Unesco principles on education for development beyond 2015

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UNESCO Principles on

Education for Development

Beyond 2015

Perspectives on the Post-2015 International Development Agenda 1. Sustainable and inclusive development is central to the post-2015 agenda Concern for peace and sustainable development should be at the centre of our efforts to promote inclusive and equitable societal development beyond 2015. Patterns of development and economic growth over the past several decades are now seriously being questioned. Demographic growth, the expansion of middle-class lifestyles and unsustainable patterns of production and consumption are all contributing to environmental degradation, water scarcity, climate change and the growing incidence of natural disasters. As such disasters are increasingly linked to rising levels of violent conflict, peace is an important requirement for sustainability. Furthermore, poverty and growing inequalities between and within countries remain a major challenge for sustainable development, which must necessarily associate economic development with social inclusion and environmental stability.1 2. Any post-2015 development framework must be of universal relevance If sustainability is to be a central concern of any international development agenda beyond 2015, then such a framework must be relevant to all countries. Indeed, sustainable models of societal development can only be effective if all countries of the world cooperate on key global issues and challenges. A global development framework beyond 2015 must thus mobilize all countries, regardless of their specific development status, around a common framework of goals aimed at inclusive and peaceful sustainable development. Such a framework of global goals relevant to all countries must allow for target-setting at regional/national level in order to respond to the diversity of social, economic and cultural contexts. 3. Strengthening the link between education and other development sectors Education contributes to economic growth, improved health, women’s empowerment, gender equality and strengthened social cohesion, as well as to mitigating inequity and the reduction of poverty. As an enabling factor for the multiple dimensions of societal development, education is an essential component of peaceful sustainable development in its multiple social, cultural, environmental and economic dimensions. Beyond a sector-wide approach to education, it is 1

See RIO+20 follow-up.

UNESCO Education Research and Foresight [March 2013]

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