You have made your dream of living in a foreign country, of studying its culture, of knowing its people and way of life come true. We are very pleased that you have this opportunity, and welcome you to our program, to the homestay family with whom you will live and to the school where you will study. We invite you to learn more about our way of life, the people, and - most of all - about yourself.
This handbook may not have all the answers to the many questions you will ask during your program, but we trust that it will give you a clearer understanding of what to expect, and what is expected of you.
Take the time to go through this information and refer to it throughout your program. No amount of printed material or oral orientation can assure you of an easy time. No doubt you will make a few mistakes and suffer a few ups and downs while living in a foreign culture. Prepare yourself for the expected - and always be prepared for the unexpected.
You have been accepted into this program because of your special qualities, which will ensure that you gain the maximum advantage from this experience. These qualities include your flexibility, tolerance, sense of humour and ability to relate well to others. Never lose your confidence in your own ability to cope with whatever experiences will come your way. And remember that there are many people available to help you integrate into your new lifestyle. These include your International Student Coordinator/Homestay Coordinator, your homestay family members, and the teachers at your new school.
Have a wonderful program in Australia, we hope you make the most of every opportunity!
Establish realistic expectations
In preparation for your experience, it will be helpful to think through your expectations and see if they are realistic. We encourage you to review these expectations with your homestay family soon after your arrival so that they can be aware of them. Your homestay family will also share their expectations of you. Also have a think about why you decided to participate on the program. If you are coming to just improve your English, then you need to adjust your expectations immediately. This program is about immersion in your family, school and community and isn’t a language only experience. Be ready to open your eyes and feel a little uncomfortable at times.
What are realistic expectations?
Realistic expectations of your stay with your homestay family may be to become a member of the family, participate in outings with them or to learn about their lifestyle and culture. Unrealistic expectations you might have might include travelling outside of the area you will be living in, having your homestay parents drive you places at your convenience rather than theirs, or having the freedom to live the same way you do at home.
It will be helpful to have realistic expectations of your social life. You may find that local students do not go out of their way to include you in their activities. It will be up to you to try to get involved in their events. Be the first one to say "Hi" or to extend an invitation like, "Are you going to the game on Friday?"
Participants in the high school inbound program are screened candidates who have been accepted into this program because of their commitment and desire, to:
• Enrol in an overseas high school
• Live with a local family and learn about day-to-day life
• Students understand, when applying to the program, that they may be placed with a homestay family anywhere in the host country. While many of you are from large cities, your host families generally live in suburban or rural settings. This new lifestyle will therefore be a big change.
As with most teenagers, you will go through a period of great change while on the program. You’ve taken a big step in leaving all that is familiar: your friends and family and the comforts of being in a place where everything makes sense to you. At times, you will probably feel like you’ve left the earth and landed on Mars! Don’t panic! It’s normal, and we’re here to help you. We have loads of advice and there are people to listen to you when you feel homesick or if you’re having a tough time with something.
Living in a foreign country and possibly speaking a different language is a big challenge and we commend your courage in embarking on this experience. Participating in this program comes with several rules and new responsibilities. As the ‘outsider’, students need to make an extra effort to fit in and fully experience the new life. You will be an ambassador for your home country, and you are required to follow the regulations of the homestay family, host school, our organisation and our local and national governments.
Each homestay family has its own unique structure, character, and routine. Bringing an international student into the family means adding an entirely new element into daily life. Unless the family has hosted before, each family member will be faced with a brand-new experience where they will need to invent rules and ways of relating to you and each other. You will all find your comfort zone, but it may take some time.
All relationships take time to develop. There are no set rules for hosting a student, so it is up to you and your homestay family to work together and find the routine that is best for you all. The two major expectations are that your homestay family is willing to:
• Open their home and share their lives with a young person from another country
• Provide their student with love and support
Your natural family will learn more about your host community and may also become friends with your homestay family through you. They may make many sacrifices to allow you to participate in this experience and will look forward to hearing about it during your program and when you return.
Students and parents should remember, however, that there are highs and lows in every successful program. Your parents chose to send you on this program to grow in independence and experience and your parents should support you through the tough times and encourage you to rely on your new support networks – your homestay family and International Student /Homestay Coordinator
International Student Coordinator and Homestay Coordinator
Your ISC/HC will provide you with support and answer any questions that may arise. ISC/HCs liaise with our office and act as mediators if you are experiencing a difficulty. Families and students should always feel comfortable calling on the ISC/HC The responsibilities of the ISC/HCs are:
• Promoting programs within the local community
• Recruiting host families
• Conducting a home interview with prospective host families
• Meeting the student shortly after their arrival
• Being available to the homestay family for help and advice
• Being available to the student for help and advice
• Mediating family conferences if called upon to do so
• Being available for emergency assistance
ISC/HCs will maintain regular contact with you, but you can also contact them, some coordinators are based at school, depending on your location in Australia. Your ISC/HC will explain his/her schedule to you in your first meeting. Please take this into consideration when timing your call or visit. Being an ISC/HC is both challenging and rewarding. They have a very special role in your experience. ISC/HCs can get to know students from around the globe, as well as become more familiar with their own community and neighbours. They receive reimbursement for expenses associated with their role. However, they take on the role because of their commitment to cross- cultural awareness and watching young people grow.
Your school has accepted you to become part of its community. School staff and students want you to show commitment to your studies and become a member of your school group. They want to learn about your home country and school and to help you make new friends.
You've probably spent many sleepless nights preparing for your trip and wondering what your life in your host community will be like. Your sending organisation will have provided you with a departure orientation as well as specific information regarding your local community and your high school.
Jet lag is common to all travellers. The first few days of your stay will probably be very tiring. Your body is still on the time schedule of your home country. You may be awake in the middle of the night and ready to go to bed in the middle of the afternoon. You may even feel irritable. Your homestay family will want to show you their home and community right away. Be patient and let them know that you are excited but a little tired.
You may experience some stomach problems as your body adjusts to the differences in food and water. This is natural and happens to the most experienced traveller. If you have this problem, try not to drink milk. Soups, noodles, and rice are easy to digest and will help your body adjust to your new home and foods. You should begin feeling better in just a few days.
The English you will be using in everyday situations will seem very different from the English you learned at home. Many of us down under speak quickly, mumble, slur our words or use words you have never heard. The language among young people everywhere changes so quickly that it may never have become part of what you have learnt at home. Don't worry, you'll soon catch on.
You may find that some of your new friends use curse words or speak in a manner that may be offensive or embarrassing to you. Refrain from using these words as they are often offensive to other students and your homestay family as well. Remember that, while you are here, you represent your home country. Your behaviour, good or bad, reflects on you, your natural family, and your home country.
Many students read and write English better than they speak it. A journal, in which you write down your experiences and thoughts, may be helpful. You will enjoy reading it at the end of the program and later in life to see how much you have changed and grown. Your first encounter with English as it is spoken will be challenging. Don't be afraid to ask someone to speak slower, repeat what they've said or explain the meaning of a word or phrase. The most important thing is for you to practice. Though you may be overwhelmed at first, be confident that things will soon make sense!
Despite the lack of confidence, you may be experiencing, it is important that you speak in English as often as possible. If you are unsure of how to say things and do not speak to people, they may think that you are rude or unfriendly. If you are unsure of a word (especially if it may have a negative connotation) say something like, "This is not the right word, but it is something like …" so people can help you find the correct words.
Remember, everyone makes mistakes, and your homestay family does not expect your English to be perfect. Relax and have fun getting to know them and the language!
At times, you may find yourself feeling frustrated and confused. If you give it time and patience, learning English will become easier. Your fluency will increase, and you probably won't even notice.
In the meantime, you should not forget you are learning on all kinds of levels and in all kinds of situations. Wherever you are, you observe things like social interactions between people and differences in climate and natural surroundings. This kind of learning doesn't depend on language but is valuable in helping you understand your new environment. You will learn that we have a distinct body language just as people in your country do. You will master it quickly if you are observant and ask questions.
You have taken the first step by deciding to come here. Now the next step is absorbing as much as you can of the culture, the language, and the attitudes. Use every opportunity to communicate to truly become a member of your homestay family and community.
You will need to make many adjustments as you encounter new ways of doing familiar things in unfamiliar settings. Speak openly and honestly with your homestay family to avoid feeling uncomfortable or left out. The stronger and faster you form a bond with your homestay family, the quicker you will adapt to your new life.
Discuss with your homestay family what you should call them – do they prefer ‘Mum’ and ‘Dad’, or would they like you to call them by their first names? Ask where to find household items like toilet paper and soap and what the rules are regarding snacking and taking food from the kitchen. Find out if you should wash your own clothes and bed linen or if this will be done for you – where to put your dirty items and when they will be washed. Make sure that you understand any restrictions on the use of the homestay family’s computer, television and other equipment.
Culture shock is the disorientation or confusion that a person feels when moving from a familiar environment to an unfamiliar one. Almost everyone who lives, studies, or works overseas goes through some degree of culture shock.
There are many symptoms of culture shock, and one is panic. The student may feel the whole thing is a big mistake and s/he may want to come straight home. S/he may feel nervous and uncertain or feel a lack of confidence. Things which have been dreamt about for months are now not interesting. The student may exhibit physical symptoms such as an inability to sleep, crying easily, loss of appetite, nausea, and headaches. This is a normal reaction to stress and early on can also be a normal reaction to jetlag.
All reactions are normal and as the student settles into a new life and new routines the culture shock or homesickness will lessen. In the pre-departure orientation, we discuss with the students some strategies for dealing with culture shock. This can include keeping a diary, doing something familiar such as listening to music, reading, or going for a walk, keeping busy and not spending too much time alone, and setting small achievable goals for themselves. The student should talk to his or her homestay family and/or ISC/HC about how they are feeling.
We suggest that students not spend too much time in contact with family and friends back at home as this can delay their adjustment. If your child is calling you regularly, while struggling with adjusting, it is important to be supportive and assist him/her to look for ways to get through this period. Feel free to call us to talk through the issues if you need assistance. The symptoms of culture shock can be similar to depression, so if it is going on for an extended period of time and you are concerned, please let us know.
Students need to be patient and not too hard on themselves. They need time to adjust and learn the language and cultural differences. Some students move through this easily; others find they do not get homesick until after they have been overseas for a while, and some do not experience any adjustment problems.
The following are common stages students go through during their experience in a new culture:
When accepted into the program students experience a tremendous amount of excitement. This sense of wellbeing generally continues upon arrival in their new country as, initially, students may be the ‘centre of attention’ at their school.
Culture shock can set in when the initial excitement has worn off. The initial round of introductions is over, and life becomes more ‘normal’. At this stage the initial fascination has worn off and students are faced with dealing with the day-to-day challenges of living in a different culture - often this involves dealing with a new language. This is when students can start to experience homesickness and various common characteristics such as mental fatigue, change in sleep patterns, language difficulties and at times a wish to ‘be back home’.
The above culture shock usually does not last very long. It is very important for students at this stage to share how they are feeling and to make every effort to get out and involve themselves in activities at school. This way they start developing friendships. Keeping busy is a good antidote for homesickness. Eventually students’ language skills improve, and they find they are managing to communicate more easily. They feel comfortable with their school and maybe a small group of friends.
This is achieved when students are at ease with their host school and friends. They are beginning to feel part of their new culture and community and can’t believe how fast the time is flying by. You will hear them say they really feel as if they belong in every sense of the word.
As students approach the end of their experience, they can have very mixed feelings about returning home. On one hand they are looking forward to coming home and seeing their family and friends again. On the other hand, they feel quite distressed at the prospect of saying goodbye to their homestay family and community, and all the wonderful friends they have made during their time overseas. They also can become anxious about changes in themselves. While away, students will have matured considerably – they have, in many ways, taken charge of their lives and will have become much more independent, responsible young people. It is important for parents at home to realise and prepare themselves for these changes. When students return it is important to understand that the adjustment they go through as they settle back home can, in some ways, be more challenging than their adjustment on arrival overseas.
Your homestay family
Of all the friendships you will make during your program, your experience with your homestay family will probably be the most important. All host families voluntarily open their home and provide an extra bed, a place at their table, and a place in their hearts for you. They do this without receiving any payment for your stay because they have an interest in you as a person, and the country that you come from. They are just as keen to learn something from this experience as you are.
Every family has its own household routine and expectations regarding the responsibilities and behaviour of each family member. Parents do require their children, including their ‘host children’, to always seek permission before going out with friends or going to an unsupervised activity. They require advance knowledge of who their children are with and what they will be doing before they permit their child to participate, and this is especially true of their ‘host children’. Host families take their responsibilities seriously and know that the natural parents and staff are relying on them as the primary caregiver and protector of their student. They must be extra cautious and protective until they get to know you personally and begin to meet and trust your friends.
Communication is the key word in all your dealings with your new family. It is very important to speak to them and explain, so that they can understand your feelings and your reactions.
• Be quick to observe but slow to judge.
• Do not demand acceptance on YOUR terms but be willing to make both concessions and sacrifices when you reach out.
• Look for similarities rather than differences.
• Do not be afraid to be corrected.
• Learn to hear rather than just listen; to see rather than just look.
• Realise that the key to all relationships is communication.
Learn about your homestay family and make conversation with them Making conversation and getting to know people comes naturally to many of us. However, some of us find it difficult to know how to start conversations and get to know new people in our lives. Every person has a story and part of your mission is to understand the story of your homestay family. Remember it is about being genuinely interested. This is a very important part of your relationship with your homestay family. We have listed some questions to get you started:
• Ask your adult hosts about where they work.
• If they work, ask them is it far for them to travel to work. Do they go by bus, train, car or walk?
• Ask them how many days they work. Do they have to get up very early for work?
• Ask them what they like doing in their free time.
• Ask them if they have brothers and sisters, if so, where do they live, do they visit them often?
• Ask them if they have always lived in the same area, if not, where else have they lived?
• Ask them if they have ever lived overseas or ever travelled overseas, if so, where?
• Ask them if they play any sport, or do they enjoy watching sport and if so, what sport?
• Ask them if they like to read or watch movies or go to the movies. What kind of movies do they like to watch?
• Ask them if they have a hobby.
• Ask them when they were last on holiday and where they went.
• With your host siblings, if you have any, find out what they do after school.
• What do your host siblings do on the weekend?
• If your host siblings are over 14, do they have a part time job and if so, where do they work?
• Ask the homestay family what kind of food they like, then cook them a meal, or bake them a cake.
• When you find out when their free time is, see if you can take them out and buy them a coffee.
Check what happens when it comes to washing your clothes, will they wash them, or should you wash your own clothes? DON’T wait for them to have to tell you everything. It is up to you to ask these questions.
Things you can do: empty the dish washer, or wash dishes, hang clean, wet laundry on the line, take it off the line. Vacuum, clean the bathroom, set the table for dinner, take the dog for a walk, if you have younger siblings help with them sometimes, read them a story, or help get them ready for bed etc.
Communication will solve most problems. Nonverbal communication - body language - is also an important way of communicating. A smile has universal meaning. Use your eyes, hands, and facial expressions to express what you mean. Don't worry about feeling foolish, people will appreciate your efforts!
Some families hug and touch freely, some are more reserved. This may be different from what you are used to at home, but a family who do not hug as much, expresses love for each other in different ways. Observe the things they do together - joking, helping each other with household tasks, even gentle teasing are ways that family members express love for one another. Your homestay family will be facing the same feelings of enthusiasm and anxiety that you are. So, give them a chance to share their feelings too.
The success of your program is up to you. Get to know your homestay family. They opened their home to you. They want you to be part of the family. Learn about them. If you do this, you will return home at the end of your program with a new family.
Limit the amount of time you use a computer/laptop/iPad/mobile phone – where possible, use it in a communal part of the house rather than shutting yourself away in your bedroom.
Do not use your mobile phone or any other mobile device while sitting with your homestay family or at the dinner table. Limit the amount of time spent on social media, e.g. Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat etc. and make sure that you are using social media in a way that will benefit your experience rather than hinder it.
Participate and involve yourself in your homestay family and community as much as possible and make the most of every opportunity offered to you – even if it’s supermarket shopping.
It is important to involve yourself in your homestay family’s daily activities, which may include visiting relatives, grocery shopping or possibly day or weekend trips. You should expect to pay for activities such as excursions, movies, and other entertainment (while with homestay family or friends). Communicate with your homestay family about upcoming plans or activities which they or you might be planning so that schedules can be arranged, and you can save enough money in your budget for these events. Also understand that you may need to decline some opportunities to participate in more important ones if your budget or time is limited. Plans with your homestay family should be as important, if not more so, as plans with your friends.
When planning activities with friends, always seek permission from your homestay family first and know what your limitations might be (curfew, where you might go, etc.). Do you need transportation? If so, ask your homestay family well in advance so that they can tell you if they are able to provide it. If friends or host siblings regularly drive you places (see ‘Transportation’), ensure that your homestay family is aware and comfortable with this and offer to contribute to petrol expenses as a gesture of appreciation on your part.
Children are frequently given chores (housework) that they are responsible for. Such chores are considered part of routine daily life. We encourage host families to treat you as they would treat their own child, including giving you chores. Your homestay family may ask you to simply keep your room clean or they may ask for more, such as helping with dishes, vacuuming the house and cleaning the bathroom. It is also quite common for the children to occasionally cook the family meal. We ask host families to divide the work fairly between family members.
If you are unaccustomed to helping with cleaning a house, then pay attention to what your homestay family tells you. Ask them to show you where cleaning supplies are kept, which supplies are used for your chores and if necessary, how the chore should be done. After one or two tries, you should be able to do a good job without help. If asked to cook a family meal, it is a nice gesture to prepare something from your home country. If you need special ingredients, be sure to let your homestay parents know well in advance so these can be purchased. Understand when the chores must be done, and do not wait to be asked to do them.
Parents usually have an established curfew for their children - a time at night before which you are expected to return home. You are expected to abide by the curfew. Curfews vary from family to family. A curfew is set with your safety in mind, and it may differ for weeknights and weekends. Your friends may have a different curfew to you – this is irrelevant. You must respect the decisions taken by your homestay parents.
Plan your activities so that you are always home by your curfew – this is an important step in building trust with your homestay family. If you think you will arrive home later than your curfew, always call your homestay parents to tell them. While it may not excuse you from consequences it will lessen their worry and anxiety and possibly prevent an angry meeting upon your return.
When you come on to this program and stay with a homestay family, you become like a son or daughter of the family. As such, you must follow family rules in all respects, including dating. Your homestay parents will explain to you the family’s rules and you must respect their judgement, despite what your natural parents allowed in your home country. Students who become seriously involved with one boyfriend or girlfriend have a different experience than those who do not. In general, students with serious boyfriends or girlfriends may find that their time is filled with more emotional ups and downs than usual.
Your home country organisation will have made your return booking. Your homestay parents’ obligations to you cease on the program end date. If your flight is after this date, your natural parents will need to arrange the appropriate paperwork for the program release.
People under eighteen years of age are prohibited by law from purchasing alcohol. As a participant in this program, you may not consume alcohol while on the program, regardless of your age.
All possession and/or use of illegal drugs is strictly forbidden under program rules. You may not possess or use marijuana even where the relevant law allows people over eighteen moderate personal possession or consumption. If you are found to have possessed or used any illegal drug (or marijuana even when it is permitted by law) you will be immediately dismissed from the program and may face criminal charges. Any costs associated with your dismissal and other consequences for your actions will be the responsibility of your natural parents. Several students have been sent home in recent years for drug use, so please be aware that this will not be tolerated.
You will receive 24-hour phone service to assist and support you in the event of a genuine emergency. A genuine emergency is one where a major crisis has arisen, your health or wellbeing is at risk, or a family tragedy has occurred. In an emergency you should always also contact your ISC/HC.
We encourage you to notify your ISC/HC of emergency situations involving yourself or your homestay family. Examples of such situations are:
• If you are the victim of a crime
• If you have been arrested
• Uncertainty about your immediate safety
• Death or medical emergency
If you need to contact Ambulance, Fire Department or Police:
Emergency number Australia: 000
We ask host families to treat their students as they would treat their own child. This includes enforcing the house rules, which, if broken, may have consequences. Punishments for being late for curfew, abusing phone privileges or not doing chores may result in ‘grounding’ (restricting the student from certain activities or associating with certain people) or restriction of normal activities like watching television or accessing the internet. Your homestay parents are free to enact any reasonable consequence appropriate to the offence.
Every culture has different standards regarding what is considered ‘clean’. For example, bathing once a week may be considered socially acceptable in one country but here it would be considered dirty and offensive. In your host community most people will bathe or shower at least once a day. This, in addition to shampooing and washing clothes frequently allows people to remain free from body odour as we find this offensive. Despite their strong feelings on the subject, most of us would be too embarrassed to talk about such things and we may not say anything to you until we cannot tolerate it any longer. Instead, locals will probably avoid being near you. To prevent this problem, always bathe or shower regularly and shampoo and wash your clothes often and use personal hygiene products such as deodorant daily.
Some households have a limited water supply. Ask your homestay family if there are any restrictions on the length of showers or the use of water.
You may wonder what to do if you become sick or have an accident. If this happens in your host home, talk to the host parent right away. They may have non-prescription medication that will help you or they may decide that you need to see a doctor. If a condition is life threatening or needs urgent attention, you should go to the hospital emergency department immediately.
If you get sick or hurt while at school, ask your teacher for instructions. The teacher or other school official will decide whether you can remain at school or if you must return home or see a doctor. You are never allowed to leave school because of illness unless the school or the host parent approves it first.
The following actions are considered to be ‘life changing decisions’. You are not permitted to do these things while on the program:
• marry, or commit to marry
• change sex or gender identity
• change religion
• have a baby or cause a pregnancy
• get a tattoo
• have your body pierced (except ear piercing)
You are under enough stress coping with a new culture and possibly a new language. There will be plenty of opportunity for you to do these things later in life. Students who do any of the above may expect disciplinary action to be taken against them.
The host community may be very different to your environment in your home country but adjusting to these differences is an important part of your experience. On your homestay family profile will be listed the address of your homestay family plus a short description of the home and neighbourhood you will live in. Appreciating your placement for the opportunities it offers, rather than those it doesn’t, will make the difference between a successful and an unsuccessful experience for you and your homestay family.
You and your natural parents have worked hard to supply you with the spending money you will need. You want to fully enjoy every opportunity that comes along, but you must also think about the cost. As a young person with money, it is tempting to shop often and foolishly. Avoid this by preparing a budget with your natural parents prior to your departure. After arrival, you will need to work on this budget again as you come to understand your required weekly expenses. These may include school lunches, personal entertainment, school fees and expenses. Pay careful attention to the amount of money you spend so that one day you don’t discover that you no longer have any.
Part of this experience is learning to be responsible for yourself and your actions and budgeting money is part of the process. Do not put yourself in a position where you need to borrow money from others – host families and ISC/HCs are told that they should not lend money to students. It might take up to two weeks for money transfers to come through to you, so make sure that you communicate openly with your natural parents well in advance of when you might need a top up. You may want to open a local bank account soon after your arrival. When you arrive at your homestay family’s home, ask them to take you to a local bank, where you will be able to start the process of opening an account using your passport. You may need to take along additional types of identification. Never give your PIN (personal identification number) for debit or credit cards to anyone - not even a family member or friend!
After your arrival you should not need your passport again before departure except to open a bank account (if needed). You won’t need to access your passport daily so arrange for this to be stored in a safe place. Talk to your homestay family about the best place to store both your passport and important documents. In case you forget, be sure your homestay parents know where they are! Under no circumstances should you send your passport overseas once you arrive – it must stay with you.
Consideration of others and general politeness are highly valued qualities, and you should always say “please” and “thank you” when appropriate. When making plans, consider how they will affect others. Do not ‘tell’ your homestay family what you would like to do; instead, ask for their permission to undertake your plans.
A student has their homestay family’s home and private lives opened to them. We expect your homestay family to maintain your privacy and you are required to maintain theirs.
Respecting privacy means knocking on doors before entering, respecting the personal property of others, and not revealing family details outside of the home. You are also expected to first discuss any problems you are having with your homestay family then, if the problems are not resolved, with your ISC/HC or with staff. Do not discuss any homestay family problems with your friends or other members of the school or local community. These people may not understand the conditions of the program in which you are participating and may make suggestions that are not appropriate for your situation. Attempts to solve problems in an inappropriate matter can result in serious difficulties for your homestay parents after your departure. Remember - open and honest communication between you and your homestay parents can prevent problems or misunderstandings from occurring.
Your homestay family might belong to a church or other religious group, and they may (or may not) attend services regularly. We encourage you to experience different religious services with your homestay family. In many communities, church has an important social function as well as a religious function. Most churches have youth groups where students are often successful at making friends. Many churches offer both youth and family activities either after services or on different days of the week. If you try it and decide you are unable to attend because of your own strong personal beliefs or if you prefer to attend a church of your own denomination, speak to your homestay family about how you can make other arrangements.
Sometimes the hardest part of adjusting to a homestay family’s way of life can be getting along with your host siblings. Everyone - you, your homestay family, your ISC/HC and our organisation - hope that you and your host siblings (if any) will become good friends. Most of the time this is the case, however, sometimes problems occur. Jealousy on their part or yours can cause poor behaviour and hurt feelings. If you are sharing a room, this can also be difficult at times unless both people are fully cooperative and willing to compromise.
Younger children may constantly seek your attention and unless you are accustomed to younger brothers and sisters at home, this may be difficult to adjust to. Instead of getting angry and deciding that you cannot live with it, first try talking to the other person about the problem. If that doesn’t help, ask for help from your homestay parents. Be prepared to make sacrifices and compromises. Remember, conflicts with siblings are natural - both at home and abroad. How you handle the conflicts will make the difference between a good relationship and a bad one.
Smoking & vaping is not allowed. Young people may not legally buy cigarettes. Adults may not legally buy cigarettes for young people and may be fined for breaking the law. Smoking & vaping is not allowed in most public buildings, workplaces and restaurants. Smoking on school property is forbidden. Students are not permitted to smoke while on their program.
This program, and others like it, would not exist without the generosity of high schools. Schools choose to host a student because of the diversity it brings to their classrooms. In addition, teachers and administrators often enjoy showing students a new perspective. Since many resources and lots of time go into teaching, the school expects that you will always try your best to do well in your classes, to make friends and to participate in school activities.
School welcomes your perspective since it allows other students to learn from your experiences. The school will determine which grade level you are placed in. It is not normally possible for students on this program to graduate from high school while at the host school. Throughout your program, your homestay family and ISC/HC will liaise with the school to monitor your progress.
Students need to pay for a school uniform and equipment (textbooks, stationery, and other supplies) required by the school. If you choose to take a subject that has a ‘materials fee’, for example visual arts, industrial arts, or correspondence courses (if available), you must pay this. Other school expenses you will be responsible for include a school uniform, textbooks and perhaps school lunches if your family does not pack these for you.
Most students will catch a bus or other form of public transport to and from school each day. You are responsible for paying this cost. Your homestay family will be able to give you an idea of the cost before you arrive, but it would not normally cost more than $10 per day and in most cases will be significantly less than this.
Homestay parents and ISC/HCs are not responsible for school expenses – you and your natural parents must pay these fees.
The wearing of a school uniform is an important part of school culture, and you are required to comply with school uniform rules. Your school will outline the uniform requirements for you after arrival and your homestay parents or ISC/HC will help you find where to buy these items. Many schools have a ‘clothing pool’ where second-hand uniforms can be purchased and resold when you leave. Schools reserve the right to send home or give detention to students who do not wear the school uniform.
Depending on the size, location and resources of your school, there may be extracurricular groups and clubs that you can participate in. Be proactive and make enquiries early in your program to get involved with as many school activities as possible. Most communities will also have sports groups that you can join, if your school does not offer any extracurricular activities.
Most students find the first couple of months at school the most difficult. Your English skills may need quick improvement and you may find that teachers use very different teaching methods that you are not accustomed to. Use your dictionary frequently to learn new words and increase your vocabulary, ask questions about anything you do not understand and reserve time at home to complete your homework and class assignments.
Understanding teachers can be hard at first because they sometimes speak quickly and use
words that you don’t yet know. You may also find that people speak with an accent unfamiliar to you (eventually, you may even develop the same accent in your own speech!). Pay attention during class to what your teacher is saying. Most teachers want their students to ask them questions in class if they do not understand.
If you are not yet comfortable speaking in class, stay after the class ends to ask the teacher your questions. Please understand that your teacher may have little time to prepare themselves for the next class, so they could ask you to come back at another time. Take any opportunity to ask for extra help.
If you do not understand the teacher or the homework assignment, you might decide not to do it at all. This is a mistake. Review any homework before you leave school. If you do not understand it, ask the teacher or another classmate to explain it to you. If you are at home and cannot understand it, ask a homestay family member to explain what you do not understand. Schedule your activities to allow enough time to complete your homework each day. Do not wait until right before you go to bed to start it. You will already be exhausted, and it will become twice as hard for you to do.
You are expected to achieve a “C” average or higher in all classes. There are several ways to get help if you are having trouble maintaining a “C” average.
You can ask your teachers for help when you don’t understand something. Your teachers will usually want to help you if you show them you are interested in learning and that you are trying hard.
Ask your classmates. Many of them would be happy to help you and it’s a good way to make new friends.
The members of your homestay family, especially your homestay parents, expect that you will need help with school and would enjoy helping you.
If you still need additional help, ask your ISC/HC if he/she can help you find a tutor. This will be a cost that you will be responsible for paying.
You will be eager to meet other young people and form friendships that will last a lifetime. If you have a teenage host sibling, perhaps he or she will introduce you to his or her friends and you will find common interests. You may decide to make different friends, which is also fine. To do this, you will have to be outgoing and assertive as you attempt to meet people. The school day offers little time for social talking with classmates, and you will find that each class has different classmates, possibly making it harder to get to know any one person very well during the school day.
Some students report that making friends is harder than expected. Understand that it may
take some time before you develop strong friendships with other students. Other students will be curious about you, but they may also be shy about approaching you. While many people will probably greet you with a ‘Hi’ or a smile, it will be up to you to further this contact.
The best thing you can do to make friends is to be involved in class activities and join any clubs or groups that are available to you. This will also lead you to meet other people with common interests.
Do not be shy about talking to other students. With your homestay family’s permission, invite classmates for visits or activities after school or on weekends. As a precaution, your homestay family will want to meet your new friends before you go out at night with them. Graciously allow your homestay parents this courtesy as they have only your best interest in mind.
Finally, be prepared that some classmates may seem superficial to you, and you may get discouraged from wanting to form friendships. Several students have experienced this in the past but do not let it prevent you from finding good friends. The difference is that it takes hard work and determination but ultimately the reward is long-lasting friendship.
Speak to your school before your departure about your school report. This is particularly important for students departing in November as schools close over the summer break, not reopening until the end of January or early February.
Ensure that you either collect your school report before departure or that you give your school your email address where you would like your reports sent. You might choose to have them sent to your home, your home country organisation, or your home country school.
Students from some countries are required to have their host school report validated. You will need to contact your nearest home country consulate or embassy to enquire about the procedure. It is your responsibility to complete this. Failure to do so may affect your eligibility to enroll in school once you return home.
Social media can be social and anti-social at the same time.
Social media is part of all our lives and can be a very positive way of connecting into new groups of friends and sports, and community events and sharing the news from your new family with those back home. Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, and WhatsApp are just a few apps that you can use. Many students set up a blog so they can keep family and friends updated without contacting each person individually. This is also a good way to keep an online record of your journey.
Use social media to search for activities, clubs and events in your area to help you become connected and involved. This will help you get settled into your school and family. Using social media in this way will enhance your experience and help you make the most of your time on the program.
Social media has become the number one hurdle for our students to have a successful program. Many students spend their spare time speaking with family and friends in their home country and do not develop their relationships with school friends or their homestay family. At the same time the students cannot understand why they feel ‘lonely’, don’t have friends and feel like a stranger with their homestay family.
Unfortunately, this is becoming more common. Staying involved in conversations daily with your friends and family back home will hold you back with your relationships in your host community and damage the progress of your language skills. We have had students hosted for 10 months who leave with little progress in their English because they have not taken the opportunity to engage with their host community.
Please limit the amount of time spent on mobile phones, laptops, iPads etc. and use them in the communal part of the home. As we’ve noted above, screen time can help you connect, but it can also be perceived as rude and can be isolating if you lock yourself away and don’t interact with your homestay family members.
Only major cities have large public transport systems. As some students are not placed in cities, this will mean that many of you will rely on transportation provided by your homestay family and in some situations, your friends. You may not drive any motorised vehicle while on the program, even if you hold a driver’s license in your home country. You are also not allowed to obtain a driver’s license while on the program.
You should not travel in a car if you know or suspect that the driver has been drinking alcohol. Also be cautious about accepting lifts with inexperienced drivers, that is, people who don’t have their full driver’s license. Your homestay parents will set boundaries on this issue based on their knowledge of local road conditions, distances involved and the rules that they set or would set for their own children. You need to respect the decisions taken by your homestay parents.
We support and encourage students and families to use digital and social media for researching, recording, and sharing their experiences. These guidelines provide information for protecting your privacy and the privacy of others. Information is also included for individuals that share content or wish to engage with us online.
Your safety is our number one priority, and this extends to any online activity. While the decision to use social media, online forums or blogs personally is solely the decision of the individual, we would like to highlight the following safety precautions:
General Safe Blogging and Social Media guidelines:
• Digital platforms are public. Disclose only what you want everyone on the Internet to know.
• Keep details that identify you only to yourself and trusted people.
• Do not post confidential information that might be used to steal your identity such as credit card numbers, passport details or home address.
• Consider using an assumed name if you wish to keep your identity secret for personal safety or political reasons.
• Do not disclose identifying details such as your address, school, and place of work or birthday.
• Be careful about the photos you post as they may reveal things about you that you would rather keep private.
• Be careful about what private feelings you share in your blog.
• Be aware of what your friend’s blog about you, or write in comments, particularly about your personal details and activities.
• Be cautious about meeting in person someone you only know through being online.
• If you are new to blogging, start cautiously. Understand the features of the software you use and how the blogging community (the ‘blogosphere’) works, including how to filter comments.
• Do not post anything that may cause you embarrassment or might be misinterpreted negatively by someone else, especially your homestay family Slanderous comments regarding your homestay family will not be tolerated.
While you are on the program you will probably experience some good times but also sometimes when you are sad or homesick or just generally feeling down. This is normal and healthy! If you were at home during this time, you would probably also have moments when you are happy and moments when you are sad. As part of your experience on this program, there is a support network that you can turn to during difficult times or even when you are having a great time or just want to ask a question.
It is best for you to talk with your homestay family and/or your ISC/HC if you have any problems. Your ISC/HC and homestay family are there to help you make the most of your experience, local customs, and family situations the way your ISC/HC and homestay family do. Getting local support and advice is the quickest way to sort through a problem and can help you to develop your own skills and rely on your own resources to make this experience a success.
It’s always best to keep the lines of communication open and talk with your homestay family and ISC/HC about any issues or concerns you may have. Remember that you will also develop friendships with other people, just like at home. You will make school friends, be introduced to teachers and coaches, and will meet the parents of your new friends
Sexual abuse is a very rare occurrence on these programs. However, you are a long way from home in a strange country and culture. We want you to know how to recognise sexual abuse and to openly share some ideas about what to do if it happens to you. It can be hard to understand different host families and cultural behaviours. Sharing affection between family and friends is one of the nicest things in the world. However, it is possible that someone may show you a type of affection that makes you feel uncomfortable. If you feel uncomfortable about the attention you’re receiving, whether it be:
Physical hugs, cuddles, touching, or kissing, or stares, comments, invitations, or other things
…it’s OK to tell that person to stop You do not have to tolerate this behaviour. Tell your ISC/HC or staff what you are feeling. It is never too late to let someone know. What is sexual abuse? Sexual abuse includes different kinds of activities such as:
having someone look at you or make comments that make you feel uncomfortable being made to kiss someone being touched on private parts of your body being made to have unwanted sex or sexual acts being made to look at pornographic videos or magazines any other behaviours that make you uncomfortable and continue after you’ve said “no”.
You have the right to say no. It’s always OK to say NO.
Your body belongs to you. You decide who can touch you - You have the right to decide how, when, where and by whom you are touched. Trust your feelings. You should take your feelings seriously. Listen to your intuition and follow your best judgment. You decide whether to share or keep secrets about yourself. It is never wrong to tell a trusted adult if you are feeling uncomfortable about what is happening.
Talk about things and ask for help. You decide when and with whom to talk about any sexual misconduct that you may have experienced. There is always an adult in our office who can help you. You may also choose to talk with a teacher or school counsellor.
It's not your fault. The abuser is the one responsible. It is never your fault.
Sometimes, the person doing the sexual assault (the abuser) may seem to be trying hard to make friends with you. They might confide in you about personal problems, or they might encourage you to break the rules. They might appear to be jealous of your other friendships and try to stop those friendships. They do this because they want you to rely on them, rather than on your friends or family. They try to isolate you. The abuser might give you lots of presents (gifts) and offer you tenderness and may pretend to love you. They may not recognise that you don’t want the gifts or love that they offer. They may threaten to tell your parents or our staff that you have done something “wrong” – even when you have not done anything wrong. They may do one or all these things to try and get opportunities to be with you, to touch your body without permission or to look at you in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable.
If this happens to you – or something similar that makes you feel unhappy or scared, please talk to a trusted adult friend or call us for help. Talking to someone who cares about you can really help. It's ok to feel nervous about telling someone about the abuse. For example, you might feel:
• embarrassed
• guilty that you're telling a secret
• scared of not being believed or of being blamed
• afraid of getting someone into trouble
• worried about making the situation worse.
But there are good things about telling someone, like:
• relief at finally getting the problem out
• feeling less alone
• getting someone else's advice and ideas
• being safe
Bullying can occur at any age and across cultures, gender, and socioeconomic groups. It has the potential to seriously affect the wellbeing of an individual. It is important that you can recognise behaviour that may be defined as bullying, know what to do if you experience bullying and ensure that your behaviour would never constitute bullying.
Bullying is intentional, repeated behaviour by an individual or group that causes distress, hurt or undue pressure. Bullying is inappropriate and unacceptable. Students found to have either committed or condoned such behaviour while on the program may be dismissed and returned home.
If you are suffering Bullying?
If you believe you are suffering bullying, there are several important steps that you should take.
Tell the person that their behaviour is unacceptable, and they must stop it. Often telling someone directly can quickly resolve an issue.
If the behaviour continues, report the behaviour to your teacher and ISC/HC. Remember to keep the complaint confidential as this will avoid gossip.
If you make a complaint about bullying, it will be taken very seriously and will be dealt with in a confidential manner. You will not be victimised or treated unfairly for making a complaint.