We can do this! Supporting education for refugee children Ewa Kozdraj
Short description Organization and country: Stowarzyszenie Dla Ziemi (“For the Earth” Association), Poland Target group: refugee children Age group: 6–14 years of age Context / Learning environment: non-formal education References, Link to the practices: www.dlaziemi.org/damy-rade/
While working with the Centre for Foreigners in Łuków, we noticed that the children staying there have significant educational deficiencies. The pandemic notably widened this gap. The educational situation of the Łuków Centre children was dire, as they had no access to computers or proper remote learning. However, the main reason behind their educational deficiencies lay in their insufficient Polish language skills. We established contact with the Pedagogical University of Krakow and started providing one-to-one online Polish lessons (one student per child, like private