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Teddy Care Š2019

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CORE Objective Alignment This week students will study and understand the sound of the letter P. Students will practice visual recognition and successfully identify an uppercase 'P' versus a lowercase 'p'. Five sight words will be introduced which are: it, of, they, was and you Students will learn how to recognize the number 4 in both numerical and written form. Students will review the three basic shapes studies thus far: triangle, circle and square. Students will also use this week to review the primary colors: red, blue and yellow. The activities meet 10 CORE learning objectives this week: •

Circle Time Sight Word Review RF.K.3c

Geography- Farms around the World RL.K. 7

International Studies - Farms of North America, Asia and Africa RI.K.9

Agriculture - Inside Dirt SL.K.3

Phonics - Uppercase 'P' and Lowercase 'p' Worksheets RF.K.1d, L.K.1a

Reading Comprehension - Jack and the Beanstalk RF.K.1d

Numeracy- 'Four, 4' Worksheets K.CC.A3

Geometry- Shape Review K.G.A.2

Geometry- The Big Red Barn K.G.B.6

Sorting- Animal Sorting L.K.5a



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Ptp Teddy Care ©2019

Important This Week !

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Materials - Pencils - Red, 5lue and Yellow Cra�ons

- Jack. and the

Beanstalk. b� Carol


Numeracy - 'Four 4' Worksheet K.CC.A3 Refer to TDY-42 and TDY-43 Students will use a writing utensil to trace the dotted line of the number on TDY-42. Say the word 'four' aloud and have the children repeat after you. Provide red, blue and yellow crayons for the students to color in freely. Provide each child with TDY-43 and have them trace and write the number 4 in numerical and word form. L 1 students will recognize the numeral '4' as they trace, color, write and say the number aloud. L2 students will revise the number 4 as they trace and practice writing the number and word with little or no assistance. L3 students will trace and write the number both in numerical and written form on their own. The student will count aloud with ease and understand that four is greater than three.

Reading Comprehension - Jack and the Beanstalk RF.K.1d Begin the lesson by readying the book, Jack and the Beanstalk by Carol Ottolenghi. After an open discussion about the book, you can then recite the alphabet or sing the ABC song with the students. Going through the story have the students point out the letters 'J' and 'G'. This may need guidance or for the advanced learners you can request that they identify either upper or lowercase letters. Encourage comprehension skills by probing students to answer key questions about the story. L 1 students should be able to discuss and identify the characters in the story. L2 and L3 students should be able to discuss in length and retell the story in the correct sequence of events.


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Materials - Scissors - Assorted Animal Counters (it available)


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Sorting -Animal Sorting L.K.5a Refer to TDY-44 Either by using prepared bundles of the animal cut outs from TDY44 or counters have the children sort the animals into groups such as zoo animals, farm animals, ocean animals and domestic animals. This can be done in groups. You can prompt them to further develop by requesting the types of animals other than those available can be found in each of the above groups. Once the students have identified all animals, go through each category aloud and allow for further discussion. L 1 students will identify and sort some but not necessarily all animals into the correct group. L2 students should identify and sort all animals into the correct group. L3 students should identify and sort all animals into the correct group as well as identify others that are not included.

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Phonics - Uppercase 'P' worksheet (1 of 3) RF.K.1d

Materials - Colored pencils and cra�ons

Refer to TDY-45 Using TDY-45 have the students trace the letter 'P' with their fingers and then practice gross motor skills by coloring in the letter as you say aloud words and names that begin with the letter 'P'. Age appropriate words include pig, pot, pet, pink and pin. L 1 students should be able to trace and color the letter with some guidance and support. Using a marker you can draw the line for the student to provide further guidance. The student should identify the letter sound at the beginning of each word. L2 student will trace and color the letter with no support as well as recognize and pronounce the letter 'P'. L3 students should be able to trace and color the letter with precision with little or no support as well as recognize and pronounce the sound of the letter and distinguish if used in the beginning, middle or end of words.

Geography- Farms around the World RI.K.7 Refer to TDY-46 and TDY-47 Using TDY-46 make the students aware of the location of Africa, North America and Asia. Then by using the TDY-47 discuss the different types of farms and the reasons for this is such as the climate and location. Guide the discussion by noting the following specifics: African farms have a dry climate i.e. not a lot of rain and flat land North American farms include grasslands, plenty of sun and the use of machinery such as tractors Asian farms have very wet land with mountains and usually managed by animals L 1, L2 and L3 students should be able to identify some factors for the differences in the climates and the farming methods. Allow open discussion and integration of all students.


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Teddy Care Š2019

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Materials - Pla�ground 5all - Red, 5lue and Yellow Cra�ons or Pencils

Gross Motor - Hot Potato Have the students form a circle of which the middle is called the oven. This is where the first student will be nominated to get the 'hot potato' (ball) out of the oven by using their feet. The children around the circle will try and not allow the 'hot potato' out of the oven. Once the ball is placed outside of the circle have the student in the middle act out a farm animal of their choice and whoever guesses the correct farm animal will then be placed in the middle. Try not encourage an uncompetitive game by avoiding using the terms 'your out' or 'you it'.

Review - Primary Color Worksheet Refer to TDY-48 On providing each student with TDY-48 have each child identify where the required colors are to be filled. You can have them working in groups so that one group will color all items yellow, whilst the other colors red and the other colors blue and have them swap once all have been completed. L 1 students may need assistance understanding the relationship between the numbers and the colors and may need guidance. L2 and L3 students should be able to identify the primary colors and complete the worksheet with little or no guidance.


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Materials - Pencils - Colored pencils and cra�ons

Letter ot the week:


Sight words ot the week:


0( Theďż˝, Was, You

Phonics - Uppercase 'P' worksheet (2 of 3) RF.K.1d Refer to TDY-49 Always remember to initiate this activity by singing the ABC song and provide the students with the worksheet TDY-49. Have the students trace and write the uppercase letter 'P'. Additional practice can be done for more advanced students. L 1 students will practice tracing the uppercase letter 'P' and recognize left to right reading skills as they trace the letter 'P'. L2 and L3 students will review and practice tracing the letter and then writing on their own. They should be able to do this without any guidance and support. Be sure to engage and encourage the students to identify those with the name beginning with 'P' as well as other words such as 'Pants', 'Pizza' and 'Panda'.

International Studies - A closer look at North American, Asian and African Farms RI.K.9 Students are expected to recall information discussed yesterday regarding the different types of farms from around the world. Refresh students' memories and encourage further participation by having students identify characteristics of each farm type in North America, Asia and Africa. Once these elements have been discussed as a group, have the students draw their own farms for each. You may want to refer to TDY-47 for guidance. Main differences would include the weather, animals used or machinery and the local sceneries. Make sure to highlight that the farms do have similarities and that they all grow vegetables of some sort and require farmers to work. L 1 students will be able to identify and recollect characteristics of the farms. L2 and L3 students will be able to identify in depth the characteristics and can further develop by researching the types of vegetables grown in each location and be able to identify these on the map.


Lesson Planner

Teddy Care Š2019


Materials - Scissors -Glue - Colored pencils and cra�ons

Letter of the week:


Sight words of the week:

It, of, The�, Was, You

Geometry - The Big Red Barn K.G.B.6 Refer to TDY-50, TDY-51 and TDY-52 Provide each child with TDY-50 with a pair of scissors and glue as well as TDY-51. Have them design their own barnyard and glue this onto TDY-51. They can include any animals from TDY52 for their barn to complete 'My Barnyard'. Once this is completed you can challenge the students to identify shapes in their barnyard and have these pointed out. Guide them to show that some shapes can be joined together to make another shape or picture. L1, L2 and L3 students should be able to identify the shapes within their completed Barnyards as well as identify the animals in these.

Phonics - Uppercase 'P' worksheet (3 of 3) RF.K.1d Refer to TDY-49a Make sure to sing the ABC song and time permitting can identify the animals in the students' barnyards starting with the letter 'P'. They can then write and practice the letter 'P' as well as construct words beginning with the letter. L1 students should be able to practice the letter 'P' with little guidance. L2 and L3 students should be able to practice the letter 'P' with little or no guidance and be able to construct and write other words starting with the letter 'P'.

Review - Shape Review Worksheet K.G.A.2 Refer to TDY-53 Guide students to count the number of each shape in the overall picture. Have the students color all the triangles red, the circles blue and the squares yellow. L1 students will successfully identify the triangle, circle and square shapes. L2 and L3 students will identify the shapes successfully and are aware that when used together the shapes can create a bigger shape or object.


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Materials - Colored encils and p cra�ons - Sam les ot dirt p revious!� collected p

Phonics- Lowercase 'p' Worksheet (1 of 3) RF.K.1d Refer to TDY -54 Encourage visual recognition by singing the ABC song and pointing to each corresponding alphabet letter as you sing along. L 1 students will familiarize themselves by tracing the dotted line with their finger. Following which the student will trace the same dotted line using a writing utensil and will exercise fine motor skills by coloring in the lines. L2 and L3 students will trace and color in the letter with precision while practicing the pronunciation of the words by saying names and words beginning of the letter 'P'.

Agriculture - Inside Dirt (follow up) SL.K.3 You will need three samples of dirt collected earlier in the week for this activity. When discussing the different textures, introduce the following terms: Sand which is present in soil and feels rough when you rub it Silt which feels smooth and powdery Clay which feels smooth when dry and sticky when wet Encourage the students to examine and describe the texture using the terms above. NOTE: Children learn and enjoy to 'do'. If possible allow them to dig, dump, scoop and stir the soil as they manipulate the textures and explore the differences. L 1 students should be able to identify and name the different types of dirt. L2 and L3 students will be able to further discuss and analyze the textures of the types of soil and provide ideas as to why they react the way they do.


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Materials - Colored pencils and cra�ons

Ecology - Worm Watching (follow up) W.K.3 Today we will be following up with the worm watching activity that started on Monday last week. Briefly go over the previous activity with students to refresh their memory. Discuss any predictions about what the students think the worms will do. NOTE: When you unwarp the jar, you will notice that the worms have dug tunnels. Compare your finding as a class to any predictions that were made. Probe the students by asking 'Why do you think the worms dug holes?', 'What happened to the food that was placed in the jar with the worms last week?'. L 1 , L2 and L3 students will participate in the discovery of the class findings and will promote the development of interaction skills by discussing and illustrating the findings accordingly.

Review - Primary Colors Refer to TDY-41 Today you will be reviewing the three primary colors: red, blue and yellow. Display the color wheel and point to each of the primary colors as you have the students name them aloud. Probe the students by asking to name some things that are yellow, red and blue. You can further develop this activity by providing categories for these colors such as fruit, animals etc. If time allows you can play a game of 'I Spy' with the students using the colors. Let the students guess until one correctly names the object that you are referring to. With the student who guesses right will be able to be the spy.


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Materials - Colored pencils and

cra�ons - Pencils

- Rulers/Measuring tape

Phonics - Lowercase 'p' worksheet (2 of 3) L.K.1a Refer to TDY-55 Using TDY-55 have the students practice the writing of the lowercase letter 'p'. Don't forget to sing the ABC song. L 1 students will practice tracing the letter and attempt to write freely with assistance. The student will recognize the lowercase letter 'p' as they trace and recognize the pronunciation of the letter 'p' as they hear the words panda and pants read aloud. L2 & L3 students will review the lowercase letter 'p' as they trace and then practice writing on their own.

Agriculture - Plants follow up (2 of 2) K.MD.A.1 Take final measurements of the class plant and record the length on the growth chart. L 1 students will identify the difference in growth. Challenge the students by asking them to classify the various measurements by big and bigger. L2 students will identify the amount of growth and count forward how much the plant has grown as a group with teacher assistance. L3 students will identify the amount of growth and count forward how much the plant has grown with no teacher assistance.

Art - If I had a Farm Refer to TDY-56 Students are expected to recall the information they have learned over the past two weeks about the types of farms and illustrate what their farm would look like if they had one. Assist students by reminding them to include any animals they would have, family members, tractors or other equipment and types of workers. Allow students the opportunity to present and explain their illustrations to the rest of the class upon completion.


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Review - Shapes K.G.A.2 Refer to TDY-2, TDY-16 and TDY-33 The only shapes for review today are the ones that have been studies thus far: circle, triangle and square. Initiate the review by displaying the three shapes side by side. Encourage the students to note the differences and/or similarities. Challenge L 1 students by simply holding up each shape and probe the class to name the shape or by naming a shape and requesting for them to identify the corresponding shape. Challenge L2 and L3 students by asking questions such as 'Which Shape has three sides?' or 'Which shape has no sides?'. L 1 students will identify the various shapes with teacher assistance and guidance. L2 and L3 students will identify the circle, triangle and square easily with no teacher assistance. The student will describe each shape by the number of sides it has.

Phonics - Lowercase 'p' worksheet (3 of 3) L.K.1a Refer to TDY-55a Using TDY-55a have the students review words beginning with the letter 'p' and have them practice and attempt to write these words. Don't forget to sing the ABC song. L 1 students will practice tracing the letter and attempt to freely write the letter with assistance. L2 & L3 students will review the lowercase letter 'p' as they trace and then practice writing on their own any words that have been discussed this week.


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Teddy Care ©2019

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