Let’s celebrate! National Nutrition Month is all about making informed food choices and developing healthful eating habits. a time to learn how to keep our bodies strong and healthy! Eating nutritious foods like fruits, veggies, whole grains and proteins gives us energy to play, learn and grow.
South Carolina produces around 161 MILLION pounds of milk per year.
South Carolina is home to around 9,000 dairy cows.
Nearly 98% of U.S. dairy farms are family owned & operated.
Breeds of Dairy Cows:
1. Ayrshire 2. Brown Swiss 3. Guernsey 4. Holstein 5. Jersey 6. Milking Shorthorn
A cows black and white spots are like a fingerprint - no two cows are the same!
The average Holstein cow
The U.S. produces ~21 BILLION gallons of milk each year.
1 cow produces around 6 gallons of milk per day. Milk is the source of ALL dairy products!
Cows can SEE almost 360 degrees and SMELL up to 6 miles away!
”We work to preserve the ability to pass down the farm to the next generation.”
PET milk is a Dairy Farmers of America brand.
Dairy Farmers of America
Diary Farmers of America is a group of nearly 10,000 dairy farmers across the U.S.
ALL DFA dairy farms are family owned & operated. Charleston County School District serves PET milk.
Two family farms supply milk for PET – Eberly Family Farm & Windcrest Holsteins.
Eberly Family Farm is a first-generation dairy farm.
Eberly Family Farm is located in Waynesboro, GA.
Spinach is a nutritious, leafy green
Main Types of Spinach:
1. Savoy
2. Semi Savoy
3. Flat
The U.S. harvests around 960,000 pounds of spinach each year.
Spinach is a part of the goosefoot family of the shape of its leaves.
F R E S H spinach is the B E S T spinach!
Flat spinach is the best known & most popular.
Late spring/early spinach season.
Spinach thrives when grown in sandy soils.
Spinach prefer to grow in cooler climates. of its major nutrients after harvesting.
Iron carries oxygen in the blood, supports the immune system & proper brain function
2 forms of iron: Heme & Non-heme. comes from animal meat and is easily absorbed into the body after eaten. comes from plant foodslike spinach!
Iron is found in EVERY cell of the body.
Non-heme sources of iron are best absorbed into the body when eaten with a source of vitamin C, like an orange.
Iron helps muscles function by carrying oxygen to their cells.
Supports a healthy immune system.
Human blood is RED because of iron and oxygen reacting with each other.
The body uses iron to make hemoglobin.
80% of the Earth’s crust is composed of iron.
Hemoglobin helps carry and transport oxygen in the blood to other parts of the body…like a backpack!
Strawberries are a type of aggregate fruit a collection of ‘little fruits’ held together.
Strawberries are a part of the rose family.
Strawberries are the FIRST fruit to ripen in the spring.
Peak strawberry harvesting season is April - June.
1. June-bearing 2. Ever-bearing 3. Day-neutral strawberry has 200 seeds.
Strawberries are the ONLY fruit with seeds on the outside.
90% of the strawberries grown in the U.S. are from California.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C supports the immune systemthe body’s defense against infections.
ENERGY booster!
Vitamin C is also referred to as “ascorbic acid.”
Vitamin C is an antioxidant. Antioxidants help protect against damage caused by exposure to harmful substances in the environment.
The body cannot make vitamin C on its own - it has to come from food.
Vitamin C helps keep you happy & healthy! What do you call a vitamin that improves your eyesight?
A Vitamin C!
Vitamin C is a very important vitamin for healthy gums & teeth.
Potatoes are a type of starchy vegetable - specifically, a tuber.
U.S. farmers produce around 4.5 million pounds of potatoes every hour.
35% of potatoes are turned into French fries.
Tubers are vegetables that grow underground at the base of the root.
In 1995, potatoes became the first vegetable grown in
Potatoes are also referred to as “spuds.”
National Potato Day
Potatoes are grown in all 50 states. Potatoes are an annual plant.
Potatoes are the 2nd most consumed food in the U.S. after dairy products.
Potatoes are a part of the nightshade family.
Potassium supports balancing fluid in the body & proper function of the muscles and nerves
Once potassium enters the body, it functions as an electrolyte.
Helps to keep the body hydrated!
Electrolytes help balance the amount of water in the body.
Potassium is the THIRD most abundant mineral in the body.
Potassium helps promote bone health.
The body is made up of approximately 60% water.
Potassium helps to regulate muscle contractions.
98% of the body’s potassium is found in its cells.
Many runners eat foods high in potassium before a run to prevent muscle cramps
Word Scramble
Asparagus is a type of stem vegetable.
In ideal conditions, asparagus can grow up to 10 inches a day!
Watch asparagus grow!
Asparagus roots can grow 20 feet deep.
Fiber supports movement through the digestive system.
Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that the doesn’t digest, it simply passes through.
Soluble fiber dissolves in water…it helps regulate blood sugar levels and removes cholesterol from
Insoluble fiber is sometimes referred to as “roughage. ”
2 types of fiber:
1. Soluble fiber
Fiber helps to regulate the body’s use of sugar.
Insoluble fiber
Fiber is ONLY found in plant foods.
Insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water…it helps food move throughout the digestive system.
Dairy & meat products do not have any fiber.
BOTH forms of fiber are important & beneficial to overall health.