Logo Ideas * The Collective Design I hope you like a few of these ideas Matt. As you know I had just the two afternoons to get these ideas down.
If you want me to go back to any of these ideas drop me an e-mail. I can always carry on developing these ideas further.
* Add ‘clothing’ I tried various ways of puttng the ‘clothing’ into the existing logo. The simplest ideas were the most effective and kept in keping with the neat look of the brand image.
Proposed Colours At the moment duller colours seem to be more appealing. Plus they looks good in halftone, which has always been cool.
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** Type with Image I quite like this idea. However I was undecisive whether having the rest of the word (‘ollective’) should be included. Perhaps the hanger works better independently.
*** From Original Logo
The continuty between this logo idea and the original is in the dotted ‘i”.
Cropping the L I cropped the first ‘L’ beause there was too much space between them normally. I think it looks pretty good, potential.
**** Big ‘C’ The ‘C’ is the dominant lletter for the company. The visual style draws from the word ‘collective.’
The Other Option This is by far the most detached idea from the current logo. It might struggle to have impact and clarity when on a letterhead or on a garment. However I think it is quite fun and perhaps after ammending the visibility of it across a range it will be strong.