We take your GPTW survey feedback really seriously and therefore throughout 2022/2023 we have implemented many practical solutions to enhance your jt Family experience and to ensure we continue to offer support to your overall wellbeing
Wellbeing Benefits: Wellbeing Benefits:
RPI Salary increases for every employee RPI Salary increases for every employee
Annual h Annual holiday allowance increase for all AND Bonus annual holiday allowance oliday allowance increase for all AND Bonus annual holiday allowance for length of service at 2, 5 and 7 years. More time to enjoy the stuff you like to for length of service at 2, 5 and 7 years. More time to enjoy the stuff you like to do! do!
School holiday Friday finishes at 1 pm, in addition to the already reduced
School holiday Friday finishes at 1 pm, in addition to the already reduced working hours, working hours, allowing you to spend valuable time with family and friends to allowing you to spend valuable time with family and friends to enjoy your extended weekends. enjoy your extended weekends.
Overseas Centurion celebrations- Ireland 2022, Marbella 2023- where next?
Overseas Centurion celebrations- Ireland 2022, Marbella 2023- where next?
Reinstated all fresh fruit deliveries
Reinstated all fresh fruit deliveries
"Bonusholidaysforlengthof service, e.g.5years+gain anextradayholiday"
jtFamily-Yoursuggestionshelpus jtFamily-Yoursuggestionshelpus jtFamily-Yoursuggestionshelpus tobecomeaGreatPlacetoWork tobecomeaGreatPlacetoWork tobecomeaGreatPlacetoWork
Our Our Employees Employees are heard! are heard!
Appointed a second Mental Health Ambassador- Jake from Coventry- a contact for Appointed a second Mental Health Ambassador- Jake from Coventry- a contact for our ever-growing male workforce. our ever-growing male workforce.
Wellbeing Wednesday breakfasts in conjunction with our candidate focus days
Wellbeing Wednesday breakfasts in conjunction with our candidate focus days
Sourcing brand new, swanky offices for our expanding NW teams
Sourcing brand new, swanky offices for our expanding NW teams
Swish new kitchen re-fit for our Coventry office
Swish new kitchen re-fit for our Coventry office
On-site parking for all offices (Manchesters will be coming very soon!)
On-site parking for all offices (Manchesters will be coming very soon!)
All operations team attended a Neurodiversity training course so that as an All operations team attended a Neurodiversity training course so that as an employer, we have more understanding around additional support required employer, we have more understanding around additional support required
Personal CPD: Personal CPD:
Launched, delivered and nearing completion of our first Milestones to Management and nearing completion of our first Milestones to Management Cohort
Rolled out enhanced Safeguarding Training and our first Safeguarding roadshow
Rolled out enhanced Safeguarding Training and our first roadshow
Showcased our advanced Indeed training to all teams
Showcased our training to all teams
All internal jobs advertised formally on People HR to allow company-wide opportunities
All internal advertised formally on People HR to to be open for all to be open
Trialled CV library and Reed in addition to Indeed as an Trialled CV library and Reed in addition to Indeed as additional candidate acquisition tools additional candidate acquisition
"Whennewrolesare created,thattheyare advertisedsoeveryonehas afairopportunitytoapply forthem"Anon
"Usedifferentresourcesfor findingnewcandidatesto helpwithour targets." Anon