Fine Art Yearbook
Edward Webb
Using the title ‘Tacit Knowledge’ provided by the Fine Artists, we developed a concept that would underpin the work of the graduating students for the BA (hons) Fine Art Degree. ‘What we cannot say’ is a open comment that requires the audience to then fill in the rest, ‘...we do.’ This enables the concept to act as the voice of the students and simply suggests, if you want to understand what I do, look.
This project enabled me to work with similarly minded designers, together progressing our understanding and application of technical ability; in concept development, typographic detailing and layout. It was also a great opportunity to work on a significant live brief with a solid deadline, including communicating coherently with a printer and therefore providing vital experience for a professional career.
Yearbook team: Liam Hine Vickie Simpson Tim Wan Ed Webb
Fine Art Yearbook
Edward Webb
The inside cover information required more testing with point size, as being printed reversed out on black opened up the problem of illegibility and a poor print finish.
It mirrors the direction of the fliers with the white on one side with black on the other, making for a visual identity that can be applied to further promotion should it be needed at Free Range in London.
Fine Art Yearbook
Edward Webb
The layout of the yearbook is orderly but free, with work being pushed off the page and being duplicated elsewhere on the spread. This creates a dynamic layout that reflects the varied range of work encompassed by all the artists. There are additional photographic spreads of the Fine Art studios spreads that act as page breaks and control the pace as well as add tone and texture to the publication.
A flexible layout was needed to accommodate for varying medias, scales and disciplines of work. While the text, which includes artists details and their personal statement have a small point size and larger than normal leading to make their presence as subtle as possible. It was important to us and the Fine Artists that their work was not overshadowed by any design on our part.
Fine Art Yearbook
Edward Webb
Depending on the nature of the artists work, there were a few rules that were set down by us in order to maintain control and continuity.
More varied elemental layouts were applied to artists work that required a range of outcomes to express their personal goals. One rule that was solid throughout was that every artist would have a full image of any image they provided on a single page, ensuring there was no confusion as to what was their work and the design direction of our layout solution.
Full bleed images would only be used if their work was focused specifically on their technical ability or if the photograph they provided conceptually enforced a simple layout.
Document Specs 210 x 210mm 108 pages Grid Columns: 10 Margins: Top: 10mm, Bottom: 10mm, Outside: 10mm, Inside: 14mm Gutter: 3mm Bleed: 3mm Modules Rows: 12 (Gutter: 3mm)
Body / Courier New / 7.5 on 12.5 Surname / Quicksand (caps) / 22.5 Christian: Book Surname: Light Details / Courier New 7.5 on 13.5
1000 units Text: 100gsm Challenger Edition Edixon (uncoated) Cover: 300gsm Challenger Edixon (uncoated) Four Colour Process Cover graphic: Foil block (black gloss)
Fine Art Yearbook
Edward Webb
As an additional product, the Fine Artists required a flier to promote their exhibitions both at The College of Art and Free Range in London.
The design of the flier ties in with the yearbook by applying the white / black design and by using only type to work as an identity and title for the artists work.
Document Specs 210 x 148mm
Body: Courier New / 8.5 on 12.7
1000 units (guillotined = 2000)
Based on
Header: Underlined weight: 0.35 offset: 3pt
Stock: 300gsm Challanger Edixon (uncoated)
Columns: 6 Margins: 6mm (all around)
Four Colour Process