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Maintained Schools Options

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Celebrating Spring




Appleton Church of England Mrs Amy Carnell www.appleton.oxon.sch.uk Abingdon

Primary School

Bledington Primary School Ms Jill Kewley www.bledington.gloucs.sch.uk Chipping Norton Brize Norton Primary School Ms Anna Fairhurst www.brizeprimary.org Brize Norton Buckland Church of England Ms Louise Warren www.bucklandprimaryschool.org.uk Faringdon

Primary School

Combe CofE Primary School Mrs Rachel Joannou www.combeprimary.co.uk Witney Didcot Primary Academy Ms Alison Ashcroft www.didcotprimaryacademy.org.uk Didcot Dr Radcliffe’s Church of Frances Brown www.dr-radcliffes.org.uk Bicester

England Primary School

Holy Trinity Catholic School, Mrs Lorna Buchanan www.holy-trinity.oxon.sch.uk Chipping Norton

Chipping Norton

Kingham Primary School Mr Nicholas Prockter www.kingham.oxon.sch.uk Kingham Ladygrove Park Primary School Andrew Markham www.ladygrove-park.oxon.sch.uk Didcot Longcot and Fernham Church Mrs Claire Mellor www.longcotandfernhamschool.co.uk Faringdon

of England Primary School

Longford Park Primary School Miss Julie Hiddleston www.longfordparkschool.org Banbury Longworth Primary School Mr Neil Wilson www.longworthprimaryschool.uk Abingdon Mulberry Bush School Mrs Jessica Hooper www.mulberrybush.org.uk Witney

(Special School)

St Andrew’s Church of Mrs Annette Mashru www.st-andrews.oxon.sch.uk Chinnor

England Primary School

St John the Evangelist Mr Mark Smith www.st-john.oxon.sch.uk Carterton

CofE VA Primary School

Stockham Primary School Mrs Ruth Burbank www.stockham.oxon.sch.uk/web Wantage The Batt Church of England Ms Charlie Barwell www.thebattschool.org.uk Witney

Primary School

The Hendreds Church of Mr James Veness www.hendreds.oxon.sch.uk Wantage

England School

Thomas Reade Primary School Mr John Serle www.thomasreadeschool.org Abingdon William Morris Primary School Miss Julie Hiddleston www.williammorrisschool.org Banbury Windmill Primary School Mrs Lynn Knapp www.windmill.oxon.sch.uk Headington Woodstock Church of Mr Christian McGuinness www.woodstock.oxon.sch.uk Woodstock

England Primary School



Bartholomew School Mr Craig Thomas www.bartholomew.oxon.sch.uk Oxon Didcot Girls’ School Ms Georgina Littler www.didcotgirls.oxon.sch.uk Didcot Fitzwaryn School Mrs Stephanie Coneboy www.fitzwaryn.oxon.sch.uk Wantage

(Special School ages 3-19)

Frank Wise School ) Ms Heidi Dennison www.frankwise.oxon.sch.uk Banbury

(Special School, ages 2-19)

Lord Williams’ School Mr Jon Ryder www.lordwilliams.oxon.sch.uk Thame Swalcliffe Park School Cio Mr Rob Piner www.swalcliffepark.co.uk Banbury

(Special School, ages 10-19)

The Iffley Academy Mr Tom Procter-Legg www./iffleyacademy.co.uk Iffley Turn

TURN TO PAGES 6 - 9 to read about nursery options in Oxford ALL are rated ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted.

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