Upward Bound Student Newsletter, The Peloton

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JULY, 2013

THE PELOTON The Peloton? What’s that? Why we chose a funny name; Program’s first-ever student newsletter By TIA SWIFT and TOM NORDSTROM Staff Writers VESTAL —Student reporters from journalism class in student wing room 305, contemplated the name for their newspaper for many days. One day, students were joking around after class not wanting to join the herd of people down the hall. Mr. Medina, their journalism teacher, stated, “Do you know what they would call that group of people in a bicycle race?” Students then replied by shaking their heads and answering with a nonchalant “no.” As the students leaned in closer to hear, he began telling them what it’s called. “Well, a peloton is a big group of bicycle riders in a race that are clumped together, moving along at the same pace. It’s like the students here at Upward Bound.” He then leaned back casually in his chair when one of the students suddenly jumped up like a frog and said in an extremely excited voice, “I know what we can call our paper!!” The other students stared blankly waiting for the answer.


“Well you know how we all move together in this program as a big cluster of students from one place to another? Well were like a peloton! So why don’t we call the paper The UB Peloton?” The Peloton is the program’s first-ever journalism outlet, run as an experimental program this year. So far, the students seem to be enjoying their work. “It gives me the opportunity to write about things that I normally wouldn’t get to write about,” said Devon Santamaria, a student in the class. “The journalism side I also find interesting.” Back in room 305, as the students pondered the newspaper name for a few minutes, others began to notice more and more the symbolism which connected the name to our group. They realized that everyone is trying to move forward in this program with teamwork. “It’s a good name,” said Ashley Rogers, another student in the program. “At first I didn’t know what it was. But after seeing it and talking about it, it all makes sense. We are all a group moving

Dorney Park Trip By RACHEL KENNEDY Staff Writer ALLENTOWN — Upward Bound scholars and TCs went to Dorney Park, an amusement park in Pennsylvania on Saturday, July 13. They traveled by Shafer buses and stayed on those buses for a full three hours of excitement and fun. They left their dorms at 6:30 a.m. and arrived at the park at 9:30. “I am excited and ready to go ride rides, especially the wave pool,” said UB scholar Thomas Nordstrom. “The worst part about the trip is having to wake up early.” When they got to Allentown they heard the screams and shouts of little and big children alike. There are many waterpark-like themes, about seven roller coasters, and a lot of other rides. Scholars were at Dorney Park for eleven hours. They left the amusement park at 7 p.m. Kristine Snyder said, “I’m going to ride all the rides and hangout with my best friend Dan and especially go onto the high drop.”

see PELOTON, page 2



JULY, 2013

A day in the life UB HOMEWORK SUPPORT By THOMAS A. NORDSTROM Staff Writer Angela Franz, doing math on the Binghamton University campus, was helping scholars do homework through the Upward Bound program. On July 9, students doing heavy homework loads, which they received through Upward bound’s high school prep courses, found support in the Endicott Hall. Tutor-councelor Ms. Franz, 21 years old and attending BU, was sitting with high school students at her sides and their trigonometry homework in her lap. She was going over their work and making sure they understood the material. She was happily indulged in helping the young eager scholars.

“I feel great,” Ms. Franz said, “I love math!” And with that she returned to her work, talking over math equations. As the late evening light of a deep grey sky fell through the windows, cool air flowed from the ceiling ducts, making the room a calm, relaxing environment. Students not receiving help sat quietly doing their work, despite the other students running and having fun in the hall just outside the room. But the lively students in the hall, though distracting, also gave incentive to the working students. “When you hear the other kids, you work faster,” said Matt Nieves, a UB scholar and student at JC High School. “You want to get out and join them,” as he looked back at the wall with the noise of the other

PELOTON, conintued #om cover forward together, very similar to a group in a bike race.” All seem to agree that it was great name and it seemed perfect for UB’s first-ever student newspaper. “The name fits because the name means heard or group,” said Joe Wilcox, another student in the class. “And in this program, we are definitely a group of motivated scholars.”


kids echoing through it. Then he jumped back into his homework in a rush to finish and join them. T.C. DONNY, THE KANOODALING HERO By DEVON SANTAMARIA

Staff Writer Upward Bound TutorCounselor Donny catches catfish near dusk at Lake Winnipesakee.! Donny uses a technique called Ka-noodaling to help feed a nearby camp of British POW’s, or Prisoners of War. The way he does this is by taking a handful of sand-like catnip and letting the catfish bite his hand, the pain is like

see DAY, next page

Fun facts! Mr. Medina, journalism teacher “I don’t find myself too interesting but I try to make my classes interesting!” • Teaches ninth- and twelfth-grade English and journalism at Union-Endicott High School. • Was a news and sports reporter for seven years.



JULY, 2013

at Upward Bound DAY, #om previous page sticking your hand in a jar of barbed wire. “The cat fish are so big!” Said Donny “When they bite they go ALL THE WAY UP TO MY ELBOW!!” The lake was quite placid like the early morning when no one has awoken. The gentle breeze was as if you were standing in front of a small desk fan. “How I love these mornings” says Donny “I wish I could go and help those soldiers every day.”


“Urgh,” Connolly said. “I give up!”

By TIA SWIFT Staff Writer Mckenna Connolly was building Monday with jenga blocks. According to witnesses she was in the Endicott hall lounge stacking these blocks because she wanted to see how high she could build them. “Stacking jenga blocks is really hard,” Connolly stated “It keeps falling.” Every time the blocks fell on the wooden table it sounded like an avalanche crashing down a mountain. Connolly kept persisting on trying again and again, each time moving as slow as a snail.

THE ASSAULT By JOE WILCOX Staff writer On July 8, on the fourth floor, S.C. accidentally assaulted Tony, as another student asked for help on his homework at 4:30 p.m. He accidentally hit a previous wound Tony had. S.C.’s immediate response was “oh, sorry.” As Tony’s yelp echoed through the hall, S.C. was asked what happened. “That’s your story?” he asked.

A muddy hike in the Nature Preserve By KRISTINE SNYDER Staff Writer Recently, at the BU Nature Preserve, several UB scholars went on a muddy hike. The BU nature preserve consists of many winding trails through the woods and a pond which you can walk around with wooden boards in case it is too muddy to walk on the ground. On the way through the nature preserve UB scholars found it very muddy and different than the hard cement sidewalks they are used to seeing on the BU grounds. The people who were enjoying


the nature walk were generally in the front of the hike waiting to see what nature had in store for them next. “It was like being in the country in the middle of a city,” said Ashley Hoyt, a UB scholar who enjoyed the trip. Some people who did not enjoy the walk were found in the back screaming as if jack the ripper was going to eat them through the mud. Although not many animals were seen other than a small orange newt named Sparta, the trip was filled of

see NATURE, next page



JULY, 2013

NATURE, #om previous page

The UB dining experience

nature from streams to the emerald colored trees to the clear clean water and the slimy slippery mud puddles.


The nature preserve was a variety of bright and nature colors such as neon green and reddish brown; with a squishy wet and slightly slimy ground when walking. The wooden boards kept most people out of the mud and on the dry wood unless they choose to walk in the mud as long as they didn’t get the people who wanted to stay clean muddy. “I liked how we had to walk over the wooden steps and how it was nice and quiet besides the screaming and complaining,” Rachel Kennedy said. “I liked it a lot” said Yuliana, a Tutor counselor on the third floor. However, others did not like it as much, such as Daija Vaughn,

Fun Facts!! According to Uber Facts: • People are more likely to fall for one another if the location of their first date is exciting. • Eating dark chocolate helps to reduce stress. • People are happiest at 7:26pm on Saturday night.

VESTAL — The C4 Chenago-Champlain Collegiate Center has provided food for each of the Upward Bound participants, on the BU campus since July 1. Since the program participants have started receiving their meals, which are funded by the State of New York and Upward Bound itself, some contrasting feelings have arisen about the food. Though the food is free for the program participants, including the counselors along with the scholars, many have complained over the quality of the food served. “The food was way better last year,” said Mathew Nieves, a UB scholar from JCHS. “I can’t even eat it this year!” NY State funds the meals for the scholars, and Sodexo funds the meals for the counselors, who do not have to follow the balanced meal policy by which the scholars must abide. However, they do receive the same meal choices. The main well balanced meals fill trays through the dining area, and the food chosen may vary from tray to tray, but the food provided is the same for everyone. “The food is like a woman,” Tutor Councilor, John Bradford, better known as Kofi, explained. “It is emotional and moody with its choices, but it can give you the most love and satisfaction at times.” Kofi said he perceived the food to not always be the best, but overall it was expectable. As the students pass into the serving section of the dining area 25 at a time, they eagerly hope for good food, but fear the odds that the dreaded meals’ quantity is more important than its quality. They get to the line servers, and see what they have to eat; sometimes it’s better than other times. The workers serving the food are sometimes more generous with portions and the pace of their work than other times. And the patience of the scholars can be more understanding than other times. “I wake up early to get on the bus and come to work,” line server Vishal said. “I love eating and serving food, I love the people also. Sometimes the day goes faster than others, and sometimes we serve a lot of people. It gets hard, but I like working here.” The UB participants continue to complain about the free food services, but sometimes you get what you pay for.

— Ashley Rogers




JULY, 2013

Got any advice? By FRAN AND SHELLY Staff Writers Question: I have a friend who is having a problem with two guys getting mad at each other because they both like her. How can she make them like each other?

Q: My crush and I stopped talking. We aren’t dating yet but we like each other. He had gotten mad at me because I brought up a past relationship. He blew it all out of proportion. I really don’t want us to stop talking but I don’t believe I’m the one wrong in the equation. What do I do?

Q: I have a friend that likes to hang out with me and my friends and we don’t really like this person, how do I tell him/her to leave us alone the nicest way possible?

A: Pull him/her aside and tell him that you and your friends want to hang out by yourselves for — Anonymous — Anonymous a little, make sure to include that it has nothing to do with him you Answer: I think your friend A: You should continue talking don’t want hurt his/her feelings should sit down and talk to both — She'y to your crush, but bringing up a of the guys that like her and she past relationship isn’t what any should tell them how she feels. guy wants to hear. They want you — Fran to think about the future and it Q: I’m having trouble talking seems as if he wants a future with to this girl. I don’t really know her, you, possibly. I think he wants to but I want to. How do I find the Q: What do I do if I’m having be with you, so you should keep confidence to talk to her? p.s she talking to him. trouble with geometry? I’ve tried has the greatest eyes. How do I everything, but nothing seems to — Fran tell her without it sounding dumb work out. Any tips? or insincere? — Anonymous A: Believe in yourself. A: Well, if you’re struggling with geometry, don’t worry. You have options. You may decide to talk to your teacher about having trouble; you can talk to your TC and arrange having a tutor come into your dorm and help you out. If you have any questions, make sure to ask, because you can easily fall behind in geometry. You should be fine. — Fran


Q: How do you tell a guy that you don’t want him with you all the time, and you want him to see his friends, too?

Confidence is everything just go up to her and say hi that’s a start and then just start a conversation. And girls like compliments, so just A: You should just be real with go right out and tell her! Flattery him and tell him how you feel, tell is everything him you can’t just ditch your — She'y friends when you’re in a relationship and that sometimes it’s good for couples to get there space so they don’t get tired of each other. — She'y



JULY, 2013

How well do you know our TCs? By PELOTON STAFF SCOTT CARDOZO, 21

Q: What is your favorite memory? A: Probably graduation.

Q: Where were you born and/ or raised?

Q: What are three things you would like to do before you die?

A: I was born in Johnson City and raised in Bainbridge

A: Travel to Europe, cliff dive, and go bear hunting.

Q: What are some of your hobbies?

Q: Are you an Upward Bound graduate? A: Yes

A: I like to play Magic the Gathering (Card Game), Video Games, Hike, Fish, Swim and play Hacky Sack.


Q: What is the craziest thing you have ever done?

Born: Wilson Hospital, Johnson City, NY

A: I would have to say being a firefighter in general.

Hobbies: Watch movies, walk, read, eat different foods, sing, dance and Google a lot of things.

Q: What is the most Embarrassing thing you have ever done? A: My friends and I were sledding down a parking lot and my friends would sled under a small bus. I tried to go under it and I got stuck under it.

Craziest thing she’s ever done: On senior skip day, her and her classmates went into school and pulled a prank including a slip-nslide in the hallway, eggs on the

Favorite Memory: Christmas ’03, it was her final Christmas with her grandmother before she passed away Travel out of the country Finish school and make a lot of money Find a good job maybe including broadcasting, journalism or just being involved with the media. Ashley Rogers KOFI Kofi, what is your real name? “John Bradford.” Born In: Bronx NYC, NY

Issue 1, Volume i The Peloton is the official student newsletter of Upward Bound. It is written by students, for students, and is published as often as possible during the five-week summer program. Subscriptions are free. Contact the journalism class teacher, Mr. Medina, with any questions or concerns.


Most embarrassing: In her junior year, as a cheerleader, during pep rally, her skirt came off and she kept going ;)

Bucket List: Devon Santamaria

The Peloton,

Staff includes: Rachel Kennedy Thomas A. Nordstrom Ashley Rogers Devon M. Santamaria

staircase, and crickets and frogs everywhere.

Kristine Snyder Tia Swift Daija Vaughn Joe Wilcox

Hobbies: Volleyball, Basketball, Anime, Cartoons , Movies , Hang with friends, and swimming. Craziest Thing He Ever Did: Walk on frozen pond barefoot. Most Embarrassing Moment: Farted in the middle of class. BUCKET LIST -Fly a plane -Travel across the U.S.A -Play basketball with LeBron James


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