Troy School District
Celebrating local food, local farmers & nutrition education!
Now Boarding: Chartwells K12 Takes Students on a Food Adventure with New ‘Global Eats’ Program
Leave the bags at home and explore diverse cultures and cuisines from the comfort of YOUR school cafeteria.
Celebratin g local food, farmers & nutrition education!
Plantains | Mangoes | Mandarins
Cucumbers | Carrots | Broccoli | Milk
Plantains are in season year-round.
Plantains grow in bunches with around 5-10 plantains per bunch.
Plantains are larger than bananas and have thicker peel.
There are 2 main varieties of plantains – French & horn.
Plantains are eaten commonly steamed, boiled or fried.
Plantains are used in both sweet & savory dishes.
Plantains are grown in tropical regions around the world.
Plantain plants can grow to be feet tall
Plantains are ranked the 10th most important staple food in the world.
Potassium supports balancing fluid in the body & proper function of the muscles and nerves
Once potassium enters the body, it functions as an electrolyte.
Helps to keep the body hydrated!
Electrolytes help balance the amount of water in the body.
Potassium is the abundant mineral in the body.
Potassium helps promote bone health.
The body is made up of approximately 60% water.
Potassium helps to regulate muscle contractions.
98% of the body’s potassium is found in its cells.
Many runners eat foods high in potassium before a run to prevent muscle cramps
Mangoes are a type of stone fruit - a fleshy fruit that contains a hard “pit” inside.
Mangoes were 1st grown in India
In India, mangoes are a symbol of LOVE .
Mangoes take around 4 months to grow from a flower to fruit.
20 MILLION TONS of mangoes are grown & consumed around the world each year.
All mangoes are harvested by hand.
Wild and uncultivated mango trees can be up to 100 feet tall!
Mango trees are evergreen.
Fiber supports movement through the digestive system
Fiber is a type of carbohydrate body doesn’t digest; it simply passes through.
Soluble fiber dissolves in water…it helps regulate blood sugar levels and removes cholesterol from
Insoluble fiber is sometimes referred to as “roughage. ”
2 types of fiber:
1. Soluble fiber
Insoluble fiber
Fiber is ONLY found in plant foods.
Dairy & meat products do not have any fiber.
Fiber helps to regulate the body’s use of sugar.
Insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water…it helps food move throughout the digestive system.
BOTH forms of fiber are important & beneficial to overall health.
Mandarins are a category of citrus fruits that satsumas sweeter
Mandarins are often canned.
“Easy Peelers”
Mandarins are easier to peel than most other citrus fruit.
Mandarin s make for a perfect snack!
From seed, mandarin trees take around 8 years to start producing fruit.
Mandarin trees are evergreen. Mandarins are one of the most resilient citrus fruits to cold weather.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C supports the immune systemthe body’s defense against infections.
ENERGY booster!
Vitamin C is also referred to as “ascorbic acid.”
Vitamin C is an antioxidant. Antioxidants help protect against damage caused by exposure to harmful substances in the environment.
The body cannot make vitamin C on its own - it has to come from food.
Vitamin C helps keep you happy & healthy! What do you call a vitamin that improves your eyesight?
A Vitamin C!
Vitamin C is a very important vitamin for healthy gums & teeth.
Cucumbers are technically fruits since they & contain seeds.
There are cucumbers.
1 vine can produce 25 - 125 cucumbers. of cucumbers seeds.
World Cucumber Day is June 14th!
Cucumbers grow on
B Vitamins
B Vitamins help support the body’s energy levels, brain function & cell metabolism In-Vitamin!
essential B vitamins:
Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B7, Vitamin B9 & Vitamin B12.
Water is needed to help the body absorb B vitamins.
B5, B12, C and E knock on your door…what do you do? blood cells.
B vitamins helps the body make energy from food.
cannot store most B vitamins, so they need to be regularly consumed.
B vitamins plays a role in serotonin production.
Serotonin makes us feel happy
Carrots are a type of root vegetable underground
Carrots are 88% water.
WINTERS underground!
Carrots are biennials, which means they have a 2-year life cycle.
Vitamin A
more vivid colors during the day
How far can you read down this eye chart?
speed up the healing process of cuts & scrapes. Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin.
How do you know carrots are good for the eyes?
You never see a rabbit wearing glasses!
Vitamin A supports the immune system to fight off infections.
Broccoli is a related to cabbage, kale, cauliflower & others.
2. Heading
Pronounced · fr· uhs
The word broccoli means “the flowering top of a cabbage. ”
Broccoli is a part of the brassica family.
All broccoli
Broccoli grows during the
Vitamin K
2 main forms of vitamin K: K1 and K2.
The body has the ability to create vitamin K on its own.
Vitamin K helps the body heal from wounds.
Vitamin K is a fat-soluble which means… It absorbs better into the body when eaten with foods with some fat like olive oil or avocados
Vitamin K helps produce proteins bind themselves to calcium - this helps build strong bones
Vitamin K supports heart health.
Vitamin K is found throughout the body in the liver, brain, heart, pancreas & bones.
Vitamin K plays a role in proper blood function- specifically with clotting.
Milk is a type of dairy product –most commonly made from cows.
Milk contains essential nutrients
Milk is made up of 85-95% water with the rest being fats, proteins, carbohydrates & vitamins
Breeds of Dairy Cows: 6
1. Ayrshire
2. Brown Swiss
3. Guernsey
4. Holstein
5. Jersey
6. Milking Shorthorn
Holstein cows all have a unique pattern of spots!
1 cow produces around 6 gallons of milk per day.
Cows can SEE almost 360 degrees and SMELL up to 6 miles away!
dairy farms!
Protein builds, maintains and replaces the tissues in the body.
Protein helps to transport & store nutrients throughout the body.
18 - 20% of the body is protein.
EVERY cell in the human body contains protein.
The body cannot store protein long term… which is why protein needs to be consumed daily.
Protein is made
Protein plays a big role in building and repairing muscles.
Protein is a MACRONUTRIENT . A macronutrient is a nutrient that the body needs in LARGE
Protein helps maintain fluid balance throughout the body.