How are citizens/learner engaged?
Pedagogic/methodological aspects
By making a global evaluation about Associations activities and how the House can help them to do more and better projects we can engage their participation e getting them more involved in the practice. By creating special and unique moment for all together think about what we want with this project in the years to come.
To facilitate the Youth Associations participation, we use the House of Associations Open House Day to do the Network Nest Meeting. So, in a bigger event we can easier assure Youth Associations participation. To engage people on thinking the project together, we use Non-Formal Education Tools through the Meeting.
By we encouraging everyone involved to assume a compromise between their Youth Association goals, FAJDP and House of Associations Also, because it privileges non-formal education methodology with practical exercises, peer-to-peer activities, reflection and evaluation moments and or of the projects and initiatives related to their civic participation.
Which co-creation moments are included in the practice?
In the end, we encourage everyone involved to assume a compromise between them Youth Association goals, FAJDP and House of Associations. We use this day to welcome new projects in the Nest. So, we make a formal moment where FAJDP and the new project sign the Nest partnership and highlight the Youth Association mission. Then, all the Youth Associations involved in the Nest, participate in some Non Formal Education Activities: Round Tables (Café World), Brainstorms, etc.. After some activities, there is a Debriefing moment. This is the opportunity to share and reflect about all the contributions. This moment should lead to some compromises between everyone involved. Network Nest Meeting run once a year and normally works for 2 or 3 hours. It is an outsider facilitator who runs the meeting. FAJDP Board Direction is always present so they can listen and share immediately with the present Youth Associations some thoughts and/or ideas.
Since the beginning of the method, FAJDP involves Youth Associations affiliated in the process. By understanding their needs, expectations, creating moments to share opinions and to evaluate needs. Making them feel that the project is for and with them and designing the working plan with them. By making the adjustments needed according to the evaluations made during the project.