Iconnect magazine August 2015

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PJ Abdul Kalam, India’s 11th president, passed away on Monday. In the flurry of tributes that followed, it was relevant that he was most often described as a scientist first and politician second. Though he rose from humble beginnings to become India’s head of state, Abdul Kalam’s initial calling was elsewhere. For 40 years before he entered public life, Abdul Kalam was a scientist, working first in defence research before moving on to India’s space programme. He was popularly known as the father of the country’s missile programme, but Abdul Kalam also made breakthroughs in other areas – notably using what he learnt from rocket technology to create a low-cost coronary stent. Abdul Kalam liked to boast that he was “made in India”, because he received all his scientific training in the country. And he was an inspiration in many ways: what Abdul Kalam represented was the best of what India is and can be. For starters, he was a scientist fascinated by classical poetry and traditional Indian music. He was a Muslim in a country that too often today celebrates only one of its many religious traditions, and he was a fierce patriot who contributed to India’s security. He was a self-made, ascetic politician at a time when too many Indians believe their political class is corrupt and hereditary. Most of all, he was a patrician from humble beginnings who never forgot his own past, nor the grand history of his country. Abdul Kalam’s life, then, gave the lie to many myths that have been allowed to grow up about India, not least by a political class to whom he was an outsider. The idea that India belongs to only one religious tradition, that politics is the domain only of an elite or career politicians, that those who reach high status strive only for themselves. These are pernicious myths about a great country, and Abdul Kalam embodied their rejection. He died giving a lecture, still tirelessly talking at 83. He will be missed by many Indians because of who he was; he will be missed by many more because of what he represented.

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Varun Gupta

Punjab State Office

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A son student scientist

President teacher preacher poet writer

APJ Abdul Kalam 4

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"I am completely indigenous," APJ Abdul Kalam told The New York Times in 1998. Nobody could have put it better. Kalam was the embodiment of every Indian ideal. His ragsto-success story made him an achiever against insurmountable odds; contribution to Indian defence and military gave him the aura of a nationalist; conduct in the Rashtrapati Bhawan turned him into a People's President-- a People's Prince type epithet that instantly gave the West a measure of his popularity; and his inspiring speeches and books made him a hero of the youth and children. As a son, student, scientist, President, teacher, preacher, poet, writer, aficionado of classical Indian music, inspiration for a film (I am Kalam) and the new Chacha of children of India, Kalam lived an all Indian dream. "In recent history, only a few had endeared themselves to the young and old, poor and the rich, and to people belonging to different faiths,� former finance minister P Chidambaram rightly summed up Kalam's enormous popularity. Kalam had many virtues that we hold close to our heart. Never give up, don't let failure destroy your dream, concentrate on your karma without thinking of the result, don't let success get to your head and put country above race and religion. Kalam practiced all of them. As a student born in a humble family, he sold newspapers to support the family and finance his education. When Kalam was rejected for the job of a fighter pilot, a dream he had nourished since childhood, he took up an entry-level post at Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. And there was no looking back.

A man, who was considered not good enough to fly a plane, became the architect of India's missile programme. From somebody who was rejected as a fighter, Kalam went on to become the face of India's nuclear programme. Kalam showed the world that he had wings of steel and determination of iron. Kalam's karma brought him not just the deserved fruits of labour, but much more than that. "Kalam did not seek office; the office sought him," Natwar Singh memorably said after he was elected President. He remains a compelling example of how a karma yogi becomes destiny's favourite child. Kalam was not the original choice for President in 2002. It was widely believed that PC Alexander, principal secretary to former PM Indira Gandhi, would get the job. Alexander, who was the governor of Maharashtra during Atal Bihari Vajpayee's government, was acceptable to most of the NDA constituents. And his past made him believe that even the Congress would back him. To his dismay, Sonia Gandhi refused to back Alexander's candidature. For a very brief period, it seemed vice-president Krishna Kant would get the job. But he was also denied the opportunity after being tipped off to be ready for the election. During this period, the BJP was trying to shed its rabid proHindutva image -- a pursuit that ultimately ended with LK Advani's ill-fated paean to MA Jinnah. And Mulayam Singh, it is believed, offered a deal that the BJP couldn't resist. (Ironically, when Kalam became the front-runner for the President's post in 2012, it was Mulayam Singh who backed out at the last minute, paving the way for Pranab Mukherjee's election.)

When the Samajwadi Party agreed to support Kalam as the next President, a consensus soon developed even within the Congress to back his presidency. His election could have been unanimous, but for the Left's decision to prop up Captain Lakshmi Sehgal as token of resistance. Kalam's tenure had the potential of getting marred with controversies. But it is an ode to his personal integrity and administrative tact that he managed to steer India through a political storm. His biggest challenge, of course, was the issue of Sonia Gandhi's eligibility to become PM. After the Congress emerged as the single-largest party in 2004, Sonia's expected ascent to the top job created a political furore. Unexpectedly, Sonia opted out of the race and named Manmohan Singh as the party's choice for PM. There were rumours that Sonia had backed out because President Kalam raised the issue of her Italian citizenship. But Kalam maintained a dignified silence through the brouhaha. Years later, in his memoirs, Kalam revealed that if Sonia had staked claim to the post, he would have had no option but to appoint her. Controversies, though, dogged Kalam for his role as a nuclear scientist. Some of his critics, like Homi Sethna, questioned Kalam's credentials saying he had received his masters degree in aerospace engineering, which is completely different from nuclear engineering. Kalam's entire cult as the face of India's nuclear programme also came under cloud when K Santhanam, the site director of Pokaran II, called the test a 'fizzle' and criticised Kalam for giving a false report.

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KALAM CONNECT And when Kalam became the President, Princeton scholar M V Ramana attributed it to Kalam's ability to "dress up even mediocre work with the tricolour to pass them off as great achievements." But, nothing could stop Kalam from becoming a legend. When the history of postIndependence India is written, Kalam would rank right up there, in the company of legends like Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru and Rabindranath Tagore. He will inspire India and Indians for years to come. In his poignant goodbye to Kalam, his aide Srijan Pal Singh says, he once asked Kalam what would he like to be remembered as: "President, scientist, writer, Missile Man, Indian 2020, Target 3 billion..what?" Kalam replied: "Teacher." Yes, Kalam would be remembered for teaching us the value of both karma and raj dharma. "I am completely indigenous," APJ Abdul Kalam told The New York Times in 1998. Nobody could have put it better. Kalam was the embodiment of every Indian ideal. His rags-to-success story made him an achiever against insurmountable odds; contribution to Indian defence and military gave him the aura of a nationalist; conduct in the Rashtrapati Bhawan turned him into a People's President-- a People's Prince type epithet that instantly gave the West a measure of his popularity; and his inspiring speeches and books made him a hero of the youth and children. As a son, student, scientist, President, teacher, preacher, poet, writer, aficionado of classical Indian music, inspiration for a film (I am Kalam) and the new Chacha of children of India, Kalam lived an all Indian dream. "In recent history, only a few had endeared themselves to the young and old, poor and the richand 6

to people belonging to different of steel and determination of iron. faiths,� former finance minister Kalam's karma brought him P Chidambaram rightly summed not just the deserved fruits of up Kalam's enormous popularity. labour, but much more than that. "Kalam did not seek office; the Kalam had many virtues that we office sought him," Natwar Singh hold close to our heart. Never give memorably said after he was elected up, don't let failure destroy your President. He remains a compelling dream, concentrate on your karma example of how a karma yogi without thinking of the result, don't becomes destiny's favourite child. let success get to your head and put country above race and religion. Kalam was not the original Kalam practiced all of them. choice for President in 2002. It was widely believed that PC As a student born in a humble Alexander, principal secretary to family, he sold newspapers to former PM Indira Gandhi, would support the family and finance get the job. Alexander, who was his education. When Kalam was the governor of Maharashtra during rejected for the job of a fighter pilot, Atal Bihari Vajpayee's government, a dream he had nourished since was acceptable to most of the childhood, he took up an entry-level NDA constituents. And his past post at Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. made him believe that even the Congress would back him. To his And there was no looking back. dismay, Sonia Gandhi refused A man, who was considered not to back Alexander's candidature. good enough to fly a plane, became the architect of India's missile For a very brief period, it seemed programme. From somebody who vice-president Krishna Kant would was rejected as a fighter, Kalam get the job. But he was also denied went on to become the face of the opportunity after being tipped India's nuclear programme. Kalam off to be ready for the election. showed the world that he had wings During this period, the BJP www.iconnectnews.com | E-mail : media@educationiconnect.com | Aug 2015

was trying to shed its rabid proHindutva image -- a pursuit that ultimately ended with LK Advani's ill-fated paean to MA Jinnah. And Mulayam Singh, it is believed, offered a deal that the BJP couldn't resist. (Ironically, when Kalam became the front-runner for the President's post in 2012, it was Mulayam Singh who backed out at the last minute, paving the way for Pranab Mukherjee's election.) When the Samajwadi Party agreed to support Kalam as the next President, a consensus soon developed even within the Congress to back his presidency. His election could have been unanimous, but for the Left's decision to prop up Captain Lakshmi Sehgal as token of resistance. Kalam's tenure had the potential of getting marred with controversies. But it is an ode to his personal integrity and administrative tact that he managed to steer India through a political storm.

as the single-largest party in 2004, Sonia's expected ascent to the top job created a political furore. Unexpectedly, Sonia opted out of the race and named Manmohan Singh as the party's choice for PM.

And when Kalam became the President, Princeton scholar M V Ramana attributed it to Kalam's ability to "dress up even mediocre work with the tricolour to pass them off as great achievements." But, nothing could stop Kalam There were rumours that Sonia from becoming a legend. had backed out because President Kalam raised the issue of her When the history of postItalian citizenship. But Kalam Independence India is written, maintained a dignified silence Kalam would rank right up there, through the brouhaha. Years later, in the company of legends like in his memoirs, Kalam revealed Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal that if Sonia had staked claim Nehru and Rabindranath to the post, he would have had Tagore. He will inspire India no option but to appoint her. and Indians for years to come.

Controversies, though, dogged Kalam for his role as a nuclear scientist. Some of his critics, like Homi Sethna, questioned Kalam's credentials saying he had received his masters degree in aerospace engineering, which is completely different from nuclear engineering. Kalam's entire cult as the face of India's nuclear programme also came His biggest challenge, of under cloud when K Santhanam, the course, was the issue of Sonia site director of Pokaran II, called Gandhi's eligibility to become the test a 'fizzle' and criticised PM. After the Congress emerged Kalam for giving a false report.

In his poignant goodbye to Kalam, his aide Srijan Pal Singh says, he once asked Kalam what would he like to be remembered as: "President, scientist, writer, Missile Man, Indian 2020, Target 3 billion..what?" Kalam replied: "Teacher." Yes, Kalam would be remembered for teaching us the value of both karma and raj dharma.

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esterday on my way back esterday from on work myI saw way aback banner from inwork front I saw of a tea shop, a banner with a incondolence front of message a tea shop, for thewith deatha ofcondolence Dr A P J Abdul message Kalam. for theI wondered death of Drwhy A PaJ shop Abdulowner Kalam. would I wondered display such why aa banner shop owner with his would money. display Generally such a people banner do with so his formoney. politicalGenerally leaders and people most do of so the for political time for leaders some personal and mostbenefit. of theBut time Kalam for some was not personal a political benefit.leader, But Kalam and inwas a country not a political where many leader, may and not even in a be country awarewhere who many their may President not even is itbewas aware surprising who their to see President commonis men it was andsurprising women exhibiting to see common such love men and and affection women exhibiting for a President such who love and passed affection away.forMy a President wonder ceased who passed when I away. saw several My similar wonder banners, ceased when autorickshaws I saw several speeding similar 10

with black flags and shops displaying banners, autorickshaws Dr Kalam’s speeding photos. Such with scenes black were flags common and shops in other displaying parts of Dr theKalam’s State asphotos. well. Such scenes were common in other Social parts media of the andState otherasmedia well. networks had only one thing to discuss Social on the media evening and of other Julymedia 27 – the networks sad demise hadofonly Dr Kalam. one thing Fondlyto called discussthe on the ‘People’s evening of President’, July 27 – Dr theKalam sad demise was of always Dr Kalam. theFondly most popular called the of all ‘People’s the presidents President’, of India. Dr Kalam He hadwas a multi-dimensional always the most personality. popular of He allwas thewell presidents known for of his India. passion He had for aand multi-dimensional contribution to science personality. and technology He was wellinknown general, for and his passion space and for nuclear and contribution science into particular. science andHe technology was the in one general, who made and space India truly and nuclear nuclear.science It was inin 1974 particular. that India He carried was theoutone its first who

nuclear test. The next was in 1998 –made the Pokhran-II India truly– nuclear. and through It was thisin test 1974 Drthat Kalam India declared carriedtoout the its world first India’s nuclearnuclear test. The status nextwith was ainbang. 1998 Though – the Pokhran-II several countries, – and through like the this USA, test Drstrongly Kalam declared criticised to the thisworld act, itIndia’s skyrocketed nuclearIndia’s status status with ainbang. the world Though arena. several Even countries, some months like the ago USA,hisstrongly stand criticised on the neutrino this act, project it skyrocketed was criticised India’s status by some in the leftists world arena. and Even environmentalists. some months But ago nohisonestand can deny on the Dr Kalam’s neutrino scientific project was ingenuity. criticisedCalled by some the ‘Missile leftists Man’ and ofenvironmentalists. India, Dr Kalam was But anogreat one inspiration can deny Dr forKalam’s scores and scientific scores ingenuity. of young minds. Called He the always ‘Missilepreferred Man’ oftoIndia, meetDr andKalam talk with was children. a great inspiration Even as a for President scores he and was scores never of young bothered minds. about He security always preferred or protocols. to meet He chose and talk to

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KALAM CONNECT spend time with school and college Thiruvananthapuram, Dr Kalam students – just to interact and inspire. invited a roadside cobbler and an owner of a small eatery as Known for his simple living presidential guests to the Raj Bhavan Dr Kalam was very different from of Kerala. He had known these other presidents. He continued his people during his stint in Kerala. frugal living even as a President. Even after assuming the highest However, he was always willing post of the country he remembered to donate for good causes. He his acquaintances and invited them. apparently called up Dr Verghese Kurien, the founder of Amul, and He led a secular life. Though he asked, “Now that I have become the was a Muslim by religion he read President of India the government and often quoted the Bhagwad is going to look after me..., so Gita. He played the veena and what can I do with my savings loved the Tamil language. Though and salary?” During his tenure as he played several roles like President he decided to give away scientist, president, humanitarian, all his wealth and life savings and teacher in his life I believe he towards a fund for Providing Urban always wanted to be a teacher and Amenities to Rural Areas (PURA), voiced it on several occasions. He which was one of his pet projects. also proved it through his actions as he used every opportunity to He was a simple man at play the role of a teacher even heart. During one of his visits to after assuming the president’s post.

Maybe he was an oracle for he always used to say he would like to be remembered as a teacher. In an interview he said, “If the people remember me as a good teacher, that will be the biggest honour for me…,” and even when death seized him he was lecturing students at the Indian Institute of Management, Shillong. He believed, “Teaching is a very noble profession that shapes the character, calibre and future of an individual… youth have a dream and also have a pain. The pain comes out of their dream; they want to live in a prosperous, happy and peaceful India. This type of student’s environment ignites me and leads me to interact with young minds.” He led by example; his whole life mirrors this. Little wonder if people spontaneously showed their love for this simple but great human being.

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rable Quotes


: APJ Abdul Kalam “

NEW DELHI: Former President Dr APJ Abdul Kalam died today in Meghalaya where he had gone to address the Indian Institute of Management, Shillong. Dr Kalam collapsed on the stage in the middle of his speech.�

Following are 10 quotes by the Scientist, Author and Former President:

You have to dream before your dreams can come true. Excellence is a continuous process and not an accident. Life is a difficult game. You can win it only by retaining your birthright to be a person. Man needs his difficulties because they are necessary to enjoy success. We will be remembered only if we give to our younger generation a prosperous and safe India, resulting out of economic prosperity coupled with civilizational heritage. Those who cannot work with their hearts achieve but a hollow, half-hearted success that breeds bitterness all around. Educationists should build the capacities of the spirit of inquiry, creativity, entrepreneurial and moral leadership among students and become their role model. Look at the sky. We are not alone. The whole universe is friendly to us and conspires only to give the best to those who dream and work. If a country is to be corruption free and become a nation of beautiful minds, I strongly feel there are three key societal members who can make a difference. They are the father, the mother and the teacher. My message, especially to young people is to have courage to think differently, courage to invent, to travel the unexplored path, courage to discover the impossible and to conquer the problems and succeed. These are great qualities that they must work towards. This is my message to the young people. www.iconnectnews.com | E-mail : media@educationiconnect.com | Aug 2015






ew Delhi: The 12-hour-long fierce gun battle between the terrorists and the Indian security forces at Gurdaspur in Punjab ended at 5 pm on Monday, leaving 10 dead, including three militants. The sudden terror attack, which eerily resembled the 26/11 Mumbai attack, 14

has left a horrific memory amongst the residents of this small town of Punjab, but more importantly it has compelled the people of Gurdaspur, including the intelligence agencies and security forces, to ask four vital questions: Why Gurdaspur?

Who could have been behind the terror attack? Is Gurdaspur attack a mini 26/11? And, the motive of the attack? Speculations are rife that the militants belonged to Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) outfit and had the backing of

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CK Pakistan’s Inter Services Intelligence (ISI). Even former intelligence officials are not ready to rule out a possible link between Yakub Memon’s hanging and the terror attack. However, according to the Punjab police and the central intelligence


sources, it’s too early to say anything with conviction about the attack that had cost seven lives -- four policemen, including SP (Detective) Baljeet Singh and three civilians. The three militants, who had stormed into a police station at Dinanager--11 kms from Gurdaspur city on NH-15 in the early hours of

Monday and took to indiscriminate firing, were also killed in the siege. The central intelligence has claimed that an alert was sent to the Punjab government about a possible terror attack, which was ignored. The attack has been dubbed an ‘intelligence failure’.

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Important Questions on

• Why Gurdaspur?

(retd) KS Brar, who headed the Indian Army's ‘Operation Blue Star’ to flush out Khalistani militants from the Golden Temple in 1984, has reportedly blamed the Punjab government and ISI for the terror attack. He criticised the Punjab government of taking a soft stand towards Khalistani terror groups and releasing them as a part of vote bank politics.


The Gurdaspur attack is the biggest terror attack in the Punjab in more than a decade. The choice of Gurdaspur as a terror target has come as a surprise not only for the Punjab, but for the entire country. According to intelligence sources, the geographical location of Gurdaspur probably made it an ideal target. The Gurdaspur district is the northern most district of Punjab and lies between river Ravi and Beas. It is 10 km from the international border of India and Pakistan. Gurdaspur’s close proximity to the border has also made it a hotbed of drug trafficking. Counter-terrorism analyst, Anil Kamboj said, “Investigations would reveal the actual cause of attack on Gurdaspur. But, prima facie modus operandi indicates that there could be a possibility that due to heavy security in Jammu & Kashmir, especially due to the Amarnath Yatra, the militants, who are unable to create disturbance there, headed 80 kms southward to Gurdaspur and attacked. Due to high security alert by multiple security agencies across J&K and at the borders, these militants might have got inside Punjab sometime back and used Pathankot as their hideout. Moreover, Gurdaspur was relatively an easy target for the militants due to its close proximity to the border and attracted lesser attention of the security forces in comparison to other districts like Amritsar.” “As Gurdaspur is so close to the 16

India-Pakistan border, it became an obvious choice for the terrorists from the other side to enter the city and attack. It’s a shocking incident for us, but, Gurdaspur won’t allow anymore Khalistan militancy to thrive. We’re already fighting the drug menace in the district, aggravated by smuggling from across the border. This attack will cast a shadow over India-Pakistan peace efforts,” a government doctor of Gurdaspur told Firstpost, on condition of anonymity.

• Who is behind the attack?

The intelligence agencies have claimed the attackers to be militants from Pakistan-ISI backed terror outfit, possibly the LeT. Defence analyst Maj Gen (retd) Dhruv C Katoch opined, “Pakistan’s ISI has been trying to cause disturbances on Indian soil for quite some time. The militants had threatened to unleash attack during the Amarnath Yatra, but due to heavy security deployment, they diverted it on Gurdaspur and thereby sent a message about their presence. But, the terror attack in Gurdaspur also reveals a possibility of a tacit support from sleeper cells of proKhalistani elements. The worst was that the militants were in army uniform that eased their way into a police station. Once the investigation reveals the perpetrators of the crime, appropriate response mechanism needs to be implemented.” Meanwhile, Lieutenant General

• Is Gurdaspur attack a mini 26/11?

There is an uncanny resemblance between the modus operandi of 26/11 Mumbai attackers and the three terrorists, who had entered Gurdaspur city by snatching a car and indiscriminately killing whoso-ever they found – right from a roadside vendor to policemen. According to Kamboj, the modus operandi of the attack shows it couldn’t be the work of pro-Khalistani militants, but that of a Pakbased terror group, like in the case of Mumbai 26/11 attack. “It’s a Fidayeen-type of attack, usually undertaken by LeT operatives, unlike the Khalistani militants, who opted for direct ambush. These militants were well-equipped with GPS, grenades and arms, and unleashed a sudden and unexpected attack by firing on a moving bus and on the citizens, including a woman attendant of a patient. They even planted five IEDs on a railway track, which fortunately didn’t blow-off.” Kamboj’s claim finds support in what a Punjab Police source

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Gurdaspur Terror Attack said, “We heard the terrorists shout ‘Allah-O-Akbar’ (In Arabic it’s God is great) from inside the house, where they had taken shelter. They may be from Pakistan.”

• Motive behind the attack?

According to counter-terrorism analysts and former intelligence officials, the possible motive behind the attack could be an attempt to revive militancy in the Punjab on one hand, to protesting the upcoming capital punishment to Yakub Memon scheduled to take place on 31 July. “If Tiger Memon had been instrumental in carrying out the 1993 Mumbai serial blast at the behest of ISI, don’t you think it’s a kind

of payback from the ISI using militants to show that if you hang ‘our people, we’ll kill yours’. Though, it’s too early to claim this theory, it can’t be ruled outoutright,” a former Intelligence Bureau (IB) official said on condition of anonymity. Kamboj, who had served in the Punjab during its peak militancy period added, “The attack could be an attempt to revive militancy in Punjab. By unleashing a terror attack in Gurdaspur, the Pak-based militants have tried to give message to proKhalistan sympathizers and hardliners that a revival was possible. After all, many top leaders of the Babbar Khalsa and Khalistan Movement are enjoying hospitality by living

in Pakistan under ISI’s patronage.” Added Katoch, “The ISI would also like to de-stabilise India, due to the latter’s growing importance on the global platform and the strengthening of its economy.” Reacting to the attack, Brar said the ISI has been trying to revive Khalistani terror groups. “Pakistani intelligence agency wants to take the Punjab back to what it was in the 1980s, while the state government has been weak. It is very disturbing to terrorists have come across the border. This is unfortunate that so many terrorists came unnoticed. It is the failure of the state government. The terrorists should have been rounded up," Brar told a news channel.

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India Needs to Become More Humane and Abolish Capital Punishment



he debate over the rights and wrongs of Yakub Memon’s execution on Thursday is yet another example of how opinion is bitterly divided between those who support death penalty and those who don’t.

play with human emotions for the retentionists too, but what they choose to bank on is the idea of retribution or revenge killing, the victims’ need for closure, and the need for legal, than social, instruments to deter crime.

For the abolitionists, it is a rare opportunity to harness people’s sense of the right, their emotions, and their understanding of human rights because a spectacle of a state-sponsored killing shake their conscience. It’s an opportunity to

It’s superfluous to reiterate that death penalty doesn't deter people from committing grievous crime in any part of the world - not now, not in the past. Every single study across the world over the years has unequivocally established this fact.

A recent report from the University Colorado said that 88 percent of the criminologists in the country didn't believe that it’s a deterrent. If it had, the jails in countries with death penalty wouldn’t be overflowing and the number of executions in China, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and even a modern and democratic United States should have fallen to negligible levels. Although only three have been executed in India, including Memon, in the last decade, more than 1300

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LAW CONNECT convicts have been handed death sentences by various courts. Have the number deterred crimes? No. It's the same for the rest of the world, even in countries, like Saudi Arabia and North Korea, where public executions are carried out in the most gruesome way possible. It’s not the experience of a few decades that make this point, but the accumulated evidence of a few centuries.

western Europe, had said 250 years ago that capital punishment was both inhuman and ineffective, an unacceptable weapon of modern enlightened state to employ, and less effective than the certainty of imprisonment. In his seminal “On Crimes and Punishments”, he said: “It’s not useful because of the savagery it gives to men. It seems absurd to me that the laws which are the expressions of public will and which hate and punish murder, Several countries, where should themselves commit one, and convicted criminals many of that to deter citizens from murder, them for even minor crimes, were they should decree a public murder.” subjected to extremely torturous deaths have realised the fallacy of It’s certainly encouraging that deterrence and have completely Indian courts, despite freely issuing abolished the practice. The obvious death sentences, also commute example is Europe in the 17th and them to life sentences and the State 18 century, when people were hardly executes people these days. “broken on the wheel”, boiled to However, its choice of cases and death, crushed to death, pulled apart people that it executes does evoke by horses, and burnt and mutilated. a sense of prejudice and injustice. France used to be the barbaric If terrorism is one of the rarest of Saudi Arabia of today where capital rare cases that the courts find it fit punishment was a theatre of terror; for capital punishment, how come now the country wouldn’t even some terror convicts alone go to extradite people to places where the gallows while some, even with they run the risk of death penalty. equally grievous charges, get lesser sentences? If the State gets to choose Executions are example of capital punishment for certain ultimate cruelty to people, that too crimes, that too in select cases, it’s those who are held captive. And very hard to ensure that there is no every piece of witness account politically motivated indiscretion. has the same spine-chilling air of Abolition of capital punishment helplessness and pain. After sitting is right not only criminologically, but through the last execution in France also by international conventions on in 1977, a judge wrote: “I heard a human rights including that of the dull sound. I turned round - blood, UN, which wanted a moratorium lots of blood, very red blood - the on death Penalty in 2007. It’s body had toppled into the basket. In a widely accepted that death penalty, second, a life had been cut. The man who had spoken less than a minute earlier was nothing more than blue pyjamas in a basket. A guard took out a hose. The evidence of a crime needs to be erased quickly... I felt nauseous but I controlled myself. I had a feeling of cold indignation.” In fact, visionaries had acknowledged the barbarity and futility of capital punishment long ago. Cesarae Beccaria, great Italian criminologist and one of the icons of Enlightenment in

is a “denial of the universal human rights to life and to freedom from tortuous, cruel, and inhuman punishment”. Additionally, it will also allay fears of selective persecution and misuse by the State. If the death penalty doesn’t deter, if the “miscarriage or failure of justice in the implementation of the death penalty is irreversible and irreparable,” as the UN resolved in its General Assembly that many countries paid heed to while moving towards abolition, and if there are other forms of punishments such as long term imprisonment are possible, persisting with the practice will only perpetuate State-sponsored cruelty. In the last 25 years, the number of countries that abolished death Penalty rose from 35 to more than 100. Most of the countries that abolished death penalty have also incorporated it into their constitution. Similarly, the number of countries that were “de facto” abolitionist (no executions despite death sentences) has also doubled. The idea of reparation of victims, doing justice to their suffering, and helping them find closure to their angst, doesn’t hold water because the purpose of rule of law is not to foster revenge killing, but to deliver justice. There should be an alternative model of victim support, without political and ideological exploitation, to address their emotions. And most importantly, the purpose of Law should be to deliver justice and protect human rights, than to pander to popular sentiments.

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Education Connect



  The accused were allegedly behind 25

fake admissions in various colleges of North and South Campus of Delhi University including Bhagat Singh College, Aurobindo College, Dayal Singh College, Ram Lal Anand College, Hindu College, Kirori Mal


College and Kamla Nehru College.


New Delhi: A racket which allegedly facilitated around 25 fake admissions in top colleges of Delhi University using forged documents was on Thursday busted by Delhi police and four persons have been arrested, including a student of the varsity's Aurobindo college. "A Crime Branch team arrested accused Sunil Panwar aka Guruji, Mohammad Zubeir, Praveen Jha and Ranchit Khurana yesterday for running the admission racket using fake mark-sheets, migration certificates, degrees, character certificates and other such papers to admit students to colleges," said ACP Crime Branch KPS Malhotra. Some college officials are also under the scanner. "On a tip-off, the four persons were arrested from Malviya Nagar main market. A case has been registered against them who were running the racket for nearly 3 years. They also forged degrees and certificates of different universities which they sold to persons seeking job," he added. College officials, however, denied having any information about these fake admissions 20


and maintained they have strict mechanism in place to check such activities. During interrogation, the gang leaders Sunil Panwar and Zubeir, a final year student of Aurobindo College, said that they used to scout for candidates who could not get admissions in DU. Ranchit was involved in procuring fake documents for such candidates from Praveen Jha, the officer said. Large number of blank and complete degrees, mark sheets, caste certificates and other documents were seized from Praveen's house in West Vinod Nagar. Computer, printers and stamps of different schools and education boards were also recovered from there, police said. The gang also created fake websites of Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Bihar boards as they mainly prepared documents of UP and Bihar boards as most of their candidates belonged to that area, they said. Documents of students who are suspected to have secured

admission on the basis of forged documents are being obtained from the concerned colleges and will be examined, the ACP said. The racketeers used to charge Rs 3-7 lakh from the students seeking admission in a college and course of their choice, he said, adding, further investigations were underway. When contacted, Hindu College principal Anju said, "We have not got any information from the police about any fake admissions. Our process was seamless this year." PK Khurana, Principal, Shaheed Bhagat Singh college said, "We have strict mechanism in place and a zero tolerance approach towards fake admissions. We have no information about these cases." Delhi have a policy

University doesn't centralised admission for its colleges.

The affiliated institutions are under the control of their Governing Bodies (GBs) and have their own admission committees with convener and teachers as members.

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Education Connect

Irani said UGC has informed that as per their regulation of 2009 M.Phil and Ph.D programmes "shall not be conducted through distance education mode in the country.



NEW DELHI: On Tuesday HRD minister Smriti Irani gave a ambiguous reply in Lok Sabha to a question on allowing Ph.D and M.Phil through correspondence.

versity had been demanding that UGC should notify it at the earliest.

so strictly as per the provisions of the UGC Regulations, 2009.

Irani said UGC has informed that as per their regulation of 2009 M.Phil and Ph.D programmes "shall not be conducted through distance education mode in the country."

IGNOU had already amended its ordinance allowing M.Phil/ Ph.D through distance mode. But when IGNOU sought visitor's approval for its amendment, HRD ministry could not forward it since UGC had not notified the changes in regulations.

This is contrary to the facts. Only last month, HRD ministry asked UGC to furnish status of regulation of 2011 that allowed open universities to conduct M.Phil/Ph.D programmes. Since UGC had not notified the regulation of 2011, it could not be put in operation. Indira Gandhi National Open Uni-

In July 2011, UGC in its 479th meeting had amended its UGC (Minimum Standards for award of M.Phil/Ph.D) Regulations-2009. It was decided that an open University may be permitted to conduct M.Phil./Ph.D. programmes through distance education mode, subject to the condition that it does

It also said the 11-point criteria laid down by the Standing Committee on M.Phil./Ph.D. Regulations, 2009 may be uploaded on UGC website and circulated to all institutions of higher education for information and further action. UGC had also stipulated that for undertaking Ph.D. under distance education mode, the principal guide should be from within the open university, and a joint guide, wherever necessary, may be from outside the university. However, a teacher should not have more than two candidates under his supervision as a joint guide.

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Education Connect




COIMBATORE: Defying University Grants Commission’s (UGC) directive, Anna University, Chennai continues to offer distance education programmes without getting approval from the apex regulatory body. The university is also offering a post graduate course through online programme which is banned by the apex body.

with courses, which are permitted to offer programmes through ODL mode. According to the list, there are 212 universities across the country including 27 from Tamil Nadu.

In a recent public notice, UGC Secretary Jaspal Singh Sandhu has reiterated that the qualification acquired through ODL (Open and Distance Learning) mode from a non-recognised institutions of higher learning shall neither be recognized for the purpose of employment in government service nor for pursuing higher education.

The UGC also mandates that no online programme leading to the award of degree or certification shall be offered by a university or institution until a policy is framed and approved by UGC. But Anna University is also offering a post graduate programme in Computer Science (MSc (CS) FOSS) through the online mode.

The UGC has uploaded in its website (www.ugc.ac.in/deb) the list of recognized institutions, along

When contacted, Anna University Vice Chancellor M Rajaram said, “We will check the UGC

But Anna University, Chennai continues to offer distance education programme without UGC recognition.

circular and follow its norms.” University’s Centre for Distance Education Director SN Geetha said, “We have started offering distance education programmes from 2007. We have also applied to the then Distance Education Council in 2009 for approval. Two years ago, DEC was dissolved and its functions were taken over by the UGC. We are waiting for the UGC’s Distance Education Bureau’s inspection.” “We have all essential facilities for offering the distance education programmes. We are only Continuing those programmes which were begun earlier. Even though we planned to start an MBA programme through online mode, we have decided not to start it now,” she added.

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EDUCATION LITY CHECK www.iconnectnews.com | E-mail : media@educationiconnect.com | Aug 2015




hen educational institutions lose sight of students and, instead, fall prey to profit, it means something is seriously rotten within the system. The derecognition of courses run by the Karnataka State Open University (KSOU) for flouting various norms and guidelines is appalling, to say the least. The derecognition by the University Grants Commission (UGC) means that thousands of students who enrolled for these courses are now left in the lurch. After spending valuable time, hard-earned money and immense effort, each affected student is back to square one and needs to start all over again. Who is to compensate the students? That the KSOU is mired in this controversy is not a surprise given that its management is facing various charges of irregularities. Since December 2014, Justice Bhakthavatsala, a former judge of the Karnataka High Court, has been inquiring into these accusations. Virtually, the entire gamut of operations


of the university is under cloud. These include suspected fraud in construction projects, questionable agreements with private educational institutions, the issue of recruitments, promotions and the opening up of 21 regional centres, tampering of marks cards and much more. The list of suspected irregularities has the potential to destroy the credibility of the open university education system itself. It is incredulous that the KSOU had offered medical and engineering-related courses through the distance education system as these require practical work in college laboratories and in hospitals. Reports also point out how marks were given without evaluating answer sheets.The KSOU appears to have been completely unmindful of any repercussions of its actions. If the UGC derecognition stays, the KSOU experience will drive away students from the distance learning programme. This will be extremely unfortunate as the

open university method of learning has a huge potential to give students access to a high quality of education even while pursuing jobs or other vocations. Across the world, some of the open universities are rated so highly that they are routinely accessed by academics and students for reference material and getting doubts cleared. The Karnataka government has woken up to the potential damage caused by the derecognition and has promised to bring in amendments to the law on distance education. But, more needs to be done to prevent the subversion of the open university system and restore it to the position it deserves to occupy, which is that of a premier institution that students can depend on for quality education. The issue goes beyond the KSOU. The government in consultation with educationists must come up with a comprehensive strategy to tighten the open university system across the country.

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HC Cheer to Students

Order Brings

If UGC issues a circular highlighting the court order, the students will find it easy to go in for higher studies and get placements.


recisely a month ago, on June 29, 2015, a Sikkim high court order brought cheer to lakhs of students who had completed or were pursuing distance education programmes (DEP) from Sikkim Manipal University’s (SMU) study centres across the country and abroad. On the validity of degrees, the court said that students whose de-


grees will be ‘protected’ include those who had completed their course before 2011-12; others who had started their programme prior to 2011-12 and those admitted for the programmes any day after February 22, 2013, till June 26, 2015. Despite court orders, however, a circular from the University Grants Commission (UGC)

was awaited on the matter, causing much consternation among students who had passed out of SMU’s study centres in states other than Sikkim at different points of time from 2003 onwards. Especially worried are those who took admission in the off-campus and offshore study centres of SMU after 2007 because of ambiguity in UGC rules related to distance edu-

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cation in off-campus and offshore While Chhetri, Tiwari and Adstudy centres of state universities. hikari were awarded with degrees of bachelor of science in informaBefore giving granting relief tion technology on May 5, 2010, to the students, June 26, 2015, December 24, 2013, and Novemthe court had rejected SMU’s ber 2, 2006, respectively, Kharbuja plea to be allowed to offer de- completed his master’s in informagree programmes in its off-cam- tion technology and was awarded pus and offshore study centres. the degree on April 4, 2014. He is now pursuing MSc (IT) at the Ritesh Agrawal, a Supreme Court same Centre at Kathmandu, Nepal. lawyer, who contested the students’ case in the students in the Sikkim The court said these students high court, said “From June 26, were “aggrieved” by a letter dated 2015, Sikkim Manipal University May 11, 2011, from the Ministry cannot offer any course from its of Human Resource Development study centres beyond the boundary addressed to the Royal Danish Emof its own state. The high court has bassy, stating that no study centre upheld the arguments of the Univer- of SMU had been approved either sity Grants Commission that it has by the erstwhile regulator, Distance supervening (additional) influence Education Council, or the present over all the other legislations on regulator UGC and that the the subject of education for main- d e g r e e s / p r o tenance of minimum standards in grammes ofthe country. So even if its act allows fered in the it to go beyond state boundaries, a d i s t a n c e varsity cannot do so. However, as mode by the High Court has protected the it were interests of the students, the UGC not recogshould issue a circular in accor- nised under dance with the judgment to clear the Indian any uncertainty about their degrees. Law and Many government colleges are c o u l d denying admission to students in not be post-graduation courses. Students equathave been complaining about dis- ed on crimination in jobs due to ambigu- terms ity on the status of their degrees,” w i t h a n The four students who took their I n cases to Sikkim high court are Pr- dian alhad Dani Chhetri, Pradip Khar- d e buja, Suresh Tiwari and Rashmi Adhikari. All four completed their graduation from SMU’s study centres in Kathmandu, Nepal.

gree/programme, resulting in their admissions for higher studies being refused by the governments of Denmark and Australia. These students were also shocked to come across a public notice dated June 27, 2013, issued by the UGC, announcing that a university established or incorporated by or under a state act shall operate only within the territorial jurisdiction allotted to it under its act and in no case beyond the territory of the state of its location. SMU, which had frozen all admissions from October 10, 2012, onwards for want of regulatory approvals, started admitting students from February 22, 2013, when the Sikkim high court passed an interim order and stayed the operation of UGC’s public notice dated June 27, 2013. In its final judgment on June 26, 2015, however, the court upheld UGC’s notice of June 2013. Three days later, on June 29, 2015, the again announced relief for students admitted to degree programmes at different points of time. UGC is of the view that it doesn’t need to issue any circular with regard to the high court judgment. “If a student has a problem getting admission in any postgraduation course or in getting a job, he or she can produce the copy of the judgment and ask for relief. In case of a confusion, students can go to the court and ask for the clarification of the order,” a UGC official said.

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scientific way to understand your chli WHAT IS DERMATOGLYPHICS? Secret of your child’s fingerprint?

of fingerprints has become more dermatoglyphics is DNA reflected common, therefore, some parents in the appearance of our body. It The word dermatoglyphics began to analyze their child”s (or is unique and it will not change. comes from two Greek words (der- baby’s) prints; with the intention ma, skin and glyphe, carve) and re- to identify their potential early, Dermatoglyphics will not change fers to the friction ridge formations and provide guidance accordingwhich appear on the palms of the ly to help expand their potential. The first time when skin stripes hands and soles of the feet. Dermawere recorded and documented toglyphics is the scientific study of Dermatoglyphics refers to finger- was in 1823 by Czech doctor Pa fingerprints. The term was coined prints, palm prints & foot patterns Jinjie. At that time he had taken by Dr. Harold Cummins, the father note that the palm is covered by of American fingerprint analysis, Striae generally refers to stripes a surface layer of wrinkles, which even though the process of fin- in the body. Our fingers and feet made up specific lines. Each fingerprint identification had already have the most stripes (lines). and gerprint is unique; fingerprints on been used for several hundred the body lines up to hit the place the right hand will not be the same years. All primates have ridged is fingers and feet. Striae formation as the ones on the left hand. While began at 19 weeks during preg- fingerprints will increase in size Personality can be traced early nancy, when the brain and spinal (from childhood to adulthood), it in the mother’s womb, and it is cord began development separate- will not change, as long as one is reflected in fingerprints (derma- ly. At this time, number of creases not seriously injured. When there toglyphics). Since each person’s will gradually begin to form in the is no damage to the dermis, finfingerprints are unique, we can un- brain, and creases will be reflected gerprints will begin to show again derstand one’s innate potential, per- on the fingerprints. The differ- along with healing of the wound. sonality, and preferences by ana- ent regions of our brain are relyzing dermatoglyphics. The study flected by our 10 fingerprints. And

DERMATOGLYPHICS ANALYSIS PROCEDURE Dermatoglyphics Analysis Procedure Enlarge image Dermatoglyphics Analysis Procedure includes collecting fingerprints, palm prints and foot prints. The process takes about half an hour; a report will be available in approximately a week. Consultants will analyze individual behavior and study habits to achieve the most accurate results.


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d's potential and personality

Step 1: Apply ink on the palms and soles of the feet stamp on paper. Step 2 : Scan prints into a computer to analyze the patterns on the prints. Step 3 : Calculate and analyze the number of prints in order to understand genetic sequence. Step 4: Calculate ATD angle to understand one’s sensitivity and capability of learning. Normal ATD angle should be between 38-55 degrees. Step 5: Analyze one’s potential based on data.

FINGERPRINT AND POTENTIALS The secret of your child’s fingerprint?

baby’s) prints; with the intention to identify their potential early, and provide guidance accordingly to The word dermatoglyphics help expand their potential. comes from two Greek words (der- Dermatoglyphics refers to fingerma, skin and glyphe, carve) and prints, palm prints & foot patterns refers to the friction ridge formations which appear on the palms Striae generally refers to stripes of the hands and soles of the feet. in the body. Our fingers and feet Dermatoglyphics is the scientific have the most stripes (lines). and study of fingerprints. The term the body lines up to hit the place was coined by Dr. Harold Cum- is fingers and feet. Striae formation mins, the father of American fin- began at 19 weeks during pregnangerprint analysis, even though the cy, when the brain and spinal cord process of fingerprint identification began development separately. At had already been used for several this time, number of creases will hundred years. All primates have gradually begin to form in the brain, ridged and creases will be reflected on the fingerprints. The different regions Personality can be traced early of our brain are reflected by our 10 in the mother’s womb, and it is fingerprints. And dermatoglyphics reflected in fingerprints (derma- is DNA reflected in the appearance toglyphics). Since each person’s of our body. It is unique and it will fingerprints are unique, we can un- not change. derstand one’s innate potential, personality, and preferences by ana- Dermatoglyphics will not change lyzing dermatoglyphics. The study of fingerprints has become more The first time when skin stripes common, therefore, some parents were recorded and documented began to analyze their child”s (or was in 1823 by Czech doctor Pa

Jinjie. At that time he had taken note that the palm is covered by a surface layer of wrinkles, which made up specific lines. Each fingerprint is unique; fingerprints on the right hand will not be the same as the ones on the left hand. While fingerprints will increase in size (from childhood to adulthood), it will not change, as long as one is not seriously injured. When there is no damage to the dermis, fingerprints will begin to show again along with healing of the wound.

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was the first person who proposed that there is a connection between Dermatoglyphics is the analy- human prints and genetics. In the sis of fingerprints, palm prints 1930s, U.S. scholars began to use and foot prints. Everyone has prints to identify whether a newborn his/her unique prints, therefore, has down syndrome and other poit can be used in criminal foren- tential mental illnesses. Until now, sic analysis to proof identity. foreign scholars claim that they understand enough of human prints to Western scientists believe judge the potential of human brain. that dermatoglyphics is the Currently, human prints can be DNA genes in the human body categorized as one of the three that reflected in appearance. Although everyone is differ- main types (whorls-shaped, archent prints, but certain patterns can shaped, and loop-shaped). It is be found in our prints. Skin be- subdivided into eleven basic types, gins to develop in the embryo in from which many types of analysis the 13th week, and it is formed have been derived, some focus on in the 19th week. It is closely re- the analysis of left brain and right lated to the infant’s brain devel- brain, some believe that the print opment. The distribution of prints on each finger reflects different is considered to represent brain abilities. (Thumb : action and execells’ proportion and distribu- cution; index : logic and creativity; tion in each of the brain lobes. middle finger: limb motor ability and art appreciation; ring : power of In the nineteenth century, Brit- voice recognition; little finger : text ish eugenicist Galton (Sir Francis image discerning ) As for the foot Galton), had collected many human pattern, it can determine whether fingerprints and identify various one has congenital diseases. It is as lines of statistical frequency. He equally important as fingerprints.

fingerprint arch pattern

fingerprint loop pattern

fingerprint whorl pattern

USES OF DERMATOGLYPHICS Uses of Dermatoglyphics

intelligence gets no opportunity to be inspired and further developed, Dermotoglyphics is like a map there is no way for one to develthat leads one to understand his own op a full range of intelligence of potential and talents. Everyone in- memory, understanding, reasoning, herits innate intelligence from their analysis, integration, and applicaparents. And everybody genetic tion. By analyzing dermatoglyphy, parents, and have the innate intel- we can accurately understand the ligence from their parents. If one’s distribution and amount of cells in 34

the left and right brain of the cell, and predict where the potential lies. Although everyone is bored with strengths and weaknesses; if they are identified early, we may further develop the strengths and improve our weakness, so that the left and right brain may grow in a more balanced and blend way. De-

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1. In terms of personal growth: •  Strengthen interpersonal communication and interaction skills •  Know how to appreciate people •  Improve relations between the sexes •  Enhance EQ and AQ •  Discover one’s unique gift(s) •  Improve career •  Enhance the sense of the value of life and happiness

2. In terms of education:

•  Multiple intelligence assessment for children •  Parent-child communication and education •  Target at talents •  Personalized education •  Identified one’s gifted area(s) •  Select a major that best fit one’s desired career path •  Define the most appropriate way of teaching and learning

3. For enterprises:

•  Recruitment •  Assessment of job competency and execution style •  Plan education and training •  Explore the potential of employee •  Leadership •  Interpersonal communication and interaction •  Consolidation of human resources

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Website With Fake Reviews and Fake Users


Story in Own Words of Mouthshut Victim


omething very interesting and shocking was experienced by us. As the founder of online perfume retail platform, Perfumecrush.com, I am very particular and focused on customer service extended by my company. I personally reply each and every customer complaint email and resolve it right away before I go to sleep. In the last 18 months, ever since we started PC, I have never slept without resolving

review portal, MouthShut.com. It was written by someone named - Sonam Kalra (ms id name: sonamkalra888) who wrote really bad things about us. We tried checking all our records and didn't find any customer by her name. She has also not mentioned any order number or any specific incident. I registered at MouthShut.com as corporate as you cannot directly reply

be MANAGED and it should be shown to consumers in the order it is posted. I also checked that anybody can create a fake email id and post reviews on their site. The only verification done by MS is to verify their email address. There is no FREE option as a Brand Owner to respond to reviews like we see on TheRodinhoods platform where everybody is free to discuss reply and comment. I have seen Mr. Sanjeev Bhikchandani personally replying one of Alok's posts. Though I respect the business model of MouthShut and understand that they must monetize the traffic on the site, but it should be done by means of ads and corporate blogs etc., which they already have. But I am strongly against the extortion.

any customer complaint. We had been getting lots of compliments and testimonials from our customers and few of them have posted very positive reviews on mouthshut.com. So far all our reviews had been 100% positive and this may have irritated our competitors. On the 13th of January, I got a call from eBay Category Head from Mumbai who said that during his last visit to Delhi, he got some good reviews about our site, perfumecrush.com, from his friends. He proposed to set up a store on eBay for us. I was delighted to see my firm create some buzz around. But just then, I was informed about a very negative review on the most preferred 36

to any review. Later same day I got a call from some Atanu Banerjee and he explained to me that if I wish to reply any review, I need to pay Rs 2,25,000 every year and Rs 3,50,000 if I want to Manage any review. By Managing reviews means MS will show all the good reviews on top. This seems to me extortion. A small start-up like ours who is depending on word-of-mouth and working very hard to earn customers’ respect by providing top notch service cannot afford this. MouthShut being a public forum should have some filtering so that no body with some fake id can post and destroy a company's image like what’s being done to us. Also if its a genuine bad review why should it

We need suggestions from fellow Rodinhooders regarding what should be done in this case? We would like to find a solution but don't know how to proceed? Does anyone know anybody at MouthShut who could resolve our issue? Do we have any legal recourse against MS?? Any help in this matter would be highly appreciated. I hope at least this will be heard by MS team and they will take some corrective measures. I have attached the MouthShut propsal here which was sent by MS team.

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4100 fake profile with 4 lac fake reviews on MouthShut.com


n this cut throat competitive scenario, organizations are practicing various marketing strategies to be on the top of the market. But some of the companies are practicing wrong strategies. Mouthshut.com is a user reviews portal where anyone is free to post anything without facing any verification. As per the reports of DNA India and The Hindu business line, accounts of 4100 fake users were deleted from the portal of mouthshut. But the question arises is how the fake accounts were created? Is there no verification system available? Users without identity can post anything about anybody on mouthshut.com. Excessively positive reviews are posted in this portal by the business owners about their own business and negative and fake reviews about competitors. Many organizations have suffered due to this loophole in the verification system of mouthshut and its revenue generation strategies as well. We came across one organization suffering a huge loss of goodwill and business due to mouthshut. A fake review was posted as usual on mouthshut by a user about the organization. In that review the user has mentioned that the

has been cheated by that company, he has also requested other users to not to trust and deal with the company. But the company is sure about the satisfaction level and nature of its clients. As per the company “if it would have been our client then instead of posting such review he/she would have directly contacted us as we will only provide the solution to the client at the end. It could be an attempt of our competitors.” The management of the company pleaded to reveal the identity of the user who posted the review in order to find out

whether the review is genuine or not. But mouthshut denied doing so. On the request to remove the review mouthshut stated that it is against the company norms. If this “company norm” related statement of mouthshut.com is true then why mouthshut deleted the accounts of 4100 users and their reviews on finding them fake? 4100 is not a small number, if 1 review can affect the image of an organization then 4100 fake users would have been proved as a huge loss for many organizations.

After a few days on having conversation with an employee of mouthshut. com, the organization came to know that there are various marketing packages available with mouthshut. On purchasing these packages, mouthshut will write positive reviews about the company and the negative review will go beyond the positive ones. The price of the packages is not in thousands but in lakhs. The victim company has also received a mail from the side of the mouthshut.com including various packages offered by mouthshut. So, is this a strategy of mouthshut. com to generate revenue by first posting negative reviews about a company and then convince the organizations to purchase the marketing packages? A legal notice also does not matter for the online portal management. They do not even consider replying for the legal notices issued to them. Now the question arises in front of all the users and readers of such portals is that, should we trust the reviews posted on the websites like mouthshut as it may demolish the image of a good business or can provide you excessive good information about an average business.

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Meet The Real Life ‘Bajrangi Bhaijaan’ Who Helped Tanvi Get Back To Her Parents


ost the massive success of Bajrangi Bhaijaan, it seems Salman Khan's heroic efforts in the movie have impacted not only the lives of common people but also that of the police department. Recently in Chandigarh, two policemen helped reunite a fouryear-old girl with her family after crossing a lot of hurdles. To begin with, they were clueless about the location of the girl's home. Quite similar to the plot of Bajrangi Bhaijaan, the child, Tanvi, was lost and could not explain the location of her house to Assistant 38

Sub-Inspector (ASI) Dilbagh Singh. Singh, along with a constable, who rescued the child from a local market, went all over the city in search of her house as she could not explain anything about the area where she lived nor give her parents' details. Like Khan's character in the successful film, Singh started his search on the basis of whatever little information she revealed. The search was not only confined to the city but also extended to nearby villages, including Shahimajra, Madanpura and other areas.

But finally, after five hours of search, the cops were successful in Mohali village, where some students of a school identified the girl and told cops where she lived. The students then helped the police in finding her house in Valmiki Colony of Phase 6 in SAS Nagar. Ranbir, the girl’s father, told the police that he, along with Tanvi, had gone to Phase 1 administrative complex to apply for Aadhaar card in the morning. But Tanvi was left behind near his cart, from where she walked away,

www.iconnectnews.com | E-mail : media@educationiconnect.com | Aug 2015

www.iconnectnews.com | E-mail : media@educationiconnect.com | Aug 2015



www.iconnectnews.com | E-mail : media@educationiconnect.com | Aug 2015

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