July newsletter

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JULY, 2014

THE PELOTON 26 have spent 3 years in UB

Happy 50th UB! By AMANDA RHODES Staff Writer Did you know this year is Upward Bound’s 50th anniversary? The program has been running for 50 years, assisting students with getting better grades and helping them to get into colleges. The program helps to better students’ futures by giving them the motivation to succeed and the opportunities to achieve

By ASHLEY HOYT Staff Writers As the second week of Upward Bound came to end, The Peloton looked at the number of seniors that have stayed through the program throughout their high school careers. According to an informal count, 26 students have lasted from freshman through senior year. They include Joe Wilcox, JJ Davidson, Alex Sanderson, Ashley Hoyt, Jacob Balanda( WP), Shawnell Hall , Erika Guzman, Kristyn Fisher, Sierra Bellgraph, Dajia Vaughn, Fabrice Charles, Isaiah Mack, Tashawn Rogers, Tiffany Ostrom(BHS), Amber Marks, Emily Struble(Deposit), Christian Lopez, Sean Nemi(Greene), Matt Nieves, ChayTreccia MoncrieftHawkins(JC) ,Tim Johnson, Brandon


Greiner(CV), Brandon King(UE), John Story and Nick Hodge(Windsor), . Also, the only TC/HC that has been here all three years is Shaunte Middleton. To some, Upward Bound made a huge impact in their lives. To others, it was just a program to get away from home. "I think it's because it's the fact that we are seniors," Shawnell Hall said during study hours Tuesday. "We should get some leeway. The work gets harder and the rules get stricter. That's why people don't come back." "It’s sad to see that so many people whom you met and got along with so

see 3 YEARS, next page

Binghamton University is not the only college that hosts an Upward Bound program. Other colleges such as Penn State and the University of Wisconsin also have the program. The scholars benefit greatly from the program. One student, Brooke Murphy, said that she "loves Upward Bound" and that it has "given me a head start on classes for next year." "Upward Bound helps us with the upcoming grade," said Janiris Rodriguez, a new scholar. The program gives scholars many opportunities. Fee wavers are given for SATs and for college

see 50, next page



JULY, 2014

Nordstrom is Europe-bound Staff Writer

miss everyone very much. I regret not getting to know everyone.”

Scholars leave the Upward Bound program at Binghamton University for many reasons. Homesickness, baseball games, family vacations, or work, to name a few. One scholar in particular is leaving for a very special reason.

The JCHS International Studies Club is extremely lucky to have Nordstrom in their midst while UB scholars will miss him greatly. He will be returning to the US a day after the program ends, but will be at some UB meetings throughout the year.

Peloton staff writer Thomas Nordstrom, 16, of Johnson City, left the UB program Tuesday night around 10 p.m to prepare for his school’s trip to Europe, which leaves on Thursday morning.

“I told him he needs to be in Paris to see the end of the Tour de France,” said Mr. Medina, Nordstrom’s journalism teacher at UB. “He’ll be in the country when the Tour hits the Champs Elysees, which could give him the opportunity to see a real-life peloton.”


Nordstrom is going to London, Paris, Switzerland and Italy.

Nordstrom “I’m going because I feel like it would be a great life experience,” Nordstrom said. “I’m going to

50, "om the cover applications so scholars don't have to spend money on them. Another benefit the program gives the scholars is a chance to get a head start on classes for the upcoming school year. Taking some classes during the school year relieves some of the stress of learning new things because the scholars already have a basis for what the classes are teaching. There is also a class to assist seniors to prepare for applying to colleges. The scholars write their personal essays and research colleges and scholarships. This enables them to get a better understanding of what they will have to do the following year when applying to colleges.


3 YEARS, "om the cover well not come back the next summer." Emily Struble said during study hours wednesday s "I think it’s just because the more years you come back the less people you know come back." As the summers have passed many TCs/HCs have came and gone, but there is one that has stayed with us through it all. Shaunté Middleton. The first summer she was a TC and the last two summers she has been the HC (Head Counselor). “I'm kinda sad,” Shaunté said about this being her last year. “UB is a great program. It looks great on college applications and its great to see everyones progress.”



JULY, 2014

Minicourses abound at U-Bound By THOMAS A. NORDSTROM Staff Writer Three days a week, Upward Bound scholars attend a mini-course, spending 90 minutes participating in one of the multiple courses to choose from. Consequence to the first night on campus, each scholar selects one of the mini-courses offered for the summer and are expected to stick with their choice until the end of the program. The initial 7 options included basket ball, cake pop, conditioning, poetry, swimming, volley ball, and yearbook. Soccer became available as an option to switch into during the second week.

“I was confused,” said Samantha Hardee, from CV, “I just kind of picked one.” The scholars were each expected to know what mini-course they wanted to sign up for, but many had no idea what they were picking, and how mini courses were going to work. Samantha also expressed that she would have prefered the option of switching of mini courses half way through the year as had been done last summer, “so we don’t have to get stuck with just one experience.” Along with changing from doing two mini courses in a summer, to just one, some mini courses were dropped and added since last year. Cake pop, poetry yearbook and soccer are new options, but board

games and drawing are no longer available. Dance was also changed to specifically Zumba. Because of some additions and drops, even seniors were a little confused when selecting a mini course, including Patrick Mulderig. Patrick had signed up for Cake pop and realized that it wasn’t actually where he wanted to be, so he had to request to be switched to conditioning. Many scholars agree that mini courses are generally fun, but the many scholars also don’t know why they are doing mini courses and why the initial signing up for a course was so confusing.

Scholars set goals to improve By BROOKE MURPHY Staff Writer Maddie Hitchcock and one other scholar, Samantha Pritchard, said they wanted to get a head start in the classes they will be taking next year.

Upward Bound, which has taken place at Binghamton University for about the last fifty years, provides an opportunity for high school students to get ahead in their classes at school. Many students feel they are improving academically and or glad they joined the program. Maddie said she plans on coming back next year.

The tenth-grade Sidney student said, while sitting in her dorm Monday afternoon, that her goals for the end of the Upward Bound program were to get better grades next year and to pass all of her classes. "I heard a lot of good things about this program and I thought it would be a good opportunity to meet new people," Maddie said.


"I have good grades. I have a 91 in Trig!" she said. "That doesn't happen." When a scholar says that they had never gotten that high of a grade you know they are making an improvement.

see SCHOLARS, next page



SCHOLARS, "om previous page

JULY, 2014

Classes thin out over years By CASSIDY WEAVER Staff Writer

Samantha Pritchard, another tenthgrade Sidney student, said her mom told her to come to this program, but after being here and experiencing the fun in Upward Bound she claims that she's glad she came. "I think I am coming back" next year, Sam said. Her goal is to pass all of her tests, so she can go on all of the trips but also do well in her classes so she knows she will be set for next year. "I'm doing my homework and I didn’t do my homework at home," she continued, a trend she would like to end. Scholars that come to Upward Bound need to maintain a good average so they can pass all of their tests.

We've Moved! By ASHLYN BAKER Staff Writer According to some, Upward Bound’s new home this year, the Bingham building, is in need of some maintenance. In a word, this year’s dorms are just “difficult.” "The dorms have many problems with keys, lights and air conditioning,” said TC Karen, who felt the older dorms, Endicott, were better because they had less technical problems and they were


It seems like fewer people return to Upward Bound each year. By senior year, UB generations become distinctly smaller than they were when they first started. Reasons to explain this were hard to find, but reasons as to why students do return were many. “It’s great for college applications,” Ashley Hoyt, a senior from Whitney Point, said Sunday night upon returning from the weekend. “If you’re not going to come back for any other reason, at least come back so you can put it on your college application.” While at Upward Bound, students make friends with lots of different people from different schools and different areas. That’s why Alex Mozes and Garrett Meisel come back. “I come back to see my friends again,” said Garrett, a second-year student from Greene, Monday at breakfast. Seniors Tia Swift and Ashley said their favorite part of Upward Bound was the bonds they created with their friends and with the counselors. “It’s like a drug,” said Tia, a senior at Johnson City. “You can’t get enough of it.” Tia went on to talk about all the adventures she’s been on. “I’ve been to Narnia; it’s really just the nature walks, but it’s Narnia to me,” Swift said. “I’ve also been to Wonderland in the tall grass over by the volleyball court.”

more convenient in layout and placement. “The lights automatically come on in the middle of the night, disturbing the scholar’s much-needed rest," she said. Some TCs like the new dorms, but others, such as Karen and TC Angela, don't really like all the technical problems.

Some of the new TCs, such as Melissa, said they liked the new dorms and they were okay, but had a few maintenance issues they could be ignore though. “They’re amazing,” she said. “I like the fact that they are single, clean, and the air condition is pretty bumping.”



JULY, 2014

Students, TCs frustrated with key card issues By AMANDA RHODES Staff writer Upward Bound scholars continue to have issues with their keycards during the second week of the program. The keycards allow scholars to enter their rooms and, for whatever reason, are not working for many people, who are becoming frustrated with it.

Keycards, such as the one shown here by Peloton staff member Joe Wilcox, continue to give students and TCs fits.

Brooke Murphy is one of the scholars who's key card is still not allowing her into her room. "I took the picture with Nick and he said it would work the other day but it still doesn't," said Brooke. She has to ask her TC to let her into her room or wait for her roommate to open her door to get in at any time during the day. There were times where she could not enter her room because there was nobody around to open the door for her. Sam Pritchard is having the same issue as Brooke she also has to ask her TC or roommate for their keycards to enter her room. She took her picture for the keycards


Staff photo

during orientation and recieved her card on the second day of the program but her card still does not work.

they need their doors opened. "It's the second week they should work by now," Hilary said.

Multiple TC groups have no cards Only two keycards work in TC that work. The problem is trying to Hilary's group. She has to open all be sorted out so that the TCs don't doors including bathrooms and have to open every door for the showers. The girls in her group have scholars. to look for her throughout the day if



JULY, 2014

How well do you know the adults? 3.

By ASHLEY HOYT Staff Writer So, we thought we’d play a little game called, “Howe well do you know your TC/AC?HC?” Below you’ll see something written about an adult staff member, but the name will be left out. See if you can guess who it is. The answers will be given in the August edition of The Peloton. Good luck! 1.


This person has a passion for animals and helping people realize themselves, but this person also did a pageant where she had to stand on top of a table. 2.


This person is deathly afraid of worms, but will do mock TV shows, mess up horribly and laugh about it.


This person once ran for school board as a freshman in college and got elected, but he has also dressed up as Scooby-Doo and the Easter Bunny. 4.


This person loves poetry and graphic design but she can't wait to study abroad next year.

but she also wants to go to comic-con in California, fly first class and have a library in her house. 8.

This person moved to the USA when she was 10. Her favorite memory was her ninth birthday and she also wants to visit Angels Falls, skydive, Hike Machu Pichu and visit the Mayan ruins. 9.


This person is from Syracuse and has an This person grew up in Syracuse with a older sister. He/she like giraffes, elegant love for bugs and her four dogs, but she sand ladybugs, but is afraid of growing also loves sculpting and reading. old alone. 6.


This person loves playing basketball and drinking Sprite, but her dream job is to be a high school history teacher. 7.


This person graduated from UB in 2011, loves writing and editing fiction,

Issue 1, Volume ii The Peloton is the official student newsletter of Upward Bound. It is written by students, for students, and is published as often as possible during the five-week summer program. Subscriptions are free. Contact the journalism class teacher, Mr. Medina, with any questions or concerns.


Cassidy Weaver Ashlyn Baker Satara McRae Josiah Niles Amanda Rhodes


This person got back with his ex after he was made to sing with her at a talent show. He also is majoring in accounting and business, loves photography and sleep . 11. ____________________ This person is from JC, loves chicken wings, and his favorite animal is a dog. 12.


This person is from the Bronx. Her favorite animal is a dog and she loves chicken curry. On her free time she does scrap booking, listens to music and watches movies. 13.




The Peloton,

Staff: Thomas A. Nordstrom Joe Wilcox Ashley Hoyt Amber Marks Emily Struble



This person was a UB graduate in 1970. She has lived in Queens and Ohio. She enjoys reading, tennis, and traveling.


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