Amherst Exempted Village Schools, OH - Wellness Wednesdays

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Amherst Exempted Village Schools Teaching Kids the Importance of Health & Wellness



Amherst Exempted Village Schools Amherst Exempted Village Schools is proud to be participating in Wellness Wednesdays serving healthy foods & promoting nutrition education.

Teaching Kids the Importance of Nutrition Education.

Vitamin A

Vitamin K

Vitamin D

Carrots Carrots are a type of root vegetable a vegetable that grows underground. Carrots are the second most popular vegetable in the world.

Carrots are 88% water.

Carrots can be orange, purple, red, yellow or white.

2,000 carrot seeds fit in 1 teaspoon. Carrots thrive in cooler temperatures. Carrots can survive entire WINTERS underground! The world record for the longest carrot is over 19 feet!

Carrots are biennials, which means they have a 2-year life cycle.

Vitamin A Vitamin A supports good vision, growth & immunity. Vitamin A helps improve eyesight to see better at night and experience more vivid colors during the day. How far can you read down this eye chart?

Vitamin A has antioxidant properties. Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin.

Vitamin A can help speed up the healing process of cuts & scraps.

How do you know carrots are good for the eyes? You never see a rabbit wearing glasses! Vitamin A supports the immune system to fight off infections.

Broccoli Broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable related to cabbage, kale, cauliflower & others.


Forms of Broccoli:

Pronounced kroo· si· fr· uhs

Broccoli is a coolseason vegetable.

1. Sprouting 2. Heading The word broccoli means “the flowering top of a cabbage.”

Heading broccoli is the most common.

All broccoli is harvested by HAND. Broccoli is a part of the brassica family. Broccoli grows B E S T during the fall & spring.

Vitamin K Vitamin K supports proper blood function, bone growth & kidney health. 2 main forms of vitamin K: K1 and K2. Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin - which means…

The body has the ability to create vitamin K on its own.

Vitamin K helps the body heal from wounds.

It absorbs better into the body when eaten with foods with some fat like olive oil or avocados!

Vitamin K helps produce proteins that bind themselves to calcium - this helps build strong bones. Vitamin K supports heart health.

Vitamin K is found throughout the body in the liver, brain, heart, pancreas & bones. Vitamin K plays a role in proper blood function- specifically with clotting.

Milk Milk is a type of dairy product – most commonly made from cows.


Breeds of Dairy Cows:

1. Ayrshire 2. Brown Swiss 3. Guernsey 4. Holstein 5. Jersey 6. Milking Shorthorn

1 cow produces around 6 gallons of milk/day.

1 serving of milk contains 13 essential nutrients. ALL 50 states have dairy farms!

The U.S. produces ~227 BILLION pounds of milk each year. Holstein cows all have a unique pattern of spots! The reason milk is white is because it contains “casein” - a type of protein.

Milk is the source of ALL dairy products!

Vitamin D Vitamin D supports the development & maintenance of bones, teeth & muscles. Vitamin D is the ONLY vitamin that the body can make on its own. Vitamin D helps prevent cavities.

Vitamin D supports the immune system.

Vitamin D is known as “The Sunshine Vitamin.” Only a few foods naturally contain vitamin D. Most people get the majority of their vitamin D when their skin is exposed to the sun. Don’t forget to wear sunscreen!

Vitamin D can help boost happy moods!

Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium & phosphate from food. Calcium and phosphate are essential for strong bones.

Food & Nutrition

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