Educatius has been making dreams come true for international students for more than 20 years. From offices all over the world, we place students in excellent high schools and cultural exchange programs, match them with a welcoming host family, and provide expert support throughout their stay We operate high school programs directly in 10 countries and have offices in many more, including China, Vietnam, Brazil, Turkey, Canada, Korea, Bulgaria, Switzerland, Australia and New Zealand. Our team members on the ground have decades of experience in studying, living, and working abroad. We understand teenagers and their needs!
This Student Handbook is made as a thorough guide to you as an exchange student and your parents.
In this handbook, you will find answers to most of the questions, we know from experience, can show up during different parts of your exchange – both before and after departure.
Some of this information you will have received already if you have attended Get Ready meetings, and many of these topics we will also cover during Pre-Departure Orientation.
However, we are aware that there is a lot of information to keep track of, so use this Handbook as a reference, if you are missing answers.
We have listed the topics in alphabetical order from A-Z, to ensure that you can easily find the different topics.
Your new family are completely ordinary people
Rule of
Isn’t feeling happy with the host family? Isn’t feeling happy at school?
When you are on exchange, we recommend that you try and sign up for different activities. Signing up for activities can be done in two different ways:
In some countries, extracurricular activities are provided through the school This applies to especially USA and Canada. Activities involve various sports and clubs, and it varies from school to school how often/when the clubs and sports teams meet. This means, that the club/sport does not necessarily meet right after school – so it can also be in the evening. If you sign up for a sport, it is typically every day after school, until 5-5:30 p.m. For these countries, where activities are offered by the school, the price for those activities is included in the program price, however, there may be extra costs in the form of uniform hire and (for some schools) an extra general health check to assess whether one ' s body can withstand the sport in question (very normal in e.g., the USA and Canada for a wide range of sports).
In some schools, sports teams, especially at larger schools, there may be tryouts for various sports, if you want to be a part of the team. Tryouts are sort of an entrance test, where the coaches will see if you are qualified for the sport, testing how you do different exercises and work with the other team members. Many sports will have “varsity” and “junior varsity” teams, varsity being the best team, and junior varsity being second best team. Please don’t be disappointed if you don’t make the varsity team, many American students take sports very seriously in order to get an athletic scholarship when they go to college.
In some countries, activities such as sports and other clubs will be outside of school – just like you might be used to in your own country. In these countries, you can ask your host family or local contact person for help finding local activities to join. For example, your town might have a local football team These activities will usually take place during the evening Here, the price is not included in the program, and you pay in the same way as you would back home. The price of activities varies depending on the country, area, and activity.
Based on the motto “Education is for all”, Educatius is launching an NGO project we call AiDucatius. Aid + Educatius = AiDucatius.
At Educatius, we have a so-called one-to-one policy. For every student we send out into the world, we sponsor an African child’s school for one year. We work with students of approx. 15-16 years, because we believe that education is for everyone, and because we know that many people in that age group in Africa often do not go to school, and even less often can afford an exam.
We also know that most other aid organizations tend to concentrate on younger children, and we know for some that education is important. We work with several schools in some of the poorest areas in The Gambia.
For each student, we cover the costs of school uniforms, shoes, books, and school food, and pay for their final exam.
You can choose to open a bank account in your host country after arrival. However, we do not usually recommend this, as our experience is that it is very expensive in terms of fees. It may also be difficult for you, as it often requires your host family to go with you and possibly sign as you are under 18 years.
Instead, we recommend that you bring a Mastercard/Visa Electron or a similar payment card. This will give you the opportunity to withdraw a larger amount e.g., once a month. It also allows your parents to transfer money and keep an eye on spending. Please note, that there may be withdrawal fees. Talk to your bank about your options, and let them know that you are traveling, so they don’t block your card because of unusual activity in a new country. You can ask former exchange students from the same destination what they did.
Soft Landing Camp is not a necessity for having a good exchange year, and it is not something neither the host country nor the new school will let come before the exchange stay itself. If the school decides that the student must come within a few days, and the student therefore does not have time to participate in the SLC, then the student must do what the school says. It is the schools that decide.
The school can quite late in the process ask our partner organizations in the host countries for an earlier departure than originally planned, even if there is a long time until school starts This may be because the school wants to meet the student beforehand, and in this case, the student must leave earlier than planned. For the student to be able to do this, it can mean that they have to travel directly to their host family. This is something our partner organizations decide. In this case, please remember, that the school year is the main reason for exchange, and our partner organizations usually offer trips for exchange students during the year – so you will still have a chance to travel. For those who have children going to the USA, remember: New York isn’t going anywhere.
We want to give our students a chance to get a soft landing in the different destinations that we offer. There is a lot to learn and get used to. This means learning a different language or improving one you already know, getting used to a new currency, and learning cultural differences. On the SLC we will talk about culture shock, and how to handle it. Together with other exchange students who are going to the same country as you, we give you the opportunity to have an amazing experience in some of the most amazing cities in the world
On SLC, you will also receive tips and advice before you meet your host family for the first time, where our experienced camp staff you share their best tips on how to fit in well with your host family and get the most out of your exchange year. There will also be shopping and sightseeing.
The Soft Landing Camp program is included in the price you pay for the program, as we know how important it is to get a good start on this new adventure. SLC is offered in the following destinations: USA, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Spain, Italy, Germany, France, Ireland, and England.
Some of our destinations offer language camps before startup – sometimes this is included in the price, and other times it will be an additional cost. In some countries, they offer Orientation Camps, which are like “mini” SLC, where you also get the opportunity to prepare yourself before your exchange stay really starts.
You should always, as the first step, contact your local contact person if you experience any conflict between you and your host family you can’t solve yourself, or if you do not feel like you fit in with the family, even after trying your best. Please remember, that fitting in with a new family can take time. We therefore expect that you give a fair shot to get to know your family. It does take more than a couple of days or weeks, so take your time and if you find it difficult, try reaching out for help with your local contact person. If you, for example, feel like you and your host family are miscommunicating, ask your local contact family what you might say to them, to get them to understand you better. Your local contact person will talk to you and your host family to figure out what feels difficult, and how you can get over a potential rough start, so everyone feels comfortable. The starting point is always dialogue, and you can’t solve any conflict without involving everyone. It maybe be the right solution to change host family, but the local coordinator will always try to help you solve your problems with your host family first.
If you do not succeed in solving your problems, your local contact person will look for a new host family for you. In this case, they will always look for host families in the same area first, so you can keep the same school and friends that you have gotten. Finding a new host family can sometimes take a while, and you must stay with your current host family or local coordinator until a new family is found. In some cases, the process may not take long, perhaps 3-6 weeks, however, in other cases, it can take longer, and you may need to be patient during this process.
You might have a suggestion for a new host family you can stay with. This can be a family you have gotten to know during your exchange, but it is never your own responsibility to find a new family. Your coordinator may ask you if you know of a family, but the intention is not that you have to find a new family yourself. If they ask you this, it is only to give you an opportunity for you to move in with a family you already know. Perhaps you have even received an invitation directly from a host family in the area – then it might be a great opportunity to start the application.
If you do end up changing host family, be aware that this will not be your decision, and that the partner organization in the host country is the one who makes the final decision based on their impression of the situation.
Church and religion are a more common thing in many countries than it might be in your home country. All host families have been through a strict screening and have further signed a document declaring that they will not preach their religion to exchange students. Some families are very religious and attend church on a regular basis (1-2 times a week). Other families do not attend church as regularly, and others may be more culturally religious, as often is the case in the Nordic countries. For some families, it is important that the student attends church with them on Sundays, as it is a family activity. We recommend that you as a student attend church with the family if it is something they do This shows respect for the family, and interest in the culture they have.
Remember, any worries you might have regarding this usually are present because of a lack of knowledge. Openness to your own beliefs often helps. Usually, our students experience that the church is a community where all their friends from school also attend, and when they meet openness and interest. Many students also enjoy attending youth groups within the church, because it is very social, and is more about the community and not the religion.
We recommend you at least try it out – you might end up loving it.
We recommend that you take care of your own room – that is, you tidy and clean up your room. Preferably on a level, that matches the family. If your host family lives in very clean and tidy proximity, it is nice that you also make sure to keep your space clean and tidy. It is a good idea to adapt to family rules, norms, and ways to live. Also, when it comes to cleaning and clutter. All families like to do this in their own way, so keep in mind, that just like at home, all families have different preferences. Some good advice is to pay attention to how the family does certain things and adapt these things. If you are in doubt, ask them. Help out with the dishwashing or clean the tabletops if you see it needs it. Many families may also have chores for the kids in the family, and as you are going to be part of that family just like everyone else, there might also be chores for you to do – like helping keep a tidy house or doing the dishes.
The contact person should contact you, but if they do not, please:
Contact your area representative yourself. Tell your local office in your host country, that you are not being contacted. Tell Educatius in your home country that you are not being contacted
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“Talking to my host family helped me 9 times out of 10. In the beginning, it took some getting used to, but I quickly realized that they could help me solve the problems I had, and that helped me a lot.”
Sophie, Texas, USAAll students that travel with Educatius, will be given a local contact person (area representative). This is an adult, a local person, who needs to be there for the student if there are any issues with the host family, the school, etc. This person cannot live more than a 2-hour drive from the student. Our advice to you is, to get to know the area representative well. This will make it easier for both parties to contact one another during your year to talk about how it is going The LC is there to support both you and the host family, so this is a person who is in the middle and will help both you as a student and the host family.
You should have realistic expectations regarding your contact person. They are partially volunteers and usually have full-time jobs besides being an area representative. This means, that your contact person is taking part in the exchange program in their spare time. Your area representative has chosen to be responsible for approving your host family and follow you through your exchange year, because they are interested in other cultures and in exchange students. Remember to show your gratitude and be respectful towards your contact person. You should see this person as a part of your new network in your new home.
The area representatives’ job is to keep in contact with you and your host family approximately once a month. This can happen in different ways: a phone call, a visit to the home, a quick talk at the local football game, in the supermarket, during school, or in other ways. If you experience things that bother you, talk directly with your contact person about this.
If you do not hear from your area representative right at the time when you need to talk to them, please reach out to them yourselves. A phone call, no matter the reason, is always welcome. If for any reason your local contact person is not available when you need them, please contact the office in your host country.
If you wish to have a private conversation outside your host home (your host family’s house) with your local contact person, please let them know. It might be, that your host home only has a phone in the common areas, and you don’t want your host family to hear your conversation.
Please keep in mind, that your local contact person is there to support and help you, but they can’t know that you might be feeling down if you don’t tell them. It is your responsibility to address the issue and ask for help. Another person ’ s opinion might sometimes help in a difficult situation.
Having good communication with your host family is important. Ask them questions and talk to them, if there are things that you do not understand or find weird. Issues are often started because of language or cultural misunderstandings. Open and good communication usually solves any problems. Just by communicating with your host family, you might avoid that small issues turn into much bigger ones Good communication is also essential to really getting to know your host family and becoming part of their family. Ask them questions, show interest in their culture and lifestyle, and tell them stories about yourself, your family, or your culture back home. This way, you show interest in your host family, whilst ensuring that they get to know you better!
If you have tried talking to your host family, and it isn’t working, you should try to talk with your area representative about it. Please don’t ever think that the issue is too small to address to your area representative – they are there to help you and your host family. Likewise, your host family can also contact the local contact person if you do not keep up with house rules or if they feel unsure or in doubt about something.
The communication path is an important part of good communication.
Communication Path: Student
Host family
Area representative / local contact person
Partner organization in your host country
Educatius employees in home country
Own parents
If you experience any issues or feel unsure about something, you should always go to your host family first, then to your area representative in your host country. If you feel that you can’t talk to your host family first, please start with your area representative. Finally, you can contact your contact person at Educatius in your home country. It is not that we don’t want to help you, but please remember that in most cases, it is much easier to solve any issues in your host country, as we are a lot further away than those who can help in your host country.
If your area representative is on vacation, or if you feel like they are not listening to you, you will have received a free phone number from the partner organization in your host country, that you can call if you need to talk to someone.
Culture is a complex thing. According to Dennis Nørmark, culture can be defined as a way of interpreting the world, which is divided by a group, and led by the group ’ s expectations towards behavior and norms of others. It is led by central values, which are perceived as right and significant by the members of this group.
According to Nørmark, some of the things that often go wrong in cultural meetings are:
The fear of speaking about it: We do not dare talk about culture and cultural differences, which is why do not address what we experience or are in doubt about, and we do not know other people’s view of things.
Lack of knowledge about other cultures: When people behave differently than what you expect, what is that caused by? What can you expect from an American or a Japanese person?
Lack of knowledge about ourselves: Because either Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, or Danish is the “normal” for us, we often do not have any idea how unusual we might be in the eyes of others.
Culture shock is a feeling of panic, shock, or feeling very uncomfortable in a meeting with a new culture, or even after some time in a new culture and unfamiliar surroundings, habits, and people that are different from what you are used to.
It might be expressed as:
Negativity toward new things
Constantly comparing new things with your home country
Thinking that your home country is better – wrongfully judging new things
Having a difficult time adjusting/finding yourself
Holding onto many different things, that you are dissatisfied with, but finding it difficult to really address what is wrong
Help! I’m having a culture shock!
In these situations, please, do not worry. It is not unusual to feel some sort of culture shock or overwhelmed during your exchange year. You are making a big change in your life, and some people, they might feel the change very quickly, for others, they don’t feel the culture shock until later in their stay.
Feeling panicky: You might feel like everything is wrong, and that you just want to go back home. This is a natural reaction for many during the beginning of their stay, but as time passes, you will feel like this gets easier and experience that the biggest insecurity disappears Be patient, and take one day at a time
Feeling uninterested: You are not excited at all for the new culture, that you have dreamed of for so long. The more you get involved with your host family and life at school, the more excitement will return to you. Make sure you are as involved as possible, staying busy and focusing on the positive.
Feeling nervous and unsure: You have lost your confidence and feel unsure and scared. As you become more familiar with the culture in your host country/state, you will learn to handle these things better, understand more things and generally feel safer. It is okay to feel insecure and scared in the beginning. Try telling your host family or friends how you are feeling, so you don’t feel so alone This is also a good way to get to know people around you Believe in yourself, and remember, it is easy to lose sight for a minute.
Feeling impatient: You are impatient towards the people around you and have a hard time understanding what they are talking about. Remember, it is completely normal to experience a language barrier in the beginning, and it requires a lot more focus from you. This will quickly improve if you focus on improving/learning the language.
Feeling critical: You are critical towards your new surroundings because they are different, and it might make you feel unsafe being out of your comfort zone. Be patient with yourself. Take one day at a time. Focus on making new friends and get involved in different activities, and then you will experience a more nuanced picture of your new life. Be aware not to criticize your host country or family – this will not be perceived well by anyone and might actually cause even more problems
Please remember: Not right, not wrong – just different!
When you have to live in a new culture, it is important to familiarize yourself with the Rules of the Game according to the new culture. In this way, you might save yourself from any conflicts or misunderstandings, that are a natural part of a cultural meeting. This can be done by being attentive toward your new country, asking questions, and doing some research on the country before departure. At Educatius, we have contact with a lot of former exchange students, for example, our wonderful ambassadors. You can contact them to learn about their experiences with the culture in your host country.
It is worth remembering, that everyone is different and unique, and it might be difficult to generalize an entire population, but it might help you prepare for what you can experience and how to understand it.
See our destination-specific section at the end of this handbook to learn more about the specific culture that you might meet.
If you have a girlfriend/boyfriend in your home country before your departure, try to plan how often you should keep in contact, and try to limit it – especially in the beginning. It can be very difficult to start a new life and network and generally settle in well if your thoughts are always on life/people back home. So, some good advice before you leave home is to make some arrangements with your boyfriend/girlfriend. We recommend that you talk to your partner no more than once a week, and for some it might even be beneficial not to talk at all for the first few weeks, to make sure you settle in well in your new home.
As an exchange student, it is important, more than anything else, to follow the laws and rules of the country you are in. It is also important that you are aware of the rules that we, at Educatius, and our partner organizations have for you as an exchange student. It is not unusual for our exchange students to date in their host country, and in most cases, it is also allowed to date. However, there can be rules or cultural differences, that you might not be used to. Ask your host family or area representative, what the rules are, if you want to date. You should be aware, that there might be a lot more strict rules, than what you are used to. You will likely have a curfew that you have to follow – and this curfew will probably be earlier than what you are used to as well. Girls and boys do not usually hang out as they do back home, and it is not unusual that girls and boys are not allowed to be alone behind closed doors You can, of course, hang out, but this will usually be to hang out together in a common room with other people. If you are in doubt, please ask.
For students traveling to the US, there will be several departures each week from the end of July until the start of September. Your departure will depend on when your school starts. This means, that you will not receive your departure date until you get your placement. We do not start reserving departure dates until April/May, so if you get your placement early, please be patient. It is our top priority to send off all students in time for their school start, and most students will therefor arrive in the week leading up to the start of school, unless your school has a specific wish that the student arrives early due to e g , tryouts Unfortunately, we are not able to meet any specific wishes of vacation with your host family before school starts, as we have a limited number of seats on every flight, and likewise on our Soft Landing Camps. To make ends meet, and to be able to send all student off in time, we cannot meet any specific wishes.
Students going to the US need be ready to depart from the last week of July and onwards. This means, you need to be ready to leave home with a day’s notice, and therefore it is important that you have your visa ready before this week, unless you have already received your placement and already have a later departure date.
Students travelling to other countries than USA, will have a fixed departure date, where all students from your country travelling to that particular destination will usually depart as well. For example, Norwegian students going to England will usually depart on the same day. Depending on your program and destination you have picked, there will be different departure dates throughout the summer You might receive an approximate departure date, but it will not be until all your flights are booked, that you can be sure of the exact date. Flight tickets will often be booked in May/June.
Approximately a month before your departure, you will receive a Departure Letter. It is important that you read the letter carefully, and that you understand your responsibilities before departure. These responsibilities can be regarding what you should do, if something happens during your trip, who to contact, which documents to have in your cabin bag, and so forth.
When departing, you will need the following things in your cabin bag:
Passport and visa
Proof of insurance
Name, address, and phone number of your host family and local contact person
Phone number for Educatius
Emergency phone number for Educatius and your partner organization
Address and phone number for your partner organization in the host country
Pocket money
Medicine, if this is something you need on your trip. You can also bring your doctor’s notice depending on which medication you are bringing.
Remember, that you are not allowed to have any liquid products that are above 100ml and can be gathered all into a one-liter clear bag that can be closed. Perhaps bring medicine and the corresponding prescription, so you can document why you are bringing it.
Besides the things mentioned above, you might also like to bring the following things:
Glasses and/or contact lenses
Addresse for friends and family
Pictures of friends and family
Less personal things to decorate your room
Information about your home country (a good way to teach your host family about your home)
Presents for your host family
Recipes for local food from your home country, that you can cook for your host family. They often love this!
Copy of your most recent grades and vaccination records. Many schools wish for you to bring this when registering. Remember to translate your grades to the grade system in the country you are traveling to!
Adapters for your chargers/electronic devices. Many countries have different charging outlets than the ones back home.
This Student Handbook – perhaps have it downloaded to your computer if you are bringing one, or on a USB.
Departure airport
All departures will take place from Kastrup Lufthavn in Copenhagen (CPH)
All departures will take place from Oslo Lufthavn Gardermoen (OSL).
Most departures will take place from Arlanda Flygplats in Stockholm (STO), however some students depart from Gothenburg or Copenhagen depending on location.
All departures will take place from Helsinki-Vantaa airport (HEL).
A rule of thumb is to meet in the airport approximately 3 hours before an overseas flight, and 2 hours before a domestic European flight. In some cases students get the opportunity to meet up with other Educatius students leaving on the same fight as you. This will only be the case, if you are on the same flight as other Educatius students and everyone wishes to meet up before hand to check in and find the gate together. We cannot guarantee that you will be leaving with other students. It is a good idea to have all important documens at hand, so you can easily find them when checking in.
You can’t buy additional bags or seats until the check-in due to ticket technical reasons. Basically, when a third party (such as a travel agent) purchases a ticket, airlines do not allow any additional services to be added until check in. This we can’t do anything about.
Luggage on domestic flights in the US and Australia must always be paid separately at check in. Usually these tickets never include any luggage, which is why we cannot add any luggage to the ticket when buying them.
When you are staying in a new country and culture, it is important that you follow the rules and norms of how to dress. As a Nordic teen, you will likely experience that your home country allows more things than your host country does. We recommend, that you try not to dress in very short skirts or shorts, tops that show a lot of skin, and clothes that are seethrough or that have low necklines. In the US and Canada, schools have dress codes for what is acceptable to wear during school. Ask the school upon arrival or you HF or local coordinator what these dress codes ae.
In Australia, New Zealand, and Japan you are expected to wear a school uniform. Some schools in Ireland, England, Canada, and the US, might also have uniforms or at least a set of rules for the dress code in school.
In your home country, you might be very privileged regarding getting to and from sports, friends, school, and activities. You are probably used to being able to bike, walk, or take public transportation. Your parents have probably allowed you to move freely, either alone or with friends – perhaps also at night. In all our host countries, you might experience that the rules regarding transportation are stricter – or at least different. You may experience a culture where the host family drives you, or you take the school bus. In many host countries, there might be bigger distances to school, and an hour in a school bus in the US or Canada is not unusual Many of our former students especially had to get used to having to plan everything with their host families in order to be driven to/from activities. It is normal for you to feel a setback in your dependency in the beginning. The stricter rules might mean that you are not allowed to move around alone, and you might not be allowed to go to all the places that you wish. There might be cultural or safety measures that you have to be aware of.
Talk to your host family and area representative about what is normal, and what you can expect. Your host family is responsible for your safety during your exchange year, and they just want to keep you safe.
In some countries, teens can drive from the age of 16. In these cases, you will see that many of your friends can drive themselves, and if your host family allows it, you can ask your friends to carpool to school or be picked up if you have sports or other activities. If you do have friends who are able to drive you, it is always nice to offer to pay an amount for gas.
Please contact your local coordinator at Educatius in your home country for rules about driver's licenses specifically to your destination.
Your local Educatius office will provide an emergency phone number for you during your trip, that you can use for emergencies only. You should always contact your host family, your area representative or the partner organization in the host country if you need any assistance during your trip to/from the place where you are staying during your exchange. At Educatius, we will also be able to help with your trip, however, you will likely find it more helpful to contact the partner organization directly. Before your departure, you will receive all addresses and relevant phone numbers for the Soft Landing Camp, emergency phone numbers both in your home country and at your destination, and you will be informed who you should contact in a given situation.
Your local Educatius office will have a 24-hour emergency phone that you can use in case of an emergency. We have a specific emergency team for this. This phone is open for both students and parents When you call the phone, you will have to leave a message, and someone from the team will call back wihtin 30 minutes. The emergency staff differs from week to week and includes staff from all our Nordic countries, so be prepared to speak English if you are contacted by a staff member that isn’t from your own country. You are not able to send text messages to the emergency phone.
The phone is reserved for emergencies and cannot be used for questions regarding, for example, visa, placement, or application. If you have issues regarding these things, please call the regular Educatius number within office hours.
The partner organization in your host country will also provide an emergency phone number, that only the student can use Please use this, in case of an emergency in your host country, where you need immediate help. It is important, that the first contact you make is directly to the partner organization, and not your local Educatius office, as the partners will be a lot closer to the situation and can therefore help you much faster.
Misuse of the emergency phone can lead to a warning. Please only use it if you are in an acute situation.
Minor things can cause conflicts, disagreements, or misunderstandings with your host family, your new friends, or your school during your exchange You will experience that your new home will go from new and exciting to feeling at home and as a part of the family. Being part of a family, just as you know it from home, comes with ups and downs. When you start to feel like a true part of your host family, you might also start to experience minor issues in your everyday life – but this is completely normal. It doesn’t have to mean that there is anything wrong with either your host family or your school, it just means that the honeymoon phase you might have experienced in the beginning is slowly phasing out. It means that your everyday life in your new home has finally kicked in, and things you might not have noticed before start to take up more space; minor conflicts, things you like/do not like about your host country, etc.
Keep in mind that all schools and families have different set of rules Getting an opportunity to live in another country means that you will get a complete authentic experience of what it is like to be a citizen of that country and culture. You have to get used to having different rules than back home and having a new everyday life. Teens in other countries aren’t allowed as many things as you might have back home. Likewise, religion plays a bigger part in a lot of families worldwide, and attending church or praying before eating is not unusual. To really become part of your new host family, it is important to spend time with them, communicate with them, and attend their family activities. This way, you show them that you are very interested in becoming a part of their family. This family has opened their home for you, and they would love for you to show that you are excited to be learning about their culture and lifestyle.
You may find their activities weird or different than what you are used to, but keep in mind, that these differences are also why exchange is so awesome – you are so lucky that you get to learn another culture and be part of it yourself!
Your exchange year has all the prerequisites to be a good one! Try avoiding too high expectations about your host family, school, and surroundings.
You will likely experience a completely different culture than what you have seen in movies or heard about from others. In order to get the best exchange year, try to stay positive and open toward what awaits you, so you don’t get disappointed if things aren’t how you imagined them to be. Surely, a lot of things will be exciting and awesome, whilst other things may be unusual for you. To settle in well in your new home, you have to be open and courageous to try new ways to do things. See these new experiences as a huge opportunity!
Some advice for you: Be curious and ask questions. Learning about your new home will make it much easier for you, and it shows that you are excited to be there!
Well, being just as much a part of your host family as any other member, getting to know people around you, participating in activities either with your family or at school, and learning a new culture.
And of course, being excited to do all these things! That’s a good start!
Expecting that your host families will look a certain way; expecting your host family to have plenty of kids or to live in a huge mansion. Remember, host families are just like families back home; they all look different and come from many different backgrounds.
Expecting to travel a lot during your exchange year; some families like to take trips/vacations, while others like to stay home and spend quality time.
Expecting the same lifestyle as the one you live back home.
Expecting to get a lot of friends without having to work for it yourself; you might experience that your fellow students do not necessarily take much initiative to include you in their lives.
You will need to be outgoing and do your best to make sure you become part of their lives. Be patient and kind and talk to everyone around you. Don’t give up, even if you feel like making friends isn’t as easy as you thought it would be. Signing up for activities, clubs, sports, volunteering, or something similar in your community (or at school) will often lead to finding some great friends!
During your exchange, you will have the opportunity to partake in different activities. Before saying yes to an activity, please check if your insurance covers that particular activity. Some activities are qualified as “extreme sports” or “dangerous sports” and your insurance may not cover that. This could include snowboarding, waterskiing, or martial arts.
In some destinations, you can choose to purchase a ”high-risk sports insurance” that covers sports that are more dangerous or extreme, that are not included in your standard insurance. Be aware, that the insurance needs to be purchased along with your program before departure.
Furthermore, be aware that some extreme/dangerous sports might be against the program rules. If you are in doubt, contact your area representative or your local Educatius office.
Making new friends in your new home is one of the most essential things while attending high school. The greater friends you have, the better year you will have – that’s the truth. You might have to overstep a boundary and do your utmost to meet new people.
If you go to a school that has a lot of other exchange students, please be aware, that even though it might be easier to group up with other international students, don’t make it too much of a habit. If you only hang out with other exchange students, you might have a more difficult time adapting to the culture in your new home. The whole idea of being in a new environment and a new existence disappears if you do not try to integrate yourself with the locals in the city
Another thing is, that you will not see as much of an improvement in your language skills, and the general learning phase that all students go through will be slower for you. So, while it might be fun to hang out with other exchange students who are in the same situation as you, try to also get involved with your new local classmates. After all, you chose to come to this particular destination for a reason; to learn about their culture, language, and lifestyle
To experience this 110%, you have to get to know the locals. There will come a time when your exchange is over, and then it will be nice to have great friends in your host country for you to visit in the future!
Just like getting to know your host family, a good way to make new friends in school is to show your interest in things that they do or like. Ask them questions about their hobbies, or something they do that is not usual for you. Attend school events and ask them if you can come with if they are going somewhere. These things are not easy, we know, but a big part of going on exchange is trying to move out of your comfort zone. Your fellow students will be thrilled to teach you about their culture!
It is a completely natural part of your exchange to experience homesickness. At Educatius we define homesickness as; a feeling of longing and missing the familiar and homey when being in new surroundings. Sadness is about feeling disconnected from things, people, places, habits, etc. that you care about and appreciate. You may experience homesickness in different ways:
Feeling especially drawn to the familiar and safe, like wanting to call home or even wanting to go home
Wanting to isolate yourself and keep to yourself
A feeling of sadness that can be difficult to put into words
Losing your desire to eat
Some students only experience homesickness during the beginning of their stay, others experience it later on. Few students don’t experience it all, while others may experience it often. Homesickness is very individual – and your experience of homesickness might be completely different than someone else’s
It is important that you reach out if you feel any sense of homesickness. Share your thoughts with your friends, your area representative, your host family, or Educatius. It might be nice for you to share it with someone else if you are not feeling too well.
How to prevent or handle homesickness:
Break your isolation: say yes if you are invited to do something or take the initiative yourself to ask your friends if you want to do something fun.
Be active, stay busy.
Open up and share your feelings with the people around you
Write in a journal about your feelings and thoughts, your day, etc
Positive thinking: for example, find 10 things every day that you are thankful for about your stay
Focus on one day at a time. Try not to think about your entire stay at once, this might be overwhelming.
Make small steps in order to fit in; decorate your room with personal items
Make a big effort to get to know people around you
Cut down on your contact with your home country
Seek help
There is no formula as to how a host family should be, should live, or should look like. Just like all families from your own country, host families will look and live differently. Some families do not have children, others have plenty; children can be of all ages or might have moved out already. Some families are young, some are older. Some live in the city, others live out in the country. Some host families are religious, others are not. It is important for us to underline, that host families come in different constellations. What they all have in common, though, is that they are opening their home for you and are genuinely interested in having you be part of their family.
Your host family will most likely have different habits than your own back home. They might have different eating habits, different rules, or other curfews. They will likely give you chores and ask you to help out in the home – just like all other family members. It is a good idea for you to try and prepare for new experiences (that might be out of your comfort zone at first), so you are ready to adapt to these new ways of living and can appreciate this new lifestyle. If you are open to it – it will be a lot more fun for you! Once again, please remember, that you do not go on exchange to live the same life you do back home :)
All host families have to go through a thorough check by our local partner organizations in the host country before being approved to host. Our partner organizations are some of the best in this field, and they have years of experience finding the most suitable families. Through a personal application, a visit to their home, collecting references from family and friends, and a clean criminal record, the families are approved. Our partner organizations have a huge network, and they know plenty of families in the host country, so they have plenty of trustworthy experience approving families for hosting.
The “traditional” family picture, with a mom, a dad, and children has evolved and changed a lot. Globally, it is pretty common that a lot of families look completely different. You may be placed with a family with stepparents or stepsiblings, a single parent, parents of the same gender, or families with no children The opportunities are endless What really matters to having a good stay is care, love, togetherness, and respect – not the family structure. Try not to have any specific expectations as to what your host family will look like. You will most definitely experience a different family structure than what you are used to, and what a great opportunity this is!
Your host family has invited you to stay in their home because they are interested in learning about a foreign culture, and because they want you to be a part of their family. You will, most likely, stay with a host family that doesn’t have the same economic level, culture, or religious background as you. You should accept and respect their lifestyle – and don’t be afraid to ask them questions if you are in doubt about their culture or way of living. This is how you best learn. They might expect you to follow their customs and norms – for example, in Japan, most families will expect you to greet the family correctly every time you enter a room, and of course, it is not expected that you know these things immediately when you arrive.
You will come a long way with your host family with politeness and good behavior. This could be with something as small as asking how long you can take to shower if there are many people in your host family. If there is any special food you feel like you need, offer to pay for it yourself (other types of bread, milk, or fruit etc.) If your family wants you to join them when visiting other family members, be kind and show interest – and go with them. It’s all about showing respect, and you will also see that this will integrate you a lot faster.
Your host family has chosen you specifically. It is difficult to get to know them properly via letters or pictures, so during your first few weeks together, you will learn a lot of new things that you might not already know about them. You can be surprised both positively, or you can be disappointed. It is completely normal. They are completely ordinary people as well –with strengths and weaknesses. Keep in mind, that this is a cultural exchange. Not only do they wish to give you a great experience, but they also want to learn about new people and cultures themselves.
Your host parent(s) will explain to you, what is expected of you in everyday life. They will expect you to live up to these expectations. If they do not directly address these expectations, ask them what they are, and how you can help. This is a good conversation starter and this way you make sure to not overstep any boundaries.
A part of being a family member just like everyone else is helping out with chores, just like everyone else. Perhaps make yourself a reminder of your responsibilities at home, when they are given to you (Tuesday: do the dishes, Wednesday: take out trash, etc.)
Always remember to clean up after yourself, and help out if needed, even if it is not initially your chore. Learn by observing; observe what your family does and try to do the same.
If you open something, close it again.
If you break something, admit it, and either have it fixed or replaced.
If you wish to borrow something, ask before you do so.
If you borrow something, return it after use in the same condition you received it in.
If you spill something, clean it up
If you move something, put it back when you are done with it.
If it will make someone happy, say it.
If anyone hurts you, say; “that hurt me, let’s talk about it”
If you hurt someone else’s feelings, be the first to say; “I’m sorry, let’s talk about it”
While you are abroad, it is appropriate that you adapt to the hygiene standards of that country/of your host family. Some countries, regions, or states have water restrictions, so ask your family about their routines. You are welcome to ask your host family how long they usually shower for, how often they do laundry, or how often they change their bedding By asking and learning from them, it will be easier for you to adapt. If you do not know how to do your own laundry, ask your host parents for help, we ’ re sure they would love to show you. Period hygiene can vary from each country. If you are in need of guidance on e.g. disposal of used pads or tampons, don’t be afraid to ask your host mother or local coordinator.
You might be used to a certain standard for internet accessibility at home, and perhaps you are used to having access to internet no matter where you are. You might also be used to bringing your own laptop to school and even using it for schoolwork. As an exchange student in another country, this might be very different. Internet might not be as accessible as you are used to, and some families might not even have internet at home. You will have internet at the school, but you will likely see that you are not allowed to bring your own laptop. Some host families have limitations on how much time you are allowed to use the internet and during what hours you are allowed to use it. Internet is not a right, but a privilege that many students have
Chances are that you will feel frustrated and confused. If you are patient and give yourself time to get used to the language, it will be easier for you to learn the language. 2-3 months is not that long, and that is the time it usually takes people to learn a new language well, or almost be fluent in the language you already are familiar with. Your language skills will improve quickly, and you might not even notice Wherever you are, you are observing everything as a social interaction between people and their different personalities. You will learn that the people in your host country has specific body language, just like they do back home. Be good at asking questions and observe what others are doing and how they’re communicating – and you will soon be skillful in that language too.
The first step towards going on exchange has already been taken, and the next step is learning about the culture, language, and opinions surrounding you. Use every opportunity to communication with people in your area. Doing this will help you become part of the community. You can even jumpstart and do research about your host country before departure! Check out magazines, music, do research about the history of the country, the politics, or celebrities Having some knowledge about the host country will make it easier for you to make friends and participate in conversations!
In some countries, dinner is the main meal and is eaten at different times of the night depending on the country For many countries, lunch is usually a light meal consisting of a sandwich or similarly – for others, lunch is the main meal. Some families tend to eat at restaurants or order takeaway several days of the week. Other families like to plan their meals and eat together as a family. Some families like to eat in front of the TV or eat individually when the family member is feeling hungry. Having different eating habits is not necessarily a “ wrong ” thing, it is just different.
Food is also a part of the new culture you ’ re learning. You will surely be introduced to new food that you haven’t tasted before, and it’s a good idea to be open to trying these new foods.
If you need to bring medicine on your exchange, we recommend that you bring enough for the entire year. It is your own responsibility to check what is required in order to bring enough medicine for a full year.
When bringing larger quantities of medicine to another country, you will need a doctor’s note (medical passport) where your doctor states that you are bringing the medication for your own consumption only and contact information on your doctor, so they can be reached in case of any questions.
We recommend that you pack some of that medication in your hand luggage – for example, a month’s worth of medication – and the rest in your suitcase. That way, if your suitcase is lost on your trip, you will at least have medicine enough to last until your suitcase is found and sent to you. The same applies to contact lenses etc.
Just like with everything else, you will experience that when you travel to another country as an exchange student, the people in your host country might react differently, or have boundaries when it comes to being modest or free-spirited. For example, many host families might embarrassed or uncomfortable if you walk to/from the bathroom in just your underwear or in a towel – even if this is something you are used to doing back home. Even if you are used to not thinking much about modesty back home, you should be very aware of your host family’s boundaries and ask them if you are in doubt.
Creating a good exchange year for your child also depends on good parental cooperation between all parties involved, including the cooperation between Educatius and you as parents. An exchange year is not like buying a package holiday or a vacuum cleaner, where the customer buys a service from the seller. Exchange can be compared more to parentteacher cooperation regarding a student’s education, where each party has a role that needs to be fulfilled in order for the result to be good.
Educatius’ role is to create the framework for the exchange year, arranging a useful preparation process and all the administrative tasks regarding this. Your role is to support your child in fulfilling these frameworks in an open, proactive, and positive manner, encouraging and constructive problem-solving. It is also your task to handle any emotional challenges you might experience when sending your child abroad. Part of this is preparing to let go of your child a little and trusting that all involved parties want the best for your child. Some of the things, you can think about as parents to exchange students are:
Cooperation during the planning/preparation process:
Supporting your child in creating realistic expectation for their stay
Encouraging your child to participate in preparatory activities
Encouraging your child to practice being open to new people
Cooperation during the exchange stay
Supporting your child in communication with other people than you. This could be to encourage your child to speak directly to their host family if your child has questions, doubts, experiences misunderstandings, is hurt, or something similar. Supporting your child in keeping themselves active; signing up for extracurricular activities, being proactive, and talking to others at the school, church, or somewhere else.
Remember that there are cultural differences and therefore easily can arise misunderstandings and misinterpretations
Remember that you don’t know the full context of what your child is experiencing
Try to stay calm and not get carried away if your child has a difficult period
Limit the contact with your child to once a week, or once every second week, to support them in focusing on their exchange stay and giving them a chance to nourish their relations in the host country.
You are always welcome to contact the local Educatius office if you have doubts or questions.
A part of our organization’s set of values is that the communication between Educatius and you as parents needs to be done with mutual respect for each other and in a proper tone.
Our communication with you must be clear, so you can best navigate in the various phases of the process at Educatius. It is also a principle of ours that any problems must be solved as locally as possible, so you might find that we do not intervene directly unless the student has first contacted their area representative in the host country and that this has not helped. We are not doing this because we don’t care – but we often see that issues are solved best when it is done immediately in the host country.
We always include the students in any discussion as they are the ones with the first-hand experience. As parents, you are always wecome to contact us with any concerns, questions, or worries, but we prioritize communicating directly with the students. Please help us by encouraging your child to contact us instead directly instead of you, as a parent, contacting us on the student’s behalf.
In all destinations, there is a chance that host families have pets. Perhaps you are used to having a dog or a cat at home and are then also used to a certain level of cleanliness when it comes to your indoor pet. All families are different when it comes to pets, and a lot of families might be more relaxed when it comes to their pets, not cleaning immediately if their cat or dog sheds on the floor. Naturally, there shouldn’t be dog- or cat hair in your bed or on surfaces where food is cooked. If you think something needs cleaning – help yourself to do so.
Besides dogs, cats, rabbits, or birds, host families can also have more unusual pets like pet pigs, monkeys, donkeys, etc.
What is important to remember regarding placements is that it includes not only a host family, but also a spot at a near-by school, and a local coordinator. All three of these things have to be confirmed, before the placement is settled, which is why it can sometimes take a while for the placements to come in.
We live in a world with constant change where we experience unforeseen things all the time. However, despite challenges, all of our students will always be guaranteed their departure.
With our One Team Across the Globe, your exchange year is secured with our Departure Guarantee. Departue Guarantee applies for all students who are signed up for one of our programs and have been fully accepted by the receving partner organisation in the host country. If you wish to find out more about this, please check the Terms and Conditions you received when signing up for the program
The interest in hosting exchange students is significant, and some host families even choose to host two exchange students at the same time. This is an excellent opportunity for you to experience yet another culture and live with another student who is also facing some of the challenges you are. Educatius recommends that all students are open to a double placement and say yes to this in their application if they ask about it. Opting out of a double placement means that the placement guarantee is canceled (only for US students). Nordic students will usually not be placed with other Nordic students because of language similarities.
You may be placed in a host family as the only exchange student, and they then welcome another exchange student into the family during your stay. In this case, you and your parents will have to sign an agreement to this.
It is not unusual for exchange students to share a room with a host sibling or another exchange student if they have a double placement. It is not a requirement for families to provide a private room for you, and therefore it is completely acceptable if you have to share a room, even if you are not used to this. If this is the case, you will always only be able to share a room with a host sibling of the same gender and somewhat similar age.
At Educatius, you have the opportunity to live with a family that you already know yourself. Your host family is not allowed to be close relations or biological family members such as a father, mother, sibling, grandparent, uncle, aunt, etc. It can, however, be friends, colleagues, or something similar. The family is not allowed to speak the same native language as you (Swedish, Finnish, Danish, Norwegian). The partner organization in the host country will have the check this family on an equally as they do every other host family. If the family is approved to a direct placement, Educatius will offer a discount on your program price. The organization has the right to refuse the family if they do not live up to the requirements, and in this case, the organization will find you a new host family just like all other applicants
Every year, we experience calls from students who have received their placement and want to know if they are able to be placed in another family instead because the ones they got were not what they expected.
You have the option to say no to your placement. However, if you do so with no valid reason (for a reason that is contrary to our contract), we cannot guarantee that we will find you another placement, meaning that your departure guarantee will be canceled. Ultimately, this means that you might not be going on exchange if we do not find you another placement.
Host families are opening their homes for you, and in most cases, they have chosen that they want you specifically to become part of their family. They are they ones who know what life will be like in the host country, and they have chosen you because they think you will fit well in both in the community and in their family. We always encourage students to trust that the host family that chooses you have done so because they think you will have a fantastic year with them.
Host families come in all constellations – they all look and live differently. No family constellation is particularly better or worse than others. The same goes for the size of the city/town they live in, or the school where you will enrolled. So keep an open mind and see opportunities rather than limitations. Even if you are skeptical at first, the family might just be the nicest people and the coolest surroundings, just very different than what you had imagined.
We are sure that all former exchange students agree that the most important feature of your exchange year is having a loving and welcoming host family, regardless of where they live or how they look.
During your stay, your family is in charge of accommodation and food. However, it is still necessary for you to have your own pocket money every once in a while. You might want to buy something for yourself from time to time. It can be anything from clothing, snacks, food, experiences (trips), or gifts/souvenirs for your family back home How much/little pocket money is sufficient is individual from student to student, however, we usually recommend having about 300 USD available monthly. Usually, students use a little more money during the first month as there are a lot of new things to try or things that might need to be bought that you didn’t bring from home.
Besides things you might want to buy, there may also be expenses in regard to school such as books, uniforms, or school lunches. School lunch can be bought in the school cafeteria at your own cost, but you can also bring lunch from home.
How you best handle your pocket money and transactions from your parents during the exchange year varies a lot. We recommend contacting your bank before departure and getting their input.
Since unforeseen expenses might suddenly appear, it’s always a good idea to have money in reserve or have the opportunity to receive some. It is never a good idea to have larger amounts of cash lying around or on you
Be cautious of how you use your money during your stay, so you do not suddenly find yourself short of anything. Do not borrow money from your host family or friends, and do not lend money to other people. Your pocket money is for your own consumption, so take care of them.
Every culture has its own rules as to how to behave correctly. Regular politeness and good behavior is always a good way to meet new people – no matter the culture. You will be met with positive minds if you greet people with consideration. Your sensitivity and willingness to learn their culture and language will definitely help you adapt to your new life. Being considerate of others' feelings and showing good manners shows that you respect new cultures.
Generally, being a guest in another country, politeness and gratitude are amongst the most important things in order for people to want to welcome you. Especially towards your host family. It is their home, and it will be their lifestyle and rules that you will adapt to. Talk about rules and expectations and be curious. Ask questions. This shows them that you respect them and want to be part of their family. Show politeness; a “Thank you ” , “merci”, “danke schön”, “gracias”, etc. will get you a long way. Show people (your host family, your local representative, your teachers, friends, that you appreciate their help and care for you).
If you wish to bring friends home from school, ask your host family and plan it with them. Show them that you consider them when making plans and decision – this way they will feel respect and valued.
Another way to show gratitude is by helping out at home. Your host family will be pleasantly surprised if you offer your help with cooking, setting the table, or unloading the dishwasher. Small gestures can make a huge difference. Imagine your own family hosting an exchange student – wouldn’t you find it rude if they didn’t say thank you, goodnight, good morning, or excuse me?
Be curious; do your best to learn about their culture and way of life. Observe what others are doing, ask them questions, and adapt. Observe how people go about – what they say or do. It can be how they greet one another. Do they hug? Shake hands? How do they address each other? Knowing how they perceive politeness will make a big difference for you to know. We are sure that you want to be perceived as nice and that you want good relations. In many countries, our general way of doing things, like greeting or addressing people, might be very different. Adapting to their culture will be part of you. There are so many exciting and interesting things to learn!
We know that getting used to this new life is completely overwhelming for students. When we are overwhelmed by new things, we tend to become critical and wish for things to go back to how we know. We tend to think that our way of doing something is the correct way, especially if we are overwhelmed. When you are living in another country, what you know or do is not the correct thing for them. You have to be careful you do not criticize your surroundings. Imagine someone coming to your country and criticizing your way of doing things, you wouldn’t perceive this very well, right? Criticizing your surroundings might make the people around you reject you.
Have a positive mind and attitude, even if you are skeptical and overwhelmed See it as an awesome opportunity to experience something completely different!
It is a very good idea to bring a small present for your host family as a way of thanking them for opening their home to you and welcoming you into their family. A suggestion could be to bring something local from your home that they might not know already or are not able to buy themselves where they are. They might not know anything about your country and bringing them something from home gives you an opportunity to teach them something You can also bring something personal that has a special meaning for you that you would like to tell them about. It does not have to be a big and expensive gift, but perhaps a food or book from home. Something simple that can show/tell your new host family about you and your life at home. This is also a perfect opportunity to start a fun conversation with your host family in the beginning of your stay. For example, if you bring food from home, you can make a taste test with them. These positive and fun experiences are important in the beginning.
Generally, you might like to be prepared for people to be curious about you and where you come from. You might get a lot of questions about your home country. Perhaps bring a book or pictures that you can show those who are curious.
Our partner organizations in each destination have zero tolerance towards alcohol, drugs, smoking, sex, and driving. Furthermore, you are not allowed to make any life-changing decisions such as converting to other religions, getting married, having children, or getting piercings/tattoos.
Remember, the tolerance for these things is different than they are in the Nordics, and there is nothing Educatius can do to change/bend the rules and regulations of these countries.
Breaching any program rules will ultimately lead to being sent home immediately without second chances.
These rules are:
Consuming alcohol is prohibited
Consuming drugs is prohibited
Making life-changing decisions is prohibited (changing religion, getting married or pregnant, getting tattoos or piercings.
You must pass all your subjects in school if you are in an English-speaking country In non-English speaking countries, you must do your best to learn the language and keep up in school. Dismissal, probation, or expulsion from school will always lead to being sent home immediately.
Driving any sort of motorized vehicle is prohibited
Visits from home are prohibited
Working is prohibited (except babysitting, mowing the lawn, etc.)
Sexting; sending or sharing of sexual explicit digital pictures, videos, messages or emails.
Getting pregnant or getting someone else pregnant.
By signing our Terms and Conditions, you declare that you will not breach any of these rules during your exchange stay.
Educatius has what we call zero-tolerance rules when it comes to alcohol, drugs, and smoking. This means that is it totally forbidden for you as an exchange student, and that you may risk being sent home immediately, at your own cost, if you break any of these rules.
Amongst other things, following our rules means that you cannot consume alcohol or drugs during your exchange year.
There will always be some teens who consume alcohol, smoke weed or consume drugs, and it is your responsibility to avoid these people. If you are at a party where other people consume any of these things, you have to leave immediately If the police come, there might be much worse problems than you might be used to in your own country. While the other attendees at the party might just be sent home to their families, you will too – but your own family back in Europe, not your host family. Some countries and organisations are very strict when it comes to consuming alcohol, and we have previously experienced cases where students have been sent home only on assumptions or from blurry social media pictures, so keep yourself out of situations that can be misinterpreted. Please keep this in mind because this is no fun way to end your exchange year. Many countries have an age-limit drinking law, meaning that it is against the law to drink if you are below 18, or even 21, years of age. You are not allowed to smoke during your exchange year either.
As a rule of thumb, it is not allowed to engage in any sexual intercourse during your exchange year. Each country and partner organisation will have their own rules or laws regarding sex, and in most cases, if not all, it is against the rule or law. For example, in many countries, it is against the law to have sex if you are under 18 years old, even if it is with a partner of the same age. The chance of being sent home if you break any of these rules is big, especially because these rules will also be a breach of the law in the country you are in, and your visa may be annulled immediately. Generally, you need to be aware not only of Educatius’ rules, but also the organisations and the laws in your host country.
We know that this may sound very harsh, but it is important that you understand the risks these things may bring.
Breaching any program rules will lead to consequences. The consequences will depend on which rule is breached, and perhaps if it is the first time you are breaching a rule. A rule breach can either happen according to the host family, in school, or with the organization.
Depending on the country and organization, every step of the process has a title. Here is a short explanation:
This means that you have 30 days to show improvement. This could be the case if you fail a subject, do not show up for school, or spend too much time alone in your room. This is an example of a warning that can be given by the school or the organization according to how you behave towards your host family.
A “Positive Action Plan” can be drawn up if the organization or host family wishes to see improvement from the student in certain areas. The plan is drawn up by the student, the area representative, and the host parents. Through a joint dialogue between the three parties, a set of agreements will be made, going forward. These agreements will be followed up on, and it is important that improvements are clearly visible and that the student will do their utmost to work on said agreements.
During probation, the student will be kept under extra supervision. Probation will usually only be granted if the student does not improve within a certain period, or for serious offenses. It typically lasts until the end of the semester, and during the probation, the student will typically be in more frequent contact with their area representative.
Some violations will lead to immediate repatriation without any prior warning and without any prior probation period. This could be, for example, a student drinking alcohol. All of the listed breaches of the program and their follow-up, whether it be a “positive action plan” or “probation” or something else, will lead to a repatriation if no improvements are made, or if the student does not show willingness to cooperate.
Be aware: it is entirely up to the partner organization and the authorities in the host country to determine the consequence for the student in the event of a breach of rules/laws. This is not in the hands of Educatius or the parents. In the case of repatriation after breaching a law or serious rule, the student will be demanded to leave the host country immediately at your own expense.
Upon returning home after your exchange year, we will invite you to an annual reunion Here, you will be reunited with your friends from Soft Landing Camp and meet new friends who have also been on exchange and find themselves in the same position as you.
All students will receive a return ticket after their exchange year is over. For students travelling on Select programs, and all US students, the dates on the initial return tickets may change For these students, we will confirm their last day of school during spring of the return year. If changes have been made, and the school ends on a different day than initially announced, you will be sent a new ticket. This could be due to “weather days” or other things that mean that the school has canceled certain days and is instead adding them to the school year at the end of the semester.
For Classic students to destinations other than the US, the return date will be a fixed date. The flight ticket will be booked on the official program end date, so we cannot accommodate any changes to those dates. If students want to change the date for example due to travel plans, they have to do so at their own expense. It is important to note, that since students are in the host country on a student visa, rules regarding visa will apply, and usually students cannot stay for very long in the host country after the school has officially ended
As not all airlines allows “minors” to travel on their own, in some cases it may be necessary to book the domestic ticket with other airlines than these ones. It may seem as if you are flying a “detour” to get to your destination, but this might be necessary for the student to be able to travel on their own.
If you wish to pick up your child in the host country, you need to contact Educatius first There are different rules that apply, and documents to be filled out. So before you book your flight ticket, contact Educatius.
During your exchange year, you will experience both highs and lows. Educatius offers support and guidance throughout your experience, and we will do anything we can to support students and parents. In some cases, the students and their parents choose to end the exchange program abruptly before the program is over. This can be for personal reasons.
An exchange program can also be ended by Educatius or the partner organization if the student do not follow program rules.
Upon registration to our high school program, the student and parents declare to comply with Educatius’ and the host country’s rules – which is both for the student’s safety and to ensure a successful exchange stay. The student must comply with all federal, state, and local laws of the respective host countries. The student must also at all times comply with Educatius’ and the partner organization’s rules, as well as the school’s and host family’s rules and norms. The parents must comply with Educatius’ rule for good communication (please see the section called For Parents).
If any of these rules are breached, Educatius, the partner organization, or the school in the host country has the right to end the student’s exchange stay. It is clarified that Educatius has the right, if necessary, to send students home:
That do not comply with applicable program rules and general terms and conditions
That breaks the country’s legislation
Who do not display appropriate behavior
Who do not show a reasonable effort at school
Who do not take responsibility for making life work with the host family
With “reasonable effort in school” we mean that the student follows along in classes, hands in any school work, and achieves grades that are average/above average. In cases where it is decided to send the student home, it is demanded that they return home immediately at their own expense.
If the program is interrupted after the departure and before the program officially/ is scheduled to end, no refund of the program fee will be given for the remaining period. This applies both in cases where a student – for whatever reason – is sent home by the partner organization, and in cases where the student themselves – for whatever reason – withdraws from the program before the planned time.
The Nordic countries are generally safe countries to live in. Therefore, we also have rules accordingly where young people can freely move around – also after 8 PM You might not be used to seeing police officers with weapons, nor are we used to carrying weapons as private individuals, or for that matter having weapons lying around in the home (unless someone in your family is a hunter and has a special weapons permit).
You might come from a country that is perhaps one of the safest to stay in, if you compare to most other countries in the world. As an exchange student, it can be overwhelming getting used to the fact that general security plays a different and larger role in your host country, and that this can have an impact on what you are allowed to do and you might experience a culture where, for example, there may be school officers who carry guns. One thing is certain; your safety is important. Therefore, it is important that you comply with rules that your school, host family, and partner organization may have If you ’ re in doubt, ask
Weapons include, but are not limited to, all types of firearms, knives, swords, handguns and rifles. As an exchange student you are not permitted to buy or carry any type of weapons. You are not permitted to holding or touching a weapon under any circumstances. Exchange students are not permitted to shooting at a shooting ranch or go hunting. You will be sent home immediately for breaching rules regarding weapons.
In some countries, it is permitted to carry weapons, so you may experience that your host family has weapons. If you are going to the US, and are placed in a large high school, you will probably see that the school has security guards who carry weapons This is completely normal. Do not be scared or surprised by this cultural difference, which can feel very violent and different than what you are used to.
As we have mentioned, being an exchange student in another country means new people, new places, and new cultures. We want to inform you how to recognize sexual abuse/misconduct in case this should happen to you Because you live in a new place, where people might behave differently, you might feel like your boundaries are being overstepped. This could even be within your host family, because they do something that you are not used to or are not comfortable with. If you experience any of this, please tell your host family directly or contact your area representative.
What is sexual abuse/misconduct? It includes different activities or situations such as:
If anyone looks at you, or comments on something that makes you uncomfortable. If anyone touches private parts of your body or forces you to any physical contact (for example kissing).
If anyone encourages you to unwanted sex or sexual actions. If anyone encourages you to watch pornographic videos or magazines. Any other activity or behavior that makes you uncomfortable and continues after you have said “ no ” .
Sexting; receving, being ask to send or share sexual explicit content online (pictures, videos, messages, e-mails, etc.)
The schools in the host countries care a lot about how you manage and behave in school. You have to think about what you wish to achieve during your school year and be a good representative of your country. Remember that this school has offered you a spot, so they expect that you take it seriously. Grade requirements are to be maintained through the year, and if you are struggling in a subject, you might take potential extra classes to focus on this subject. Multiple students experience that they are called to have a meeting with their schools because their grades are too low If you are struggling, they will try to help you move forward with a plan which could be receiving help from a school friend, getting a tutor, or simply just being better at asking for help from the teacher – and of course showing up for all your classes.
Greet the principal, figure out who the guidance counselor is, and become familiar with your teachers. Be a good ambassador for all exchange students. Play your part in allowing your school to want to accept another exchange student in the future. Decide beforehand, that this will be good experience, and let this be your motivation! Remember, everyone around you wants to help, but you are there on a student visa, and if you don’t study, you can risk losing your visa and your opportunity to stay in the country.
Your everyday life will revolve around your school, where homework and tests will likely still be a natural part of it. The schools require that you keep a grade point average of C. Besides this, focus on enjoying your new life with new friends and fun extracurricular activities. Regarding sports, Educatius cannot guarantee that all schools offer a certain sport or other activity (unless you are on the Select program).
Getting used to a new language can be tricky, especially having all your classes in that language. You might see that you will have a hard time following along in class at the beginning of your exchange year, and this is completely normal and expected. The most important thing for you to do then, is to seek help and do your best to move past it. As time passes, it will be less and less necessary for you to ask questions, as your language skills will improve. Use your friends or your host parents if they can help you with any schoolwork you might find difficult. If you lean back and wait for help, you will see that it doesn’t just come naturally – seek help if you need it.
If the school informs the partner organisation that you are struggling language-wise, the school has the right to require that you take additional language classes This might seem unfair, but as it is an academic exchange program, it is imperative that your language skills are strong enough to be able to succeed at school.
In some countries, schools will prepare students for the worst possible scenarios. It is important that you participate in any potential drills the school might have. You are welcome to ask the front office when you start the school how their “lock-out” procedure is, so you feel informed and safe. For many students, this can be a big concern, and if it is for you, please talk to your school and friends about it. Should anything terrible like this happen and the school is in lock-out, follow your teacher's instructions. They are trained and informed about what to do in serious, dangerous situations.
Schools in several of our destinations require students to wear school uniforms. Please be aware that school uniform is not included in the price for the program, and if this is required at your school, it will typically be included in your placement letter. Some schools even have summer- and winter uniforms.
Other schools won’t have a specific uniform, but a strict dress code, which you will need to follow while you are on school premises. This can be regarding the length of your skirt, showing off too much skin, or inappropriate prints on your t-shirt. If you do not follow this dress code, you will either be sent home to change or borrow from the “lost and found” pile they have at the school.
Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, TikTok – whichever other platforms you use. Social media is a part of many people’s lives Many Nordic teens use social media every day and might not think about how much time they’re spending on the different platforms. It is a very integrated part of many teens lives. When you are on exchange, you have to think about your social media usage, and we recommend that you try to think about your habits even before your departure.
Below we have included advice from former students that might inspire you on how to handle social media when you are on exchange:
I created a new Facebook page. I informed my friends that because I was going on an exchange, I would be taking a break from my regular Facebook profile. I made this decision because I didn’t want to be able to follow my friend’s lives on Facebook – I thought it might make me too homesick and make me miss my friends even more.
I decided to use Facebook/Instagram just once a week, and only to update my friends and family on my new life. There were periods when I even forgot about Facebook and only used Instagram to share my experiences. Looking back, I am glad I made this decision.
I had my laptop with me, so I could Skype with my family. We had made an agreement beforehand to Skype once a month, which was really nice. I didn’t use Facebook at all when I was on my exchange.
I used my social media several times a week – but only for 20 minutes at a time. I think this was a good rule and a good balance so I could still check my platforms but didn’t make my host family feel like I was too absent. Educatius has a blog contest on Facebook, so I followed along there as well.
I wrote blogs during my stay and sent them to Educatius for them to post. It was a lot of fun following other student’s blogs as well.
I made a Facebook Page and shared this with my friends on Facebook. On this Facebook page I shared monthly updates with pictures and descriptions on what had happened that month This made it easier for me to keep my friends and family updated all at once This now also works as a fun photo album for me to visit when I miss my exchange life.
We do not write any destination-specific information on this matter, as there is such a frequent development a lot of these things change quicker than we can manage to update this handbook. Below you will find a general overview of the options that are typically used for all countries.
You can buy a new “disposable” phone. When buying this phone, the price includes call minutes and text messages that you can use, and when you have used up all the available minutes and text messages, you buy a new one. This is not a smartphone, but a simple phone that you usually have for 2-3 months at a time. You can buy them in supermarkets.
You can buy a phone card that includes a certain number of minutes/text messages/storage. When you have used up the card, you buy a new one. These can be bought in supermarkets and you can use it with your own phone.
You can be created as a new customer and have your SIM card sent to you You typically subscribe to this for a certain number of months. You use your current phone from home.
You can either choose to bring your current phone from home or buy a new one upon arrival. If you buy a new phone, be aware that some countries sell phones that are connected to a specific provider. We recoomend that you buy the phone directly from the retailer (Apple, Samsung, etc.) and subsequently buy a subscription from a phone company. Please note, that the insurance purchased through Educatius does not cover electronics so we strongly recommend to leave any expensive phones at home.
In the Nordics, we usually use our phones and computers much more than in other countries. Your regular usage back home might be seen as “too much” in your host country. It’s important not to spend too much time on your phone. Rules and restrictions regarding electronic use are very common, so you might find that your host family has a rule that electronics need to be in the kitchen overnight, or that they turn the WiFi off for the night. These rules are actually quite common. This includes using headphones, which is perceived as something rude in a lot of countries.
When you arrive at your host family, a lot, if not all things, will be different than what you expected. Even if you have tried not to have too many expectations as to what it should be like, chances are that you have still painted a picture in your head of what everything looks, smells, or feels like. It is completely normal, and something we all do to try and prepare us for what is to come Chances are also, that you will compare everything to back home, and maybe your host family does things completely different than what you are used to. When/if this happens, the best thing you can do is to keep an open mind and remember that this too will pass and become a normal thing for you.
Jetlag is a normal thing for everyone who travels through different time zones. If you ’ re traveling to another time zone, the first days in your host country you will probably feel tired as your body is still on European time You might wake up during the night or feel ready to go to bed during the afternoon. You might even feel irritable or uncomfortable. Your host family will probably want to show you their home and will want to talk to you when you arrive. Try to be patient and let them know, that you do find it exciting finally being with them, but that you are very tired.
Even if you feel it is overstepping a boundary of yours, do your best to talk to your host family at the start of your stay. Express your feelings and thoughts to help your host family understand what you are going through. When they understand why you are reacting the way you are, they can help you find a good solution. If you feel sad, tired, or upset for no particular reason – tell them. If you keep it to yourself, your host family will think you are quiet because they have done something to upset you, and it isn’t actually the case, but you feel upset because you ’ re homesick or have problems at school. If they are able to help you, this might solve your issues while also bringing you closer together.
Your host family may not have any experience of traveling or living in a different country with a different language, so they may not fully understand what you are going through. Being an exchange student is a very special thing and comes with a lot of emotions and exhaustion. It is completely okay to say “I’m just a little tired today. No one has done anything to upset me, I am just having a tough day.”, just make sure you actually mention it.
A rule of thumb is to think of yourself as a vlogger during the first weeks. Explain and narrate everything you do in the home. This will help you in two ways: 1) Your host family will learn to understand you and your behaviour quicker, and 2) It will help you improve your language
This is a thing that might come naturally to you or be something that you can talk to your host family about. We always recommend communicating – so you can ask your host parents what to call them. Some like to be called “ mom ” and “dad” while others just prefer being called by their name. Of course, you should feel comfortable calling them their preference as well, so have a conversation about it.
Communication will solve most problems Non-verbal communication and body language are just as important a way to communicate. A smile is universal. Use your eyes, hands, and facial expressions to express yourself. Everyone will appreciate you making an effort.
Journaling, where you write down your experiences, thoughts, and feelings, may be helpful to you. Once some time has passed, it might be really nice for you to read your journal and see how much you have learned, and how mature you have become. If you write in your new language, you can even use the journey to look back and see how much your language skills have improved and motivate you to keep going!
Educatius has drawn up a list of Ten Golden Rules, that should serve as a way to make your exchange stay a success if you follow them:
1. Stay active/busy.
Never criticize your host country and host family.
2. Always say yes to an invitation – and invite people to do something too.
3. Show gratitude towards your host family for opening their home. For example, be helpful and say thank you.
4. Adapt – follow rules, duties, norms and laws.
5. Keep an open and curious mind. See your exchange as an experience.
6. Focus on the life you ’ re living on exchange, not your life back home.
7. Show responsibility. Seek help if you have any problems.
8. Be aware of your expectations vs reality.
9. Participate in your host family’s activities throughout your entire stay.
The exchange year is an academic year, so the school will take a lot of your time and focus during the stay. This is not meant as a year, where the students has plenty of time to travel, however, some trips are planned by the partner organizations for all exchange students. If you want to go on these trips, you need permission from both your school, your host family, and the partner organization. Traveling on your own outside the local area will not be permitted during the year. It is the partner organization in the host country that sets a limit for the “the local area ” .
Travels will only be allowed if it is with the organization, the family, the church, or other activity groups. In the last three cases, you will need approval from the partner organization. The student must apply for permission ahead of the trip. If you miss school because of traveling, you need permission from the school. Travels without permission will consequently mean the student being sent home for breaching rules.
Visits from family and friends from home during your exchange stay is not permitted. Visits include planned holiday visits, daily visits, or visits, where someone from home drops by because they are in the area. One of the reasons for this is that our partner organizations have experienced students usually get very homesick after having visitors from home. This will not improve your well-being, integration in your host family, or school. We have seen students who, after having visitors from home, felt so homesick that they canceled the rest of their year. We do not wish this for anyone.
You might be allowed to have visits towards the end of your program, but you will need permission from your host family, the partner organization, and Educatius. To apply for permission with the partner organization, reach out to your area representative. Permission for visits will usually happen via e-mail to Educatius. We recommend that you and your parents do not book any flight tickets before permission is gained.
It might be complicated getting visitors from home, even if it is towards the end of your stay. You will be feeling a lot of conflicting emotions when it’s time to leave your life in the host country behind, and it might be too overwhelming if you have your parents or friends from home be there during this time. The life you have in your host country is 100% your own, and you might even feel wrong having your own family be in it with you Consider this
Your host family has been your closest family foer the entire year. They might also feel weird or uncomfortable having your family or friends there. Here are some thoughts to keep in mind:
Be respectful to your host family and their plans, in case you have visits from home
Include your host family in your and your family’s plans, and ask for advice
Invite your host family, if you and your family are going on trips in the area
Be clear about when your last day in the country is, and make sure you have good time to say your goodbyes to them.
Don’t expect your own family to be able to stay at your host family’s house during their visit Always ask nicely, and remember, they might not want to say no to you if you ask directly.
Some students will experience that their host families will go on vacation/trips without the student. This can be for a handful of reasons, and please don’t feel offended if you ’ re not invited. A host family is not obliged to invite their student on their travels, just like the student is not obliged to go on trips with the family where they have to pay for themselves.
In this case, a “vacation family” will be found for you to stay with while your host family is traveling. Vacation families have, just like the host families, been approved by our partner organization in the host country Usually, the partner organization will ask you if you have any friends in the area that you can stay with while your host family is traveling. If your friends’ family is okay with this, they will be contacted by the partner organization so they can assess whether this is a good solution.
Students must get all required vaccinations (which are included in your application) before departure. For all our destinations, the student must have followed their local (Danish, Swedish, Finnish, Norwegian) vaccination program and received all vaccinations included in this program Furthermore, there may be specific requirements for each destination You will be informed of these vaccinations in your application package.
Vaccination requirements are based on local healthcare plans. In some destinations, schools are not allowed to even let students onto school grounds before all required vaccinations are given. Some countries or states are more strict than others, so it is important to always follow vaccination regulations very clearly. We have seen situations where the student has taken a vaccination just one day too early and have had to retake it because the state regulations were so strict. Read the vaccination requirements very closely.
A welcome family is a temporary family that hosts you for up to three months until a permanent host family is found – usually in the same area, but we can’t guarantee this. In some cases, the hosting period will be extended so they become your permanent host family for the entire year
Host families help us to ensure a departure guarantee for all students before deadline (USA) and ensure the selected school. Due to strict safety requirements for host families, we either use a welcome family or an arrival family. We do not let our students move into a home, before the partner organization has collected criminal records, and all application documents have been approved We, at Educatius, have strict requirements to our partner organization in regards to ensuring all students’ safety and well-being.
Our partners are required not to announce a placement to the student until the school, area representative AND host family are all in place. Welcome families are used in the event that the school placement is ready, while individual documents in connection with the host family are still pending. A welcome family has already been approved by our partners and wants to contribute for a short period.
he welcome family welcome the exchange student to the country and takes good care of them while waiting for all paperwork to be in place.
Once all paperwork is approved, the student can move to their actual host family. An arrival family is used when our partners have found a good school, but a host family has agreed to accept the student for only a semester or a shorter period. Some host families are not able to commit to a whole school year but are willing to start with a shorter period of time, like three months. We have seen in quite many cases that the student ends up staying with this host family for the entire stay, anyway – but this is not always the case. There can be various reasons why the arrival families cannot host the student for the full stay. Reasons include financial aspects, family growth, moving, etc.
When your child is going on exchange, it is normal that thoughts and questions will occur. Fortunately, the framework for the trip has already been laid, and you can be sure that your child will have accommodation, school, and a life full of exciting experiences and opportunities. When your child goes on an exchange, their experience will be different than everyone else’s children. You may feel that it gets very empty at home and that your worry will intensify It is important, then, to let your child adapt to their new home and give them a chance to become a part of their host family’s life – and you need to let them try and do this on their own.
It will usually help, that you are positive and believe that this stay will be a good experience for them. If you show that you ’ re confident in this, it will rub off on your child. When you talk to them, help them distinguish between details that are not as important and matters that might play a bigger role in their exchange stay. It is likely that the host family has different routines, cleaning routines, eating habits, TV favorites, and leisure interests than what your child is used to. They will likely have other rules for the use of phones and the internet, distribute housework in the family differently than you do, and have different traditions. Keep in mind that your child will be moving to a new culture, and there will simply be other ways of conveying things and different viewpoints Your child will be perceived as a child, and not a “ young adult” as you might, and thus they will also be treated as one. These things are part of being on exchange, and it is important that you remind your child of this and to keep an open mind. These things might take some getting used to, but will still be a fun and new experience!
Homesick often occurs when your child has arrived to their host family and has been able to settle down for a few days before the school starts – while the host parents may be at work. Students also feel homesick around christmas time and during other holidays and anniversaries, which are typically when they are missing out on family traditions at home.
All students experience some sort of homesickness, but they do not all react in the same way. What should you do if you receive a call from your child, being upset and crying from homesickness, thinking everything is terrible and wanting only to go home?
1. If your child calls you and is extremely upset, it is a very difficult call for both parent and student. We completely understand this. Make sure to start the call by setting a timeline – “I understand you are upset, I have 15 minutes and then I have to go. ” When you set a time from the start, you are both aware that okay – let’s hash this out in 15 minutes and make sure you feel better by the end of it! Try to always let your child contact you first, and not the other way around. If you contact your child, and they have had a rough day, it might make them even more upset hearing your voice and make them homesick. Let them contact you.
2. Focus on what is important and what is less important. Typically, it will be smaller issues that can be solved easily, and your child will nonetheless need your advice and guidance to break the problem into smaller, more manageable pieces. Reassure them that everything will be fine.
2. Your child may feel homesick if they spend too much time on social media, following along in the lives of the people back home. Being on exchange means adapting to a new culture and family, and being stuck on the life back home will make this difficult. Remind them to take a break from social media and focus on their new life, as this will make your child’s experience so much better! You can help them make a plan of when to check social media/have contact with people back home
3. If they feel homesick, generally, we recommend reducing the contact even further with your child. We know this will be really difficult, but our experience is that this is what helps the students. They will, but not being too stuck on their life back home, get used to their new life and settle in much better. Having one foot in each country can be extremely exhausting.
4. Encourage them to stay active and busy! It won’t really matter what acitivities keep them active; this could be a sport, getting into drama clubs, inviting friends from school out for icecream, or cooking with their hostparent.
If your child tells you that their relationship with the host family isn’t good or conflicted, try to figure out what happened, and remember that there may be two versions to a story. Often, these conflicts are easily solved and need the correct communication. This could be a moment of irritation between your child and the host family which has escalated over time. Many students experience that the host family is more strict than what they are used to, and they will have a hard time in the beginning handling having less freedom. The host family is responsible for your child during the exchange stay, and they take this task very seriously. They don’t mean anything bad by being strict and setting rules.
If your child is feeling conflicted with their host family, you need to remind them to contact their local area representative in the host country and ask them for help. It is the area representative and partner organization who decides how a conflict should be solved. They will always try to solve the conflict via dialogue with both student and family, as they know that the issue wont be solved if not all parties are included.
Keep in mind, that when your student is calling home, they usually do so when they are upset or feel homesick, and not when they are having the most fun time of their lives - because then they are busy living life!
Here are some things to think about, and remind your child of, if they tell you that they are having a hard time in school. Once again, encourage them to also talk with their host family or area representative about this, as they usually know the schools better and might have better tips for them.
Starting a new school is always tricky. Starting a new school, in a new country, is even trickier. In the beginning, they may get lots of attention as an exchange student, but this attention and interest may diminish again quickly. Some schools are used to hosting exchange student, so it might not be a big deal for them that you are there However, typically you will see that people are insterested in “the new kid”, especially as you are an out-of-towner. For some, it will be suprising that it is hard work to get new friends, as they might have expected to get friends easily. We therefore always recommend getting into extra curricular activities like sports or clubs (Yearbook, Art club, Drama club, etc.) even if this is not an activitiy you are used to. You are hopefully taking an exchange to try something new, so let this be your something new! You might see that you are actually very talented at Tennis, or love taking pictures for the yearbook. This is also a great way to meet friends and expand your network, as these people will also be people from your classes. You can’t expect everyone to just come to you, you have to be proactive yourself.
Even though it is difficult, try to sit next to a classmate during lunch, find out what others are doing during weekends and show interest. Try focusing firstly on 1-2 other students that you would like to hang out with, and try talking with them and inviting them to do something after school or in the weekend. Being proactive and taking the first step will help you make friends!
The primary goal of exchange is getting to know your host family, your school, and the local culture. Spending time with family, school, activities, and friends will help with this. If you do have enough time to do all these things, you won’t have time to work – and in some countries, it won’t even be permitted for the student to work. If you are there on a student visa, there will be regulations about what you can and cannot do. If you want a little extra pocket money, take more shifts before you leave and save up money beforehand. It is alright for you to take on small everyday tasks like babysitting, mowing the lawn, shoveling snow, or similar things.
What does a typical host family look like?
Host families come in different shapes and sizes. Similarly to all families is a genuine interest to welcome you into their home and show you their lifestyle.
Usually for the same reason why students decide to go on exchange. Host families wish to learn more about a new culture and expand their horizons. Some even have children who are/have been on exchange to other countries Others are experienced host families who find it fun to host students and wish to do it again.
Our exchange students are placed in approved and welcoming host families, based on their profiles. Our students write personal letters to their future host families, and in the end, it is the host family who chooses if they wish to host a particular student. The families often make this decision based on the student’s interests and by the information that is included in the student’s application. It is important to be accurate and give a truthful description of yourself and your expectations.
How do you decide if a host family is suitable to host exchange students?
All of our host families must go through a thorough application process where our team members in each host country:
Make a home visit.
Gather references.
Interview each family member to find out if they meet our standards.
It depends on the program and the host country. In the UK, Ireland, Spain, and in some cases in Japan, all host families are paid The reason for this is tradition and economy Host families in our Select high school program also receive a stipend that covers extra costs like food and gas. Because the Select program offers you the opportunity to choose a specific school, we need to make sure that we can find a good host family in the area of your school. Offering a stipend to a potential host family helps us achieve this. Paid host families are crucial for our 100% Host Family Happiness, which is included in the Select program in the US. As part of this commitment we will, if you experience challenges with your host family, help you solve this problem or move you to another family.
Even those families who receive a stipend will only receive a small one. This stipend is only enough to cover the cost of the student while they are living with them, so it is not enough for the family to profit from
Paid or not, all host families go through the same application and screening procedure.
You will always have your own bed. Although it is a possibility, that you have to share a room. In that case, it will be with someone of your gender and someone close to your age:
In some families you will share a room with your host sibling (of the same gender). In some families you will share a room with your double placement (another exchange student). This student will not be from the same country as you and will speak another language than you.
For some programs, it is possible to buy a single-room guarantee. Let us know if this is something you wish to purchase.
We do not allow friends to stay with the same host family as we think this will prevent you from fully immersing yourself in the family’s daily life, culture, and language. If you do wish to go on exchange and live with a friend, we suggest our boarding school program, which allows you both to attend the same school and live in the same dorm on campus. If you choose the Select program, you and your friend can attend the same high school, but will still live with separate host families.
At Educatius, we believe in the transformative power of education, and as an organization, we are dedicated to making a positive and long-lasting impact on the world. We have aligned our sustainability goals with those of the United Nations and are proud to present a wide range of impactful initiatives around the globe. This includes our commitment to providing equal access to education through Aiducatius, fostering resilience among our students, offsetting student’s flights, and strengthening local communities through our Community Impact Fund.
We are dedicated to offsetting the environmental impact of student international travel and integrating sustainability into our business practices.
Recognizing the negative consequences of air travel that international student exchange requires, we have been supporting tree planting and conservation projects in Tanzania since 2009. In 2023 alone, we worked with local communities to responsibly plant a total of 24,000 indigenous trees in schools and health centers in Tanzania, benefitting youth and communities across the country. Click here to read more.
Expanding beyond our support of Aiducatius’ responsible tree planting, we have made a further commitment to invest in global climate action projects. Beginning from 2023, Educatius will partially offset the carbon emissions produced by student air travel, based on calculations made by an independent organization. We have developed a Sustainability Action Plan to measure emissions, develop strategies for reduction and mitigation with carbon credits, and support UN Sustainable Development Goals. Our goal is to offset 100% of student travel by 2027. Click here to read more.
Year after year, Educatius welcomes thousands of international students from more than 50 nations. With two decades of expertise in fostering international high school experiences abroad and cross-cultural exchanges, Educatius has always focused on the well-being of the international students in our care. The Global Youth Resilience Initiative is our mission to support resilience among our high school students. This groundbreaking undertaking underlines Educatius’ comprehensive support for teens embarking on life-changing educational journeys, paving the way for personal growth!
Click here to read more about our Global Youth Resilience Program.
While studying abroad may be an achievable dream for some, not all students have that chance Meet Aiducatius, our sister organization, supporting schools in Africa and Latin America to enhance their programs and improve student access to education. Aiducatius provides essentials like uniforms, books and teacher salaries; plants fruit trees; and digs wells. This hands-on aid ensures sustainable education, benefiting not just the students but their families and communities. Every Educatius international student contributes to these positive changes. Click here to read more about AiDucatius.
International students who participate on an exchange open their horizons and widen their perspective, blending the wisdom of their home culture and exchange destination. In March 2024, Educatius students and alumni from all over the world can apply to win a $5,000 grant for the 2024 Community Impact Fund. To make a positive difference in their home (or adopted) community, inspired by their global experience
“As an organization that specializes in cultural exchange and inspires to help bring the world together, we have a commitment to ensure that we are working to continuously improve our sustainability, impact, and social responsibility efforts. Educatius will continue our work to ensure we are doing our piece for the wider world and environment.”
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Join private Educatius student community on Instagram where you can connect with other students, learn all about becoming a content creator, and be the first to hear about amazing opportunities like the $5,000 Community Impact Fund Competition and the Aiducatius Creativity Internship! Find the student community on our profile @educatiuscommunity.
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