Dick & Jane Educational Snacks
should be on your BID for SY 23/24
1. Educational Snacks – “Sweet Crackers” - Six (6) Varieties
States & Capitals, Presidents, English & Spanish, Food & Nutrition, Fun & Fitness and Farmers Market. Several more varieties are in various stages of development.
2. Free Enrichment –LEARN MORE digital magazines
Dick & Jane are launching a new series of digital magazines to provide free enrichment for schools.
3. Over 200 Fun Ways to Serve
Choose from 200+ different celebrations…Back to School, National School Lunch Week, Farm to School Mont, Presidents Day, Earth Day, Cinco de Mayo and the list goes on!
4. One (1) Grain EQ – NUT FREE
Simple whole grain recipe, clean label, baked & packed in a 100% nut free bakery.
5. Breakfast, Lunch and After-School Snacks
Delicious, All-Natural and Loaded with Learning, Dick & Jane Educational Snacks are great with yogurt at breakfast, super fun with a celebration or themed lunch and ideal as an after-school snack.
IN-STOCK every day at DOT FOODS
Available through SYSCO, US Foods, Gold Star, GFS, Labatt, Shamrock and many more.
7. Individually Wrapped, Grab & Go, Shelf Stable and Ready to Serve!
Individually Wrapped, Grab & Go, Shelf Stable and Ready to Serve!
8. Inventory
Dick & Jane does NOT have supply chain issues, in fact our full rate has been 98.5% over the last 12 mo.
9. Price
You’ll get best price when Dick & Jane Educational Snacks (all varieties) are on your BID. Approximately .25 per serving/120 servings per case.
10. Real People with a Real Passion for Education
Dick runs the baking company and Jane is a teacher. We are a small company but have BIG IDEAS. You’ll enjoy working with Dick & Jane. Guaranteed.

Breakfast | Lunch | After-School Snack

States & Capitals features all 50 States. Learn spelling, geography, abbreviations and more. Each bag contains a different mix of States & Capitals.


Dick & Jane Educational Snacks deliver “education in every bite” and now our digital magazines take the educational component to a whole new level by providing an A+ resource to LEARN MORE.
• State Birthdays
• State Nicknames
• Fun Facts
• Puzzles, Games & More!

Can you name all 50 States & Capitals?

Breakfast | Lunch | After-School Snack

Presidents honors all US Presidents from George Washington [1] through Donald Trump [45]. President Joe Biden [46] will be added by the end of his term.



Dick & Jane Educational Snacks deliver “education in every bite” and now our digital magazines take the educational component to a whole new level by providing an A+ resource to LEARN MORE.

• Presidential Bios & Birthdays
• Vice Presidents & First Ladies
• Fun Facts
• Puzzles, Games & More!

Who was the 22nd President?

Breakfast | Lunch | After-School Snack

English & Spanish is our 1st bilingual edition and features 50 vocabulary words plus the numbers 1-10. Each bag contains a different mix of English & Spanish words.



Dick & Jane Educational Snacks deliver “education in every bite” and now our digital magazines take the educational component to a whole new level by providing an A+ resource to LEARN MORE.

• Sight Words
• Numbers 1-10
• Audio Translations

• Puzzles, Games & More!
How do you say School in Spanish?

Breakfast | Lunch | After-School Snack

Food & Nutrition is our “nutrition education” edition highlighting various nutritional benefits from food like fiber from whole grain and vitamin C from oranges.



Dick & Jane Educational Snacks deliver “education in every bite” and now our digital magazines take the educational component to a whole new level by providing an A+ resource to LEARN MORE.

• Vitamins & Minerals

• Recipes
• Fun Facts
• Puzzles, Games & More!
What foods are good for you?

Breakfast | Lunch | After-School Snack

Fun & Fitness promotes over 50 different kinds of activities and exercise like rock climbing, disc golf and yoga. Each bag contains a different mix of fun things to do.


Dick & Jane Educational Snacks deliver “education in every bite” and now our digital magazines take the educational component to a whole new level by providing an A+ resource to LEARN MORE.

• Activities
• Exercises
• Sports

• Puzzles, Games & More!

What keeps you active?

Breakfast | Lunch | After-School Snack

Farmers Market features food from all 50 States like Michigan cherries and Georgia peaches making it ideal to serve for Farm to School month in October.



Dick & Jane Educational Snacks deliver “education in every bite” and now our digital magazines take the educational component to a whole new level by providing an A+ resource to LEARN MORE.

• Top Crop Producing States

• Crop Lifecycles
• Fun Facts
• Puzzles, Games & More!
What food grows near you?

Choose from 200+ different celebrations to choose from…Back to School, National School Lunch Week, Farm to School Month, Presidents Day, Earth Day, Cinco de Mayo and the list goes on and on!

Celebrate with our Farmers Market edition which highlights food from all 50 states. Proud sponsors of kidsgardening.org and their School Garden Grant Initiative.

Our bilingual English & Spanish edition is ideal for serving for your Cinco de Mayo celebration. Over 50 vocab words & number 1 -10.

Inspire movement with our Fun & Fitness edition during National Physical Fitness & Sports Month! This month was designed to promote healthy & happy lifestyles.

Thank you for your support and your enthusiasm for education!