CIMA - Attract, Develop and Retain your talents

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Our unique blend of management, accounting and business produces competent and confident CGMAs who can lead their organisations to sustainable success


CIMA (The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants) is the world’s leading and largest professional body of management accountants. We offer the most relevant finance qualification for business. Our 227,000 members and students in 179 countries work in industry, commerce, the public sector and not-for-profit organisations. We work closely with employers to ensure we remain the employers’ choice when recruiting financially-trained business leaders. The World Bank is using the CIMA professional qualification to train its finance and accounting employees. Many multi-national companies use the CIMA professional qualification to build their businesses’ financial capabilities. After having acquired the CIMA professional qualification, your employee will become a CGMA (Chartered Global Management Accountant).

CIMA and AICPA (The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants), two of the world’s most prestigious accounting bodies are creating a new accounting association launched in January 2017. The CGMA designation was jointly established by CIMA and AICPA. It recognises the most talented and committed management accountants with the discipline and skill to drive strong business performance. CGMA professionals are business strategists who can link the board’s objectives and the rest of your organisation, guiding critical business decisions and creating sustainable business success.



WHY DO 91 OF THE FORTUNE 100 CHOOSE CGMA DESIGNATION HOLDERS Success in today’s highly competitive and fast paced business landscape requires insight and innovation from all corners of your organisation. Finance teams in particular have to demonstrate agility, move beyond traditional reporting duties and demonstrate strategic capabilities to support the CFO to move business operations forward. Look to professionals with the CGMA designation to provide the insight you need to achieve sustainable business success. Through education, examinations and experience, CGMA designation holders demonstrate expertise in finance, operations, management and business strategy. Their combination of core technical skills, leadership and business acumen enables them to drive better, smarter and faster performance.

• Build on financial accounting, adding value through their understanding of how the different parts of a business come together • Take a strategic perspective, looking outside the organisation and to the future • Manage performance, challenge constructively and provide an objective view informed by their ethical standards. With their business insight, CGMAs can translate complex information and communicate it effectively • Enable your organisation to act entrepreneurially – to solve problems, take the right decisions, fund them properly and implement them successfully • Embody adaptability, mobility and leadership. And when opportunities arise within different parts of your organisation, CGMAs have the relevant skills and determination to move to other departments within the company and around the world • Bring incisive thinking to your leadership team, and enable strategic decision-making



To achieve sustainable business growth you need the right people, but the market for talent has never been more competitive. Supporting your talents to become CGMAs, investing in their learning and ensuring their professional development help your organisation to develop and retain the right people you need to drive growth. It sends a clear message to both potential and current employees that you are serious about lifelong development and that you are an investor in people. You will also offer a great opportunity to attract and retain CGMAs into your organisation. Attract the best, develop the best and retain the best help your business to get ahead, and stay ahead, of the competition.

BENEFITS • Structured programme • Measurable learning outcome • Learning on the job and immediate application to the job • Lifelong learning support for ongoing capacity building • Benchmarking against other employers • Enhanced employer image • Recognition of high performing employees • Retention of your best people

WHICH EMPLOYERS IN HONG KONG USE CGMA / CIMA LEARNING AND EXAMINATIONS Gain Miles, HSBC, Jardine Matheson, Kerry Group, New World Development, Shangri-la Hotel Group, South China Group, Sun Hung Kai Properties, John Swire & Sons and more to come...


CGMA DESIGNATION – A BIG PLUS FOR MANAGEMENT TRAINEES By including CIMA curriculum as a fundamental part of their in-house trainee programme, Gain Miles Assurance Consultants believe they have everything needed to develop a pipeline of talent destined for senior management roles.


Michael Chan, Managing Director, Gain Miles Group

In particular, Michael Chan, Managing Director of Gain Miles Group, highlights CIMA’s emphasis on strategic business skills and operations management. Coupled with the company's own courses, workshops and seminars, this provides a strong learning platform and broader perspective for the up-and-coming generation of executives. “When we set up our management trainee programme three years ago, we had no hesitation including the CIMA scheme as a key element,” Chan says. Gain Miles trainees spend two years rotating between departments before formally enrolling as CIMA candidates. This means they already have a good understanding of the essentials of how the company operates and a feeling for the corporate culture. “The experience ensures they are well prepared and benefit immediately when starting their

CIMA studies, which let them have in-depth knowledge of not only accounting and financial but management skills. They need to know the story behind, not just numbers.” Chan says, adding that the goal is to give professionals a wide range of competencies, insights and skills needed for a career in management. As a company specialising in MPF (Mandatory Provident Fund) consultancy services, as well as comprehensive employee benefits and financial advisory, Gain Miles gives executives plenty of scope to develop the business and their careers. “The CIMA professional qualification places due importance on financial and management skills, overseeing corporate assets, and dealing with risk,” says Chan, who acts as a mentor to the company's management trainees.


Patrick Chan Ho-ming, a Gain Miles assistant manager for business development (individual services), recently passed his first CIMA exam and is motivated to progress to the next level. “The curriculum is a good way for me to gain accounting and business management knowledge and to develop soft skills in decision making, planning and communication,” he says. Though he found the first module a challenge, he is also quick to point out that if the syllabus were easy, the CIMA professional qualification would not be as widely recognised and respected. He explains too that he has already been able to put newly acquired knowledge to good use in the workplace. For example, during a team meeting which he supervised, he was able to advise colleagues on aspects of short-and medium - term operations planning and how to apply the correct timelines. “It was rewarding to see that what I had learned as part of my CIMA studies could be used so readily in work situations.” Chan graduated from the University of Hong Kong with a BSc in information management and joined Gain Miles in 2013. To date, he is more than happy with the way things have progressed. Looking ahead, he believes his continuing


Patrick Chan Ho-ming, Manager, Business Development – Individual Services, Gain Miles Group

studies and, in due course, earning the full CIMA professional qualification will enhance the prospects for career advancement and make it easier to assume more workplace responsibilities. “I see the 15 to 20 hours I spend each week on my studies as an investment for the future,” says Chan, adding that the discipline of the CIMA programme has also taught him to prioritise commitments and apply effective time-management strategies.

Martin Wan Tin-fai, Management Trainee (Senior Officer in Investment Research Department), Gain Miles Group

About to embark on his first CIMA exam, Martin Wan Tin-fai is looking forward to the challenge. The Gain Miles management trainee, who is currently a senior officer in the investment research department, has heard from others about the long-term benefits. “I believe the CIMA programme will help me build an even more holistic picture of the business I work in by developing my all-round competencies,” says Wan, who graduated from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University with a major in financial services. While enjoying his present role, one ambition is to act as a project co-ordinator between departments to focus on business efficiencies. “I expect the CIMA curriculum to provide both knowledge and skills, which can be put to use in every area of the business.”




Often referred to as the qualification that “connects the dots” by bridging the gap between business management and finance, the CIMA professional qualification programme has been an integral part of the Jardine Executive Trainee (JET) Scheme for 17 years. Cindy Wong, Head of Performance and HR Planning at Jardine Matheson, says the CIMA professional qualification plays an important role in preparing future leaders for the task of managing the various divisions of the company. The aim of the four-year JET Scheme is to grow young leaders to run Jardine Matheson’s business in Asia Pacific countries. “The CIMA professional qualification combines commercial and financial skills into all-round knowledge, which enables our future managers to lead their departments effectively,” says Wong. The

CIMA programme offers advantages over MBA programmes, she notes, because the CIMA professional qualification is recognised across the world as a universal standard of achievement, which is not the case for all MBA programmes. The CIMA principles apply to all three Jardine Graduate Schemes, JET (Jardine Executive Trainee), CMT (China Management Trainee), and SEAT (Southeast Asia Talent). “We are a company with a wide scope of operations, so CIMA candidates have a wide variety of opportunities to apply the strategies and techniques they learn to their daily work,” Wong says. Aspiring business leader Sophie Xu, Category Executive, Wellcome, Dairy Farm, believes the CIMA professional qualification helps candidates to think strategically, understand


financial data, and make forward-looking decisions. Xu, who holds a Bachelor’s Degree in English Studies from the University of Hong Kong, and a Master’s in Risk and Finance from the London School of Economics and Political Science, says CIMA modules are a neat fit with the unique characteristics of the JET Scheme. As with the CIMA programme, Xu says the JET Scheme engages Trainees in operational, management and strategic-level activities. “The CIMA framework helps us understand how skills and competencies can be applied in the three different areas,” says Xu. At an operational level, using the example of a small retail store, Xu says data analysis reveals how a business within a large organisation can run smoothly. At the management level, in a single store unit, the CIMA module shows how CEOs process information to make smart tactical decisions. At the strategic level when Trainees meet and interact with senior business directors as part of the programme, they learn why the corporation are structured in a certain way, and why it functions the way it does. “These experiences and insights are important parts of our career development,” says Xu. Fellow JET Johnny Li, Regional Salesforce Implementation Manager with Jardine Lloyd Thompson, also praises the CIMA syllabus content and learning outcomes. “Courses cover current topics such as big data, business and cloud technology, sustainability, and integrated reporting,” says Li, who obtained a Master’s Degree in Financial Economics from Oxford


Sophie Xu Jardine Executive Trainee – Category Executive, Wellcome Dairy Farm

Johnny Li Jardine Executive Trainee – Regional Salesforce Implementation Manager, Jardine Lloyd Thompson

CIMA developed a framework based around the skills, abilities, and competencies it uncovered through the research, which acts as a guideline for management finance professionals to develop their careers.

Jake Wilmot-Sitwell Jardine Executive Trainee – Consultant Group Audit and Risk Management, Jardine Matheson

University’s Saïd Business School, and a Bachelor’s in Economics from the London School of Economics. Li says the realistic scenarios included in the CIMA programme help to strengthen soft skills, too. “The case studies require you to elaborate on and articulate ideas clearly and powerfully, which is what we need to do every day through emails and face-to-face communication,” explains Li. “You learn valuable things you don't expect to learn from the CIMA programme,” adds Li. CIMA has carried out comprehensive global research with organisations of various sizes in different sector, including those in Hong Kong to understand how to keep its programmes both relevant and contemporary. In 2015,

Another JET, Jake Wilmot-Sitwell, Consultant, Group Audit and Risk Management in Jardine Matheson, completed his final CIMA exams in May. Wilmot-Sitwell says the alignment between the CIMA programme and on-the-job learning allows for the development of complementary knowledge, techniques, and skills. “The CIMA syllabus is more holistic and applicable to the career development of a Jardine manager than a traditional accounting programme,” notes Wilmot-Sitwell, who obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in International Business, Finance and Economics from the University of Manchester. He applies the techniques and knowledge he learned in his CIMA studies to his daily work, he added. “It is very satisfying to complete the CIMA professional qualification and use the knowledge to support and back up my ideas,” says Wilmot-Sitwell. “Knowing that senior people have also completed the CIMA programme adds confidence. This assures me that the CIMA professional qualification can help to take me to where I want to be.”


INVEST IN OUR FUTURE LEADERS The Kerry Group is a Hong Kong headquartered global business organisation, engaged in diverse operations requiring specialised expertise. They were among the ďŹ rst international corporations to become actively engaged in business in China. Today Kerry owns successful companies in the property management, hospitality, logistics, commodities & consumer, social enterprise, and investments sectors.


KERRY EMERGING EXECUTIVE PROGRAMME The Kerry Emerging Executive Programme is a unique four-year graduate programme aimed at developing Kerry Group future leaders with both the breadth and depth in running business. With that in mind, the programme is built on three interrelated components designed to develop management skills at an advance level:

Mentoring, coaching and career planning

A structured leadership development programme

Mentoring, coaching and career planning.

One of the key emphasis for the programme is the transparency shared between our trainees and senior executives. Our group directors firmly believe through mentorship, it fast tracks our trainees’ individual growth and simultaneous develops them to achieve goals and targets that exceed their individual expectations and capability. With the belief and commitment from our group directors, the programme’s mentorship programme reinforces our trainees to be ambassadors of the programme.

A structured leadership development programme. Throughout the four-year

Business experience in different industries and locations

programme, our executive trainees will be exposed to various management development programmes. The purpose is to prepare and to support our trainees for future executive roles as well as equipping them with leadership qualities necessary for different stages of their professional careers.

Business experience in different industries and locations. We will provide our trainees

business opportunities not only within one industry, but also in other industries within our business portfolio. These opportunities are tailor-made according to personal interest, strengths, performance and company business needs.


CIMA Study Tips from our Emerging Executive Programme Trainees

EMBEDDING CIMA QUALIFICATION With growing emphasis on a more dynamic and fast paced business environment, it is clear that embedding CIMA professional qualification into the Kerry Emerging Executive Programme as a training and development tool is necessary. The holistic approach within CIMA not only helps equip candidates with fundamentals of management accounting, but it also emphasis on non-financial and other business management skills. More importantly, being able to enhance candidates’ capability in advising on business strategy and risk management is considered crucial to our organisation.

DAN XU “Do not belittle the power of those study materials. You are reminded to internalise the concept rather than memorising the words”

The most apparent and reward development we hope to see in our trainees is that when they are placed in their rotations, they can have a much better understanding of what they have seen and learned. Hence, giving them a holistic view on how business operates.

VICKI CHEN “Constantly establish connections between theoretical practices in the textbook and practices in real working environment so that the understanding could be deepened”


OWEN CHAN “The Exam covers a wide array of materials, I strongly suggest looking at materials beyond the textbook, so online resources, practice questions and even reaching out to friends or colleagues who have previously faced similar difficulties while revision”

HANYUAN YE “To fully comprehend and utilise the studied materials, I consider implementing the knowledge in daily business practice and asking questions to be the most practical and useful. This helps address any gaps between theory and real practice”



In their book, How Google Works, Eric Schmidt and Jonathan Rosenberg proclaimed that the pace of change is accelerating. They believe the only way for businesses to succeed in this brave new world is by creating superior products and attracting the best talent. Few would argue with that assessment, particularly when one sees industries like travel and tourism being “disrupted” by agile new enterprises doing things in entirely new ways. Clearly, change is happening everywhere, and dealing with it requires a shift in outlook and approach. To prepare themselves, executives and employees in many different sectors have found that training courses offered by CIMA provide the necessary insights and competitive edge.


Teddy Liu Kwok-tai, General Manager for Corporate and Talent Development, New World Development

CIMA is the world’s largest professional body of management accountants. Its mission is to help individuals and businesses acquire the skills needed to succeed, whether in the public or private sector. In Hong Kong, CIMA already works with many of the city’s leading organisations. One company which has found enormous benefits in this partnership is New World Development (NWD), whose management trainees take the CIMA foundation course as part of a robust programme overseen by Mr. Teddy Liu Kwok-tai, NWD’s General Manager for Corporate and Talent Development, responsible for planning, promoting and managing corporate change initiatives, training and talent development as well as internal audit. The trainees join the programme as young recruits on the fast track to senior positions in a diverse group whose interests span property development, retail, and hospitality.

“We have a mindset that every employee is an ‘intrapreneur’,” says Liu, who is a big fan of the CIMA syllabus and what it covers. “Management accountants have to understand the company’s resources and how to make use of them. That means knowing about the process of value creation, as well as understanding the balance sheet numbers.” Liu believes that every employee should think like an entrepreneur, with an eye on new ways to make the business more profitable. He notes too that ongoing education should be at the heart of every HR programme. “Education is a never-ending process,” he says. “Having a focused, well-structured training programme makes it easier to develop our management trainees and to ensure everything aligns with the company’s overall objectives.” He adds that NWD sees the CIMA programme as ideal because it develops 17

practical all-round skills, which can be put into practice during on-the-job assignments. Ada Ho Yuen-yu has experienced that in her two years on the management trainee scheme. She has worked in a number of different departments, but found her real passion when assigned to the leasing department of the K11 Art Mall. This venture combines traditional retail with the chance to appreciate artworks and a general sense of creativity. Ho is enthusiastic about the CIMA programme and readily recommends it to others as providing a firm foundation for future career success. Ada Ho Yuen-yu, Management Trainee - hosting in K11 Leasing (Project), Management Trainee, New World Development

“Commercial leasing requires a combination of market knowledge, budgeting and rental calculations, which involves a lot of accounting know-how,” Ho says. “But the CIMA modules also provide important management training, with case studies to help students understand different scenarios and get on in their careers.” Another New World management trainee, Jesse Chow Pan-chun, has recently been working in the company’s core business of property sales. Previously, he was with the group’s logistics and transport division, which opened his eyes to the complex nature of that industry.


“The CIMA programme is practical, comprehensive, and makes you think out of the box,” says Chow, who has particular praise for the budgeting and financial reporting modules. “As management trainees we have the chance to handle different projects, which means we can quickly apply the skills we’ve learned. And when we make a presentation to department heads, we’re presenting workable plans, not just general ideas.” New World’s senior team already includes CIMA-trained executives. “I know what they can do,” Liu says. “That’s why I believe in CIMA’s concept and courses and why it is now a pillar of our own management trainee programme.”


SOUTH CHINA GROUP SAYS THE CGMA DESIGNATION HELPS PREPARE TRAINEES FOR A RANGE OF LEADERSHIP ROLES Leading financial services conglomerate South China Group believes that incorporating the CIMA professional qualification into its management training programme establishes a leadership pipeline which drives sustainable business strategies in the future.


Albert Law Yu-kwan, the Group CFO of South China Group, says that a well-maintained working capital policy, and a healthy pool of human capital, are both necessary to ensure business objectives are met. ''We pay close attention to both. We invest in people with talent who have potential to take the company forward in the future,'' says Law. Law achieved qualified CIMA status in 1979, and is a past president of the CIMA Hong Kong division. He says he is fully aware of the benefits that the CIMA programme can provide to both individuals and the organisations they work for. “When we set up our management training programme in 2012, we immediately decided the CIMA professional qualification should be a fundamental part of it,” says Law. The decision was endorsed by the founding chairman of the highly diversified group and

his three executive vice-chairman’s children, who are each CIMA members. “Combined with our comprehensive in-house training, the CIMA programme helps our management trainees to develop a strong blend of financial and business knowledge and abilities to support our growth strategy,” says Law. As part of the South China Group's in-house talent grooming process, management trainees are exposed to different areas of the business. They learn about the diverse operations of the integrated company, which include financial services, property development and investment, trading and manufacturing, media publishing, travel and corporate functions. “The CIMA programme complements the exposure management trainees receive as part of their three-year job rotation experience,” Law says.


As part of their CIMA training, management trainees acquire the most relevant business and financial expertise for specific strategic planning and forward looking skill, and apply it to their work. The finance knowledge and business practices learned at CIMA can be utilised while working in the group’s finance division; communication and people skills are useful in the media and travel divisions; and management accounting skills of upmost importance can be applied to the manufacturing business. “We are firm believers that management trainees can develop the specific skills necessary to become effective senior executives when they are exposed to different industries,'' notes Law. Management trainees are selected after undergoing a rigorous recruitment process: which includes face-to-face interviews, a written test, and group discussions. Out of the previous batch of 1,700 applications for management trainee positions, only 10 hopefuls were chosen. “We are lucky that we receive high quality applications from which we choose outstanding candidates,” explains Law. When recruiting, Law says the South China Group looks for candidates that are assertive, have a clear picture of their career goals, along with the determination and commitment to achieve them. “We make it clear we are not recruiting people to work in financial roles. They must in time take on responsibilities like strategic planning and control, operation management, etc,” Law explains.


Albert Law Yu-kwan, Group CFO, South China Group

senior management and the preceding intake of management trainees. “We support our management trainees in as many ways as possible, by providing customised and comprehensive training on personal effectiveness and leadership, encouraging them to participate corporate events and volunteering activities as to build up the network within and outside South China Group, and we team them up with more experienced trainees,” says Chan.

Kelly Chan, South China Group’s Associate Director, Group Human resources and Administration, says the CIMA syllabus reflects real-life work situations that help management trainees to develop their career skills. Chan says the group covers the candidate’s CIMA study and examination costs. Trainees are able to take examination and study leave throughout the three-year study period, and receive mentoring from

In order to help develop communication and presentation skills, management trainees are encouraged to join the Hong Kong Toastmasters Club, a public-speaking group. In addition, they work on projects which are presented to the group’s various business units. Recently, a presentation was made to highlight the importance of the “One Belt, One Road” initiative. Olivia Chan, Group Financial Controller, South China Group, says the CIMA programme provides the skills and knowledge that management trainees need to become senior executives. “The CIMA programme, and our in-house training, cover the different perspectives on management and finance necessary to understand our multi-dimensional business,” notes Chan.


TALENT UNLEASHED CGMA readies trainees at SHKP for future leadership roles

Tomorrow belongs to those who prepare today. This explains why Sun Hung Kai Properties (SHKP), a major property developer in Hong Kong, runs a management trainee programme to groom talented youngsters who aspire to become managers. “We believe in the passion and power of youth,” says Kenneth Ho, training and development manager, group training section, internal affairs department, SHKP. “By nurturing high-calibre university graduates within our corporate culture, we aim to foster talented individuals who will put the company on a path of sustainable growth in the future.” There is a keen sense of competition for places in the SHKP training programme. About 10 applicants are chosen from the hundreds that apply each year. Applicants must possess positive character, a quality which is deemed more important than academic proccess.


Kenneth Ho, training and development manager, group training section, internal affairs department.

Those picked for the programme quickly discover its rewards. Besides the comprehensive in-house management training, there are also opportunities to take external courses. The management accounting course offered by CIMA, the world's leading management accountancy body, is an external training programme used by SHKP. “We want our trainees to do more than read numbers. We want them to become competent, confident and skilled professionals with a broad view of our business. They can achieve this by acquiring good analytical skills, interpersonal communications, and risk management techniques,” Ho emphasises. The CIMA syllabus, which combines accounting, finance, and management with the cutting-edge techniques needed to drive a successful business, has turned out to be the best choice to achieve these goals. “It

enables students to use financial knowledge to influence strategic decisions and manage performance,” says Ho. It’s sometimes difficult for management trainees to combine work with study, and still find time for a personal life. With this in mind, the SHKP training department has implemented a number of strategies to help management trainees achieve their goals. Phyllis Siu, assistant training and development manager, group training section, internal affairs department, SHKP, says trainees enjoy full sponsorship from the company for CIMA courses, and can take paid examination leave. Team supervisors provide coaching by sharing useful cases and passing on practical experiences. Supervisors also give assignments which allow trainees to apply what they have learned from CIMA.


expand their overall business knowledge, and also gives them a thorough sense of the practical aspects of doing business. CIMA improves their analytical skills, and gives them the capacity to make better recommendations on business issues. It enables trainees to look beyond the numbers to assess strategic issues. This improves our business processes, and boosts the effectiveness of the company’s different subsidiaries.”

Phyllis Siu, assistant training and development manager, group training section, internal affairs department

Students can study by themselves, participate in e-learning, or attend classroom lectures, depending on their individual needs. The syllabus can also be completed module-by-module. At the end of the course, students take a computer-based test, and a test based on a case study which requires written essays. Those who pass obtain the CGMA designation. So what value does the CIMA course provide to SHKP trainees, apart from furnishing them with the certificate? “We see that our management trainees have derived huge benefits from studying the CIMA syllabus,” says Ho. “The course helps the youngsters to


CIMA training serves a practical purpose by enabling students to think tactically and strategically, and allowing them to apply what they have learned across a diverse range of business functions. It covers the analysis, strategic planning, and financial implications of projects. It also teaches trainees to form business strategies which can succeed in today’s competitive landscape, and encourages the innovative thinking necessary to drive a business forward. “On a personal level, CIMA-qualified trainees become more confident, humble, and mature,” Ho says. “Feedback we have received says that the training has improved their interpersonal and social skills, as well as their relationships with family and friends.” Ho believes that part of being a good person is consistently doing the right thing, so personal integrity is always at the root of how well an employee performs at work. The CIMA syllabus widens the horizons of graduates and “accelerates their growth”, says Ho, by giving them new perspectives on the business world, and helping them make contact with others and face real-world challenges. SHKP training team leaders never put pressure on staff to obtain the CIMA

professional qualification, says Ho. It is entirely voluntary. CIMA training gives trainees the opportunity to challenge and improve themselves if they wish. Ho notes that today's job seekers consider training opportunities when assessing future employers. Job training empowers people to realise their dreams and improve their lives, especially those seeking leadership positions. A good trainee system raises productivity, and also increases an employee’s sense of belonging. Staff turnover is reduced as a consequence, and everybody benefits in the end. The world of business is changing rapidly, which has led to a set of new and profound challenges for enterprises. Systems of production, management, and governance are all being transformed. This puts pressure on businesses to create additional value. A well-trained staff can help with this, says Ho.

“We have been making every effort to bring external training and qualifications into our in-house management trainee scheme to help our staff achieve successful careers,” says Ho. “In view of the excellent results we have experienced, we will continue to work with CIMA in the future to unleash the potential of our future business leaders.” Demand for managers with a fundamental grounding in business and finance continues to grow, and the CIMA syllabus delivers the knowledge and skills that enable professionals to make valuable contributions to their organisations. The CIMA professional qualification offers a way for young people in business to compete in an ever-changing and challenging marketplace, especially considering the qualification is valued by businesses all over the world.


WORDS FROM CGMAs GOGO KO Deputy General Manager, Finance Department, Yue Xiu Enterprises (Holdings) Limited “CGMA is not simply an internationally recognised qualification, but also provides business leaders with the discipline and skill to drive strong business performance. CGMAs are practical, grounded in operational reality, trained with a combination of accounting and financial expertise, business understanding and analytical skills to generate great value for organisations.”

DR. WILLIAM CHEN CFO, General Manager (HK), Hui Lau Shan Food Manufacturing Co., Limited “The job of the CFO is broadening far beyond its technical competencies into a role that is much more ‘strategic’. This transformation demands integration of accounting, finance and business knowledge and experience. CGMA designation helps you to get through this transformation.”


JASPER CHUNG Regional Strategic Development Manager, Fossil Group “There is no guaranteed success in the world! But a business & finance qualification definitely uplift the chances of winning. An international qualification broadens the opportunities. CIMA syllabus not just sharpen your financial skill sets but also draw your attention into the people and leadership skills, back you up to be a world-class business leader as you move up the corporate ladder.”

CHRIS SCOULAR Group CFO, CLSA Limited “Today’s world is full of changing circumstances, whether that be from emerging technologies or economic uncertainty and as business leaders we need to ensure we are equipped to deal with that. CIMA helps you get beyond the numbers, analyse, evaluate and consider what is important, what isn’t and find a way forward. The CGMA designation helps you understand more than just the technical issues, but also how to drive change and make a difference.”


DAVID ASHTON Director, Advisory, Ernst & Young Advisory Services Limited “CGMA designation really kick-started my career. The qualification gives young professionals the fundamental skills to be successful in the real world of Finance, Accounting and Business. However, I found that the greatest benefit was how respected CGMA is globally. Having lived and worked in the UK, US and Asia, it has allowed me to move seamlessly between international roles. CGMA designation is also relevant across a huge range of industries – it will give a fantastic career boost for anyone who wants a flexible, global qualification”

VINCENT TAM Assistant General Manager Corporate and Talent Development, New World Development Company Limited “In the era of big data and predictive analytics with an emphasis on forecasting strategy and operations, management accounting actually deals with the future as it provides very useful tools and techniques to support decision-making process for planning, performance evaluation, and operational control. CGMA designation will not only prepare you for the core theories and best practices of management accounting, but also the real-life skills and competencies to cope with the future business world.”



START THE CGMA We revise our syllabusJOURNEY regularly based on business trends and the employment needs of businesses globally

By working with the world’s leading organisations, we’ve identified the skills CGMAs need to achieve business success. Our syllabus is driven by the CGMA Competency and covers four withFramework, key knowledge areas:

The CGMA Competency We conduct extensive research Framework provides the with employers to understand Our flexible entry policy gives anyone foundations for the CIMA the type of employees they a passion for business the qualification,chance practical to study are looking for to drive their experience requirements, as business forward. the CGMA Technical accounting towards designation regardless well as continuous professional Applying accounting and of educational background development which is a With the information we have finance skills requirement of all CGMAs. from employers globally, we We recognise that people start the CIMA professional qualification at have developed a framework Business skills different stages doesn’t matter employees This It ensures CGMAs are whether your which shows the skills andin their lives. Transforming data into are new to business and accounting or an experienced professional. competent and confident competencies that finance insight and strategy For this reason we’ve created frameworkwho that allows them to take financeaprofessionals professionals need to power can guide and and lead businesses up business and industry all People skills advantage of existing qualifications skills they may have already sustainable aroundgained, the world. How to communicate, but ensures theytoacquire the success. knowledge and experience they need to become a CGMA and drive the success of your influence, business.negotiate and collaborate

Leadership skills Building and motivating teams, and driving performance.

12 / CIMA



The CIMA professional qualification equips individuals with high-level abilities to help them achieve sustainable success in both business and finance. Being a CGMA demonstrates you have the skills, expertise, and authority to call the shots and make decisions leading to sustainable success. FICATION FR AMEWORK

Assessment of practical experience STRATEGIC LEVEL

s e, ots

Strategic Case Study Exam

E3 Strategic Management


P3 Risk Management

F3 Financial Strategy

AWARD : CIMA Advanced Diploma in Management Accounting (CIMA Adv Dip MA)

Management Case Study Exam

E2 Project and Relationship Management OPERATIONAL LEVEL

P2 Advanced Management Accounting

F2 Advanced Financial Reporting

AWARD : CIMA Diploma in Management Accounting (CIMA Dip MA)

Operational Case Study Exam

E1 Organisational Management


P1 Management Accounting


F1 Financial Reporting and Taxation FINANCIAL PILLAR

AWARD : CIMA Certificate in Business Accounting (CIMA Cert BA)

BA1 Fundamentals of Business Economics

BA2 Fundamentals of Management Accounting

Practical experience / lifelong learning


AWARD / Membership of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants and the CGMA® designation

BA3 Fundamentals of Financial Accounting

BA4 Fundamentals of Ethics, Corporate Governance and Business Law



CIMA Hong Kong: Office: Suite 2005, 20/F, Tower One, Times Square, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong Tel: 25112003 Email: CIMA Hong Kong Web:

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