Cbse Board Sociology Text Books Cbse Board Sociology Text Books CBSE Books For Sociology refers the academic field of sociology. A number of Sociology Books are available in the market related to classical sociology, theories, research methodology and the perspective of the Indian society etc. To help the students regarding the study materials, Students can access the portal easily and can get all the information about their syllabus, This would help in developing the attitude to not to look only for external motivation through grades but also enjoy the process of acquiring knowledge without consciously being aware of it. This approach is more participative with teachers sharing with the children how they are to be evaluated and support the process ( to choose projects, guide debates, help with references ) and give feed back( suggest ways to improve and change) and parents helping( through their own experiences, by visits and reading). Until recently Social Science was viewed as providing unnecessary details about the past. It was also felt that the examination paper rewards the memorisation of these superfluous ‘facts’, with the children’s conceptual understanding being largely ignored. This view now needs to be changed, for the CBSE provides the space to guide the learning process). Know More About :- Icse Previous Year Question Papers
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A. Introducing Sociology 1. Society, Sociology and relationship with other social sciences 2. Basic Concepts 3. Social Institutions 4. Culture and Society 5. Practical Sociology : Methods & Techniques Evaluated through Practical B. Understanding Society 6. Structure, Process and Stratification 7. Social Change 8. Environment and Society 9. Western Social Thinkers 10. Indian Sociologists A. Project (undertaken during the academic year at school level) i. Statement of the purpose : ii. Methodology / Technique : iii. Conclusion : B. Viva - based on the project work C. Research design i. Overall format : ii Research Question/Hypothesis : iii. Choice of technique : iv. Detailed procedure for implementation of technique : v. Limitations of the above technique : Read More About :- Sample Papers For Cbse
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