Upland Unified School District
C elebratin g local food, local farmers & nutrition education!

C elebratin g local food, local farmers & nutrition education!
“At Upland Unified School District, we take pride in nourishing both the minds and bodies of our students.”
Upland Unified School District’s Nutrition Services department is proud to be participating in Farm To Student serving healthy foods & celebrating their local farmers!
Celebratin g local food, farmers & nutrition education! Crab Apples | Kumquats
California is the largest radish producing state in the U.S.
There are over 100 different varieties of radishes.
Watermelon radishes are heirloom
Radishes come in many different shapes & sizes.
Radishes are a type of root vegetable vegetables are vegetables that are grown from seeds that have been handed down from generation to generation.
Radishes grow very fast – taking only 25 days to grow from seed to a harvest ready vegetable.
Old Grove Farms is a group of 15+ small family farms in Southern California
Farmer David grows Old Grove Farms’ watermelon radishes.
ALL of Old Grove Farms produce is ORGANIC
Old Grove Farms has been providing produce to schools for 20+ years
Old Grove Farms rely on sheep
Old Grove Farms grows fruits, flowers!
There are two kinds of crab apples grown in California – the Wickson & Oregon crab apple.
The U.S. is home to approximately 322,000 acres of apple orchards.
Crab apples are usually only 2 inches or less in diameter.
21% of apples are juiced.
Crab apples are known for their smaller size and extra tart taste.
Most crab apple trees grow to be
Old Grove Farms is a group of 15+ small family farms in Southern California
Old Grove Farms has been providing produce to schools for 20+ years
Farmer Byron grows Old Grove Farms’ crab apples.
ALL of Old Grove Farms produce is ORGANIC.
Old Grove Farms rely on sheep
Old Grove Farms grows fruits, flowers!
Most kumquats grown in California are grown in the
“The little gold gem of the citrus family
Kumquats grow on trees that range from 5
One kumquat tree can produce THOUSANDS of kumquats!
Kumquat trees prefer to grow in full sun.
2. Meiwa 2
1. Nagami
Nagami kumquat trees are most planted in the U.S. The peel of a kumquat is the season
If you roll kumquats between your hands, they will release a natural oil that makes them sweeter.
Kumquat trees flower in late spring – early summer.
Farmer Jay grows Old Grove Farms’ kumquats.
ALL of Old Grove Farms produce is ORGANIC.
Old Grove Farms is a group of 15+ small family farms in Southern California
Old Grove Farms has been providing produce to schools for 20+ years
Old Grove Farms rely on sheep
Old Grove Farms grows fruits, flowers!
Blood oranges are known for their sweet taste - similar to a raspberry. California is home to 140,000 acres of land that grows oranges.
Blood oranges are grown commercially in Southern & Central California. 85% oranges are processed into juice. Oranges are the most popular type of citrus.
600+ varieties of oranges.
Most oranges are harvested by hand.
Sub-tropical areas have ideal climate for growing oranges. Oranges need a lot of sunshine temperatures to grow.
Farmer Bob grows Old Grove Farms’ blood oranges.
ALL of Old Grove Farms produce is ORGANIC
Old Grove Farms is a group of 15+ small family farms in Southern California
Old Grove Farms has been providing produce to schools for 20+ years
Old Grove Farms rely on sheep
Old Grove Farms grows fruits, flowers!
California is the largest tomato producing state in the U.S.
California grows over a quarter of the world’s tomatoes.
Cherry tomatoes, as their name suggests are of similar size & shape to that of cherries.
Cherry tomatoes grow faster than larger tomatoes.
There are over 10,000 different varieties of tomatoes.
Tomatoes are a warm season crop.
Cherry tomatoes are known for their small size & natural sweetness.
Botanically, tomatoes are a fruit !
Tomatoes are easy to grow & very commonly grown in home gardens
Tomatoes take 60 - 100 days to grow from seed to fruit.
Tomatoes come in a variety of colors including yellow, pink, purple & more!
Farmer Mariela grows Old Grove Farms’ cherry tomatoes.
ALL of Old Grove Farms produce is ORGANIC.
Old Grove Farms is a group of 15+ small family farms in Southern California
Old Grove Farms has been providing produce to schools for 20+ years
Old Grove Farms rely on sheep
Old Grove Farms grows fruits, flowers!
California is the number 1 milk producing state in the U.S.
46% of California milk goes into making California cheese.
Nearly 98% of U.S. dairy farms are family owned & operated. California is home to 1,100+ dairy farms.
Holstein cows all have a unique pattern of spots! ALL 50 states have dairy farms!
1 cow produces around 6 gallons of milk per day. Cows can SEE almost 360 degrees and SMELL up to 6 miles away!
Driftwood Dairy all started with Pat J. Dolan starting a dairy business in 1918.
Florida is ranked the #1 state for growing fresh tomatoes.
Driftwood Dairy delivers milk to 2,500 schools each day.
Driftwood Dairy is the milk provider to schools in Southern California.
Driftwood Dairy is a member of CDI –California Dairies, Inc.
17 BILLION pounds of milk is produced each year by CDI dairy farms. TM
Driftwood Dairy offers a wide variety of milk & dairy products.
CDI is a dairy farm cooperative with 300+ family dairy farms.