Edukit leaflet
Best tool for qualification by working
What is Edukit? In many countries, vocational education is organized at least partially by companies providing apprenticeships or work-based education. Work-based learning in companies lead to recognized qualification upon completion. Edukit is a mobile app for worked-based vocational education supported by Edukit Console web portal for its management activities.
CUTTING-EDGE FEATURES Work task management Students themselves, and their Teachers and Education Partners (companies) can follow the progress of the learning in real-time and keep themselves updated of the situation.
Real-time collaboration Students can communicate with their Work Instructors and Teachers and vice versa in real-time about the work tasks at hand using, text, pictures, voice messages and videos. Notifications inform users of new activity.
Mobile learning at work site Teachers and Work Instructors can approve a competence test of the work task via Edukit. Time and location have become irrelevant for teaching and learning with the help of the Edukit.
Documentation for Qualification All documentation that is helpful and needed during the work task execution and for the approval of the competency test for a work task can be recorded into Edukit. Furthermore, any information needed later on can be reported to Students, Educational Institutes and Education Partners using Edukit.
Time tracking for work diary Students can track time for work tasks in Edukit. This automates administrative tasks and teaches time monitoring for Students. Work diary reports are available to students themselves, and to the companies and educational institutes for their own administrative purposes.
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Easy to insert attendance and absences Worked/Absence hours and work description/reason for absence Assessor can make work diary reports
Info-view Info-view provides clear summary of a Student’s basic information, and contact info for Student’s Teachers and Job Instructors. It is also possible to make phone calls from Info-view.
Qualification-view Qualification-view shows work tasks organised by units of qualification for the Student. Colour codes explain the state of the work task. Work tasks are derived from the formal competency requirements of the qualification. Qualification requirements can be opened using the attached link.
Management of work tasks of the Qualification Qualifications, units of qualifications and their work tasks including the related competency tests for Students are configured using Edukit Console web-application.
Work task execution and assessments Once the work task is ready for competency test, Assessors assess and approve work tasks for the qualification via Edukit. Assessors can communicate with a Student via Edukit without the need to be physical present in the work location.
Reporting Edukit Console web-app provides versatile reporting possibilities for the educational data managed by Edukit.
The most important tool for apprenticeship training success and evaluation! In our company we have experienced that the apprenticeship training flows smoothly and saves everybody’s time and resources when we use Edukit. It inspires Students to make competence-based units of qualification on real working sites as assessments can be made remotely by teachers for them. Henri Nissinen Sareni Oy
Edukit brings great benefits
We have been very pleased with Edukit in the education of the tinsmiths. Edukit is flexible and powerful tool for collaborating with Students and Job Instructors and for monitoring of work tasks of Students. Timo Lehtinen johtava koulutustarkastaja Luksia, TyÜelämäpalvelut, Oppisopimuskeskus
Improves especially big group management Thanks to Edukit, a teacher can communicate better with students. Students have better understanding of what parts of the qualification they are working with. Very good tool for competence tests since teacher can comment each phase of the task, not just the end result. Marko Lehtonen lehtori Turun ammatti-instituutti
Edukit fits in all work areas.