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Using Debord’s method of deconstruction, the first iteration of Dérive layers information on a disassembled grid. Layering the route and developing icon noun language translates the original into a mapping of ambience through soundscape capture. Removing the deconstructed grid and any sign of spatial orientation, icons and vignettes reveal the ambience of space.
Without noun placement the closed language of icons removes the feelings of ambience. Icons represent a mechanical format open to the individual’s interpretation of the symbol.
The red arrows take visual hierarchy away from the mapping and directs the viewer to empty landscape vignettes.
Removing icons and nouns, replaced with a simple directional route, exposes the lack of indicators of quality. Placement of nouns alludes to spaces of the in-between, the lack of locationspecific indicators remove any relatability to the viewer. Combining elements from the previous three generations. Change of arrow colour alters the hierarchy and removing vignettes aids in an even translation of information. Ambience is perceived but with less effect than a tourist map, where directions and place-specific feelings that can occur when following the route.