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Educational events at Shakespeare’s Globe
Incorporating theatre in education
Playing Shakespeare with Deutsche Bank returns to Globe Theatre for its 19th year!
Playing Shakespeare with Deutsche Bank will return with a new ninety-minute version of Macbeth, created especially for young people. The production is designed to support the curriculum and excite students about the play. We also have a range of accessible performances including Integrated BSL available across the run. It opens in March and runs through to the end of the Easter holidays.
Study Boosts for GCSE Exams
Our Study Boosts are perfect for young people working towards their English GCSE. These workshops, which run from November to April 2025, approach curriculum texts such as Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet, The Merchant of Venice and Much Ado About Nothing using practical drama techniques to give students a clearer understanding of the themes, characters and language.
Acting courses
The Globe also offers week-long Young Actors Short Courses for children aged 8-10 and 11-13 during the February half-term. Led by Globe practitioners, these popular courses are designed especially for drama enthusiasts and aspiring actors. The course includes a tour of the Globe Theatre and finishes with a relaxed sharing of work for families on the Globe stage itself!
LUCY CUTHBERTSON Director of Education, Shakespeare’s Globe www.shakespearesglobe.com