2 minute read
Classics Outreach and Engagement at the University of Warwick
The University’s commitment to Classics
Outreach and engagement lie firmly at the heart of the Department of Classics and Ancient History at the University of Warwick. Our annual Ancient Drama Festival www.warwick. ac.uk/dramafestival/ has brought the ancient world to life for thousands of school children and members of the public since its inception over a decade ago, and in 2018 the Warwick Classics Network [WCN] www.warwick. ac.uk/wcn was created by Prof Michael Scott to co-ordinate the outreach and engagement activities of the Department.
The WCN supports the teaching of Classics across the country. Its teaching resources have been viewed over a quarter of a million times, and with the support of the charity Classics for All, the WCN has raised the number of State Secondaries in Coventry teaching Classics from 18% to 45%. The WCN Research Fellow, Dr Paul Grigsby, is also a Fellow of the Warwick Institute of Engagement, www.warwick.ac.uk/wie/ which supports public and community engagement initiatives across the University.
Roman Coventry
In 2020 the WCN introduced the Roman Coventry and Warwickshire Project www.warwick.ac.uk/ wcn/romancoventry/ to bring Coventry and Warwickshire’s Roman past to every school in Coventry, offering equal opportunities to all pupils irrespective of background. Working in tandem with local museums, the WCN has created a suite of teaching resources and is developing student-led projects aimed specifically at engaging the local community, including ‘lessons-in-a-box’ activities using 3D printed copies of artefacts from Lunt Roman Fort, a travelling Roman Cookery workshop, and workshops on diversity in Roman Britain.
Our students form a key part of our engagement activities, an experience which they embrace. As MA student Rebecca Preedy comments, “I’ve felt so fortunate getting involved in the public engagement aspect of Classics at Warwick. Last year I began a Roman time capsule project as part of the Roman Coventry and Warwickshire Project, which has been such a rewarding experience! I’m so pleased to play a part in helping get young people into Classics and Ancient History.”
FAB and Antiquity Room
In 2022 we moved into our new Faculty of Arts Building (FAB) with its state-of-the-art Antiquities Room. These new facilities will provide exciting opportunities for engagement and widening participation, complementing our annual outreach events like the A. G. Leventis Ancient Worlds Day. With a new module ‘Public Engagement in Classics’ introduced in January 2022, our commitment to engagement and widening participation is only set to grow in the coming years.

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