E Dalmatians June 2010

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Volume 3 No. 5

E Dalmatians A Monthly Internet Publication

June 2010

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BIS/BISS Ch Blackthorn’s Flower Power

Daisy e h t s i y s i a . y D r t , s n u w o o c h s e h 4 t 1 e n t d i s u t u i n j t a i a In Dalmat d our gr her # 4 like to exten e recognized ’v o d h ’ e w . s y W judge t i l a qu e g s o n i h t d to outstan g n i n n i w . e n r e e l l h d .A re u t c M i p t e s n i a y J s i . s Da der M un 1 p u Gro

Owners: Bertha Little Joan Eversole, DMD

Breeders: Sara Pruyne Linda McSherry Sue MacMillan

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Handled by Jeff Langevin E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com

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At the DCA... EVERY Judge, EVERY Day FOUND ......

� n i l p a h “C

A very special Thank You to Aubrey Richardson, for expertly presenting Chaplin at DCA!

OnTheSpots Chase Me Charlie Thank you to breeder judge Molly Martin for this wonderful Best of Breed and Group 3 wins from the 6-9 month puppy class!

Over Specials!

Chaplin is owned & loved by Lesley & Skipper & Resides in California. Handled by Valerie & Asstisted by Lauren Lavitt

Breeder/Co Owner: Bonnie Rose , Everett, Wa www.onthespotdals.com

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In Celebration of

Afterglow... I’d like the memory of me to be a happy one. I’d like to leave an afterglow of smiles when life is done. I’d like to leave an echo whispering softly down the ways of happy times and laughing times and bright and sunny days. I’d like the tears of those who grieve to dry before the sun of happy memories that I leave when life is done.

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A Life Lived Large

Tom Harris ~ Daisydot Dalmatians

Sweet Dreams T... E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com


‘ Lexi ‘

[ Ch. T

Bred & owned by June & Irvin Krukenkamp M.D. Coowned with Kathleen Kelly

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TNG’s Flightplan X TNG’s Entrapment ]

In training at TNG...

Lexi is just beginning her show career. She is a sound fun loving girl with wonderful type, beautiful pigment & Markings. We look forward to much success with Lexi.

Tng Dalmatians


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The New Grand Championship Title Have you noticed recently that there are a lot of dogs being awarded an “xtra price” at the end of Best of Breed judging? The AKC is now offering a Grand Championship title effective on May 12, 2010. This new title will be available to AKC Champions of Record, giving the opportunity for Champion dog owners to return to the show ring with their dogs and further showcase the quality of their breeding stock and available at AKC all-breed, group and specialty shows. All Champions of Record entered in the Best of Breed/Variety competition will be eligible to compete for Grand Championship points. There is no additional entry fee. Grand Championship points are awarded, at the judge’s discretion, to the following placements: Best of Breed/Variety, Best of Opposite Sex, Select Dog and Select Bitch. Select Dog and Select Bitch are Champions that were recognized as the top quality of their sex after BOB and BOS have been awarded. Grand Championship points are calculated using the same AKC Point Schedule as is used for Championship points. (Dogs entered in non-regular classes are not counted in the computation of Championship or Grand Championship points.) Champions of Record including champions that are non-regular class winners (i.e.Veterans Class Winners) or dogs that have been “moved up” to Best of Breed competition for the show are the only dogs eligible for Grand Championship points. Although Winners Dog or Winners Bitch can win Best of Breed or Best of Opposite Sex, in no case will they be eligible for Grand Champion competition.

How to Count Grand Championship Points at AKC Dog Shows

A dog must be (1) a Champion of Record or (2) have been transferred to BOB competition based upon the owners’ records of their having completed the requirements for a CH title to be eligible for Grand Championship (GC) competition. The American Kennel Club requires a dog to obtain a total of 25 points with three major wins (a major win is worth three points or higher) to become a Grand Champion. The majors must be won under three different judges and at least one other judge must award some of the remaining points – so you need to win under at least four different judges. Also at least one Champion of Record must be defeated at three of these shows. Remember, point schedules vary by show location. If you are not at the show, make certain you get the points schedule for the event region where your dog won. Refer to the Schedule of Points.

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How To Figure Points If Your Champion Dog or Bitch Goes Best of Breed Grand Championship points will be calculated according to the number of dogs competing in the regular classes, as well as dogs competing in Best of Breed competition. A dog awarded BOB will be credited with the number of GC points calculated for BOB or BOS whichever is greater. If the judge elects to award GC points to his BOB winner today, whether the BOB is a dog or a bitch, the BOB will receive 5 GC points. Example: BOB (7 class dogs + 5 class bitches + 6 champions = 18 dogs for 5 pts) TIPS: Veteran dogs or any other non-regular class dogs are not counted in determining points. All eligible entrants from non-regular classes can earn Grand Championship points. TIPS: When counting dogs in competition, you only count dogs present that are judged. Dogs that are disqualified, dismissed, excused, absentee or have all awards withheld do not count.

How To Figure Points If Your Champion Dog or Bitch Goes Best of Opposite Sex If the Judge elects to award GC points to his BOS winner, all dogs of their sex competing are counted. Example: BOS – dog (7 class dogs + 3 champion dogs = 10 dogs for 4 pts) BOS – bitch (5 class bitches + 3 champion bitches = 8 bitches for 3 pts)

How To Figure Points for Select Dog (SD) or Bitch (SB) These are new AKC terms created for use in the Grand Championship program. Here all dogs of the same sex defeated in the BOB and regular classes are counted. Once again, it is entirely at the judge’s discretion to choose a Select Dog and/or a Select Bitch. SD/SB count all dogs competing of the same sex then subtract 2. Example: BOB – is a male SD is chosen (10 dogs – 2 dogs = 8 dogs for 4 pts) SB is chosen (8 bitches – 2 bitches = 6 bitches for 2 pts) Starting in 2010, dogs who earn their Grand Champion title will receive an invitation to the AKC/Eukanuba National Championship.

All Information for this article was is from the AKC website. For more information about the Grand Championship titile, go to www.akc.org

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Greater Washington Dalmatian Club Specialty | May 22, 2010 | Manassas, Va.

Sweeps: Mrs. Barbara E. Allison Best Junior: Troika’s Starry Starry Night (Elizabeth & Richard Smith and Michele Markoff) Best Senior/Best : Troika’s Ms. Moneypenny (Elizabeth & Richard Smith and Michele Markoff) Best Veteran Sweeps: Ch. RR Galant Fox of Oakwald (Cheryl Hayton & Forrest Olgers) Regular Classes: Judge: Ms. Linda Lewin BOB: CH SunnyOaks Stealing the Stage (Michele & Tom Wrath) BOS:Ch. Jilloc’s Rich and Famous RN (Carl Carro & Inna Liban) WD: Starwood’s This Little Light of Mine at OBX (Peggy Copeland & Joni Shoup) RWD: Cardel’s And The Beat Goes On (Mary Alice Milwid) WB/BOW: RK’s N XTerra’s Joie De Vivre (Owner Kristofer Kelso & Kathleen Barber) RWB: Dracorn Raindrops On Roses (Owner Deborah Andetoe) Best Veteran AND Select Dog: Ch. Troika’s Robin Goodfellow (Owner Michele Markoff)

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Some of the winners Photos by Vickie Eckard

Best of Breed

Winners Dog

Winners Bitch/ Best of Winners

Reserve Winners Dog

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Some Ca

All photos by Vickie Eckard

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Puppies ~ Michele Wrath SunnyOaks Dalmatians

We are currently in the throws of a

By this time, I had warmed up to the

new litter at SunnyOaks. This one

idea of having a litter. I’d researched

has gone according to plan, but they

pedigrees, talked to stud dog owners

haven’t all been that way.

and found a dog that that I thought might be “the one”. The stud dog

The arrival of puppies is always so exciting. Some litters arrive like a case study out of a text book, with moms who pragmatically go about the business of whelping and rearing their pups. Others have a flair for the dramatic, in the best of circumstances providing the makings of a great story and in the worst of circumstances, leaving a trail of tears that fade slowly over time.

Our first litter introduced us to some

owner was at the show where the

of the challenges that Mother Nature

championship was achieved, and so

can present.

Like most people

we agreed that once we got home,

who start out in dogs, the path to

Gwen would be making a trip to

the litter box was not a given.

Canada to visit Bill.


started our search thinking we were going to get a companion animal.

The breeding went off without a

That idea morphed into a show

hitch. We made plans for the coming

dog, and before we knew it, there

of the puppies. Gwen continued to

were two. Breeding was still not in

grow in size, and one morning about

the plan. The bitch we started out

3 weeks before the puppies were

with was small during a time when

born, I decided to put a bath rug

the girls were big. I was a novice

down in the mudroom for her to lie

handler and made all the mistakes

on. I thought this would be a nice

that novices make. Between her size

alternative to her crate, which was

and my handling skills, the path to

becoming cramped as she grew in

the coveted CH was neither fast nor

size. The rug would provide a more


comfortable place to rest than the bare tile floor.

However, we persevered. My handling

When I got home that evening,

skills improved, she matured, and at

the rug was shredded. Gwen must

a Specialty weekend in Las Vegas,

have been digging in it to make a

Gwen finished her Championship

nest. I swept up the mess, tossed

with her third major win. She had

the remains of the rug in the trash

also just come into season.

and we went on with our evening.

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Three days later we were relaxing

box for the coming litter. Instead we

labor stalled.

after dinner and Gwen got sick. We

watched the clock, waiting for the vet

contact with the vet clinic, and after

We were in constant

called our vet, and brought her in for

to call with an update - hoping for the

several hours of inactivity, we packed

an appointment. They did an x-ray

best and imagining the worst. At 9:00

mom and the puppies up and went

and from what they could discern,

PM the phone rang. It was the vet

in to the clinic to deliver the balance

everything looked okay. I took her

clinic. Gwen had come through the

of the litter. Gwen lost the remaining

home with instructions to feed her

surgery just fine. They ultrasounded

4 puppies. We returned home that

small meals and monitor her.

puppies and heard heartbeats up and

night with Mom and the six pups

down the horns of the uterus. We

we left the house with, relieved that

I followed the plan, took her into work

breathed a sigh of relief.

she was okay, but saddened by the

with me the next day and everything

hurdle was over!


received a phone call from our vet.

We brought Gwen home the next

I couldn’t help but feel responsible

“How’s Gwen?” he asked. “Fine” I

afternoon. She came waddling out

for every aspect of what went wrong.

said. “She’s held her meals down and

of the clinic, tired but tail a wagging.

If only I hadn’t put the rug down, if

her energy level is great”. “Well, let

She continued to make an excellent

only we’d acted sooner during the

me tell you what we have learned….”

recovery. We went back to the vet

whelping process. Should we have

And the vet went on to tell me that

for a follow up exam and x-ray. We

done a C-section and not attempted

they’d had a radiologist review the

discussed the pending litter. The x-ray

a natural birth? It might have been

films and the radiologist had detected

revealed that there were 11 puppies.

different. I could have prevented this

evidence of irritation in the intestines;

In spite of the litter size the vet was

from happening.

remnants of string that needed to

confident that Gwen would be able to

over’s only happen in the movies. In

be surgically removed before they

have a normal delivery. We took his

real life, we move on. Gwen was a

perforated the intestines.


great mom; we had no further issues.

seemed fine.

The first

About mid-day I

The fact

that Gwen was less than 3 weeks away

Perhaps, but do-

We were finally able to enjoy the

from whelping a litter of puppies only

Gwen went into whelp right on

litter. We finished our first homebred

further complicated matters. Our vet



champion from this litter, and yes it

felt unqualified to perform the surgery

as expected.

The first puppy was

was the little guy who worked so hard

and had made arrangements for us to

born with no problems, and then

to get here. As fate would have it he

see a specialist about 50 miles away.

the second, and on we went till we

was the pick of the litter.

I called my husband, met him at our

got to the sixth puppy. Then things

vet’s clinic where I picked up x-rays

slowed down. This was a big puppy,

About a year later I learned of a

and we made the drive over the hill to

stillborn, and it was a hard delivery

service called Whelp Wise offered by

the surgeon’s office.

for Gwen. The seventh puppy was

Veterinary Perinatal Specialties. A few

born immediately on the heels of this

of our friends had used it and were

After a brief consultation, Gwen

unfortunate soul, screaming his way

quite satisfied. The service provides

went into surgery. They would take

into the world. He was fine; we think

you with the ability to perform home

precautions to try to save the puppies,

he was just angry about having to

monitoring of the whelping process.

but Gwen’s safety was the top priority.

work so hard to be born.

You begin monitoring 4 to 5 days



We went home to wait. It was a Friday

before the expected due date.


night, the night my husband had

The story does not have a happy

service is available 24x7 so there is

planned on building the whelping

ending for the rest of the litter. Gwen’s

always someone to consult.

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I signed up for the service with our next

When I come into the puppy room

litter and have used it ever since.

Ginger jumps up to greet me and the two of us sit outside the puppy box

Would this service have saved the

and admire her kids. Could there be

puppies in the first litter? It’s hard to

anything better than puppies!

know. What we do know is that the service has given us the ability to better predict the delivery of puppies, and to monitor the progression of the labor. I like the idea that there’s someone following the progress of the whelping with me and available to provide

Footnote: Gwen, the subject of this story, will celebrate her 15th birthday on June 18. Happy Birthday Gwennie! You were the start of it all!

consultation into the wee hours of the morning. Have we needed the extra degree of coverage on the subsequent litters? With Gwendalyn, whelping was never straightforward.

She had her

second litter via a C-section that was not planned but as we monitored the labor it became clear that this was the only way we’d safely deliver all 10 puppies. Her daughter has had a much easier time in the whelping box, but I view the service to be an insurance policy that for me is well worth the fee. This most recent litter held none of the drama of our first, thank goodness! The whelping room was prepared well in advance of the litter. I did underestimate how soon the pups would arrive and the day I thought I’d start monitoring was the day that Ginger decided to have her puppies. All is well. At this writing the pups have begun to get up on their legs and propel themselves across the whelping box. Spotting is beginning to appear in shadows through their coats, and the corners of their eyes are showing evidence of opening soon.

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Crestlan Dalmatians is proud to announce... Our New Litter! CH. Winnipesaukee’s Rock N’ Roll


CH. Erin ‘N Crestlan’s Mystical Galaxy

Born on May 17, 2010 8 Puppies (2 males and 6 girls).


Contact Normand & Pauline Caton for more information at: crestlan@verizon.net 508-994-1651

Advertise your litter or Puppies Here. Hal f page Litter announcement, $35.00

CRUFTS 2010 ~ THE DOG LOVER’S DREAM By Ann Mastroianni & Maurie SuDock We had an easy trip from Boston to London’s Heathrow Airport on the Monday evening before the show began. A friend of mine from childhood picked us up upon arrival on Tuesday morning and treated us to a wonderfully scenic drive to his home in Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, about an hour north of London.

residential areas, roads and

lots of

roundabouts”. (Roundabouts are the

version of traffic circles or rotaries. British Good thing we weren’t driving!) . We said our grateful good-byes to our hosts at the train station and were on our way

Last Fall Maurie SuDock and I, Ann Mastroianni, participated in the “Gala by the Bay” raffle sponsored by the American Kennel Club’s Canine Health Foundation. We were ecstatic when we learned that we had won an all expenses paid trip to the CRUFTS DOG SHOW in Birmingham, England… airfare, hotel, meals, four days’ admission to the entire show, and seats for the Best in Show! This was prize # 2; (prize #1 was a bronze head of your dog…naaah!). Could life get any better?

to Crufts. The train was sleek, fast and very clean.

hosts, Bob and Heather, were most Our

The ride through the countryside was

gracious. Maurie was enthralled with

relaxing, with pastoral views of Coventry

their very English cottage home and

and the remains of the famous cathedral

their flower gardens, which were just

that was bombed during World War II as

beginning to bloom. The yard teemed

we sped by.

with birds and wildlife that we don’t see here on “this side of the pond”…field voles, wood pigeons, and the like. After a proper plowman’s lunch of cheese, bread and “pickle”, we toured their quaint town on Market Day. The evening was spent in congenial conversation and

watching some of the wonderful British

Birmingham, our destination, was only

comedy programs on the “telly”. The

an hour by train from Milton-Keynes.

next day they took us through Woburn

It was pretty chilly there, but we didn’t

Abbey, a 3,000-acre manor home with a


wildlife park. Free-roaming herds of endangered

Our hotel, the Hilton Metropole, was



also the headquarters for the Kennel

grounds, ignoring the curious travelers.




Club activities. There was a hospitality

Then off to Milton-Keynes, a “new” city

area set up in the lobby with information

by English standards, only 30-years old.

for the show.

With well -planned industrial and

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After we checked in and got settled

We awoke early on Thursday morning

They were constantly manned with

in our room, we returned to the lobby

and discovered that our lake-view room

breeders and dogs, and had a myriad

and perched ourselves where we

afforded us a perfect view of the daily

of information about their individual

could watch everyone come in with

parade of the thousands of dogs and

breeds. It was fun to see breeds that

dogs, crates, etc. What a madhouse!

their people, crates, and gear arriving

are not seen or recognized here in the

We chatted with folks as they came

for the 9 A.M. benching time.

States. I fell in love with the Cirnecco

and went. Fun time! We shared drinks

dell Etna and the Cesky Terrier. (Look

with Mike Townsend, the Chairman

The only “crisis” of the entire trip

them up!) Maurie was fascinated by the

of the Kennel Club’s Charitable Trust,

occurred on Thursday morning while


and his wife, Jenny. We met a couple

we were getting ready to head over

from Denmark who had Puli’s, and

to the opening of the show. I (Ann)

We were at the gate when the show

knew Jenny Snelling, a Briard gal we

had washed my hair the night before

opened on Thursday morning, and

were dying to meet. Everyone we met

and had sat down to curl it…have to

headed for Hall 2, Ring 10, and

wanted to know what breed of dog we

look nice for our first day at Crufts!

the Briards! Mind you, there were


Well, I started curling my hair at the

over 23,000 dogs entered just in

top of my head with my larger curling

conformation competition over the four

Before dinner we wandered over to the

iron. “What’s that smell?”, I yelled to

days! Fortunately only the Working and

NEC (the show venue), a short walk from

Then I looked in the mirror, and, to my

Pastoral breeds were being shown the

the hotel, to watch the vendors setting

horror, saw smoke coming from the

first day. There were 95 Briards entered

out their wares. The food vendors were

curling iron! With my hair in it! I tried

and how unusual it was to see all the

a treat! Nothing like the food vendors

to open the iron…wouldn’t budge.

natural eared Briards!

at U.S. shows with their usual fare of

Finally my hair had burned off my head

cropping has been outlawed in England

hamburgers, hot dogs, stale donuts,

enough to remove the now completely

since April, 2008. The natural ears gave

etc. The Crufts’ vendors were roasting

blackened, smelly iron. Apparently the

the Briards a totally different expression,

huge rounds of meats, setting out

electrical converter that I used was not

but they were still beautiful. Most

international foods, beers and wines,

the right one and the electric current

Briards were only slightly groomed,

and fancy candy. What an assault on

was overheating my curling iron.

not over done like they are here. Many

our senses of smell and taste! It was

Needless to say, I went to the show

looked as though they had rounded up

helpful to get our bearings BEFORE the

with frizzy permanent curls instead

the flock before they left for the show!

opening of the show and the onslaught

of my usual hairdo. I purchased the

The temperaments were wonderful,

of spectators and visitors.

correct converter on the way back from

and the Briarders most welcoming and

The workers were busy setting up

the show that afternoon.

the rings and benches for the dogs

next morning, I tried using my smaller

willing to chat about their dogs. And,

and their handlers. The long benches

curling iron, on the low setting. It was

were marked with the breed and the

working well until I left it on my hair a

individual catalog number of each

bit too long…the hair in the iron had


turned a bright orange and broke off

Then the

about ½ inch from my scalp. I had a

Docking and

we were even encouraged to put our hands on the dogs before they went in the ring! There were NO grooming areas. We

quick visit to the hair salon when I got

did not see more than three grooming

home to even off the charred ends!!!

tables in the Briard area, and they were

Now, back to our story…

quickly removed after the dogs went in the ring. The rings had no “fences”, just

There was a very large “Discover Dogs”

a wonderful carpet similar to indoor-

area, where visitors could see almost

outdoor carpeting.

every recognized breed.

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They were large and square with two

men handlers wore ties or jackets. The

or three rows of chairs on all four sides

dogs were shown in ordinary collars on

of the ring. The atmosphere was very

ordinary leashes of any length. Many

casual, but geared to the observer as

dogs looked like they had just come in

well as the exhibitor.

from a casual walk around the block!

The Briard judging lasted over four

There are two national Briard clubs,

hours…and that was a short time

the Briard Association of Great Britain

years and am still involved in the local

compared to some of the other breeds

and the Briard Club of Great Britain.

club. Many folks think I was nuts to

that had 300 – 500 entries! Those

Both organizations have the same

go from a “wash-and-wear breed to a

breeds were separated into different

goals and love of the breed. They are

grooming nightmare one”!

rings by sex and judged by two

working together to finalize a standard

different judges…and each lasted all

for Briards, particularly in the area of

The British Dals have a lot more

day! Needless to say, the judges were

acceptable coat colors. We met the

substance than the U.S. Dals seem to

exhausted by the end of the day, but as

Chairman of the Association and the

have. Nice bone and fronts, great

one judge told me, “I’ve waited over

President of the Club, and have been

30 years to judge at Crufts. It was well

in contact with them since we returned

movement and sparkling coats with

worth the wait.” The dogs are divided


defined spotting…lovely specimens of the breed.

into classes so different from the U.S. shows that we could not understand

After the Briard judging, we checked

the qualifications…Limit Class, Mid

out the Bouvier des Flanders, Maurie’s

Limit, Post Graduate, etc. Champions

other breed. It was quite an eye opener

of record are shown in the Open Class

to see Bouviers with natural ears and

along with non-champions. A dog has

tails. The same was true with other

to place first through third in its class


in a show during the previous year to

English, Spaniels, etc.




compete at Crufts. The dog and bitch class winners compete for the Dog and

Every one of the five huge halls had

Bitch Challenge Certificate (CC). Three

vendors and more vendors! They sold

CC’s under three different judges will

everything from fine woolen clothing

qualify a dog for championship. The

(Maurie bought a gorgeous Avoca wool

two CC winners then go head-to-

cape), to Wellies (boots), dog food, fine

head for Best of Breed. A champion of

art, antiques and souvenirs. Quality

record can continue to earn Challenge

was the key with all of the vendors.

Certificates. The Best in Show winners

We toured the vendors daily, seeing

receive a replica of a solid silver trophy

met a gal from Sydney, Australia, We

and a cash prize of 100 pounds (about

who had traveled over 20 hours just

$150 U.S.).

to see one Airedale! She joined us for

listed every vendor and location, so we

dinner and drinks a few times. We have

had no problem revisiting a favorite

kept in touch with her as well.

stand. Our money disappeared rapidly!

The ring presentation of dogs to the

something new each time. The catalog

If you want a chuckle, check out

judges was much more casual than in the U.S. The dogs were facing any

On another day, I headed for the

www.poopsta.com. It’s a “dog-poo

direction the handler chose. Handlers

Dalmatian ring to watch 192 Dalmatians

picker upper”…don’t ask about how

were not as formally dressed, very few

compete. I had Dalmatians for over 32

they demonstrated the Poopsta!!

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Obedience and Agility are big in

who compete for this esteemed title.

wearing only a cat mask “where it

England. Their benched areas were


festive, to say the least! Every booth

away, but not before rattling the judge

was covered with photos and cards from

and the dogs. Then, just after things

their home countries wishing the dog

calmed down, another disturbance in

well in competition. The camaraderie

the audience came from a protester

in this area was to be admired. We had

shouting, “Breeders kill dogs!” She,

never seen so many folks having such a good time at an obedience or agility trial as at Crufts.





too, was quickly dispatched and the We would be remiss not to mention Sue

event continued.

Sampson, our lovely host. Sue has been involved with the Kennel Club for over

Judge Valerie Foss chose a lovely

As we walked around the different halls

30 years and is the Kennel Club’s road

Hungarian Viszla as Best in Show and a

we could also watch the obedience

show manager. She also was in charge

stunning Scottish Terrier as Reserve Best

and agility functions on wide-screen

of all the “stuff” involved with the Best

in Show. The crowd went wild when the

televisions hanging on the walls. We did

in Show event, including making sure

dogs made their “victory laps” around

not miss a thing!

the BIS had everything necessary. Sue

the arena. What a great finale to a

treated us to lunch at the exclusive

wonderful four days of total immersion

Maurie and I participated in a “Walk-a-

Patron’s Lounge, where we enjoyed a

in the world of dogs.

Thon for Hearing Dogs for the Deaf”.

white-glove-service gourmet lunch and

A contribution of 10 pounds got us

met the husband of the organizer of

Our trip back to Boston was uneventful.

a pedometer, and we were off to log

the entire show. He graciously shared

To use Jenny Snelling’s expression…

many miles of walking around the halls.

a bottle of champagne with us! Sue

we were “shattered”…exhausted, but

We both did more than 5 miles a day!

made sure every minute of our time at

glowing with the memories.

The total number of miles walked by

Crufts was just perfect. Thank you, Sue

the participants exceeded 5,200 miles.

Sampson, for a wonderful time and fond

We are so grateful to the American

There were several charitable events at


Kennel Club’s Canine Health Foundation

Crufts, all worthwhile and well supported by the public. We


The last day of the show was as wonderful

our questions and all the pre-trip

as the first, second and third, with the

organization, the Kennel Club of Britain



added excitement of Best in Show. Our

and Sue Sampson, and to all who made



seats in the Arena were on the “50-yard

this possible! It was truly the trip of a

competitions of “Heeling to Music”,

line”, perfect for viewing everything.

lifetime. We hope that more folks will

Bloodhound work, and “Good Citizen

The three-hour program was full of

take the opportunity to support the AKC

Scheme” events. The Kennel Club

“pomp and circumstance”, starting

in its effort to fund canine health issues

actively promotes a Young Kennel Club

with uniformed trumpeters, followed

by purchasing raffle tickets in 2010.

for youngsters ages 6 to 25. These

by the agility finals, gundog group,

young folks were competing in agility,

gamekeeper demonstration, heelwork

obedience, heelwork to music, flyball,

to music, and a wonderful Golden

grooming and showing. The handlers

Retriever Drill Team presentation.



and Kate Davis for her patience with

and dogs must qualify in their discipline

Thank you all so much. Maurie SuDock, Brookline, MA Ann Mastroianni, Sandwich, MA

during the preceding year. Crufts also

The BIS judging was “interrupted” by

hosts the World Champion Junior

Mark Roberts, an infamous “streaker”,

Handling competition for the best

who appeared in the ring just as the

Junior Handlers from around the globe

judge was finishing the gundog group

E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com

The Greater Denver Dalmatian Club 13th Annual Specialty Shows

Back to back Specialties on Friday, August 20, 2010. Island Grove Regional Park , Greeley, Colorado Shows Close at noon on Wednesday, August 4, 2010.

The GDDC Specialty is held in conjunction with the Greeley all-breed shows. A wonderful opportunity to compete in 4 different shows in 3 days. A light lunch will be provided by the Greater Denver Dalmatian Club on Friday between the morning and afternoon Specialty Shows.

Judging Panel • GDDC Specialty Show 1

•GDDC Specialty Show 2

Friday Morning , August 20, 2010 Sweepstakes & Veteran Sweepstakes Ms. Michele Markoff (Troika Dalmatians)

Friday Afternoon, August 20, 2010 Sweepstakes & Veteran Sweepstakes Mrs. Michele Wrath (SunnyOaks Dalmatians)

Regular & Non-Regular Classes Mr. Bill Lee - Aurora , Co.

Regular & Non-Regular Classes & Junior Showmanship Competition Mr. John F. Cramer Jr. (Pal Dal Dalmatians)

(Junior Showmanship Competition-TBA)

Trophy sponsorships by exhibitors, past winners and friends of our club are always welcomed and very much appreciated. Please e-mail, 2010.gddc.specialtyshows.trophies@gmail.com to sponsor or inquire about trophy sponsorships. Show Superintendent: Onofrio Dog Shows (www.onofrio.com) Show Chair: Kristy Wilson email: 2010.gddc.specialtyshows@gmail.com

We will again be supporting the DCA/DCAF sponsored CHIC DNA Blood Draw at our show. E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com

Calling all Dalmatian Breed Clubs

E Dalmatians continues to offer discounts for Club Specialty Advertising. ur o s Y se cialtie i t r e d rea Adv ng Spe p s i to pho com


e pag ecialty ion! 2 E t FRE our sp xt edi a y t e e of ery n &g ev in th

Get the news about your Specialties seen in 30 days or less! Advertise monthly before your Specialty begins!

Full Page Ads ~ only $35.00 Special monthly package deals available. ~ 3 months for $90.00

When you advertise your Specialty in E Dalmatians & send us any candid photos from your Specialty, we will put together a multiple page photo spread featuring your show in the very next month’s edition ...at NO cost!

You must advertise your specialty in advance to get this free service If you do not advertise your Specialty & still want photo collage pages, the rate is $35.00/page.

Contact us today at editor@edogmagazines.com E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com

2010 Dalmatian Stats All Breed

Breed 1 CH Tcj N Satin’s Star Appeal 237 K Jenning/T Jardine/J Hanson 2 CH Troika’s Adagio 223 J Bachey/M Markoff/M Zink 3 CH Paisley Nspird By Broadway 180 S Macmillan/M Iwaoka/G Iwaoka 4 CH Blackthorns Flower Power 127 B Little/J Eversole 5 CH Hispot’s Cause For Applause 120 K Richardson/A Richardson/A Henderson 6 CH Sunnyoaks N Yankee Dals House That Ruth Built 101 J Fosenburg/J Fosenburg 7 CH Mt Bryton’s Covert Operative 101 C Bartell 8 CH Bret D Gabriel’s Lost Art 98 K Carey 9 CH Milledals Karefree Monforte 91 A Miller/N Reiter 10 CH Anticipation Here’s Lucy! 87 D Linstedt/t Linstedt 11 CH Rockstar All Around Road Trip 72 J Rodes/P Fisher 12 CH Jilloc’s Rich And Famous RN 67 C Carro/I Liban 13 CH Tramac Joyride’N With Spotlite 66 J Thorburn/J Smith 14 CH Xanadus Angel Sabrina 61 J Ulloa/A Fomon 15 CH Nspird Spotsafire Its A Wrap 56 T Bailey/C JORDAN 16 CH Sunnyoaks Ready To Rumba 56 M Wrath/T Wrath 17 CH Rockledge’s Bring Them Young 47 T Jones/S Jones 18 CH Troika’s Robin Goodfellow 39 M Markoff 19 CH Starseeker N Brooksides Belagio 38 L Davis/B Winick 20 CH Daldorado Dotzinks Bond 36 R Lawson

1 CH Troika’s Adagio 2458 J Bachey/M Markoff/M Zink 2 CH Tramac Joyride’N With Spotlite 1085 J Thorburn/J Smith 3 CH Bret D Gabriel’s Lost Art 641 K Carey 4 CH Nspird Spotsafire Its A Wrap 616 T Bailey/C JORDAN 5 CH Rockstar All Around Road Trip 583 J Rodes/P Fisher 6 CH Paisley Nspird By Broadway 516 S Macmillan/M Iwaoka/G Iwaoka 7 CH Blackthorns Flower Power 412 B Little/J Eversole 8 CH Daldorado Dotzinks Bond 398 R Lawson 9 CH Tramac Just Walk’N On Sunshine 393 J Smith/M Callea 10 CH Royalty’s Splash Of Taylor 393 W Polaski/P Polaski 11 CH Paisley Elan Special Effects 320 D Baxter/S Macmillan 12 CH Hispot’s Cause For Applause 314 K Richardson/A Richardson/A Henderson 13 CH Nspird Hollywood Legend 309 C JORDAN 14 CH Sunnyoaks N Yankee Dals House That Ruth Built 307 J Fosenburg/J Fosenburg 15 CH Anticipation Here’s Lucy! 278 D Linstedt/t Linstedt 16 CH Rockledge’s Bring Them Young 255 T Jones/S Jones 17 CH Tcj N Satin’s Star Appeal 237 K Jenning/T Jardine/J Hanson 18 CH Xanadus Angel Sabrina 231 J Ulloa/A Fomon 19 CH Rashars Remember When 230 A Wilterding/R Thomsen 20 CH Lakeshore’s Tail Of Two Cities 206 S Rogers/D Rogers

Canine Chronicle Stats from January 1, 2010 up to and including April 30, 2010

E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com

E Dalmatians www.edalmatians.com E DogMagazines 40 Junction Road • South Berwick, Maine 03908 ph.) 888.808.0870 fax) 800.719.1861

www.edogmagazines.com editor@edogmagazines.com

Publisher/Editor June Krukenkamp

designers June Krukenkamp Keri Atchley Larissa Clark

Production Coordinator Irv Krukenkamp, M.D.

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E www.edalmatians.com E Dalmatians Dalmatians || www.edalmatians.com

E Dalmatians Classifieds E Boston Terriers Classifieds Yankee Dalmatians Jeff & Joan Fosenburg Brentwood, California Yankeedals@yahoo.com www.yankeedals.com

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June & Irvin Krukenkamp M.D. South Berwick, Maine www.tngdalmatians.com

E Boston Terriers | |www.edalmatians.com www.ebostonterriers.com E Dalmatians

(see website)

E Dalmatians Classifieds E Boston Terriers Classifieds Rose Park Dalmatians

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Advertising Guidelines & Pricing DEADLINES

Ads must be received by the 20th of every month for the next month’s insertion.


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