to make adjustments. They also shared the latest intercompany transaction issues spotted by their auditors and got a sense of the scope of the problem, particularly in separate-entity states. Florida, for example, recently collected $70 million in a single case in which a business underreported income for intercompany transactions. During the October 6, 2014, forum in which economic consulting firms met with the ALAS advisory group, revenue officials gained firsthand insight into how businesses structure intercompany transactions to avoid state taxes. For one thing, some businesses group separate-entity states as one entity ripe for exploitation, so separate-entity states should start viewing themselves from this perspective, too, revenue officials learned. Also, state tax officials have known for at least five years that taxpayers are replacing intellectual property holding companies as vehicles for income shifting with more sophisticated ‘‘embedded royalties’’ structures that hide or embed royalties within a service charge or in the cost of goods sold. But according to economic consultants, embedded royalty structures have been around about a decade longer than state revenue officials suspected. And according to consultants, because taxpayers generally use the comparable profit method to bury the royalty, extracting it is likely to require the use of another section 482 method approved under the Treasury regulations and by the courts. The MTC’s transfer pricing training for state auditors, which was held March 31 and April 1, is also attributable directly to the ALAS effort. Regardless of the fate of the ALAS project, the MTC plans to continue to offer transfer pricing training through its regular training program if there is sufficient state interest. Ednaldo Silva The MTC went big when it picked economist Ednaldo Silva to lead its first round of training on identifying relatedparty transaction issues for audit. Not only did Silva help


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