Education International Research Insitute

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Education International Internationale de l’Education Internacional de la Educación Bildungsinternationale


Research Institute

Education International International Research Research Institute Institute © John Walmsley,

© Tomas Munita, Polaris, Photonews / Afghanistan, 2007

In today’s global knowledge society, no organisation can effectively pursue its goals without solid research underpinning its work. In the education sector in particular, more than ever, we depend upon quality research as the foundation for developing sound policies and practices. That is why Education International has established the EI Research Institute: to help equip teachers and trade unionists with the knowledge and information they need to meet the many challenges facing public education systems today.

Education International Research Institute

Research Institute

7 , 200 zuela / Vene Š Miqu s w e n o el Dewever Plana, Agence Vu, Phot



Š F. DestrÊe, EI, 2008


Education International International Research Research Institute Institute

Education International is the global union federation representing 30 million teachers and education workers around the world. As such, it has formidable potential to network worldwide through its 401 member organizations in 172 countries and territories. EI’s head office is located in Brussels, and its regional offices are in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; San JosÊ, Costa Rica; and Accra, Ghana. The EI Research Institute was established in 2007 as a Foundation under Belgian law. Education unions affiliated to EI have members at every level of education, from pre-school to university. These organizations have both trade union and

professional roles. They work to improve the terms and conditions of employment for teachers and other education employees, and they advocate for quality education, accessible to all. Fundamentally, EI and its affiliates are committed to enabling all young people to develop their full capacities as future citizens of democratic societies.

Education International Research Institute

A global network


Š Miquel Dewever Plana, Agence Vu, Photonews / Venezuela, 2007


Education International International Research Research Institute Institute

The work of the EI Research Institute is based on the conviction that quality research can make an important contribution to the attainment of trade union, professional and social goals. Most education unions in the OECD countries have research departments that cooperate together through the EI Research Network. This network comprises researchers from dozens of unions located on every continent. The members meet annually and maintain scholarly dialogue online. Some members also serve on an Advisory Committee, helping the Research Institute to identify priorities and appoint colleagues with the skills and experience required to undertake research projects of high quality.

At the same time, EI is acutely aware of the need to develop the research capacities of its member organizations in the developing, transition and emerging economies. For example, the Dakar Plan of Action of 2000 called for education unions to play a role in the national planning committees for Education for All. For affiliates to make an effective contribution to national plans of action, they need professional research capacity. In widening and deepening teacher unions’ capacity to conduct quality research, the Research Institute affirms the critical role that research can and should play in any democratic society.

Education International Research Institute

Scholarship and solidarity


Aims and Objectives The aims of the Research Institute are to contribute to the achievement of the right to quality education for all, to enhance the status of teachers and other employees in education, and to promote education in favour of democracy, social justice and peace. Its objectives include: • collecting and disseminating information on studies of strategic importance for education unions in particular and trade unions in general; • producing quality studies on topical issues in education and human and trade union rights; • developing dialogue and cooperation with scholars and researchers;


Education International Research Institute

• building a data base on key parameters related to education and educators; • developing the research capacity of EI and its affiliated member organizations. The Institute’s aims and objectives will be pursued through: • analysis of global trends; • collection and dissemination of data; • independent research on important themes; • publication of research in reports, papers and reviews; • diffusion and exchange of research through conferences and seminars;

The Research Institute places particular emphasis on cooperation with other foundations, institutes and research centres whose objectives are compatible with EI’s fundamental aims and principles. It will function as a research clearing house to facilitate project proposals related to education and the welfare of education personnel; seek financing for such projects; and disseminate the resulting studies to education unions, other research institutions, and the general public.

The EI Research Institute will promote studies of interest both to the teaching profession and the wider community. Education International Research Institute

• networking with researchers, research institutes and universities; • promoting training programmes.


ŠScott Pulizzi, 2004


Education International International Research Research Institute Institute

Research priorities

1. Union capacity-building in developing countries

9. Safety in schools

2. Professional standards for teacher education

10. Education of refugees and migrant children

3. Public education indicators: quality and equity

11. Teaching in times of conflict and war

4. Analysis of the impact of PISA

12. Education in prisons

5. Teacher performance, testing and “merit pay�

13. Privatization in public education

6. Teacher retention, attrition and remuneration

14. Public-private partnerships and multistakeholder partnerships in education

7. Free, universal quality education for all 8. The role of education in combating discrimination

Education International Research Institute

The Institute has identified a range of priority issues for future research projects, based on EI Congress resolutions and input from the Research Network.


Š F. DestrÊe, EI, 2007


Education International International Research Research Institute Institute

Chair: Ron Henderson, Research Director, National Education Association, USA

Members: John Bangs, Assistant Secretary Education and Equal Opportunities, National Union of Teachers, UK

Linda Chisholm, Director Education, Science and Skills Development, Human Sciences Research Council, South Africa

Marianne Demmer, Vice President, Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft, Germany

Claire Lapointe, Director of the Centre for Research and Intervention on School Success, Laval University, Canada

Ă…shild Olaussen, Special Consultant, Utdanningsforbundet, Norway Fred van Leeuwen, General Secretary, Education International

Governance The Board of Directors manages the Institute and represents it in all transactions. The Board is responsible for approving agreements with other institutions, setting priorities, contracting projects and designating Research Fellows. The Board is assisted by an Advisory Committee established from participants in the EI Research Network. They come from the following countries: Australia, Canada, Denmark, France, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States.

Education International Research Institute

Board of Directors


Š Ingird Hannes, Photonews / Kinshasa, 2006


Education International International Research Research Institute Institute

Research projects are coordinated from EI’s Brussels headquarters and are conducted under contract with EI member unions, universities, other research institutes, or with individual qualified researchers who have been appointed as Research Fellows.

Tel +32 (0) 2 224 06 51 E-mail Website

Robert Harris, Senior Consultant to the EI General Secretary Guntars Catlaks, Research Coordinator Mireille de Koning, Professional Assistant Laura Figazzolo, Consultant

Š Joh n Walm sley, Edu


Education International Research Institute



Education International Internationale de l’Education Internacional de la Educación Bildungsinternationale

Head Office 5, Bd du Roi Albert II 1210 Brussels, Belgium Tel +32 (0) 2 224 06 11 E-mail Website

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