“Learning without limits.”
Jurupa Unified School District is proud to be participating in Farm to Student serving local foods & celebrating local farmers!
Jurupa Unified School District Wellness Policy
90% of processing tomatoes in the U.S. come from California.
Processing tomatoes are used to make sauce, ketchup, juice, etc.
Cherry tomatoes, as their name suggests are of similar size & shape to that of cherries.
Cherry tomatoes grow faster than larger tomatoes.
There are over 10,000 different varieties of tomatoes.
Tomatoes are a warm season crop.
Cherry tomatoes are known for their small size & natural sweetness.
Botanically, tomatoes are a fruit!
Tomatoes are easy to grow & very commonly grown in home gardens
Tomatoes take 60 - 100 days to grow from seed to fruit.
Tomatoes come in a variety of colors including yellow, pink, purple & more!
Florida is ranked the #1 state for growing fresh tomatoes.
Aziz Farms grows many different types of crops on their 27 acres of land.
ALL farming practices done at Aziz Farms are organic and sustainable. restaurants & schools. Aziz Farms is Aziz Farms started as a date growing & packing business in the mid 1980’s.
Aziz Farms is the only Educational Farm in the Coachella Valley!
Visitors are always welcome at Aziz Farms!
California is the 5th largest cucumber producing state in the U.S.
California grows more fresh-market cucumbers than pickling cucumbers.
The U.S. is the 4th largest producer worldwide.
Cucumbers can Cucumbers are 90% water. produce fruit after being planted.
Cucumbers are a fruit!
60 MILLION TONS of cucumbers are grown worldwide each year.
The large leaves on the cucumber plant provides shade for the developing fruit. Bees are essential pollination of cucumbers.
Florida is ranked the #1 state for growing fresh tomatoes.
Aziz Farms grows many different types of crops on their 27 acres of land.
ALL farming practices done at Aziz Farms are organic and sustainable. restaurants & schools. Aziz Farms is Aziz Farms started as a date growing & packing business in the mid 1980’s.
Aziz Farms is the only Educational Farm in the Coachella Valley!
Visitors are always welcome at Aziz Farms!
California is home to 140,000 acres of land that grows oranges.
Valencia & Navel oranges are the most popular types grown in California.
Orange season is 9 months long, October - June!
600+ varieties of oranges.
of oranges are processed into juice.
Oranges are the most popular type of citrus.
Most oranges are harvested by hand.
Sub-tropical areas have ideal climate for growing oranges.
Oranges need a lot of sunshine temperatures to grow.
Old Grove Orange has
Old Grove Orange is a 5th-generation family farm founded in the 1880’s.
Old Grove Orange is home to some of the OLDEST navel orange trees in the world!
“The older the tree, the sweeter the orange!” Farmer Aki. Old Grove Oranges LOVES visitors!
Old Grove Orange oranges are o r g a n i c.
Guavas grown in California are found in coastal southern region of the state.
In Southern California, guavas are in season all year long!
One guava has 4 times MORE vitamin C than an orange!
The flesh of a guava can vary , white.
The center of a guava contains 100 - 500 seeds. Guava trees grow to be
Guavas are known for tart taste similar to a cross between & a pear
Guava trees start producing fruit after they were planted.
live for 40 years!
The Fruit Guys was founded by Chris Mittelstaedt.
Chris is known as the “ Banana
The FruitGuys is a family owned & operated business that started in 1998.
The Fruit Guys works with 200+ small farms & suppliers to source many kinds of fruit. providing local produce to schools in 2008
The Fruit Guys mission is to fight hunger and support small farms and agricultural sustainability
California is the number 1 milk producing state in the U.S.
46% of California milk goes into making California cheese.
Breeds of Dairy Cows:
1. Ayrshire 2. Brown Swiss 3. Guernsey 4. Holstein 5. Jersey
Nearly 98% of U.S. dairy farms are family owned & operated. California is home to 1,100+ dairy farms.
6. Milking Shorthorn
Holstein cows all have a unique pattern of spots!
ALL 50 states have dairy farms!
1 cow produces around 6 gallons of milk per day. Milk is the source of ALL dairy products! Cows can SEE almost 360 degrees and SMELL up to 6 miles away!
Clearbrook Farms helps distribute Rockview Farms’ dairy products.
Rockview Farms is a family-owned & operated dairy farm that started in 1972.
Rockview Farms is one of the few remaining family-owned fluid milk