4 minute read

Table (13) advantages and disadvantages of exploratory research methods

2.2 Summary of the contribution of exploratory research methods

Table (13) advantages and disadvantages of exploratory research methods


Advantages of exploratory research Disadvantages of exploratory research

flexibilityIand can adapt toIchanges as theIresearch progresses. EvenIthoughIit can point you in the rightIdirection towards what isIthe

answer, it is usuallyIinconclusive.

It helps lay the foundation ofIresearch, which can lead to further

research. The main disadvantageIof exploratory research is that they provide

qualitative data. IInterpretation of such information can beIjudgmental


It enables theIresearcher toIunderstand at an early stage, if the

topicIis worth investingIthe time andIresources and if it is


It can assist otherIresearchers to find out possibleIcauses for the

problem, which canIbe further studied in detail toIfind out, which

of them is the most likely cause for the problem Most of theItime, exploratory research involves a smaller sample, hence


Many a time, if the data is beingIcollected through secondary research, then

thereIis a chance of that data being old and is not updated

3. Literature review chapter summary

Writing of theliteratureIreview involvedcollecting,Ievaluating,and analyzingItrusted sources (such as books and journalIarticles) that relate to the thesisIquestion and problem. There are twoImain steps in the writingIof each point in the literature which are:

1. Search for Comparable literature 2. Identify themes, debates, and gaps

Since the methods of research of this thesis is exploratory qualitative analysis, the gaps identified in the literature are identified as unresearched problems of overpopulation. The gaps identified were an initial factor in determining the criteria of case studies and the development of the design guidelines.

Figure (129) pyramid diagram showing the narrowing down of the key points of overpopulation (developed by the author)

Figure (130) pyramid diagram showing the narrowing down of the key points of off-grid housing (developed by the author)

3.1 Contribution to the literature review chapter

The mainIpurpose is to evaluate the current stateIof research and demonstrateIknowledge about the topic. The literature review gave the chanceIto:

• DemonstrateIyour familiarity withIthe topic ofIoverpopulation

• DevelopIthe design guidelines and methodologyIfor the researchI

• PositionIthe thesis topic to otherIresearches andItheory’s

• addresses the gaps of research and contributes to different debates

• selecting the criteria of case studies

3.2 limitation of literature review chapter

As mentioned the conducting of the literature review was based on exploring and identifying gaps of underresearched problems concerning the topic. Although The gaps have been considered through selecting the criteria of case studies and the development of design guidelines Some research gaps were not addressed fully due to the lack of its connection to off-grid housing and overpopulation some misconceptions for example: • country depts increased because of building new cities in Egypt • unemployment increased due to lack of education • increase of migration as an approach to finding employment • ensuring good quality of healthcare • clean energy fuels generators instead of solar panels

4. case studies chapter summary

Conduction the case studies provided contextual, in-depth knowledge about off-grid housing, which allowed to explore the key characteristics and techniques od off-grid living. The selection of the case studies was based on literature review key points. It was important to select a home that had the same Environmental context as Egypt. Which will be off-grid homes in hot weather and overpopulated countries.

Figure (131) diagram showing the contribution of the literature review on selecting the case studies (developed by author)

4.1 Case study chapter contribution

Conducting the case study had an initial role in the development of the design guidelines for off-grid housing, for example, each case had its techniques and tools for the operating the off-grid system.

Summary of the roles of the case studies can be found in:

• Waybe house standard U-module for determining the number of living members

• Siwan candle lighting as a way of electricity reduction

• Windship form for disaster resistance and repetitive form for facilitating the development for off-

grid community

4.2 Case studies chapter limitations

Although the off-grid homes addressed in the case studies use innovative ways for off-grid living

techniques, they are also known to build with a low budget. Low budgeting can work for many cases in

Egypt especially for poor places that require adequate solutions for living, but sacrifices like this are not

always necessary if there are local material for example:

• Earthship is known to build with waste material like car tires and beer cans as a way to reduce

waste and recycling it, meanwhile in Egypt is not always necessary because building with waste

requires certain labor skills. Which doesn’t meet the design guidelines' objectives

• The swan house is built with kharshif as a building material for walls and the main structure of the

house, although it is considered to be an innovative way to use local material, it's not nearly

sustainable and resistant to heavy rain furthermore the material is not available in the aridest places

in Egypt which don’t meet the design guidelines objectives.

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