Annual Review 2012-2013

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‘The Festival’s 25 years have inspired and educated’ Edinburgh Evening News

DIRECTOR’S REPORT Since 1989 the scale of our operation has

The 2013 Science Festival programme

changed dramatically, but our vision and

marked the occasion of our 25th year by

mission remains the same – to inspire people

celebrating our past, enjoying our present

of all ages and backgrounds to discover the

and looking forward to a dynamic future.

world around them. This year we celebrated

This future-focused theme saw the Festival

the 25th Edinburgh International Science

expand into new genres and formats,

Festival and I am delighted to say that we

exploring the relationship between science,

now reach over half a million people every

creativity and art.

year through our Festival, education and international programmes.

New York-based experiential artist Jason Hackenwerth created his double helix

Year on year we seek to push the

balloon sculpture Pisces in residence at the

boundaries of amazing and engaging

National Museum of Scotland, building

science, delivering a unique and memorable

the biggest spectacle the Science Festival

experience to our audiences. Our creative

has ever seen. The Festival also hosted

and inspirational approach and diverse

Scotland’s first ever Mini Maker Faire at

programme saw adult audiences at our

Summerhall. This day-long celebration of all

2013 Festival grow by 28%, with many of

things DIY brought together an incredibly

our family events selling out each day.

diverse and talented group of artists, crafters, geeks and tinkerers, who shared

their work and ideas with 3,000 visitors of

Our touring education programme

Our continuing development of international

all ages.

Generation Science once again reached

partnerships allows us to expand our

almost 60,000 primary school children

programme, develop new inspiring content

The Edinburgh Medal was awarded jointly

across the country, supporting both pupils

and increase our investment in the Edinburgh

for the first time in 2013 to Professor

and teachers in their engagement with

International Science Festival to bring

Peter Higgs, the world-renowned scientist

science and technology. Our Live for It!

audiences even more sensational science in

among the first to suggest the existence of

health and wellbeing project continues to

the years to come.

the long-sought Higgs Boson particle; and

expand across Scotland and we took part

CERN, the world-class organisation that led

in schools outreach in Abu Dhabi for the first

So here’s to the next 25! I’d like to offer a

the quest to find it. The announcement in


huge thanks to all of our city partners and funders, some of whom have been working

late 2012 that the Large Hadron Collider had detected the elusive particle made the

In 2012 we once again acted as

with us since 1989. We could not deliver

celebration of this great collaborative work

Programme Partner for the Abu Dhabi

such a rich programme of events without

even more powerful. I’m pleased to report

Science Festival, working with the Abu

these valuable relationships. I’d also like

that, despite the growth of the Festival, we

Dhabi government. Expanding on the

to thank each one of our talented and

remain committed to accessibility. A large

Festival’s inaugural year in 2011, in 2012

committed staff who keep us going from

portion of our programme comprises of

we programmed more than 70 events over

strength to strength each year and, not least,

free events and events that are ticketed are

11 days; including brand new content

our audiences for their continued support

subsidised allowing us to consistently offer

created by the Edinburgh International

and involvement.

low prices.

Science Festival.

Dr Simon Gage OBE Director

FESTIVAL PROGRAMME HIGHLIGHTS Here are just some of our highlights from the 25th Edinburgh International Science Festival.


Mini Maker Faire

‘Pisces was spectacular!’

‘Very busy but awesome day at Edinburgh

Audience Member, 2013

Mini Maker Faire yesterday!’

Built from scratch in the National Museum of


Scotland, Jason Hackenwerth’s giant balloon

The Edinburgh Mini Maker Faire on Sunday

sculpture, celebrating our 25th Festival, was

7 April was the first ever Maker event to

suspended in the Grand Gallery for three

take place in Scotland; a unique showcase

weeks. The piece attracted global media

of creativity and invention featuring over 50

coverage and was seen by over 132,000

inspirational makers and attended by 3,000

Museum visitors.


City Art Centre

Patterns in Nature

‘A properly magical event’

‘It’s a grey day in Edinburgh but these

Richard Bacon, BBC Radio 5 Live

@edscifest pictures are brightening up St

Our flagship family venue welcomed over

Andrew Square’

12,000 visitors in 2013 and featured two


brand new events – Polyfloss Factory and

Our large-scale photography exhibition in St

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation.

Andrew Square took the theme of Patterns in Nature attracting an incredible 135,000 visits during its 8-week installation.

Our Future-focused Programme ‘Brilliant event! Fantastic speakers, fun experiments and great science’ Audience Member 2013 The 25th Science Festival looked to the future, delivering engaging events exploring the challenges and solutions that will shape the years to come.

Our Audience

Food for Thought ‘Tonight, I ate puréed bugs. On toast.’

‘A smorgasbord of talks, activities and



Over 800 people took part in our food

The Skinny

and drinks events exploring everything from

Over 90,000 people attended a Science

adapting our diets to the future of vertical

Festival event during the 15-day Festival


while audiences for ticketed events in our adult programme increased by 28%.

Media ‘Mind-bogglingly good’

And they liked it…

The Herald Pisces and the Edinburgh Medal received

From our surveyed audience, 96% of

global media attention while our eating

respondents were satisfied or very satisfied

insects launch captured the public’s

with the Science Festival event they

imagination with nationwide press coverage


and lively debate. Richard Bacon broadcast

Edinburgh Medal ‘One of the key events at the Festival’ STV

his BBC Radio 5 Live show from the City Art Centre to a listening audience of half a million.

The 25th Edinburgh Medal was awarded

A Greener Festival

jointly for the first time in its history to

‘proving how easy it can be to have a

Professor Peter Higgs and CERN in

cleaner, greener lifestyle through a range of

recognition of their collaborative efforts in

hands-on activities’

the search for the Higgs Boson. We continued our successful partnership with Greener Scotland and presented The Future’s Bright at The Centre Livingston. Over 50,000 people visited and took part in our hands-on activities promoting everyday green choices and encouraging positive behaviour change.

‘This was a really valuable and entertaining experience for the children and supported their current learning.’ Teacher, St Peter’s Primary School, Ardrossan

EDUCATION AND OUTREACH The Science Festival’s education and outreach programme continues to grow and remains a key point of focus for the organisation year-round. We currently reach a quarter of Scotland’s primary schools every year.

Generation Science Generation Science, our touring programme of workshops and shows, has been bringing science to life in schools across Scotland for over 20 years. During 2012–13 the Generation Science tour reached over 60,000 pupils in Scotland, delivering over 1,500 shows and workshops.


‘I think the show is very good for your brain. I enjoyed it so so much and never had more fun.’ P5 pupil, Clovenstone Primary School, Edinburgh

Teacher and Pupil Feedback 2013 100% of surveyed teachers agreed that Generation Science is relevant to the science curriculum 100% agreed that pupils demonstrated a

Live for It!


Our health and wellbeing workshop

During 2012–13 our outreach work has

covered by Generation Science after taking

programme for children and young people,

expanded and we have provided content

part in the workshop

produced in collaboration with Diabetes

for local science events and festivals

UK Scotland, is now in its third year. This

including the Caithness International Science

100% agreed that Generation Science

successful project continues to grow and

Festival and the Dunbar Science Festival.

demonstrates to pupils that science can be

visited more schools than ever before in


better understanding of the science topics

2013, touring over two terms.

Access to Education We are committed to providing access and equality across all our education and outreach activities. This year, thanks to the generous support of our funders, over a third of the Generation Science programme was delivered free of charge to schools in economically deprived or remote locations reaching 24,000 pupils.

100% of teachers said they would book Generation Science again

SPECIAL PROJECTS With 25 years experience in creating high quality and engaging science events, Edinburgh International Science Festival is a world leader in its field. In 2012–2013 we were involved in the following projects.

Abu Dhabi Science Festival


The 11-day Festival featured 71 events,

In 2013, our Education programme

interactive workshops, activities and shows

expanded internationally for the first time,

programmed and presented by the team

working with the Abu Dhabi Technology

from Edinburgh International Science

Development Committee to deliver Lema?,

Festival. Overall the Festival attracted over

meaning ‘why’ in Arabic, a schools’

120,000 visitors – a 20% increase from

outreach programme designed to inspire


young people with science and technology. Lema? features popular shows developed

In order to deliver the festival, 800 local

by Edinburgh International Science Festival

Science Communicators were recruited from

and updated to suit UAE children, delivered

some of the leading UAE universities. They

in English and Arabic by local science

undertook a month long training programme


delivered by Edinburgh International Science Festival before working alongside our 100-strong team.

Beijing Science Festival Thanks to support from the Scottish Government’s Edinburgh Festivals Expo Fund, Pongy Potions and Splat-tastic toured to Beijing Science Festival. The shows and workshops proved to be incredibly popular during the weekend festival and our team entertained around 2,000 people.

Passion for Paralympics Exhibition A team from Edinburgh International Science Festival project managed the tour of Ottobock’s exhibition Passion for Paralympics. The exhibition, designed to raise awareness of Paralympic Sport and its athletes, toured the UK before taking up residence in Olympic Park for the 2012 Paralympic Games. The exhibition subsequently toured to Rio de Janero.





Scottish Govt Grants




Donations, Gift Aid


Festival income


Schools income


WHERE THE MONEY IS SPENT Festival Events Delivery


Education Events Delivery




Fundraising Costs




Overheads and Administration













Edinburgh Festivals Expo Fund



CEC Grant


Total Income 1,629,401 Total Expenditure 1,424,379 The above figures are draft and unaudited, based on the finance records for year to 31 July 2013. Audited accounts to year end July 2013 will be available from December 2013.



Edinburgh International Science Festival is


Honorary President

a high profile and dynamic educational

Simon Gage Director

The Rt Hon Donald Wilson Lord Lieutenant

charity. Each year it delivers one of Europe’s

Amanda Tyndall Deputy Festival Director

and Lord Provost of the City of Edinburgh

programme which tours across Scotland and


Board of Directors

a variety of international projects including

Emma Pirie Marketing &

David Milne (Chair)

its role as Major Programme Partner for the

Communications Manager

Rev Ewan Aitken

Abu Dhabi Science Festival.

Joshua Smythe Graphic Designer

Cllr Angela Blacklock

Frances Sutton PR Manager (freelance)

Michael Fourman

Laura Bain Communications Officer

Cllr Cathy Fullerton

largest Science Festivals, an education


Stuart Munro

Eilidh Dunnet Events Developer

Ian Ritchie

Ali Floyd Events Developer (contract)

Cllr Cameron Rose

Augusta Macdonald Events Developer

Ben Thomson

Laura McLister Events Developer

Ian Wall

Rachel Sanger Fuselab Producer (freelance)

Philip Young

Matt Wright Events Developer Kate Southern Events Assistant (on placement from Napier University)

Discover the World

Cllr Norma Austin Hart


Edinburgh International Science Festival photography Anneleen Lindsay (volunteer photographer)

Our vision is a world where the wonder

Helen Chomczuk Development Manager

Allan MacDonald

and value of science and technology is

Juliet Tweedie Development Officer

Linda MacPherson (volunteer photographer)

recognised and celebrated, in order to

Julie van den Driesche Development Officer

Chris Scott


achieve a brighter and more sustainable future.

Education Joan Davidson Education Manager

Our mission is to inspire, encourage and challenge people of all ages and

Patrick Campbell Education Co-ordinator

Joshua Smythe

Education Programme photography Allan MacDonald

backgrounds to explore and understand the

Finance & Administration

world around them – and to communicate

Andrew Owens Finance Manager

the educational, social and economic

Nicola Coutts PA to the Directors

Abu Dhabi Science Festival photography

benefits of science and technology.

Wendy McCormick Finance Assistant

Mica Colace (with thanks to ADSF)

Operations Amy Elder Production Manager Debbie Howard Production Manager Sarah O’Connor Production Assistant

Projects & Planning Gill Duncan Staff & Projects Manager Sian Bevan Researcher Michelle Myers Researcher Kirsty Smith Staff & Projects Assistant

FUTURE PROJECTS Edinburgh International Science Festival presents workshops and activities year round. Here are just some of our confirmed projects for 2013–2014.

Fuselab 1–9 July 2013 Fuselab is an out of this world experience for 16-20 year olds in which they will plan the future of an as yet uninhabited world. This residential course at Summerhall brings together 80 of the brightest minds from across the UK. Working closely alongside

Rock the Lab

professional mentors, the young innovators

July–August 2013

will respond to challenges that will open up

Our science busking team will be touring

creative thinking and inspire an innovative

to music festivals around Scotland in July/

approach to problem solving. Participants

August 2013 where the specially designed

will explore the creativity, communication

Sin Academy invites participants to discover

skills and business awareness that bring

the science behind their sin. Expect demos,

successful ideas to life, whilst learning about

debates and more than a few surprises.

the design process from initial concept to

A joint project with National Museums

prototypes and tests. Supported by the

Scotland. Supported by the Wellcome Trust.

Scottish Government’s Festivals Edinburgh Expo Fund.


Abu Dhabi Science Festival 2013

Edinburgh International Science Festival April 2014

November 2013

The next Edinburgh International Science

We’re delighted to have been invited to

Festival will take place 5–20 April 2014.

continue our role as Major Programme

The full programme of events, activities and

Partner for the Abu Dhabi Science Festival.

exhibitions for all ages will be announced in

2013 sees us delivering a broader

February 2014.

programme including bespoke local content

September 2013

and helping attract a wider audience from

We will again be working with the Lema?

across the UAE.

team to tour schools in the UAE with specially adapted Generation Science

Generation Science

shows. These workshops are updated to

Touring January–May 2014

include local content and are delivered in

Our Generation Science team will hit the

Arabic and English.

road again in 2014, bringing science to life in classrooms across Scotland. Full programme announced August 2013.


Each year Edinburgh International Science

We are delighted with what our partnership

Festival receives significant sponsorship

with Edinburgh International Science Festival

and funding support to deliver its 2 week

enables us to achieve, not only from a CSR

festival and its national schools education

and marketing perspective, but in that it

programmes: Generation Science and

allows us to engage with thousands of bright

Live for It. We are extremely grateful to

young minds every year, and helps to inspire

our Principal Funding Partners, the City of

and nurture the next generation of scientists,

Edinburgh Council, the Scottish Government

technologists and engineers, which is key

and the Edina Trust for their significant

to building a strong future workforce for

ongoing support, and to all of our sponsors,

Scotland. We strongly believe that giving

funders and donors who allow us to engage

young people the chance to take part in

with more than half a million people each

hands-on science, through the likes of the


Science Festival and Generation Science, is the best way to help spark what we hope

Support of the Edinburgh International

will become a lifelong interest in science.

Science Festival takes many forms, from

Dr Richard Laming, Chief Technical Officer, Wolfson

sponsorship of an entire floor of events


at City Art Centre, to our world-class photography exhibition in St Andrews

Baillie Gifford are proud to be associated

Square. We have become adept at

with Edinburgh International Science Festival

developing creative sponsorship options to

again this year. We were delighted with

help our partners and supporters meet their

the success of ‘Patterns in Nature’ and

strategic CSR, marketing and PR objectives,

‘Landforms: An Audience with Charles

whilst embedding science in art, culture and

Jencks’ which combined science and art in

amazing experiences.

an innovative and inspiring way, reaching a huge audience across the city. Generation

Of equal importance to the Festival is our

Science is a brilliant way of bringing

work in schools. Fostering an interest in

science to life in the classroom, and allows

science and inspiring a new generation of

us to support local communities and future

scientists is at the heart of our work. Our


heartfelt thanks are extended to our many supporters for their significant investment in

We are already looking forward to next

the workforce of the future. They help us to


address inequality, enabling us to deliver

Samantha Pattman, Events Co-ordinator, Baillie Gifford

activities in schools in particularly isolated

Investment Managers

and rural areas, and to those which operate on limited budgets.

Selex ES is proud to support the Edinburgh International Science Festival and

As Edinburgh International Science Festival

Generation Science. Over the years we

evolves and diversifies, we are constantly

have seen the Festival grow and mature.

seeking new ways to develop partnership

Every year we reach thousands of children

and creative sponsorship to ensure that

and adults and are enormously encouraged

we continue to be the biggest and - in our

by the interest and enthusiasm of the

opinion - the best science festival in the

children, some of whom come back year

world. The confidence and support of our

after year trying to improve their skills with

sponsors, donors and funders over the last

the Rampaging Chariots. We are confident

25 years of has made all this possible and

that the Festival and Generation Science are

we look forward to creating many more

inspiring the next generation of scientists and

festival and sensational science opportunities


for the future.

Dr Allan B Colquhoun, University Liaison & Emerging Technologies Manager, Selex ES


We would like to thank Generation Science Club members for their support of the Edinburgh International Science Festival’s


schools touring programme. Generation Science club is a network of individuals and companies dedicated to engaging the next


generation in science and technology. Members of the club donate funds to help ensure our school shows and workshops can be enjoyed by all pupils – wherever they are and whatever their financial background. With particular thanks to:



Dugdale Bradley Alex and Rhona Callander Edina Trust Joe Faraday Sandy Finlayson John Hylands Nimar Charitable Trust Ian Ritchie Barry and Helen Sealey The BEST Trust Selex ES Scottish Qualifications Authority University of Edinburgh Ian Wall

HONORARY MEMBERS David Sibbald Prof Lord Robert Winston Prof Anne Glover



Strathclyde University Heather Reid OBE Walter Whitelaw Midlothian Council


Garfield Weston Foundation

The Nancie Massey Charitable Trust

The Carnegie Dunfermline Trust

Gordon Fraser Charitable Trust

The Robertson Trust

Co-op Membership Community Fund IET Education Fund

The Russell Trust

Edinburgh Airport Community Fund

James Clerk Maxwell Foundation

Tay Charitable Trust

Equitable Charitable Trust

John Watson’s Trust

The TC Charitable Trust

Gannochy Trust

The Martin Connell Charitable Trust



Helen Chomczuk



Development Manager

Registered Office:

Suite 1, Mitchell House

To discuss sponsorship and the ways

Juliet Tweedie


in which a partnership with Edinburgh

Development Officer


International Science Festival can benefit

0131 553 0320

Julie van den Driesche

Charity Number: SC003790

5 Mitchell Street

your business, please contact our Development Team on 0131 553 0327

Development Officer

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