2 minute read
Don’t forget about the Children
The children will not know of how it felt: To live when fires and floods were rarely known. Instead, they watch their ice creams drip and melt, Their future falls, the world is stripped to bone. Who will write of our greatest extinction? How penguins and the polar bears are myth, Like a unicorn or a hippogriff? Pingu is not first to swim away: To try to escape catastrophic life. We have born a new kind of migration, The animals seek a safer habitation. And we sit, munching up fuel Whilst they try to swim across a nation. We indulge in our cellulite whilst they’re left fight: For that last ounce of flesh.
We regress, rolling around in a Range Rover. Thinking, this is comfort, this is luxury, this is life. But I ask you, what luxury is it to see the world in pain? What comfort do you take in starving others? Your malevolent machine moves you closer to our planet’s destruction, Nothing more. You have arrived at your destination. We have reached catastrophe. Our planet has turned into a crimson orb. It is on all the maps you see in the news but still you fail to absorb. Now. Now is the time to put down our phones. To take a look at the problems we face. You forget that there is no such thing as “money”. It’s a value invented to fuel our hierarchy. But what about life? Surely that’s more important? If we don’t dissolve our desire for dominance. We will never overcome this climate challenge. Cooperation must be our new creation. Designed to save our dilapidating habitation. In your local supermarket the carrots cry in claustrophobia. Bound by different forms of polymer. My trolley crackles as I move and it formsA crappy and cynical plastic song. When will we see change? Instead of letting it all wash over us like the sea washes over…
Fifty nine seconds spent staring blankly. Blown away by Britain’s Boris Johnson! He flipped a coin behind his crooked back. Our leader did not recall Greta’s facts. This world needs action, demands a reactionNot a coin tossed into the Trevi Fountain.
A child might wish for a brighter future… But you are not children, you have position. And your obsession with politics pollutes our condition.
I thought we were designed for survival. But our kind is corrupted by a selfish mind. We can’t hit rewind or reverse ticked time… But we can combat our copious crimes To fight the crisis that’s corrupting lives. Because it is corrupting lives. You’ll ignore this. Just like you ignore the BBC or the Guardian. You read and think: “What a shame the world is in such a state.” You accept defeat, you accept the blame. Yet no one appears to want to actually change. It’s as if we take pleasure in our own demise and other’s pain. You cannot redefine the deadlines set. We’ve been drowning in false “final” promises from the government... Once more, I ask all of you to: Please protect our planet, All our lives depend on it. Think of the children.