TABLE OF CONTENTS Form Making Elements and Operation of Form
3 4-7
Scale, Movement and Context
Case Study Analysis
Private/Public 16-22
EXERCISE 1 Form Making ASSIGNMENT Students are asked to make a 6� cube out of only one of the six materials organized into three formal categories from the following list. No fasteners or additional materials other than glue may be used in the final version of the cube. No additional color or other added surface materials may be used in the final version of the cube. The object produced in this exercise must touch all eight corners of a boundary cube. It does not necessarily need to fully complete the six surfaces of the cube, but the basic exterior geometry of this form must be clear. No part of the object may extend beyond the boundaries of the cube. It must be dimensionally accurate and constructed with great thoughtfulness and care.
Exercise 2 Elements and Operation of Form ASSIGNMENT This exercise is organized as a sequence of four investigations, identified as Exercises 2.1-2.4. The first three of these involve the design of an object within a 6” bounding cube while the fourth involves a 9” cube. Unlike Exercise 1, in which a closed, 6” cubic volume was produced, the work of this exercise will emphasize the development of sets of spaces within the volume, as well as how space is informed by the use of different formal “elements” introduced in Exercise 1 (line, plane and volume) as well as formal “operations” (such as “bend”, “split” and “twist”), identified in the book Operative Design: A Catalog of Spatial Verbs.
Exercise 2 Deliverables For Exercises 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3: preliminary 3” cubes and final 6” cube. For Exercise 2.4: preliminary 3” cubes, intermediate 6” cube if produced and final 9” cube. Exercise 2.1 Material Wood Exercise 2.2 Foam Core Exercise 2.3 Foam Exercise 2.4 Mixed Material Operation is based of Interlock Through my understanding of interlock at the time I physically interlocked the materials to form the cube
3 Inch Models 2.1-2.3
Exercise 2.1- 2.3 6in Cubes
Exercise 2.4 3in Cubes
Exercise 2.4 9in Cube
Exercise 3 Scale Movement and Context ASSIGNMENT Exercise 3 is comprised of three self-contained but thematically cumulative investigations that address these three characteristics in diferent ways: Ex. 3.1 Observing and recording Drawings of Eggers Hall Ex. 3.2 From abstract form to architectural form Design of a House through the operation in previous exercise Ex. 3.3 Reacting to and acting on context Placement of design in the created context of Mcintosh City
Study Models of Ex 3.2
Exercise 3.1 Eggers Hall Assignment was to do a sequential drawings through Eggers Hall
Exercise 3.2 House Design The process of design for this exercise was to take an abstraction from my 9 inch cube which was the operation of interlock. Another component taken by the 9 inch cube is the design of the staircase which was abstracted from the gap between the two pieces of my cube. By combining the two abstractions of interlock and the staircase I designed the House based on visual interlock through spaces and the interlock of the circulation.
Exercise 3.2 House Design As one staircase progresses from the center and diagonally up the other stair case wraps around that therefore interlocking through circulation. While experiencing through the circulation it leads you towards different areas that visually interlocks the other spaces that are only accessible through the other staircase
Exercise 3.2 House Design Floor Plan and Section
Exercise 4 Case Study Analysis Moriyama House ASSIGNMENT In this exercise, students will be asked to apply the understanding they have developed in the previous three design exercises to the graphical analysis of an architectural precedent. Analysis is a key component of a robust design process, which allows architects to understand the work which has preceded them by creating their own original drawings. For this purpose, we have chosen an array of ten exemplary houses built between 1950 and the present to be the subjects of students’ analyses. Students will learn and apply modes of architectural analysis by drawing both 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional projections of their assigned case study buildings. Through this process, students will improve their architectural fluency and discover strategies and techniques to subsequently apply to their own design work.
Exercise 4 Case Study Analysis Moriyama House The Moriyama House is a design created by Sanaa Architects. This design is based in Tokyo Japan and was created with steel prefab. It is a minimalistic design that allows the most sunlight in possible through its dramatic big windows. The house is unique due to rather than each room being contained in a house, each room becomes a structure of its own creating a city like enviornment. Through my analysis I dissected the house through a few abstractions of the prefab design through my axon, the functions, the public experience it gives through windows, the context and the city enviornment it creates.
Exercise 4 Case Study Analysis Moriyama House Moriyama House is a “house” created by multiple structures each functioning with a different puprose. Units are also rentable by group which is the analysis with the hatches
The house also follows a set of operations and one prominant operation it follows is offset. In this analysis the drawing portrays all the different windows that are offsetted from each other and gives insight to how public the Moriyama House is.
The Site analysis is to show how the overall House looks in context. The Moriyama House clearly doesn’t fit in its surounding which was design intentionally because of its city like design being placed in a traditional Japanese neighborhood
Moriyama House is also made to have different lifestyles in different structure but in all create a city like life enviornment which is seen through the figure ground drawing and the elevation that is drawn right under it to show the city landscape it creates.
Exercise 5 Private/Public ASSIGNMENT In this exercise, students will be asked to apply the skills and design processes they have developed in the previous four exercises to the design of a new dwelling and studio for an artist. This live/work studio will include three types of space, which may be separated and/or integrated according to the students’ design ideas: -Work space -Living space -Exhibition space It will be especially important for students to consider conditions of publicness and privacy in their studio designs. Students should correlate their utilization of formal elements, formal operations, scale, movement, and context with degrees of publicness and privacy in the various spaces of the live/work studio.
Studio Assignment Based on Prof. Requirements Create a Studio, Gallery and Living Space for designated Artist within the buildable lot that is given. The design must be based off an abstraction of Exercise 3.2 or 4
Exercise 5 Private/Public Studio Design Process The design of my studio/gallery was based off Exercise 4 an abstraction of the Moriyama House. The main abstractions I took from the Moriyama House was the operation of Offset, the city like enviornment it creates and the use of grand windows in order to make a certain structure more public.
First abstraction: City Like Enviornment
Second Abstraction: Offset of Structure Placement, Ceiling and Floor Heights
Third abstraction: Window Use for Public Spaces
Exercise 5 Private/Public Final Model Design
My Studio/Gallery Design was based off my previous Exercise where I did an analysis on the Moriyama House. This studio is designed for Banksy an Annonymous Artist(s) that creates spraypaint art that has a social and political stance on certain topics. Although the artist is mainly known for their spraypaint art, Banksy also creates scultpures, through the Moriyama House inspired design it creates an excess amount of walls on the outside and in for all the different types of art that Banksy would like to produce but also have enough space for different sculpture that he or she would create.
Exercise 5 Private/Public Drafts and Diagram The placement of the stairs causes the circulation to force people to walk around and experience every structure
This shows the use of offset in order to place each structure and the decisions of where the ceilings and floors would be.
Figure Ground Drawing to show the City Enviornment that is created by the structure
Exercise 5 Private/Public Perspectives
Exercise 5 Private/Public Axonometric
Exercise 5 Private/Public Final Model In Site