2 minute read
Saint Christina’s School and Edgeborough School
Education Corner Podcast interview with Mr Alastair Gloag, Headmaster of Saint Christina’s, an Independent Co-Educational Prep School in the heart of London
When discussing the ethos of Saint Christina’s, Alastair stated: “We are looking to grow children who are resilient, children who are robust, children who know the difference between right and wrong, children who have compassion.”
When asked about the environmental initiatives, Alastair explained: “We have asked an artist to be our sculptor in residence and we have challenged her to make a sculpture of a dolphin with our bottles. This is now an installation in our playground which says underneath, ‘our single-use plastic is in our dolphin and not a real dolphin’.”
CLICK HERE to listen to the podcast! THE KEY TOPICS:
The characteristics that the school values, and how the children grow up to be forward facing and empathetic The advantages of attending a school in Central London, and their facilities The unique entry points The benefits of learning Spanish rather than French in a primary school The Catholic ethos of the school, and how the school remains inclusive The successes of the education delivered virtually during the pandemic How to tell if Saint Christina’s is a good fit for your child The Forest School and environmental initiatives at the school
Education Corner podcast spoke to Mr Dan Thornburn, Headmaster of Edgeborough.
When discussing the benefits of attending Edgeborough, Dan said, “We are very rounded, we have got massive opportunities and we are also grounded as well” and followed up with, “We try to have the children really being children, getting stuck into stuff, enjoying their childhood.”
Education Corner asked about the upcoming merger with Charterhouse and, when discussing the benefits for both schools, Dan stated, “Being now associated with a name like Charterhouse, which has unashamed ambition to be the best independent school in the land, that leaves us as Edgeborough with massive potential. The sky is literally the limit!”

The merger with Charterhouse - will Edgeborough pupils be guaranteed a place? Which other senior schools does Edgeborough feed? When is the best time to register your child? What are the key entry points? How many children are accepted into the school? What are the mental health provisions at Edgeborough? Are Years 7 and 8 expanding and do they act as additional entry points to the school?
His biggest challenges and successes at Edgeborough What has being headmaster at Edgeborough taught him and what will his legacy be?