North Muskegon Public Schools

C elebratin g local food, local farmers & nutrition education!

C elebratin g local food, local farmers & nutrition education!
At North Muskegon, we believe that a healthy body contributes to a healthy mind, and we're committed to fostering an environment where every student can thrive.
North Muskegon Public Schools’ Wellness Policy
g local food, farmers & nutrition education!
Brussels sprouts are a type of cruciferous vegetable. There are over 100 different varieties of brussels sprouts.
Brussels sprouts are grown for their “edible buds – these edible buds look like mini cabbages
Brussels sprouts were named
pounds sprouts per year.
best in cool climates and usually harvested after a frost. days after planting.
Potassium supports balancing fluid in the body & proper function of the muscles and nerves.
Once potassium enters the body, it functions as an electrolyte.
Helps to keep the body hydrated!
Electrolytes help balance the amount of water in the body.
Potassium is the THIRD most abundant mineral in the body.
Potassium helps promote bone health.
The body is made up of approximately 60% water.
Potassium helps to regulate muscle contractions.
98% of the body’s potassium is found in its cells.
Many runners eat foods high in potassium before a run to prevent muscle cramps
Apples are the largest & most valuable crop grown in MI.
Michigan harvests
24 MILLION bushels of apples each year.
An apple tree takes at least 4 years to start producing fruit.
Michigan is home to over 14 MILLION apple trees.
Most apples are harvested & sold fresh.
21% of apples are juiced.
An apple blossom is the flower that comes from an apple tree.
Apples are one of the most widely cultivated tree fruits.
36 varieties of apples are grown in the U.S.
apples makes 1 gallon of cider.
Peterson Farms was started by Earl & his wife Linda in 1972.
Peterson Farms apples come from 600+ farmers across the U.S.
Peterson Farms is one of the LEADING processors of fresh-cut apples in the U.S.
Peterson Farms FIRST farm was located in Oceana Co, Michigan.
Peterson Farms is headquartered in Shelby, Michigan.
Peterson Farms processes 150 MILLION pounds of fresh à frozen fruit each year.
Peterson Farms also supplies blueberries, cherries & peaches.
Beans are the seeds plants – typically grown in pods.
Beans have been cultivated by humans for 6,000 years.
Most Popular Types of Beans:
1. Green Beans
2. Kidney Beans
3. Pinto Beans
4. Lima Beans
All beans are a part legume family.
Try growing some beans in your garden!
There are over 40,000 types of beans.
Pods come in various shades green, , red purple.
Fiber supports movement through the digestive system.
Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that the body doesn’t digest, it simply passes through.
Soluble fiber dissolves in water…it helps regulate blood sugar levels and removes cholesterol from
Insoluble fiber is sometimes referred to as “roughage. ”
2 types of fiber:
1. Soluble fiber
Insoluble fiber
Fiber is ONLY found in plant foods.
Dairy & meat products do not have any fiber.
Fiber helps to regulate the body’s use of sugar.
Insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water…it helps food move throughout the digestive system.
BOTH forms of fiber are important & beneficial to overall health.
Michigan harvests around 1.9 BILLION pounds of potatoes each year.
U.S. farmers produce around 4.5 million pounds of potatoes every hour.
Potatoes are a tuber –a type of starchy vegetable.
In 1995, potatoes became the first vegetable grown in
Potatoes are the 2nd most consumed food in the U.S. after dairy products.
Potatoes are also referred to as “spuds. ”
Potatoes are grown in all 50 states. Potatoes are an annual plant.
Potatoes are a part of the nightshade family.
Crisp Country Acres grows a wide variety of fruits &
Crisp Country Acres is a & operated fruit &
Crisp Country Acres is home to 153 acres of farmland.
“Growing Good Food For Your Family.”
Crisp Country Acres uses greenhouses & cold storage to extend their growing season & offer fresh
Sustainable farming is a top priority for Crisp Country Acres.
Crisp Country Acres is located in Holland, Michigan.
Asparagus is a type of stem vegetable.
In ideal conditions, asparagus can grow up to 10 inches a day!
Watch asparagus grow!
Vitamin C supports the the body’s defense against infections.
Vitamin C is also referred to as “ascorbic acid.”
Vitamin C helps keep you happy & healthy! What do you call a vitamin that improves your eyesight?
Vitamin C is an antioxidant. Antioxidants help protect against damage caused by exposure to harmful substances in the environment. has to come from food.
Vitamin C!
Vitamin C is a very important vitamin for healthy gums & teeth.
Milk is a type of dairy product –most commonly made from cows.
1 serving contains
Milk is made up of 85-95% water with the rest being fats, proteins, carbohydrates & vitamins
Breeds of Dairy Cows: 6
1. Ayrshire
2. Brown Swiss
3. Guernsey
4. Holstein
5. Jersey
6. Milking Shorthorn
Holstein cows all have a unique pattern of spots!
1 cow produces around 6 gallons of milk per day. Cows can SEE almost 360 degrees and SMELL up to 6 miles away!
dairy farms!
Protein builds, maintains and replaces the tissues in the body.
Protein helps to transport & store nutrients throughout the body.
18 - 20% of the body is protein.
EVERY cell in the human body contains protein.
The body cannot store protein long term… which is why protein needs to be consumed daily.
Protein is made
Protein plays a big role in building and repairing muscles.
Protein is a MACRONUTRIENT . A macronutrient is a nutrient that the body needs in LARGE
Protein helps maintain fluid balance throughout the body.