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Truro High School run a business initiative
Top girls’ school puts business and enterprise front and centre with pioneering project that sees students named CEO of their own commercial business
A Cornish girls’ school is ensuring its students are prepared for life with an exciting new venture that sees them handed a business loan and put in charge of their own commercial enterprise.
Truro High School for Girls is launching the project this term alongside a brand-new programme for Aspiring Entrepreneurs, as part of its commitment to providing students with skills for life.
Headmistress, Sarah Matthews, said: “We know parents want their children to achieve the very best results that they can and that is very important to us but, a good school is about more than just incredible academics. These days we need our students to be adaptable and resilient and we want them to have skills that will benefit them well beyond their schooldays. Our new “Our new business programme will equip them business programme will equip them with many of the tools and talents they will need, whatever with many of the tools and talents they will need, whatever walk of life they choose.” walk of life they choose.”
The project will involve the school turning over a whole host of different industries.” large former nursery building on its site in Falmouth “Our students will establish the core values of Road to create a new café and events space. Senior their brand. They will design and manage every school students will work with mentors and visiting single aspect of their plan and then we will give experts to learn about everything from employment them a business loan and set them up as a social law and health and safety to cash flow, retail law, enterprise with all profits ploughed back into marketing, branding and building design projects that the girls are passionate before producing a business plan and about.” taking on the task of launching, and Truro High School was the UK’s running, the café. Small Independent School of the
Sarah Matthews said: “This is Year 2020 and among the most not about girls baking biscuits successful in England for A level and waitressing after school. results with 85% of all A level This is about girls learning passes at A*/A. Its Future Ready the skills to make important programme runs throughout commercial decisions. We want the school and includes financial them to learn to think creatively, education and practical skills for to work collaboratively, to all, as well as bespoke mentoring reflect and refine and to have the for students wishing to become confidence to work and thrive in a medics, engineers or lawyers.