ETC Student Travel Tips

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ETC Student Travel Tips

A Permission to Travel Form (PTR) must be completed at least 2 weeks in advance if any one of these apply:

- Unaccompanied travel or travel with someone other than student’s own host family

- International Travel (including Mexico & Canada). This will require more advance notice (at least 4 weeks) as their visa must be validated prior to travel.

- Traveling by plane

- The trip will personally cost the student more than $200

- Length of the trip is more than 72 hours

More helpful tips:

- If the student is missing 2 or more days of school, he/she may be required to submit an instructor permission form.

- Last minute trips do happen and if they require a Permission to Travel Form, please let your coordinator know ASAP.

- Fill out all fields as best as you can, we do need at least one address and a phone number of where the student will be when traveling.

- The ETC office will get approval from the student’s sending organization and their natural parents.

- You can find more copies of the Permission to Travel Form on, where you completed the hosting application.

- The student should NOT purchase a flight until after the travel form has been approved.

Regardless of whether the trip needs approval or not, we still recommends notifying your local coordinator with a text, phone call or email, just so we know where the student is in case of an emergency.

Have fun and enjoy making memories with your student!

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