Estado de México

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At the core of AIESEC, we strive for the development of youth leadership. We believe it is youth that have the poten>al to shape the future and influence a be@er world. With that in mind, AIESEC as a global organiza>on has chosen to work closely with The United Na>ons, as they make youth a priority in seeing this posi>ve change. In 2015, The Sustainable D e v e l o p m e n t G o a l s ( S D G s ) w e re l a u n c h e d .

Is one of the 32 states and it is the most populous, as well as the most densely populated state. The state’s origins are in the territory of the Aztec Empire, which remainded a poli>cal division of the New Spain during the Spanish colonial period. AQer Independence, Mexico City was chosen as the capital of the new na>on.

Is one of the states that share a rich intangible cultural heritage. Folklore manifesta>ons are diverse and colorful and many indigenous people of the state have contributed in crea>ng a cultural iden>ty that prides its popula>on. Retains a great cultural background, derived from being part of the Valley of Mexico as well as various historical moments that has lived since prehispanic >mes through the Colony, Independence and the Revolu>on.

This project aims to help the less privileged sectors, such as low income families, handicap kids and socially vulnerable people. We will reach our goal through basic educa>on, life and work skills, mindfulness, diversity mindset, and leadership prac>ces. Reducing inequality across countries

Promote a healthy and violence-­‐free environment for the development of Mexican children. We focus on working with schools, founda>ons and organiza>ons summer camps and our EPs are coming to develop ac>vi>es, talks and a@rac>ve games for children which promote healthy living and values to form a be@er environment and to appeal to small ac>ons genera>ng a big change. Promote just, peaceful and inclusive socie9es

Project focused on working with relevant partners that are also commi=ed to contribu?ng to one or more of The Global Goals. The volunteer roles can vary, but are all centered around entrepreneurial tasks and ac>vi>es that will contribute towards NGO development or the growth of social start-­‐ups. Strengthen the means of implementa9on and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development

You’ll receive a recep>on package and at least one member of the host commi@ee will receive you at the airport at 9:00-­‐20:00 hrs. You’ll receive an Incoming Prepara>on Seminar (IPS), and a EP Buddy who will be helping you during the following 6 weeks. You’ll be living with a host family, previously selected by the commi@ee and at least two meals per day will be provided. You’ll have an all paid tour to one of the most a@rac>ve places of Mexico and you’ll par>cipate in Cultural Weekends with others trainees and families to know about the culture.

They are cultural trips around Mexico City to show foreigners the beauty of our state and people. You can know about the history of Mexico and taste all the typical dishes of the country while you are having a great >me and mee>ng incredible people.

This community has the largest water park in La>n America, as well as lush vegeta>on and various spaces for adventure tourism and ecotourism. One of the most majes>c places are Las Grutas de la Estrella, a magical underground stage housing beau>ful and impressive natural forma>ons.

Its main a@rac>on is the dam, where you can performe a variety of water sports. The place is known for its typical, tradi>onal architecture of the colonial era. It’s a place between mountains and center of various sports such as mountain biking, motorcycling, paragliding and riding.

Was one of the largest urban centers of the ancient world came to concentrate a larger popula>on in its heyday. Is recognized as one of the most outstanding tes>monies of the ancient urban and state development, which is the subject of interest to researchers from Mexico and the world.

Is a very quiet place that s>ll has a touch of the province. Among its a@rac>ons is the former Convent of San Francisco Javier, a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, which also houses the Na>onal Museum of Viceroyalty. You can found an impressive aqueduct and an ecotourism park; and in December, being part of his famous pastorals.

For those who love adventure and archaeological riches, the town offers the best op>ons because in the hill of idols is the archaeological site of Malinalco, one of the largest in the state of Mexico. This place is one of the municipali>es with the greatest biodiversity in the State of Mexico.

Means “big cave site” and it was founded at the end of the twelQh century and the beginning of the thirteenth century by the leader Chichimeca Xolotl, where this tribe had its first capital in the Valley of Mexico.

It is a beau>ful park located at north of the State of Mexico, close to the magical town of Tepotzotlán. It has fantas>c green areas, ponds and various a@rac>ons such as >rolesa, eurobungee and a climbing wall, as well as boats, miniature golf and numerous playgrounds, table tennis, among others.

Name: Jose Luis Saravia Bujalance E-­‐mail: Phone number: +521 (55) 59650374 AIESEC Estado de México

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