Do you want to learn FRENCH?
Host an Exchange Student from France Introduce your family to a: New language New culture New foods Different music
The host family needs to provide: 3 meals a day A place to sleep Transportation Love Support
Studentsʼ profiles:
Cyriaque from France
Ernesto from France
Top Interests: Lostening to Music, Skateboarding, Skiing, Martial Arts
Top Interests: Music, Scouting, Babysitting, Computers Movies, Reading, Cycling, Canoeing, Handball, Hiking
Languages: Spanish - 3 years
Languages: Spanish - 4 years
Instruments: Guitar Sports: Swimming, American Football
Sports: Soccer, Rubgy, American Football
All students: Have good English skills Bring their own money & insurance Are eager to learn American culture & meet U.S. families
“ The joy ETC has brought us is immeasurable!! - CASSIE, HOST MOM
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