The Role of the Mentor. The role of the mentor is to provide informed, targeted and consistent and actionable input and feedback to their trainee, which is aligned with the e-Qualitas ITT curriculum. (The below information is available in Section 3, Pages 26-28 of the Partnership Agreement.) The mentor will have responsibility for: Completing the mentor audit in a timely manner so that training can be tailored to needs Attending the partnership interview with e-Qualitas. Regularly accessing the dedicated ‘MyeQ’ website and reading and engaging with the resources (including, in particular, curriculum resources, mentor handbook, and training materials). Undertaking the asynchronous e-Qualitas training for mentors via the ‘MyeQ’ website (including viewing the modular videos, and self-selected podcasts) on a timely basis, throughout the programme, to develop skills and understanding of the e-Qualitas ITT curriculum so that opportunities for instructional coaching and deliberate practice will form a coherent learning journey for the trainee. Ensuring that the mentor training undertaken satisfies the minimum time requirements: • •
Initial training time : 20 hours Annual refresher training : 6 hours
Completing the reflective feedback forms following each module of mentor training undertaken Accessing drop-in sessions with Strategic Subject leads as required. Reading and engaging with the weekly mentor bulletins from e-Qualitas. Ensuring that observation, reflection, deconstruction and feedback takes place throughout the year in line with the components of the ITT curriculum. Ensuring the trainee practices key skills identified through central training (deliberate practice) and has opportunities to work with and learn from expert colleagues in the school to apply their knowledge and understanding of the evidence in the classroom. Deliberate practice must be modelled by the mentor in a way which is matched to the sequenced curriculum. Guiding and supporting the trainee through the ITT curriculum, ensuring that mentoring practice fully reflects the intent and content of the ITT curriculum. Modelling, guiding and assisting the trainee with planning and assessment skills.
Providing high-quality, formative feedback and support to the trainee in relation to in- school experiences, and encouraging self-evaluation and accurate reflection. Supporting the trainee to develop the phase and subject specific subject knowledge for teaching and progression throughout that meets the individual needs of the trainee and ensuring that the in-school development of phase and subject knowledge are sequenced in line with the ITT curriculum. Supporting the trainee to develop their fundamental skills in literacy and maths as appropriate Providing to each trainee at least 1.5 hours of mentoring time each week. Complete the weekly mentor discussion record and targets in the digital learning platform Carrying out classroom observations at least weekly, providing clear formative feedback in a timely manner and ensuring that records of these observations are uploaded to the digital learning platform. Consulting the e-Qualitas digital learning platform regularly and making appropriate contributions. Engaging with the ITT Lead and Visiting Tutor in relation to any concerns about progress or wellbeing. Meeting and engaging with the visiting tutor during his or her visits, to review the trainee’s progress towards through the ITT Curriculum and towards meeting the Teachers’ Standards. Engaging with e-Qualitas and working closely with the trainee in relation to ITaP, as required by this agreement, including: • •
Attending training and reading the mentor bulletins in relation to ITaP; In the ‘Analyse’ stage: o modelling teaching or organising the observation of an expert;
In the ‘Prepare’ stage: o arranging for the trainee to meet with the mentor or other expert colleague to discuss the observed lesson; and o meeting with the trainee to reflect upon key learning and discuss actionable insights to inform planning.
In the ‘Enact’ stage: o supporting the trainee to teach and rehearse the strategy; and o discussing their teaching using the lesson observation proforma from the trainee booklet.
In the ‘Assess’ stage: o observing a full lesson where the key strategy is embedded; and o making notes and discussing the lesson with the trainee.
Providing a half-termly report on progress. Giving the trainee opportunities to develop skills in liaising with parents and other expert professionals. Engaging with the contrasting school, to ensure that this is a productive experience that enables the trainee to broaden their experience. Ensuring that any barriers to the trainee’s progress are identified quickly, and that the trainee’s workload is appropriate. Alert e-Qualitas if there are concerns relating to barriers and workload. Checking the trainee’s trainee evidence records, learning sequences and other evidence in the digital learning platform, to ensure that good quality portfolio evidence of meeting the Teachers’ Standards is collected and is organised systematically. Providing equal opportunities for trainees and ensure that everyone is treated fairly in line with school and e-Qualitas policies and national regulations and legislation relating to employment and training. Supporting the wellbeing of the trainee and facilitating strategies for managing their workload Providing information on the statutory arrangements for induction of ECTs and help the trainee to prepare for the ECT year, including advice and guidance on applying for a teaching job. Seeking the advice of the ITT Lead and/or visiting tutor if an issue should arise. Cooperating with e-Qualitas in relation to its quality assurance processes including providing feedback in relation to the programme when requested.